I believed in unicorns when I was 5. Now that I am older, I don't believe in unicorns. Believing that MS is going to magically become competent in game development after 10+ years of mediocre to garbage (occasionally some good stuff like Forza and Gears 4,5) exclusives is the equivalent of believing in unicorns. I'll believe it when I see it and I, like you, am hoping for it to happen. But the simple fact of the matter is that MS has been dogshit when it comes to managing their projects.
I love my Xbox Series X, it's better for 3rd party games than my PS5, mostly. But in the area where I care most about Xbox...exclusives...MS has tragically underdelivered. While Sony on the otherhand, manages to have a multiple major exclusives ready to go each year.
How the fuck with that much money and that many studios can MS not even pull off ONE major release while their competition can pull off 2-3? Sometimes more.
The answer: Poor management. Incompetence.