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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Here at Kotaku we ask the hard questions.

This must be his dog.

and if he console has always online without DRM mechanism you will be able to also. You know the Wii is always online right? WiiConnect24.

its using the always online feature to implement DRM that is at issue. Not always online in it self.
Alright, but 'neogaf' has not been negative about just an always on feature. Clearly the way some recent games and how Microsoft is rumored to do it is the reason for the storm. So I don't know why something like wiiconnect is being brought up.


If anything, your examples just prove that regardless of how poorly these games were rolled out, these companies still apply it to BIG releases. And they will continue to do so, because they continue to sell BIG.

The ubisoft DRM games sold like shit.

The other two games had a huge gap between the last game and the newest game. SimCity sold because of past sim city games the same way diablo 3 sold because of diablo 2.


I'm sure his bosses will appreciate the articles popping up all over now.

I guess there's a tiny possibility that MS has no plans on having this always-online bullshit, and they're happy to take the publicity in the mean time. Even if we're bitching about a potential "feature" it still means we're talking about the 720 and bringing more awareness to its existence.

Then at E3, when they confirm that they're not being assholes, they look good just for not being assholes. Who knows...


DrForbidden • 2 hours ago said:
When will these people learn that, as a high-ranking personnel in their company, their personal opinions are not personal when made in public? I guess high pay does not equal to high IQ here...

Statements like 'deal with it' and 'why on earth would I live there?' shows how much of a over-priviledged, self-absorbed, self-aggrandising douchebag this guy is. These sort of statements are par the course for priviledged 13-year-olds on Gamefaqs forums. From a creative director of a major console manufacturer, purportedly an ADULT, it makes me wonder how this guy got his job in the first place.



Durango will at least have third party games.

Wii U is basically a gutted Gamecube that had all its interesting features removed (competitive hardware and third party support).

Wii U looks worse in my eyes.

Edit: Even comparing it to Gamecube is giving it too much credit.
And the PS4 is going to have those same third party games without the added caveat of always online - a 'feature' that would literally make the Durango unplayable for me.

I never expected competitive hardware or third party support, and it's the first party that continues to incentivize any investment I make on Nintendo hardware. And even if I weren't interested in Nintendo's first party support, I'd certainly be more confident with a console I would be able to play versus one that would just turn on and ask me to troubleshoot my connection.

Not to turn this into a Thing or whatever, but I would certainly see the WiiU, with all its' failings, as a better option purely on the principle that it'd be guaranteed to work short of failure of the actual hardware in the event I tried to play a game.


I'm pretty sure Sony openly said after the conference the other day that the PS4 would not be always online and would support used games.

You mean except for denying its inclusion at every given opportunity?

Except the mass media interviews stating they will support used games....

For Sony's own content, perhaps, but you should remain guarded with respect to how Sony will allow other companies to "protect" their content. If Microsoft lets publishers lock down their content, then expect Sony to have to offer something similar to publishers who want it.

And claiming that a console supports used games says nothing for how much functionality you'll actually be able to wring out of a used game without hitting a pay wall to unlock anything meaningful.
Reddit brings up a good point. US soldiers that play Call of Duty on the 360 in LANs or offline WILL NOT get the 720 if it's always online.

I also know specific school districts that use game consoles (specifically the 360) for exercise.

The program is heavily invested into, and Microsoft would be stupid to let that market go. They buy big, so I do still have some reservation if this feature exist it would stay.


Felium Defensor
Trolling or not, this has been damn entertaining. We need to go deeper guys; shouldn't let Orthy do all the hard work by himself.
You're insinuating because it was "confirmed for used games," it will not at all require an internet connection at any point in time. Right?

Seeing that Gamestop went out of their way to say positive things about Durango, one would assume that it, too, would allow used games, thus not necessarily forcing you to be online.
It will probably be the current EA model. Buy a game that comes with a code that once entered is locked to your account. The code gives access to certain content. If you pass it on then the new owner needs to purchase a code. Used games still exist and there's still money to be made.
Does it even matter if Orth is purely trolling? That regardless just shows a lack of any common sense and failure to recognize potential repercussions.
I don't know how this will work, but at the absolute worst, every game release could be like SimCity's. At best, Microsoft will get their shit together but not before you have a bunch of disappointed kids on Christmas. I absolutely can't give them the benfit of the doubt that they will have the bugs ironed out before release, since that has never happened before for any other company with always online DRM.


