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Microsoft Announces Windows 10


Is there any way to go back to a windows 8 style start screen with windows 10 instead the 'regular' one? I love it on my surface pro.

Yes, it's used if you put your machine into Tablet Mode in Settings or from Notification Center. There's also a separate option for "Use Full Screen Start Menu" that you can toggle separately. I don't have Win 10 on my laptop anymore at the moment so I can't go find the specific place for you. I think it's under Personalization?
In Tablet Mode they will still open in fullscreen like they do now with Win8.

Tablet Mode

Im not sure if I like the idea behind tablet mode. With windows 8 I liked the mix of regular windows and full screen apps. Having full blown windows on one side of the screen and one of the 'mobile' apps on the other. Kind of worked like a dual screen monitor. Not sure how Ill be able to replicate this experience in Windows 10.


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
It uses an insane amount of resources. 2-3x mem usage vs Chrome, and that's Chrome WITH my ~10 extensions.

Hopefully it'll be fixed, I was hoping Spartan would be a fast, minimalist browser that could replace Firefox for me.


Is it me or is Edge browser really fucked? My system is slow and even locked up while using it.
Not just you. Edge is often really slow and/or fails to load pages that other browsers (Firefox/Opera) load within a second. So far Edge is a downgrade from IE11, which I use on my Surface Pro 3 with W8.1 without any problems. It's still beta software of course but with the release being this month they're cutting it awfully close.

For now I've switched back to Firefox on my desktop machine.
What I want to know is why are the UI elements in Edge so humongous? It's a scaled up Firefox 4. Is it also the tablet browser or something?
What I want to know is why are the UI elements in Edge so humongous? It's a scaled up Firefox 4. Is it also the tablet browser or something?

Maybe now is a good time to ask about my weird Edge scaling issue.

I'm at 150% in Edge, yet when browsing sites (GAF is what I use to compare), the text feels small, or maybe "normal", like 100%. If I reduce to 100%, it's TINY.

However, in Chrome, it looks fine. 150% is 150%.

What causes this?


Ok, I had the Windows 10 Preview but went back to my original W7 OS. How will I be able to upgrade to W10 after the 29th? I don't see the reservation icon.
Ok, I had the Windows 10 Preview but went back to my original W7 OS. How will I be able to upgrade to W10 after the 29th? I don't see the reservation icon.
You don't really need the reservation to upgrade to Windows 10 on the 29th. They should have something up on launch day.


Does Windows 10 still use the shitty multi-monitor scaling that 8.1 uses which blurs everything not on your primary monitor?


Yes, and it can't be disabled unlike 8.1. The check box is nowhere to be found and the registry key for it stopped working around build 10130.

I bitch about it on the feedback app every single build. I like using 125% scaling and it's a blur fest. Worse, a bunch of Windows own executables aren't compatible with high dpi scaling, like resmon.exe, rundll32.exe, mmc.exe. Even stuff like the firewall alert popup after blurry.
Yes, and it can't be disabled unlike 8.1. The check box is nowhere to be found and the registry key for it stopped working around build 10130.

I bitch about it on the feedback app every single build. I like using 125% scaling and it's a blur fest. Worse, a bunch of Windows own executables aren't compatible with high dpi scaling, like resmon.exe, rundll32.exe, mmc.exe. Even stuff like the firewall alert popup after blurry.

Unlike 8.1 you do have display independent scaling though, so you can have your main monitor at 100%, secondary at 125 and third at 200% or whatever.

I wish that more apps used vector-based rasterization for assets instead of bitmap-based, which is what causes that blurriness as far as I know. At the very least, I do hear about more apps over time becoming high-DPI aware and gaining support for it which is positive. Even though Windows has supported it for a while, nobody really cared for the longest time and added support for it.

Ok, I had the Windows 10 Preview but went back to my original W7 OS. How will I be able to upgrade to W10 after the 29th? I don't see the reservation icon.

There will likely be more information around launch day. However, just make sure automatic updates are enabled and that you are fully up to date (aka, you have Win7 SP1 and all subsequent Windows Updates). If you don't see the reservation app still, just wait until launch day and see what options are available. They are going to be rolling it out in waves, so we'll have to see how they handle those who want to take the plunge immediately.
Unlike 8.1 you do have display independent scaling though, so you can have your main monitor at 100%, secondary at 125 and third at 200% or whatever.

