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Microsoft cooking 360 figures? *Rumors*


schuelma said:
And I personally do not care about the differences in hardware enough to pay 300-400 more for a game machine. And judging by the sales numbers, more people agree with me, pure and simple. Its all about priorities. If someone is dead set on going HD, then yeah the PS3 and 360 are decent values. If someone just wants to play video games for an hour a day, paying 250 dollars and being able to play right out of the gate is the better value.

For the 80% of the country that has a standard TV, how in the hell could the PS2 or 360 premium be considered a better value?

Because they have better games for one.

But the most important point is that in 2 years, the Wii will look incredibly outdated and to some, devoid of value. At this point in time, the 360 and PS3 will be at mass market prices, still with better game libraries, and at that time HD adoption will be a lot greater.

Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when designing the Wii. They apparently made $75 off of each Wii sold...AT LAUNCH. That could have been $100 put into upgrading the visuals (which currently don't even compare to Xbox 1's 3 or 4th year titles) and that could have went a long ways for helping the Wii survive in the future.

How will the Wii do in 5 years? The PS3 was made to be a long term console...will the Wii even exist at that point?

The PSX, and PS2 sold extremely well when they hit their 5th years...the Wii, in comparison to the 360 and PS3, at that point will look like a bad purchase.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Fight for Freeform said:
Because they have better games for one.

But the most important point is that in 2 years, the Wii will look incredibly outdated and to some, devoid of value. At this point in time, the 360 and PS3 will be at mass market prices, still with better game libraries, and at that time HD adoption will be a lot greater.

Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when designing the Wii. They apparently made $75 off of each Wii sold...AT LAUNCH. That could have been $100 put into upgrading the visuals (which currently don't even compare to Xbox 1's 3 or 4th year titles) and that could have went a long ways for helping the Wii survive in the future.

How will the Wii do in 5 years? The PS3 was made to be a long term console...will the Wii even exist at that point?

The PSX, and PS2 sold extremely well when they hit their 5th years...the Wii, in comparison to the 360 and PS3, at that point will look like a bad purchase.

1. The Wii already looks outdated. If your theory is true, please explain to me how Wii Sports is by far the #1 next generation game in Japan. It's characters don't even have arms, and yet its CRUSHING all the HD PS3 and 360 games.

2. The Wii graphics will improve and improve a lot considering that most games out were rushed out by developers cashing in on the early success.

3. This has been said countless times, but the games are going to come for the Wii if it keeps selling like this. It's not a guess, its a reality.


gcfan2k5 said:
Super Mario Galaxy is phong shaded, with per pixel lighting, bumpmapping all over the place, textures that are way beyond any last gen game in terms of resolution, polycounts far exceeding a typical last gen game, normal mapping on some surfaces, and much much more, in worlds that appear to have extremely long draw distances. It sounds to me like devs were just lazy, things will start to change later this year.

I highly doubt there is per pixel lighting, because that would be stupid on their part. Secondly because you said it was phong shaded. :lol

Normal mapping? WTH :lol

This thread is made of awesome hilarity.


Fight for Freeform said:
Because they have better games for one.

But the most important point is that in 2 years, the Wii will look incredibly outdated and to some, devoid of value. At this point in time, the 360 and PS3 will be at mass market prices, still with better game libraries, and at that time HD adoption will be a lot greater.

Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when designing the Wii. They apparently made $75 off of each Wii sold...AT LAUNCH. That could have been $100 put into upgrading the visuals (which currently don't even compare to Xbox 1's 3 or 4th year titles) and that could have went a long ways for helping the Wii survive in the future.

How will the Wii do in 5 years? The PS3 was made to be a long term console...will the Wii even exist at that point?

The PSX, and PS2 sold extremely well when they hit their 5th years...the Wii, in comparison to the 360 and PS3, at that point will look like a bad purchase.

Actually reports state 40 dollars, not even factoring in the controller or nunchuck, all in all id say they break even. And wii games will look significantly better than last gen titles before the end of this year, mario galaxy already does look better than 4th and 5th gen xbox titles in every aspect. I think you look back on xbox with rose colored glasses, even spiderman3 wii looks better than the xbox versions of spiderman and spidey 2 in EVERY WAY, and its shovelware garbage from a company that never bothered on the cube (vicarious visions). You have to compare the title to a title from the same developer on the previous consoles, pokemon colliseum/XD to pokemon wii is a GIGANTIC leap graphically, and pokemon wii is a game that you COULDNT have done on the first xbox, there are far too many distortion effects going on. Every wii game so far has bloom lighting, only the best of the best on the first xbox had bloom, it was a huge bulletpoint for xbox devs.


