from what universe are you?
because in this one right here your statement is demonstrably false... also THEIR*
It starts with Mario Bros 3, a game that took the NES hardware and used it to the fullest, almost no NES game comes close to its scope, detail and polish.
F-Zero, a launch title that brought a 3D-esque racing game running at 60fps to a console that noone was expecting 3D like experiences on.
then later, Yoshi's Island, cuting edge 2D graphics with textured 3D elements, morphing sprites, at 60fps.
Ocarina of Time and especially Majora's Mask, 3D action adventures with big worlds, ans in the case of Majora, high detail environments.
then there's Wave Race, with its 3D water mesh that dynamically creates waves of different kinds depending on the track...
on to the GameCube, and you start strong with Luigi's Mansion, with its extremely detailed world that dynamically reacts to your weapon... it had real time shadows and reflections that looked unbelievably good for its time.
and you had Wave Racer Blue Storm, which yet again had the best water simulation of any game at the time of release...
On the Wii you had Mario Galaxy which looks so outstandingly good that the 480p resolution holds back the true potential of what Nintendo stuffed in this game in terms of art, effects work and clever tricks to simulate more demanding rendering techniques and all that at 60fps with basically no dips.
Wii U, and we have Wind Waker HD, 1080p, real time shadows with drawdistances greater than even in many modern games and overall stunning lighting.
Mario 3D World, basically no loading times due to it being tailored to almost completely fitting into the Wii U's RAM, perfect 60fps with beautiful art and effects.
and of course Smash Bros 4 which runs at 1080p at a near perfect 60fps.