Man it really pisses me off that this wasn't addressed in 8.1 and instead we got some shitty solution that destroys image quality.


Not just you. Edge is often really slow and/or fails to load pages that other browsers (Firefox/Opera) load within a second. So far Edge is a downgrade from IE11, which I use on my Surface Pro 3 with W8.1 without any problems. It's still beta software of course but with the release being this month they're cutting it awfully close.

For now I've switched back to Firefox on my desktop machine.
Edge is usually faster than IE 11 for me, but it doesn't feel as fast as Chrome. It's not just certain pages it has trouble with though, Edge is still pretty unstable, on multiple computers, clean installed, and with different brand CPUs and GPUs...
Edge is usually faster than IE 11 for me, but it doesn't feel as fast as Chrome. It's not just certain pages it has trouble with though, Edge is still pretty unstable, on multiple computers, clean installed, and with different brand CPUs and GPUs...

FWIW, Edge is easily the fastest browser I use on a regular basis. Only problems I ever have tend to arise from really ad-heavy pages.
Edge has been really fast for me in recent builds, faster than any other browser. Some weird hiccups now and again though and as others mentioned some pretty huge memory usage.


Chrome's "Ok Google" search through mic is broken. I'm not sure if that's a Win10 thing or a Soundblaster thing.


What is going to happen to my music files? I still use the old school Zune app.

Can you download copies? I kind of don't trust their music store. I got a bunch of free albums during their giveaway for windows phone last year but all but a few tracks disappeared from my account.


Unlike 8.1 you do have display independent scaling though, so you can have your main monitor at 100%, secondary at 125 and third at 200% or whatever.

I wish that more apps used vector-based rasterization for assets instead of bitmap-based, which is what causes that blurriness as far as I know. At the very least, I do hear about more apps over time becoming high-DPI aware and gaining support for it which is positive. Even though Windows has supported it for a while, nobody really cared for the longest time and added support for it.

Vector graphics have nothing to do with it. Windows programs have actually supported DPI scaling for several years, but Windows 8.1 introduced a new DPI scaling API that supports on-the-fly DPI changes (moving windows between displays with different dpis) instead of only checking the dpi at launch.

The problem is that programs that don't implement the new API are rendered at 100% and have their entire window scaled up using bilinear filter. You can exempt individual executables from this in the compatibility tab, which causes them to use the old fixed DPI scaling, but the option to do it by default is gone. To make matters worse, executables that ship with Windows like resmon.exe, mmc.exe and even cmd.exe don't support dpi scaling and don't have a compatibility tab, so they are always blurry.

I used 8.1 at 125% scaling exclusively and enabled the legacy scaling ("use the same scaling for all displays" setting, gone in Windows 10) and the vast majority of the programs I used had no problems whatsoever with it and looked sharp. Yes, bitmap elements would get blurry, but having the entire window blurry is far worse IMO. Here's some screenshots, showing the same program with the "new" DPI scaling versus the "old" one (using the compatibility settings):


Full view:

Comparing regedit.exe and mmc.exe:

BTW, all the new DPI scaling does in win32 applications is launch the app using the highest DPI value from the active displays and downscale the window when it's moved to a lower DPI window. The actual in-app scaling works exactly the same as the "legacy" DPI scaling, so it baffles me MS can't simply do this for all apps and use the compatibility settings to "opt-in" to blurry windows for the rare case of an app that breaks down at higher DPIs.

Here's an example. The left monitor is at 100% and the right one is at 150%. You can see three different ways of handling DPI scaling here:

- Windows Explorer actually switches it's internal DPI on the fly, re-drawing its UI elements and remaining sharp in both displays. This is the full support for flexible DPI scaling, having the code react to DPI changes. Very few win32 apps (even among those that ship with Windows) support this mode. All Universal apps and Windows Store apps support this by default, including Edge.