Gold Member
If the man can't see the very distinct difference between losing electricity and making something only work when it is connected online I can't see how I shouldn't be fearful of Xbox next gen.
Alright, but 'neogaf' has not been negative about just an always on feature. Clearly the way some recent games and how Microsoft is rumored to do it is the reason for the storm. So I don't know why something like wiiconnect is being brought up.
The key to magic is misdirection.


For Sony's own content, perhaps, but you should remain guarded with respect to how Sony will allow other companies to "protect" their content. If Microsoft lets publishers lock down their content, then expect Sony to have to offer something similar to publishers who want it..

It's like you purposely missed out reading my post:

Diablo 3 getting offline mode for its PS4 port:



For what purpose though?

To create even more bad press for the Durango?

If that's just him trolling than I think he's coming off worse from it.

There is no bad 'press'. This is enthusiasts freaking over a twitter account. You won't find this on the New York Times or anything. It's squeezing out now though. My friend who doesn't follow the game industry told me he heard the next Xbox won't play games. He heard it from his friends who are into games. :) SO there is that.


I don't think so at all. I think now more than ever with the massive amount of information that people have access to, you have to actually sell your product better than ever. People are learning that devs will smile and paint a pretty picture and than just release crap(Aliens, WarZ, etc.)

If online is required and there are no used games i honestly expect the system to flop.

I hope you are both right, but doubt it. People want the path of least resistance whether or not its in their best interest. I held off buying Sim City and Diablo 3 despite putting hundreds of hours into their predecessors, but can't help but buy games from Steam that I then still don't actually own. It's cheap and easy, which is what the consumer thinks he wants.

There is a key difference here, though, that is certainly true. MS needs these systems to sell well for years. Software doesn't need to sell nearly as long, and by the time Steam shuts off the lights it'll be too late for any of us to do anything. So maybe there is hope.
For Sony's own content, perhaps, but you should remain guarded with respect to how Sony will allow other companies to "protect" their content. If Microsoft lets publishers lock down their content, then expect Sony to have to offer something similar to publishers who want it.

And claiming that a console supports used games says nothing for how much functionality you'll actually be able to wring out of a used game without hitting a pay wall to unlock anything meaningful.
I can see watch dogs pulling something like that since they seem to be pushing this everyone is connected and can mess with each other feature, and it could be their vision for it to be always online like Sim City. I don't think this will be widespread though.

"Don't read too much in our back and forth" seems to address all of the tweets.
They were only really addressing the comment on the city.


Yes, the guy deserves to be fired for making a stupid joke and some bad analogies. What a load of horse shit this thread is.

When you shit on your user base on social media you can usually expect to get heavily reprimanded if not fired these days.

If he doesn't like it then he should learn to not be a dumbass on twitter or learn to, as he would say, deal with it.


Is Destiny the only game confirmed for an always on game right now?

I wonder if the Battlefield 4 rumors are true about needing a connection to play. Is it confirmed that Watch Dogs need one also?


I can see watch dogs pulling something like that since they seem to be pushing this everyone is connected and can mess with each other feature, and it could be their vision for it to be always online like Sim City. I don't think this will be widespread though.

We said that about horse armor and now look at us.


Some strawman there.

I was replying to his post and wasn't commenting on Microsoft's current situation. I'm just stating what was factually incorrect about the statement, get out of here with that shit.

Nothing strawman about it. His post was about Microsoft's possible "current" situation and Sony's possible strategy if Durango turns out to be DRM only.

Sony saying you "can" play used games on your PS4 means absolutely nothing right now, it's about as concrete a statement as anything we've heard about Durango requiring an online connection. Where have they ever said they would never ask anything of you in order to play those used games?
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