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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online



Kinect Phase 2?


Are people unironically suggesting MS will stream video from kinect to their servers so the government can spy on you? Really?

Do you realize that sort of thing would be easily detected by any rudimentary packet analysis? That the lawsuits would destroy the company? Not to mention the infra-structure needed for that kind of thing.

As shitty as some MS decisions for the next gen might be we're veering into insane, black-helicopter-lizardmen-alien-jews territory now.
So you think its wrong that Sony interrupts games with advertising (and I agree fully with you) but its absolutely fine if you get dropped from a game completely because your ISP craps out or xbox live is down as MS insisted your console must be online to function

I never claimed as much. I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion based on my posts. I haven't spoken about the next xbox always being online, we were initially discussing patents, the mindset they point to, etc. Not sure how we reached this tangent.


Im not gonna come off condescending or brash. But lets not pretend our government is so holier than thou untouchable status...

We are blessed enough to have a right to free speech in our country and everyone should feel free to exercise that right. I've seen some comments in here that seem to support the idea that the government CANT do anything shady or wrong. And that everybody with any alternative idea is LOL Tinfoil Hat.

Expand your mind. Life isnt Black and White. Its definitely not Binary either... View an argument from both sides. Imagine the possibility and plausibility of said argument.

Nobodys saying RAWR RAWR, Government always bad! Hulk smash them all.

We are just saying. The technology exists now, Why wouldn't they try to use it if it could help their ulterior motives. If confirmed, MS is opening a backwoods gateway to your LIVING ROOM


Are people unironically suggesting MS will stream video from kinect to their servers so the government can spy on you? Really?

Do you realize that sort of thing would be easily detected by any rudimentary packet analysis? That the lawsuits would destroy the company? Not to mention the infra-structure needed for that kind of thing.

As shitty as some MS decisions for the next gen might be we're veering into insane, black-helicopter-lizardmen-alien-jews territory now.

But it's hilarious. Only a fool would buy it if that's their intention.


Are people unironically suggesting MS will stream video from kinect to their servers so the government can spy on you? Really?

Do you realize that sort of thing would be easily detected by any rudimentary packet analysis? That the lawsuits would destroy the company? Not to mention the infra-structure needed for that kind of thing.

As shitty as some MS decisions for the next gen might be we're veering into insane, black-helicopter-lizardmen-alien-jews territory now.

There was a topic in the ot forum asking people if they thought webcams built in computers were spying on them. You wouldn't believe how many people put tape over their camera.


On the kinect subject, it's the required kinect that angry me the most of these rumors.
Yeah it's anedoctal but in the end i can accept the always online and the noused policy: but something that is watching me in my house? Never i say.

Distopic nightmare.
Are people unironically suggesting MS will stream video from kinect to their servers so the government can spy on you? Really?

Do you realize that sort of thing would be easily detected by any rudimentary packet analysis? That the lawsuits would destroy the company? Not to mention the infra-structure needed for that kind of thing.

As shitty as some MS decisions for the next gen might be we're veering into insane, black-helicopter-lizardmen-alien-jews territory now.
I know, I love it.



There was a topic in the ot forum asking people if they thought webcams built in computers were spying on them. You wouldn't believe how many people put tape over their camera.

I've worked at few companies doing IT and you would be completely amazed at how many laptops I have worked on with tap on the webcam.


And their data that they paid for, however bad it will seem in hindsight, will always be perceived as more actionable than the inchoate feelings of internet people.
As someone who's job it's been for the past 5 years to compile that paid data into reports Microsoft can use to make meaningful business decisions, I can say unequivocally that I wish they'd listen to what the data tells them much more than they do right now.

Or, to put it more accurately, the data IS actioned upon but the path that should be taken is so distorted between levels of management due to communication breakdowns both within Microsoft and outsourced third-party vendors that they might as well be throwing darts at a dartboard.


I've worked at few companies doing IT and you would be completely amazed at how many laptops I have worked on with tap on the webcam.

How many masturbating dudes have you seen?

Edit oh you meant tape not tap. I thought you were implying some tapping program was on the laptop :p


As someone who's job it's been for the past 5 years to compile that paid data into reports Microsoft can use to make meaningful business decisions, I can say unequivocally that I wish they'd listen to what the data tells them much more than they do right now.

Or, to put it more accurately, the data IS actioned upon but the path that should be taken is so distorted between levels of management due to communication breakdowns both within Microsoft and outsourced third-party vendors that they might as well be throwing darts at a dartboard.

They probably are throwing darts at the board in some respects. See what sticks to gain momentum.


I know, I love it.