Fight for Freeform said:
I highly doubt there is per pixel lighting, because that would be stupid on their part. Secondly because you said it was phong shaded. :lol

Normal mapping? WTH :lol

This thread is made of awesome hilarity.

Watch the GDC trailer, when he lands on a small bluish world, there are rocks rolling around, one of them hits him, those rocks are normal mapped, the entire world is phong shaded, much like halo1 was, gourad shading shows major artifacts in most cases, polygon edges stand out much much more, on mario everything appears very smooth and rounded. If youd like a detailed explanation of gourad and phong shading i can show you by visual example.

is a gourad shaded sphere


the same sphere with phong shading, note that it looks much more round.

"As a rendering method, Phong shading can be regarded as an improvement on Gouraud shading that provides a better approximation to a point-by-point application of an underlying reflection model by assuming a smoothly varying surface normal vector. The Phong interpolation method works better than Gouraud shading when applied to the Phong reflection model or to any reflection model that has small specular highlights.

The main problem with Gouraud shading is that when a specular highlight occurs near the center of a large triangle, it will usually be missed entirely, due to the interpolation of colors between vertices. This problem is fixed by Phong shading." An explanation of the difference as well.


schuelma said:
1. The Wii already looks outdated. If your theory is true, please explain to me how Wii Sports is by far the #1 next generation game in Japan. It's characters don't even have arms, and yet its CRUSHING all the HD PS3 and 360 games.

How about Hexic? It doesn't even have multiplayer yet it's destroying extra next gen game out there now.

I guess that means multiplayer games, and heck, even motion controlled games aren't the future.

2. The Wii graphics will improve and improve a lot considering that most games out were rushed out by developers cashing in on the early success.

The same applies to the 360 and PS3. And in 5 years the Wii is going to look extremely outdated.

3. This has been said countless times, but the games are going to come for the Wii if it keeps selling like this. It's not a guess, its a reality.

But the reality as of right now is that the 360 has a better games library. That, coupled with all the games coming out this Fall, will make it very hard for the Wii to have a comparable one.
KeithFranklin said:
Not going into what you need for your setup (WiFi and all). For a machine that has so much more power none of the games really show it (Not even the Nintendo first party titles). In fact the two best games for the Wii are just GCN games (Zelda and SPM).

The industry (Even Nintendo in the past) sold the consoles for cost or loss. What I get for $400 is far more than what you got for $250. In fact you got $150 worth of product (The way this industry has traditionally worked) for $250. Plus you got a tech demo of a game. And look Nintendo is doing it again with WiiPlay and another Wiimote. Nintendo faithful going gaga over the sales of WiiPlay. When in fact we all know people are buying a 2nd controller and getting a little bonus. Maybe the sales of Whacked on the XBOX should be adjusted because it came with the first XBOX live starter kit.

I paid 250 for a good games library, not necessarily the hardware inside the machine.


gcfan2k5 said:
Watch the GDC trailer, when he lands on a small bluish world, there are rocks rolling around, one of them hits him, those rocks are normal mapped, the entire world is phong shaded, much like halo1 was, gourad shading shows major artifacts in most cases, polygon edges stand out much much more, on mario everything appears very smooth and rounded. If youd like a detailed explanation of gourad and phong shading i can show you by visual example.

But you said there was per pixel lighting...which is it, phong shading or per pixel lighting?

That's what I'm laughing at, the fact that you contradicted yourself, and probably don't know what you are talking about.

I'll watch the trailer now to look for normal mapping. It better be there!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Fight for Freeform said:
How about Hexic? It doesn't even have multiplayer yet it's destroying extra next gen game out there now.

I guess that means multiplayer games, and heck, even motion controlled games aren't the future.

:lol :lol :lol

You're kidding me right? That's your best response? Some online game? Man, that's some of the worst logic I've seen.

