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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


Talk to me about the plot and world, GAF! Are there Elves? Are there Dwarves? Is it just limited to Mordor? Can I go hang out with Shelob or tour Minas Morgul?

I've only played the story for a small amount but I believe the Season Pass has a dwarf in it (shown in the trailer) but from the trailer he doesn't seem to be the kind of dwarf you'll see in amongst a fight with an axe. Not sure about the vanilla game.
The wraith or ghost you see is an elf. I think he's a major part of LOTR lore but I can't say for sure since I'm not clued up in it.
The world seems to be just mordor. There's rocky greyish brown environments and there's green leafy ones. There's at least a couple of landmarks from the movies too that I recognise but like I said, I'm not clued up in the lore.


I feel like I'm missing something: How do you interrogate? Checked my tutorial notes, and there's nothing about what button combo to use.


I feel like I'm missing something: How do you interrogate? Checked my tutorial notes, and there's nothing about what button combo to use.

When you can grab them, hold the grab button down and a prompt will come up on the bottom of the screen. You then press A/X


I feel like I'm missing something: How do you interrogate? Checked my tutorial notes, and there's nothing about what button combo to use.

Hold RB to grab them, while holding press A to interrogate, then when you are sucking the guys face press A again to execute interrogation.


My personal current rival so far is called Bron the Brute (not kidding). Killed him with an arrow to the head, now we wears a heavy helmet. Then I lured him into a pack of caragors, when he came back he had a heavy iron plate and becomes enraged when he sees caragors. Then I killed him again by throwing him through a campfire. Will he return? I'll just have to wait and see.

I've only done 2 story missions, but now
Ratbag is Warchief, and I'm taking out the others.
I just can't focus on the story, every time I enter a new area I run into another captain, sometimes fighting more than one at once (fought a heavy warchief, an archer captain and a spearman captain... didn't see them coming, and it did not end well). so far there is way too much for me to do in the world, no measurable progress is being made but I must have killed a few hundred orcs by now.


The vendetta system is excellent. Just completed one where three other captains decided it would be a good time to join in on the fun. :p
Man, I am dying left and right now, and boy is it glorious lol. Everyone's after my head now, and the war chiefs are rolling deep now. I think their bodyguards have bodyguards now! I was just doing some random side mission, where i had to kill some enemies that were training, and one of them ran off and sounded an alarm. Next thing I know, 2 captains and a war chief rush in with about 30 Orcs! I ran for my life at first, but then I said fuck that, and laid it down in a clearing. I'm whipping some ass when all of a sudden a Graug appears behind me and smashes my ass. It was so sick! I love this game!


I'm doing pretty well just roaming around and not doing the main missions. Though, I imagine the game will get harder once I start dealing with war chiefs and the like. Right now I'm slaughtering captains left and right. I had a battle where I had to deal with 3 or 4 in a row. Thankfully they didn't come after me at the same time though, that might have wrecked me.

Also I felt so badass after dealing with an elite captain who was immune to everything but afraid of fire. Stalked him for a while, lured him to a fire pit, scared the shit out of him by blowing it up, and then chased him down and murdered him brutally.

Edit: He might have been just resistant, I don't know entirely if there are different levels of immunity.
An issue I have, or that I think I have, anyhow: is there any good reason to not interrogate a Captain? I feel like it's too easy and the benefit, too good to pass up. Are there bonuses linked to the method of the kill?


I played for about 3hrs last nite--after mindnight (PS4); and almost all day today--on and off. The game is challenging, not easy; but really, really good!

Those who find it extremely easy must be true dedicated hardcore gamers; because I'm getting my Soul handed back to me often by the enemy.

The more I've upgraded my attributes, abilities and found some runes, the better I've gotten fighting but unlike other games, is never a guarantee because when I least expect it, Bam! I'm dead again. The combat seems simple at first but somehow demands more and more attention as you get better... I'm loving every minute.

Great Job Monolith. You filled a much needed gaming-void with a great experience.
Been playing since earlier this afternoon and man am I in love with this game. I was fighting against this orc Buth after I took a break from the game and because of how close he was to another orc, the other one decides to join in on our fight, resulting in my death. I then set out to kill Buth, which I successfully do on the second try with a little intel I got from interrogating a grunt. With him out the way I go out and unlock a forge tower, and as I leave I get into a fight with a couple grunts.

"Okay," I tell myself, "No big deal." I begin to fight these grunts, and suddenly, I recognize one of them.

It's motherfucking Buth.

I'm completely shocked by this, as he tells me that I left him barely breathing and he's ready to kill me now. Now I go out of my way to attack him, ignoring all the other guys around me, and once I knock him down, I preform an execution to make sure he's gone for good: his decapitated head rolling around gives me affirmation of this, and even Talion echoes my thought.

Goddamn, the nemesis system is mind blowing.

On a side note, I noticed that my dualshock's L2 is really sensitive to even the lightest of presses, and I'll constantly start aiming my bow. Has anyone else been having this issue?


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
really excited about this game but don't want to buy it yet because Canadian price is to high, can someone make a good video showing off the nemesis system to wet my appetite a little.


Just checking....

