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Microsoft Announces Windows 10


So how is the free update going to work? Am I going to turn on my computer one day and see a windows10 icon on my desktop or a popup window asking if I want to update? Or is it something I'm going to have to go into windows update and specifically search for? download an iso from the web?


So how is the free update going to work? Am I going to turn on my computer one day and see a windows10 icon on my desktop or a popup window asking if I want to update? Or is it something I'm going to have to go into windows update and specifically search for?

Probably you will get a prompt from Windows Update.

Wow! Some writers on The Verge shouldn't be writers. How does someone screw up this badly (if a mistake) or lack this much integrity (if willfully executed)?

Microsoft backtracks on free Windows 10 update for pirates

How is "Microsoft backtracking" and how is that even a news? Not long after the rumors started it was clearly stated that owners of unlicensed Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will get the ability to upgrade the system, but the process itself won't legitimize their copy of the system. So now instead of pirated copy of Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, they will have a pirated copy of Windows 10 installed on their computer.


The only thing im worried about is What would happen if i change my Motherboard/CPU and the OS doesn't want to play friendly


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Probably you will get a prompt from Windows Update.

How is "Microsoft backtracking" and how is that even a news? Not long after the rumors started it was clearly stated that owners of unlicensed Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will get the ability to upgrade the system, but the process itself won't legitimize their copy of the system. So now instead of pirated copy of Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, they will have a pirated copy of Windows 10 installed on their computer.

Yup. It was clarified immediately. Fast-forward to yesterday and other sites are rocking the news that non-genuine versions of Win10 will have a watermark (like previous versions of Windows that weren't genuine) and The Verge woke up from a time-warp and reported that MS backtracked on what they promised months ago.

To be even more incredulous, they put up this labored and twisted reasoning rather than change the story to reflect reality. The site has some problems with some of their writers to say it simply. They hired a guy who historically focused on MS news because they knew it was something lacking on their site but rather than have him cover those events or hire more people who can, they give stories to in-house writers who always find a way to screw it up. I don't even mean having a negative slant but simply getting facts wrong or ignoring the subject matter they're covering to make some inane point. Its the kind of shit writing that makes you question other things they write and cover that you aren't knowledgeable enough to detect bullshit on.

The only thing im worried about is What would happen if i change my Motherboard/CPU and the OS doesn't want to play friendly

I've always had really good experience with swapping out hardware on my machines and the Windows 7/8 resolving the drivers just fine. My last machine I built was the first time I used BitLocker and turned on UEFI execution protection for because I needed to use it for work and those were the company guideline before I'd be allowed to connect to the VPN. I doubt that I'll be able to update that rig to a DDR4 motherboard and not have issues :(


never left the stone age
How easy is it to set up dualboot anyway? Can I have both OSes read the same program folder to compare performance on the same games without reinstalling them in W10? Sorry if that's a dumb question :p


Will we be able to download and make a bootable version of Windows 10 when the free upgrade is out?

I want to do a clean install on a new SSD.
Will we be able to download and make a bootable version of Windows 10 when the free upgrade is out?

I want to do a clean install on a new SSD.

They haven't announced anything yet, but I certainly hope we get a way to get a product key and media for a clean install. But I don't know if that would be plausible with the OEM installs, so everything is still on the air.


Oh, shit, I just noticed that Microsoft finally fixed the scrolling wheel behavior.

The wheel now scrolls whatever is underneath the mouse pointer, even if it doesn't have focus, just like in OSX. I've tested it with a bunch of win32 programs and it seems to work perfectly. This is a huge boost to usability, specially in Explorer.

I used to rely on a 3rd party program to do this on Windows 7 (where you need to click before the scrolling works) but stopped using it since it was a bit unstable.


Yeah that's been in there for a while. Although last I heard about it you had to manually enable it.


Was it working by default for you?


special needs, sexual needs
Ugh I disconnected my MS account and now I can't sign back in with it. I go to Account and it still says disconnect MS account. I'm now stuck on a Local Account. I've never had this happen before. Is there some other way to reconnect my MS account?

Edit: Figured it out.
The Microsoft Solitaire Collection released a preview build of the game, I downloaded it and I am trying it out right now. It's what you expect Solitaire to be, but looks a bit more organized and fleshed out than it's Windows 8 bretherin


Damn it my third monotor isn't working right after the driver update and i can't roll back -_-
Can't wait for the new build so this can be fixed.


If it's like previous versions of Windows, you may be able to extract your key with something like Magical Jelly Bean, and just use that to reactivate when you reinstall.
I'm noticing a really strange memory leak happening with this build. Out of nowhere 7.7 GB of my 8 GB were used up. I checked task manager and I couldn't find a single process eating it all up. Very strange. I've been seeing a ton of "Out of Memory" prompts too when I'm playing games or watching Twitch streams.


I'm not so sure why it's so hard to understand that yes you will be able to. There will be ISO's available to you. Like in every windows release, including windows 8.1.

Oh, I know there will be ISOs, but what I am asking is related to the free upgrade system. For now, what they explained is that you will get W10 from Windows Update and done. That's fine for the ones who are OK with just making an upgrade. But if I want to do a clean install, will it be able to detect that I have a Windows 8 key? And let's say I do a clean install at release and then one year later. Will I still be able to do that, considering the free upgrade thing will be over? I believe it is common sense and hopefully they will allow that, but it's very weird they still haven't cleared that up, despite so many people asking about it, right?


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