Again, answer the question. In Japan, Wii Sports has sold over a million copies. It looks like crap. PS3's entire lineup hasn't sold as much, even with fancy HD graphics. Again, tell me how this computes with your theory.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Fight for Freeform said:
But the reality as of right now is that the 360 has a better games library. That, coupled with all the games coming out this Fall, will make it very hard for the Wii to have a comparable one.

You want some reality? Even with that better lineup, its getting outsold worldwide by about half a million units a month :lol :lol :lol How is that for reality? Developers were late to the party and Nintendo is holding back its big guns and the Wii is CRUSHING the 360 worldwide.


Fight for Freeform said:
But you said there was per pixel lighting...which is it, phong shading or per pixel lighting?

That's what I'm laughing at, the fact that you contradicted yourself, and probably don't know what you are talking about.

I'll watch the trailer now to look for normal mapping. It better be there!

The two have nothing to do with eachother, halo1 was phong shaded and lit per pixel, doom3 was as well, you dont lose one by doing the other, infact you BENEFIT in terms of visual quality by doing both. Every xbox360 game is phong shaded AFAIK, and most are lit per pixel these days as well.


Fight for Freeform said:
Because they have better games for one.

But the most important point is that in 2 years, the Wii will look incredibly outdated and to some, devoid of value. At this point in time, the 360 and PS3 will be at mass market prices, still with better game libraries, and at that time HD adoption will be a lot greater.

Wow, you have all of the talking points in one little paragraph, don't you? Can I borrow your time machine for awhile?

Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when designing the Wii. They apparently made $75 off of each Wii sold...AT LAUNCH. That could have been $100 put into upgrading the visuals (which currently don't even compare to Xbox 1's 3 or 4th year titles) and that could have went a long ways for helping the Wii survive in the future.

They're making $40/system. They are sold to retailers for about $200US. If graphics mattered so much to the casuals, they'd own PCs (which currently beat the living crap out of consoles, let alone 3 or 4 years from now). Wii Sports, the bastian of graphical simplicity, currently renders your point moot.

How will the Wii do in 5 years? The PS3 was made to be a long term console...will the Wii even exist at that point?

There is no such thing as a long-term console. Let me repeat that for you. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A LONG TERM CONSOLE. If the PS3 stays 3rd (as it looks to remain) it will not retain developer support and it will be relegated to Gamecubish levels of societal mindshare. What that means is that Sony will dump it the second the PS4 is ready to be released, in a desperate hope to gain back marketshare. Conversely, if the Wii continues to be white hot for the foreseeable future, it will continue to sell 4, maybe even 5 years from now, thanks to strong developer support. Again, consoles like the PS2 last long because of marketshare and developer support, NOT because they were 'built to last'. Unless the next 4 years completely redefine historical precedent, or the Wii somehow flatlines in sales (which is incredibly unlikely) in the next year, the Wii is going to be the long-lasting console and the "built for the future" PS3 is going to be Sony's N64, relegated to be dumped as soon as Sony can afford to revitalize their own console division in preparation for the PS4. As for Microsoft? If they retain their current sales pace (or even if it increases slightly), they'll sell more than they did last gen (maybe even 30 million?) and probably be happy that they beat Sony. But they have to be extremely worried about Nintendo, and their "weaker" system is wiping the floor with them - despite their flooded retail channels.
schuelma said:
You want some reality? Even with that better lineup, its getting outsold worldwide by about half a million units a month :lol :lol :lol How is that for reality? Developers were late to the party and Nintendo is holding back its big guns and the Wii is CRUSHING the 360 worldwide.

*SIGH* Just shut the hell up already.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
*SIGH* Just shut the hell up already.

Why? I'm giving you cold hard facts. You, and the majority of GAF may not like the reality, but its happening. On the strength of a so called "tech demo", Wii is killing the 360.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
You're being obnoxious and it's quite annoying?

I'm sorry, but this guy's arguments are just absurd, so my obnoxiousness comes out a bit more.


:lol :lol :lol

You're kidding me right? That's your best response? Some online game? Man, that's some of the worst logic I've seen.

What online game? What are you talking about?

I was talking about a pack in game, that is the #1 "selling" (according to your logic, with 9 million copies) next generation game.