Do you disbelieve news reports from credible sources that hacking webcams has become a thing for hackers to do in the past few years?

Do you disbelieve Superdave's claims that he was able to hack Microsoft?

Do you think noone on this planet exists with superior skill and more dubious morals than Superdave?


I was part of this thread and was drawn along by it against my better judgement. I naively thought that most people were genuinely concerned with the idea of 'always online' and were genuinely insulted by Adam's comments about a particular section of America, but as this thread grew so did my doubts for its intentions.

I am still interested in the contents of those Tweets and the ramifications of what he said; however, this has now become something more. My life was made a misery at school because of vindictive bullies, so it stings when I see another person on the receiving end of something like this, regardless of whether I respect the man or not.

This has become nothing short of a witch hunt and clearly dozens of posters are now actually 'getting off' on the idea of participating in the downfall of another man. This sickens me to my core and I'm embarrassed at the fact that I trusted my fellow Gaffers.

We're talking about a human being here, not something evil that deserves to be ostracised. I will NOT be part of the bandwagon that finally brings this person down; I will not sit idly by while hundreds of others wait excitedly for the guillotine to drop on someone's career. Yes, he made a mistake but who amongst us hasn't? It's time to leave him alone and let him gather what reputation he has left and salvage some dignity.

If Adam DOE'S eventually lose his job over this, question the morality of feeling oddly satisfied with that outcome. I will feel shame ... I hope some of you do too.

Good post.

GAF Hates Hubris and yet looking at some of the posts in this thread, some have become what they hate most without realizing it, all in the name of righteous indignation.

Boss Man

Facebook was a billion dollar company at first.

Yet they still got caught

This isnt some shocking revealing idea people are pulling out of their ass. Data Mining & Privacy is double edged sword working simultaneously in your favor and against.

Yes, there is no proof. But thats when common sense falls in line. If Microsoft sells millions of durango while opening a direct line of sight into your living room, You think the US government wouldn't be the LEAST bit intrigued in that kind of technology?? You think Facebook would go out their way to protect the data of milions if the government (Or anyone at that) approached them with a blank check?? Its millions of people around the world quite literally "checking in" and revealing intimate details about whats going on. Thats quite a tempting and alluring concept. And we all know that Knowledge is Power

The argument is about principle. People like me are trying to nip this in the bud BEFORE it becomes a reality, even worse.. An everyday norm.

Let me tell some people some things... You just might not believe it...

A) Politicians fail us everyday in America. Sometimes before they even win office. Their campaigns are funded by Super PAC groups, wealthy donators from "anonymous sources" and behind the scenes lobbyist. When they win office, they cater to the people who spent the money to get them there, NOT the general public as you may go on believing. SHOCKING, I know.... Its called Capitalism

B) The US government is the reason why we even have the internet in the first place. Thank the Pentagon!

C) Companies sell your data ALL THE TIME. They don't have to tell you. The media doesn't have to know about it. They don't have to notify anyone before they pull data. They don't have to do anything really. 10 times out of 10, You already gave away that consent when you clicked that little 'Accept' button on the Terms and Agreement page that NOBODY read. (Not even me lol)

D) The Patriot Act. Quite literally, Its constitutionally legal for the government to spy on us. All that talk back in 01-Now about the general public's phone being wiretapped, That was real. Nuff said.

Its about opening that gateway into full on grey matter. The technology exists now. You argue they wouldn't use it. I argue WHY WOULDNT they use it? They both work in tandem, as much good it does, who's to say its not being used for ill means. That's MY argument

Call me what you want. Psycho, Lunatic, Conspiracy Theorist, Blah blah. I consider myself a 'conscious' citizen. I keep my eyes open everywhere I go. Because at the end of the day, The only person who's gonna look after me and my family IS ME.

EDIT: And Im not saying MS will use their tech for this purpose, But if they get approached by anybody who can handle that blank check... What do you think they would do? Defend your data and Consumer Rights in Privacy? Lol.....
There is a huge difference between video spying and data mining. Even terms like data mining and privacy are only related, they aren't different sides of one coin.

I am almost positive that if the next Xbox is always online, data mining will be a huge reason for it. But just like when Google tells you about singles in your area, that doesn't mean you're going to get killed by a predator drone.


tagged by Blackace
Are people unironically suggesting MS will stream video from kinect to their servers so the government can spy on you? Really?

Do you realize that sort of thing would be easily detected by any rudimentary packet analysis? That the lawsuits would destroy the company? Not to mention the infra-structure needed for that kind of thing.

