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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


I am just losing myself in this game. It has become a game of plotting revenge, stalking, being hunted myself, gathering intel and taking out targets. It seems like a simple and familiar affair at first, but once that Nemesis system kicks in it's an entirely different ball game. Addictive as hell.

My new friend:


Hanging around:



you guys are missing the point here. this are the core mechanics of the game.

its like mini QTE all the time.


QTE's aren't really a problem. The problem comes when you associate a fail state with the event or it beomces meaningless because there is no fail state. Both are terrible. for this game the timing has consequences but does not lead to a failstate and does lead to cool outcomes which is fine.


Played for 2 hours tonight and I'm in love. Its super addicting and I would keep playing if I didn't have to wake up early tomorrow. I don't even want to do the story missions because I'm enjoying the side stuff.

Great game.
I am just losing myself in this game. It has become a game of plotting revenge, stalking, being hunted myself, gathering intel and taking out targets. It seems like a simple and familiar affair at first, but once that Nemesis system kicks in it's an entirely different ball game. Addictive as hell.

Dude, what do you mean by "kicks in"? Serious question. I'm just past the point of teaming up with
to take down the
Scaredy Caragor Captain
and the Nemesis System has been pretty standard for me thus far; nothing terribly emergent has happened.
This game really shows you how the old consoles' horsepower held game design back. Shadow-leaping to enemies on the edge of your perception - instantly, with no loadtimes - is oddly awe-inspiring. Also, the huge vareity in not only orc visuals and voices, but also the dialog they have, goes a long way to making the Nemesis System feel fresh 100% of the time. So well done.

The best part is, the game looks just fine on low-med settings! Hooray! We're finally past the era where lower gfx settings make it look like a different game.


Junior Member
I'm really getting frustrated. Enemies only seem to aggro in groups of at least 10. The controls seem unresponsive and the nemesis system isn't what I thought it would be.
Amongst other things yeah,also when you get charged by those big cats...there's a bunch of stuff that I am not sure when to pull off because there's no indication(or I dont see it)...like the hit streak,what does O do,when can you interrogate...why does it say O to drain at the bottom sometimes...I am not even sure where my health is and like I asked earlier,where's my Dagger...I was right on top of an Ilithin or something and never found it...what the hell is an Ilithin...stuff like that....fast travel to stop time..? why would I want to stop time...confused as hell..

Ehhh..Have you played games like this before? The Batman games in particular?


This game is so so fun to play. Played for about 3 1/2 hours straight tonight and only did about 3 story missions. I actually really enjoy the combat - the controls felt a bit odd at first but once I got used to them combat feels so fluid. I feel like such a bad ass murdering orcs left and right but then you can easily get over cocky and surrounded by 2-3+ named orcs and many minions. I've died plenty of times but this game manages to make dying interesting because it just makes your enemies stronger.
The first time it loaded, did it take ages?

Maybe try deleting just save files/user config files... maybe it's doing some nutty thing and grabbing ultra and high textures...

Good suggestion. I had some weird stuff (100% gpu utilization, 1-2fps constant, etc.) going on when I first started playing and deleting the files in My Documents seems to have fixed it for me.


Just checking in after playing 3 hours on Xbox one. This game is way more fun than it should be. I think it all boils down to the nemesis system. Without it, this game would be just good. With it, it's fantastic.

Loving every minute of it.


Alright, got in at least 2 good hours and had a total blast!

Combat is slick, controls are responsive, graphics are crisp, animation is super smooth. I have absolutely no interest in the story, though, the cutscenes bore me to death.

Really fun, though! Can't wait to get back to it tomorrow. I'm not even the kind of person that likes to do filler side-quests in open world games, but just the act of traversing around the world and getting into ridiculously enjoyable combat scenarios is enough to keep me moving from mini-map icon to mini-map icon.


This fucking game.

Best thing I've played all year. Already put 10+ hours in. What's the third area? I noticed I got the trophy for all of the towers, but I'm still in Num.

Also, Shadow Strike is the greatest thing ever.
Some of the battles you get into in this game are pretty fucking epic.

I just took down a warchief, but it took forever. Like 2 hours. I had to clear out an entire fortress of captains, archers and 100s of grunts. Caragors, explosive barrels and poisoned grog ftw!

I finally got Uruk the Strong alone and got rid of his headache for him.



Game is amazing. I'm the person who always does story missions first and side stuff later or never at all, and all I've done after the first few missions is hunt captains and war chiefs down for hours on end. I never thought I would have so much fun with this shit.

Only problem I've had so far is getting killed by caragors(I think) that come out of nowhere and just wreck everything. I also feel like shit whenever I die and see all those orcs rank up.


Neo Member
This game looks incredibly gorgeous and I can't wait to pick it up. I have been reading reviews nonstop today and the chain of command system sounds awesome. I'll be picking this up on Playstation 4 but man do some of the PC screenshots look fantastic.
You can simulate dying by going to the map screen and selecting advance time or w/e by the fast travel towers ... it ranks up orcs for you.

This is a good thing if you're like me and running out of captains to behead :D


Pardon if this has been asked, but is there no way to remove every hud element (minimap too)? Ive checked the options to no avail.

Alot of nice screenshot moments being lost with the hud :(

Would be great with a first person view too.


The camera badly needs to be pulled back, getting swarmed by orcs that close is not conducive to a good counter system. That and how bullshit you get extra captains just showing up for no reason.


Yo! Everyone playing the game and saying it's too easy, do yourself a favor and go into:

Options --> Game Settings --> Combat Prompts --> None or FX Only. Good luck.