Am I talking to children here?

gcfan2k5 said:
The two have nothing to do with eachother, halo1 was phong shaded and lit per pixel, doom3 was as well, you dont lose one by doing the other, infact you BENEFIT in terms of visual quality by doing both. Every xbox360 game is phong shaded AFAIK, and most are lit per pixel these days as well.

My bad, I thought you meant to imply that the lighting was a unified model.

So it looks like Mario Galaxy is as good as a 1st party Xbox game...that shouldn't be used as an argument that it is capable of more than last gen visuals.
schuelma said:
I'm sorry, but this guy's arguments are just absurd, so my obnoxiousness comes out a bit more.

Well maybe you should cool it then. You'd be surprised to know that the majority of GAF knows the Wii is outselling the 360. The funny thing is nobody can understand why.

Then again I could be just speaking for myself there.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Fight for Freeform said:
What online game? What are you talking about?

I was talking about a pack in game, that is the #1 "selling" (according to your logic, with 9 million copies) next generation game.

Am I talking to children here?


Ahh ok,... gotcha now.

And your statement is just as laughable as before.

Maybe you're not aware, but in Japan Wii Sports is a stand alone game available for purchase. It's not a pack in. It's a full game. And its killing the PS3's entire library.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Well maybe you should cool it then. You'd be surprised to know that the majority of GAF knows the Wii is outselling the 360. The funny thing is nobody can understand why.

Then again I could just speaking for myself there.

Because not many grandmas and moms and dads (of teenagers and 20 somethings) actually play games, yet they are buying and playing the wii.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Well maybe you should cool it then. You'd be surprised to know that the majority of GAF knows the Wii is outselling the 360. The funny thing is nobody can understand why.

Then again I could be just speaking for myself there.

Not being an ass, but I really think its simple. Wii Sports. I realize that for you and most people on this board that makes absolutely no sense, but its true. The price also helps of course, but Wii Sports is what is driving this thing.


schuelma said:
You want some reality? Even with that better lineup, its getting outsold worldwide by about half a million units a month :lol :lol :lol How is that for reality? Developers were late to the party and Nintendo is holding back its big guns and the Wii is CRUSHING the 360 worldwide.

You know this is a really fine theory, however it's been awhile now since the Wii has been selling like it has. It's been selling out since November. While games take awhile to develop, they don't need months to get announced. It's been 5 months since the Wii has come out, and 5 months for developers to see how "amazing" it's selling. So considering all of this, and this "inevitable" switch of third party support from 360 to the PS3, how come every important third party game announcement for the past 5 months and even as recent as this past week CONTINUE to be for the 360/PS3and NOT the Wii?

How do you explain this?
How do you explain the lack of cancelations for the other systems and switch to the Wii?

When other systems like the DC, like the N64, like the GC started doing bad, it didn't take this long for third parties to show a change in development. But it's been 5 months now. And third party developers continue to put the majority of their support on the 360/PS3...not the Wii.

It doesn't take 5 months to ANNOUNCE a game. If what some of you Nintendo hopefuls are predicting to inevitably happen is really happening, we'd see some of this by now. Fact is: we're not.


As a long time MS fan, I feel that I'm shifting towards the other direction (Sony + Nintendo) after having read this. For MS to lie to everyone about their company's prosperity is a dishonest and stupid thing to do and I hope that as more people hear about this, MS's sales will go down even more because that's what they deserve.


Fight for Freeform said:
I was talking about a pack in game, that is the #1 "selling" (according to your logic, with 9 million copies) next generation game.

Am I talking to children here?

Oh the irony.... HEXIC vs Wii Sports? :lol

I feel as though I'm going in loop-de-loops here...


seriously, all you people.

schuelma said:
Maybe you're not aware, but in Japan Wii Sports is a stand alone game available for purchase. It's not a pack in. It's a full game. And its killing the PS3's entire library.

install base. the ps3 doesn't have the install base to outsell wii sports in japan. but that just proves your point right?


bububu xbox 360 tie ratio DESTROYS the Wii tie ratio :lol
bububu $250 vs $300/$400 :lol
bububu japan only likes non-games
etc., etc.

(yes I'm being frickin sarcastic because at this points all these arguments on either side are really pointless at the moment. even i got suckered into it.)

i'm amazed this thread is still opened considering the amount of derailing and continued console wars talks that gets every other thread closed. just sayin'


SapientWolf said:
The only thing that surprises me is that MS is willing to eat the costs of units shipped back to them rather than lower the price. It is obvious that they are waiting for Sony's first price cut before initiating their own.