As shitty as some MS decisions for the next gen might be we're veering into insane, black-helicopter-lizardmen-alien-jews territory now.
No, they really hate Microsoft that much that they are willing to suspend rational judgment when it comes to stuff like that. It's happened in previous Durango threads too. At most it'll be an opt-in customer service improvement program if they don't clearly mark it otherwise.


Are people unironically suggesting MS will stream video from kinect to their servers so the government can spy on you? Really?

Nobodys saying MS will literally do this. We are saying the technology exists now. The possibility is REAL now. (If rumor of functionality is confirmed of course..)

I feel like everybody joining late in this thread is gonna miss the discussion points by a long shot... but let the dogpile commence!!!


Neo Member
There was a topic in the ot forum asking people if they thought webcams built in computers were spying on them. You wouldn't believe how many people put tape over their camera.

Guess you missed the thread about an unsecured webcam website where GAF watched a old dude wack off.
I was part of this thread and was drawn along by it against my better judgement. I naively thought that most people were genuinely concerned with the idea of 'always online' and were genuinely insulted by Adam's comments about a particular section of America, but as this thread grew so did my doubts for its intentions.

I am still interested in the contents of those Tweets and the ramifications of what he said; however, this has now become something more. My life was made a misery at school because of vindictive bullies, so it stings when I see another person on the receiving end of something like this, regardless of whether I respect the man or not.

This has become nothing short of a witch hunt and clearly dozens of posters are now actually 'getting off' on the idea of participating in the downfall of another man. This sickens me to my core and I'm embarrassed at the fact that I trusted my fellow Gaffers.

We're talking about a human being here, not something evil that deserves to be ostracised. I will NOT be part of the bandwagon that finally brings this person down; I will not sit idly by while hundreds of others wait excitedly for the guillotine to drop on someone's career. Yes, he made a mistake but who amongst us hasn't? It's time to leave him alone and let him gather what reputation he has left and salvage some dignity.

If Adam DOE'S eventually lose his job over this, question the morality of feeling oddly satisfied with that outcome. I will feel shame ... I hope some of you do too.

This is a good post.

I'll say I take no pleasure in his being sacked, if it does indeed happen/has happened, I do feel it will be justified and it's something the blame of which will lay solely at the feet of Adam Orth.

He should have understood the environment in which he was making those comments, the rumours that have been swirling about the next xbox and it came less than a couple of days after the Kotaku story where it was revealed next xbox games will need an online connection to start.

He threw petrol on an already blazing fire. He had to have known on some level what he was doing and how his comments would be interpreted.


The money would not be in streaming your living room to redmond, but in knowing that a 3 member family in New York enjoys Disney movies the most, and selling Disney publicity to them at a higher cost.

Not saying this is going to happen, but If it would, that is what it will be.


The money would not be in streaming your living room to redmond, but in knowing that a 3 member family in New York enjoys Disney movies the most, and selling Disney publicity to them at a higher cost.

Not saying this is going to happen, but If it would, that is what it will be.

Indeed. And the only new info that kinect could bring is the number 3. Everything else they already know through your account information and purchase history.


Nobodys saying MS will literally do this. We are saying the technology exists now. The possibility is REAL now. (If rumor of functionality is confirmed of course..)

I feel like everybody joining late in this thread is gonna miss the discussion points by a long shot... but let the dogpile commence!!!

I'm sorry but the mere suggestion of this is idiotic. Any rational analysis will inform you how the idea makes no sense from a tech, financial and legal sense.

It's possible MS implements some sort of data mining into kinect, which you explicitly have to consent to. Anything more, If they streamed unauthorized video somewhere, you can be sure it would be detected the first day the system is out there, with massive repercussions.
Just sat down for a quick MP session in Chivalry ... 5 minutes in, Steam suffers an outage, MP session dies in the butt, and here I am typing this. Guess I just have to deal with it.

I play CS:GO quite a bit, and have had very few disconnections. These games also require online, as opposed to playing a steam game that is single player in offline mode.

Ploid 3.0

I know I said it in a previous thread on the subject, but I really was just joking when I suggested Steve Ballmer would use a kinect + always online to watch you masturbate.

MS doesn't have the manpower, the time or the inclination to spy on their customers. What would even be the point? And with so many people would have to be involved and the repercussions that would come of it going public, well its just not a reasonable conspiracy theory.

Computer farms can spy on them though. NVIDIA had a keynote at some GPU convention recently. They showed a ton of GPU image recognition stuff that blew my mind. Computers can do so much stuff from figuring out songs with just a 5 second sample, facial recognition, understand and answer your verbal questions, a lot of the stuff these computers do is done in the blink of a eye. Who knows what they have planned with a better kinect. Kinect can probably pinpoint anyone that frequent your house without them scanning themself in a game. Julie can have data being tracked by Kinect without her knowing.