Again, I want to restate this for those who seem to find the game easy. This makes shit really REALLY tough. I'm enjoying the combat as much, if not more than, Arkham :)


I did 6 hours today in this game. HOLY COW. That's crazy for me. I know that doesn't seem like a lot for many people, but I usually don't play games for a long period of time. I just get lost in it. Doing little war politics, some story missions here and there, exploration, taking out little groups, listening in on what the're talking about, etc.

I'm just having such a great time.

Such a good looking game, all on my i5-2500k and 2gb 7850. Super impressed with the performance and game overall, can't stop playing it.


Yeah, it looks fantastic.


I've only played for around 3 hours and there is already a dickhead nemesis I want to kill but I'm waiting until I'm a little more powerful. This dude, Ashgarn Foul-Spawn, has killed me like four times. Really enjoying the game.


Junior Member
Just put two hours of it in on VHQ on PC. Looks and plays beautifully. This came out of nowhere for me and now it is my GOTY so far.
Loving this game so far, but is there an easy way to know when you can do an Triangle + Circle Execution?

K, thanks, I knew there had to be some kind of indicator, but there's so much going on on the screen it can be kind of overwhelming. In a good way.

Your combo meter turns RED instead of white when it is ready.
Similar system to Batman games.


Dude, what do you mean by "kicks in"? Serious question. I'm just past the point of teaming up with
to take down the
Scaredy Caragor Captain
and the Nemesis System has been pretty standard for me thus far; nothing terribly emergent has happened.

Getting hunted at random by Uruks you have encountered before, seeing promotions from influencing duels and once lowly foes become much stronger with different weaknesses and strengths, etc. It certainly has 'kicked in' for me.


Great game, really shows the potential of open world games. Hope Ubisoft is taking notes because it'll be tough for Unity and Far Cry 4 to top this.

Combat is great as anticipated, I was expecting the game to be a lot more difficult judging by the impressions of some people but I think I've only died once in about 4 hours of running around and killing captains with a few story missions mixed in. I guess all that time spent playing Batman and Ryse have come in handy finally.

Edit: Also thought it was hilarious that I killed the captain Narog (or something) the Executioner, then he came back to life to fight me. Fought him and fully decapitated him only for him to show up 5 minutes later for round 3.


Is there a way to go from sprint tackle (X + R1) into a execution type kill?

I could have swore I did that once, but now that I'm actively trying I only seem to be able to go into a grab hold.


I'm thinking those people that say it's too easy have not yet fought a warchief that stops you from jumping over him, can't be stelath killed, has a metal shield (so blocks all your attacks) and basically can only be damaged by range or combat finishers.You need to keep orcs alive and use combo finishers to slowly pick off at his health or have the in combat drain ability
First chance to post after playing through the first area:

-The Nemesis system is fantastic. I don't have any epic anecdotes of personal rivalries yet, but the various orcs feel like they have distinct personalities, and I love seeing them get up to stuff without my direct involvement. The very first named orc I encountered was fighting Caragors and announced his retreat before I could even start attacking him! It's this feeling of NPC autonomy that really helps me forget about the gameyness of the open world.

-There's not a huge breadth of interactible environment objects, but those that are there are enough to allow for a lot of flexibility in approaching encounters. In another game, fighting wave after wave of grunts could get tiresome very fast, but the exploding barrels/beehives/caragor bait go a long way towards adding variety and keeping the crowds manageable.

-I have to say that researching weaknesses makes captain/warchief encounters laughably easy. This may be a consequence of the first area, but at least half the named orcs can be one-shot if you use the right attack, and the rest have weaknesses that don't really require much effort to exploit. The only orc I had issues with was one that (oddly) didn't appear in the army list at all, and was only featured in a red icon mission that gave a "special reward" (epic rune). His only weakness was to combat finishers, but used a shield, prevented vaulting over him, and was immune to stealth/ranged. This meant that he couldn't be attacked directly at all, and I could only damage him by building up a combo on minions and then executing him to chip away at his life. It took me three tries and felt like a pretty tense, engaging encounter--I'm hoping I can get more of that kind of experience in the second area.

-The story is pretty mediocre. The intro feels especially rushed, and not a lot of characterization for the Black Hand--I killed the first one without learning a single thing about him. It's slightly disappointing, but the authored narrative was never why I bought this game.

Overall I'm having a ton of fun with the game so far, and I hope unlocking the ability to mind control orcs in the second area will only deepen the emergent possibilities.
Edit: Also thought it was hilarious that I killed the captain Narog (or something) the Executioner, then he came back to life to fight me. Fought him and fully decapitated him only for him to show up 5 minutes later for round 3.

I've run into this with one named Goroth Gold-Fang, six hours in and he's clearly my rival for the game. I've fought him eight times now and it's great. I've hunted him, he constantly pops up in various side missions to try to take me out, he's grotesque from dying so many times, etc.

On one hand its like "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!" but on the other hand its kind of neat to have this long standing rivalry going.


Just coming in to share; after the tutorial, I went after the slaver. On my way there,I came across a band of Uruk, one had intel on a Uruk captain. After interrogation, I found out the captain was only a minor detour on my way to the slaver.
A grin appeared on my face, and I set out, gathering more intel on my way. A stray archer found my location, but I killed him before he could raise an alarm. I sneaked my way around camp, when suddenly a commotion erupts. They found a dead Uruk. The captain stumbles backwards in fear, and I decide to capitalize on this occasion; I come out of hiding, kill the captain, collect the rune, and find myself a housing spot to see how this plays out. Of course, Uruks find his body and immediately they start fighting over who should take place. I smile knowing one of these bastards will be on my list somewhere in the future and set of to kill a slaver...
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