So why doesn't Sony do just that? At this point, MS lowering their prices would be devistating to their profits.


Quagm1r3 said:
As a long time MS fan, I feel that I'm shifting towards the other direction (Sony + Nintendo) after having read this. For MS to lie to everyone about their company's prosperity is a dishonest and stupid thing to do and I hope that as more people hear about this, MS's sales will go down even more because that's what they deserve.

i think you should decide how credible the source is (not really, to be honest, if you consider his "sources") before making these kinds of assumptions. i don't care how authoritative the dude that runs monitor110 writes. but hey, he'll probably generate some press for his company... oh wait.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
jimbo said:
You know this is a really fine theory, however it's been awhile now since the Wii has been selling like it has. It's been selling out since November. While games take awhile to develop, they don't need months to get announced. It's been 5 months since the Wii has come out, and 5 months for developers to see how "amazing" it's selling. So considering all of this, and this "inevitable" switch of third party support from 360 to the PS3, how come every important third party game announcement for the past 5 months and even as recent as this past week CONTINUE to be for the 360/PS3and NOT the Wii?

How do you explain this?
How do you explain the lack of cancelations for the other systems and switch to the Wii?

When other systems like the DC, like the N64, like the GC started doing bad, it didn't take this long for third parties to show a change in development. But it's been 5 months now. And third party developers continue to put the majority of their support on the 360/PS3...not the Wii.

It doesn't take 5 months to ANNOUNCE a game. If what some of you Nintendo hopefuls are predicting to inevitably happen is really happening, we'd see some of this by now. Fact is: we're not.

Couple of points.

One, and maybe I'm wrong, but developers at least put a few months into the game before announcing stuff, right? So they can actually show off parts of the game?

Two, I don't think the November and December sales were enough on their own to turn the tide. Sellouts in those months could to some degree be expected. I think the continued sell outs into April is what is really going to shake the companies up.

Three, it seems to me there have been a decent amount of Wii exclusive games announced since launch. Granted, most of them don't appeal to the hardcore shooter crowd, but the list is definitely growing:

Oopona, Project O, Treasure Island Z, Dewey's Adventure, Boogie, Nights 2, and I'm sure I'm missing some.


Quagm1r3 said:
As a long time MS fan, I feel that I'm shifting towards the other direction (Sony + Nintendo) after having read this. For MS to lie to everyone about their company's prosperity is a dishonest and stupid thing to do and I hope that as more people hear about this, MS's sales will go down even more because that's what they deserve.


Segata Sanshiro said:
This thread just keeps outdoing itself.

can we find out how many people have subscribed to this thread? i'm still trying to see how this goes back to the front page after dropping off overnight.
super funk said:
The "deal" with airline peanuts is that they are undercooked, unlike Xbox 360 sales numbers, which are overcooked. I like to think of the Xbox 360 as a bridge, it takes a while to go over but you always get a nice view. And I like to think of Microsoft as that movie about that guy who has a cookout in his backyard, I think it was starring one of the people from Soul Plane.

Best post in the thread


Quagm1r3 said:
So why doesn't Sony do just that? At this point, MS lowering their prices would be devistating to their profits.
Because it would put Sony in an even worse situation. Losing approx. 300$ on each console sold? Ludicrous.

(Yes, I am aware that they're already losing that much money in Japan... but look at it this way: Has it helped PS3 sales over there? Not really.)
Are you the resident delusional retard checking into this thread? :lol Let's go through this line by line.

Fight for Freeform said:
Because they have better games for one.

No, they don't. See what I did there?

Fight for Freeform said:
But the most important point is that in 2 years, the Wii will look incredibly outdated and to some, devoid of value. At this point in time, the 360 and PS3 will be at mass market prices, still with better game libraries, and at that time HD adoption will be a lot greater.

The Wii looks incredibly outdated NOW. Hint: Nobody cares. The definition of the "next generation" this time has been defined as the controller. You know the console cycle. Revolution(NES)--> Evolution(SNES, Genesis) --> Revolution(analog stick, rumble features) --> Evolution(PS2, GCN, Xbox) --> Revolution(Wii).