Microsoft may be looking for a data collection agent like google has it's search engine, and whatnot. I don't know how bing is doing, MS is getting beat on a lot of stuff. If people end up going to Linux (lol) what will happen?


Computer farms can spy on them though. NVIDIA had a keynote at some GPU convention recently. They showed a ton of GPU image recognition stuff that blew my mind. Computers can do so much stuff from figuring out songs with just a 5 second sample, facial recognition, understand and answer your verbal questions, a lot of the stuff these computers do is done in the blink of a eye. Who knows what they have planned with a better kinect. Kinect can probably pinpoint anyone that frequent your house without them scanning themself in a game. Julie can have data being tracked by Kinect without her knowing.

Microsoft may be looking for a data collection agent like google has it's search engine, and whatnot. I don't know how bing is doing, MS is getting beat on a lot of stuff. If people end up going to Linux (lol) what will happen?

The world would be a better place with an open operating system powering most of the personal computing devices, just like the internet is better for being open and not owned by one company.

Can you imagine if a single huge corporation controlled the code that runs the internet. Yuck.


I kept saying MS isn't this stupid, now I'm thinking, "maybe" they are with the always online stuff.

To join in the conspiracy speak, what if Durango's kinect would spy on us to see what our favorite kinds of drinks/snacks are, then in turn we get blasted with ads that relate to said products? What if our info of this is not used by MS for ads, but sold off to said companies along with our email via some sleezy wording in the ToS of the console?

Crazy stuff to think about.
I was part of this thread and was drawn along by it against my better judgement. I naively thought that most people were genuinely concerned with the idea of 'always online' and were genuinely insulted by Adam's comments about a particular section of America, but as this thread grew so did my doubts for its intentions.

I am still interested in the contents of those Tweets and the ramifications of what he said; however, this has now become something more. My life was made a misery at school because of vindictive bullies, so it stings when I see another person on the receiving end of something like this, regardless of whether I respect the man or not.

This has become nothing short of a witch hunt and clearly dozens of posters are now actually 'getting off' on the idea of participating in the downfall of another man. This sickens me to my core and I'm embarrassed at the fact that I trusted my fellow Gaffers.

We're talking about a human being here, not something evil that deserves to be ostracised. I will NOT be part of the bandwagon that finally brings this person down; I will not sit idly by while hundreds of others wait excitedly for the guillotine to drop on someone's career. Yes, he made a mistake but who amongst us hasn't? It's time to leave him alone and let him gather what reputation he has left and salvage some dignity.

If Adam DOE'S eventually lose his job over this, question the morality of feeling oddly satisfied with that outcome. I will feel shame ... I hope some of you do too.

The worst thing GAF can do is criticize you for what you've done. Whether or not he loses his job over the debacle has nothing to do with GAF - that responsibility falls directly under Microsoft, and Microsoft alone.
Wouldn't work on consoles. How would they get you to download, install the RAT program on a closed network like Xbox Live?

As the next Sims 3 stuff pack? I don't know that is their problem but I think they will and there is a huge history of security getting breached by really simple methods. Also how will the Xbox operate on a closed network, I thought they were using the internet not a special network.


Have you actually played DS3 or did you just read a headline somewhere and believe it to be true? The gameplay in DS3 doesn't revolve around the concept of DLC, you're not forced to buy DLC to progress through the game nor is it vital for resources.

The idea is that they altered the entire weapons system from the previous games in order to make it easier to monetize for DLC purposes.
As the next Sims 3 stuff pack? I don't know that is their problem but I think they will and there is a huge history of security getting breached by really simple methods. Also how will the Xbox operate on a closed network, I thought they were using the internet not a special network.

I'm sorry, I don't understand your post. Can you elaborate further.

The idea is that they altered the entire weapons system from the previous games in order to make it easier to monetize for DLC purposes.

They didn't. The base game gives you more than enough resources to build weapons. DLC is there for those who want don't want to or can't be bothered to collect those resources throughout the game.



aw yeah backorifice, I remember that. Subseven, at my computer science study people were always trying to infect other people (and fail, cause it was computer science). I thought everyone would have some idea of it by now, but apparently not. A few years ago a guy in my country was arrested because he 'fixed' pretty girls' iphones. He told them that they needed moisture to heal so they should take their phones with them into the bathroom when they showered. My mind was conflicted over whether he was a sad perv or brilliant to get them to do it.
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