- Notepad++ is sharp on the 150% display, but a bit fuzzy on the 100% display. It supports basic flexible DPI scaling by simply using a flag in its manifest file. The code does not react to DPI changes and Windows always renders the app at the highest display DPI. This means it will look sharp if you have a single high DPI display or use the same DPI on all displays.

- The Resource Monitor (resmon.exe) is the opposite of Notepad++: it looks sharp on the 100% display but looks fuzzy on the 150% display. The app manifest does not report high-DPI support, so the app is always rendered at 100% and scaled up to match the display DPI. It will only look sharp if your display DPI is set to 100%, regardless of single or multi display setup.

If I run an app with the "disable High DPI support" compatibility flag, it will be rendered at the highest display DPI and will not be scaled down when moved to the lower DPI display.
^ Great post and outlines my problem exactly.

I would like to run 125% on my laptop screen (primary) and 100% on my monitor but it's not possible in 8.1. The new "automatic" scaling is just awful. Nearly every application that I drag onto the 100% screen looks blurry as hell. I've also gone back to just doing 125% scaling on EVERYTHING because I'd honestly rather have big UI elements than blurry, headache inducing text.

It pisses me off even more cause I'm stuck on 8.1 on my work laptop so I'll be dealing with this problem for years since I JUST got my laptop upgrade at work.


I've been incredibly busy lately, so I might have missed something. Was there any official word regarding clean installs after a hardware upgrade and how will activation work in that scenario?


Guys, are there any website/app that can detect if some part of my rig isn't compatible with Windows 10 ?

I still don't have the notification to preorder it, even though I tried many methods to get it.


What OS are you on?

I'm on Windows 7 Pro, with the latest updates.
That's what is weird.

I tried to install 8.1 a few months ago, but tought something from my rig wasn't fully compatible because I had weird problems with my graphics card (overheating), only on Windows 8.

I have a Q6600 and a HD5850 on a Gygabyte P35 DS4.
Rather old build unfortunately.

The Cowboy

Big issue for me in 10166, the all settings/right clicking personalise etc opens the store instead for me with an error saying nothing is setup to use these options.

Google shows this was an issue on others builds for some people, trying the suggested fixes now.

The Cowboy

Think i'm screwed, i can't get into settings at all, as such i can't even get to the roll back options to get back to the earlier build.
Rollback options should be available if you boot into Recovery mode, which you can get to by shift-clicking Restart.

edit: Speaking of screwed, it's not looking like they fixed the "critical error, start menu and cortana aren't working" bug present on Windows-connected accounts for this build. :(

The Cowboy

I'll try that, just trying an sfc/ scannow just in case.

I wonder what messed it up for me, I've done nothing that i can think off - it does seem its happened to others before, but i can't seem to find a fix that works.

Most seem to want me to run wuapp.exe via command line, but it can't run it at all.
I'll try that, just trying an sfc/ scannow just in case.

I wonder what messed it up for me, I've done nothing that i can think off - it does seem its happened to others before, but i can't seem to find a fix that works.

Most seem to want me to run wuapp.exe via command line, but it can't run it at all.
Had this problem when I upgraded to 101..59, I think. Tried everything,no luck. Was most of the way through downloading an ISO for a fresh install, when suddenly everything started working again. Try giving it a few hours.

The Cowboy

Rollback options should be available if you boot into Recovery mode, which you can get to by shift-clicking Restart.

You sir/madam are a god/goddess among GAFers, worked like a charm and I'm back on 10162 with all options working.


Weirdly, now I'm back on 10162, its not finding 10166 in windows update for me even though i am on the fast ring.

Double Edit.
Got it downloading now, i had to delete a registry section that showed 10166 had been rolled back - downloading 10166 again now, here's hoping it workings this time.

Triple Edit.
Wohooo, up to date and all working just fine now - thanks again cross-section.


Xbox Music app can now stream the music you have on OneDrive for free. Worked before but only on Windows phone. Now it works on iOS and Android. If it works well I can drop Amazon Music and save a few bucks.


Is it already known by the way how many space Windows 10 will need with the full release? I'm cleaning up space on my SSD anyway, but to have some kind of indication would be nice :)


What is going to happen to my Windows 7 key after I upgrade to 10? I know that I can't reinstall 10 if I change out my PC parts, but can I still install my 7?
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