Also, in two years the PS3 and possibly Xbox 360 will be irrelevant on a global scale. THAT is the trend we are seeing, NOT "Hurrr I'm a moron who thunks PS3 and 360 will make a come back durr". You have to use facts and statistics to determine whether you should start pulling prophecies out of your ass.

Fight for Freeform said:
Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when designing the Wii. They apparently made $75 off of each Wii sold...AT LAUNCH. That could have been $100 put into upgrading the visuals (which currently don't even compare to Xbox 1's 3 or 4th year titles) and that could have went a long ways for helping the Wii survive in the future..

I refuse to believe someone is this delusional.

No console that starts off THIS hot ever just disappears in two years. You realize there is a far greater chance the PS3 and the 360 will be discontinued rather than the Wii just dying? "helping the Wii survive in the future"? :lol Oh man, this is comedy gold.

NES. Game Boy. GBA. DS. SNES. Playstation One. Playstation Two.

What do all of these systems have in common?

Fight for Freeform said:
How dominant will the Wii be in 5 years? The PS3 was made to be a long term console...will the PS3 even exist at that point?

I fixed it for you.

Fight for Freeform said:
The PSX, and PS2 sold extremely well when they hit their 5th years...the Wii, in comparison to the 360 and PS3, at that point will look like a bad purchase.

The Wii in five years will be sitting on AT LEAST a 60+million userbase. In 5 years, PS3 has a shot of becoming this generation's 3DO/CD-I, while Microsoft will again have prematurely killed off the 360 to start the next Xbox. You see, my prophecy is supported by facts and sales figures and trends. Your prophecy is... you thinking everybody shares your irrational hatred of Nintendo.


schuelma said:
Couple of points.

One, and maybe I'm wrong, but developers at least put a few months into the game before announcing stuff, right? So they can actually show off parts of the game?

Two, I don't think the November and December sales were enough on their own to turn the tide. Sellouts in those months could to some degree be expected. I think the continued sell outs into April is what is really going to shake the companies up.

Three, it seems to me there have been a decent amount of Wii exclusive games announced since launch. Granted, most of them don't appeal to the hardcore shooter crowd, but the list is definitely growing:

Oopona, Project O, Treasure Island Z, Dewey's Adventure, Boogie, Nights 2, and I'm sure I'm missing some.

1. Not always. Plenty of games are announced before they begin development or in very early stages. Most games also get started on the PC, so if this Wii shift is going on, this shouldn't be a reason why.

2. See my original post and #1. We should have still seen this by now.

3. Why would they appeal to the hardcore shooting crowd? Or did you just mean hardcore? Because if you did, I promise you that's exactly the user base those games right there will appeal to you....and basically you just proved my point....These are games announce as a result of the Wii's success. But as expected they're not the type of games that will set the world on fire....like the ones we're discussing here.


Nightstick11 said:
Are you the resident delusional retard checking into this thread? :lol Let's go through this line by line.

The Wii looks incredibly outdated NOW. Hint: Nobody cares. The definition of the "next generation" this time has been defined as the controller. You know the console cycle. Revolution(NES)--> Evolution(SNES, Genesis) --> Revolution(analog stick, rumble features) --> Evolution(PS2, GCN, Xbox) --> Revolution(Wii).

The Wii in five years will be sitting on AT LEAST a 60+million userbase. In 5 years, PS3 has a shot of becoming this generation's 3DO/CD-I, while Microsoft will again have prematurely killed off the 360 to start the next Xbox. You see, my prophecy is supported by facts and sales figures and trends. Your prophecy is... you thinking everybody shares your irrational hatred of Nintendo.

I wouldn't be calling anybody names, bub.

i'd like to see your independent research report (with supporting data) that supports your theories. link please. until then, it's your opinion. sry2say.

(and i will respect your opinion. crazy, but true.)


Quagm1r3 said:
As a long time MS fan, I feel that I'm shifting towards the other direction (Sony + Nintendo) after having read this. For MS to lie to everyone about their company's prosperity is a dishonest and stupid thing to do and I hope that as more people hear about this, MS's sales will go down even more because that's what they deserve.

Almost as funny as going to teamxbox.com and seeing

"i was a playstation fan for a long time but i hate sony now 360 rules."

gcfan2k5 said:
I agree, just because sony and microsoft cant compete while making profit, doesnt mean nintendo should suddenly start bleeding money out of its ass for the hell of it, if nintendo can win (and they are winning) and make more money doing it (and they are, to the tune of 2.2bln/year profits) more power to them. Wii is a much better value for the buck in terms of features and if you arent a spoiled little graphics whore, wii is more than fine considering its capable of larger worlds, and better graphics across the spectrum than anything we saw last gen (mario galaxy is proving this).
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
arne said:
I wouldn't be calling anybody names, bub.

i'd like to see your independent research report that supports your theories. link please.

Are you talking about my "Theory of console cycle"? Because I pretty much spelled it out there.
"evolution(NES)--> Evolution(SNES, Genesis) --> Revolution(analog stick, rumble features) --> Evolution(PS2, GCN, Xbox) --> Revolution(Wii)". It's my interpretation of the console generations I have seen.

I also mentioned current sales trends when saying why it's far more likely the PS3 and/or 360 would be dead in 5 years, rather than the Wii dying off.

Wii: 6.5+ million in 5 months.

360: 10+million in 18 months.
That's what I mean by sales trends.

For reference, the Wii is tracking ahead of the Playstation 2. Now, this doesn't mean I believe the Wii will garner a 115 million userbase. But it certainly indicates it's not going to, you know, disappear in 2009.

Historical precedents are listed here.

1) NES vs. Master
2) SNES vs. 3DO, Jaguar, CD-I
3) Playstation 1 vs. N64, Dreamcast
4) Playstation 2 vs. Xbox/GCN
5) Gameboy vs. Gamegear/Lynx/Nomad etc. etc.
6) DS vs. PSP

Historical precedents of the system with "teh best grafix" being number one:

1) ???

Now, Arne, you probably wouldn't agree with my conclusion about the Wii and stuff. But I'm sure you'd agree that in my arguments I at least attempt to be grounded in reality, whereas Freeform, jimbo and others merely project their personal opinion and delude themselves into thinking the rest of the gaming public thinks the same way.


Nightstick11 said:
Are you the resident delusional retard checking into this thread? :lol Let's go through this line by line.

The Wii looks incredibly outdated NOW. Hint: Nobody cares. The definition of the "next generation" this time has been defined as the controller. You know the console cycle. Revolution(NES)--> Evolution(SNES, Genesis) --> Revolution(analog stick, rumble features) --> Evolution(PS2, GCN, Xbox) --> Revolution(Wii).

1. I do. So do a lot of other people that actually care about graphics and image quality,. And so would anyone with a 720p or greater TV which will be the majority of the population in about 2 years. I have a 1080p TV. The Wii looks absolutely horrible on this.

Nightstick11 said:

Also, in two years the PS3 and possibly Xbox 360 will be irrelevant on a global scale. THAT is the trend we are seeing, NOT "Hurrr I'm a moron who thunks PS3 and 360 will make a come back durr". You have to use facts and statistics to determine whether you should start pulling prophecies out of your ass.

You're right about the facts part. And the fact is you have no idea how the PS3 or 360 will sell at $250.

Nightstick11 said:
No console that starts off THIS hot ever just disappears in two years. You realize there is a far greater chance the PS3 and the 360 will be discontinued rather than the Wii just dying? "helping the Wii survive in the future"? :lol Oh man, this is comedy gold.

NES. Game Boy. GBA. DS. SNES. Playstation One. Playstation Two.

What do all of these systems have in common?

Except for the Dreamcast, N64, Saturn. The first two setting launch records of their own while the third, Saturn, being in first place for about 2 years in Japan before the PS caught on. Yep, great starts are clearly all you need to be able to properly judge the outcome of a 6-year generation

Nightstick11 said:
The Wii in five years will be sitting on AT LEAST a 60+million userbase. In 5 years, PS3 has a shot of becoming this generation's 3DO/CD-I, while Microsoft will again have prematurely killed off the 360 to start the next Xbox. You see, my prophecy is supported by facts and sales figures and trends. Your prophecy is... you thinking everybody shares your irrational hatred of Nintendo.

Thanks for checking your crystal ball. Could you also tell me the lottery numbers for next week? Yep, our prophecy is supported by facts alright.
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