I think it doesn't work for me sometimes when you knock them back and they go out of range - holding down R2 makes him sneak up instead of doing a finisher. Need to let go and press it again before it works.

Also, turning off the ui that tells you when to counter increases the difficulty quite a bit. You have to actually look for when guys are attacking you rather than simply noticed the big neon signs above their heads.

Turn off the counter icons, people. Makes combat a lot more fun. You actually have to pay attention to the animations without being warned ahead of time. Makes dodging way more useful, and makes being surrounded way more tense.

I'm going to try this. Haven't died yet in 2 or 3 hours of playing. Came close 2 or 3 times though and have been picking fights quite carefully but it's a bit too automatic with the counter signs.

Really enjoying this game so far, initial pacing feels great.
Reposting this here from the PC Performance thread to see if anyone can help me out. I'm having a ton of issues. Super long, ridiculous loading times. Input lag like crazy. Sudden fps drops. But then there are times when everything works just fine. Can anyone help?


Reposting this here from the PC Performance thread to see if anyone can help me out. I'm having a ton of issues. Super long, ridiculous loading times. Input lag like crazy. Sudden fps drops. But then there are times when everything works just fine. Can anyone help?

Turn down your settings :p [ V-V-V-V-V V-RAM]

Resolution [video options - the other settings are in advanced video options]
Ambient Occlusion

Turn down your settings :p [ V-V-V-V-V V-RAM]

Resolution [video options - the other settings are in advanced video options]
Ambient Occlusion


I'm not sure if that's the issue, as I'm pretty sure I've got the hardware to handle it.

16 GB DDR3
GTX Titan
i7 4770k

I guess I'll try it anyways.


Speaking of the bow and focus. I'm a bit confused on when the bar refills or not. From the little bit I played I gathered each shot/arrow, has one bar of focus, if you use it up, you no longer get the slowdown effect of it until you fire it, and have a new arrow.

I though it said it would recharge. hmm.


Loving the game with just a few issues. Yeah combat is easy, and way too easy to just run from trouble but whatever. I'm killing warchiefs now, and while counters happen as soon as you hit triangle (interrupting anything or any animation you were in to do it) it seems evading has a bit more lag to it (or the evade window is smaller than the counter window).

The only time I died was the first time I was hit with poison at low health, and the only thing that came up was some small text telling you what poison status does, which I could not read because I was swarmed by orcs.

I might have to increase the gamma, just because the night time missions in some of the forts (around muddy areas) is so hard to see, specially with rain.

I do wish that the nemesis system filled in dead orcs I've killed without having to advance time so they would just be constantly filled, but that's so minor.


I'm not sure if that's the issue, as I'm pretty sure I've got the hardware to handle it.

16 GB DDR3
GTX Titan
i7 4770k

I guess I'll try it anyways.

It's something else. I'm on a similar setup and running with everything maxed except high textures and 1440p, hasn't dropped from 60 yet. Only have 3GB with my 780ti...
Game is pretty awesome! It is a bit easy at times but it makes me feel like a total badass so I don't mind. My issue lies more in the repetition of it all rather than how easy it is.

Also the movements system feels a little sluggish at times or slow to get going and make the character and camera do what I want. I've also been getting caught on little pieces of geometry which bugs ne
It's something else. I'm on a similar setup and running with everything maxed except high textures and 1440p, hasn't dropped from 60 yet. Only have 3GB with my 780ti too...

The worst part is that sometimes it loads up and works perfectly. It's a complete crapshoot every time I try to play.


Game is pretty awesome! It is a bit easy at times but it makes me feel like a total badass so I don't mind. My issue lies more in the repetition of it all rather than how easy it is.

Also the movements system feels a little sluggish at times or slow to get going and make the character and camera do what I want. I've also been getting caught on little pieces of geometry which bugs ne

Yeah, I noticed I I i got stuck on some rocks around mountains, like nothing big, just liked like a rock on the ground. Had to go further around it to go by.


The worst part is that sometimes it loads up and works perfectly. It's a complete crapshoot every time I try to play.

That really sucks, headache.

You're not running it on ultra textures and 4k right?

Tried restarting pc
Verifying game files

I'd try drivers after that...make sure no background applications interfering (hardware monitors/sweetfx injector thingies). No recent software you installed that seemed a bit of out of date..
I'm not sure if that's the issue, as I'm pretty sure I've got the hardware to handle it.

16 GB DDR3
GTX Titan
i7 4770k

I guess I'll try it anyways.

I haven't run FRAPS to see how it's really running, but yeah I feel like it's a bit choppy for me. Also feeling the input lag. Don't have your system (2500k, 8 gigs ram, 4GB 770). But, I have everything on high, except motion blur off I think.
That really sucks.

You're not running it on ultra textures and 4k right?

Tried restarting
Verifying game files


Nope. I was just running Ultra at 1080. Tried it on High at 1080, same issues. Tried verifying. Tried restarting multiple times. Tried stopping every other non-essential process on my PC. Tried unplugging my game pad. Nothing works.


I picked this thing up because Giant Bomb's QL looked alright and they seemed to like it.
And holy shit, I hate how this game controls. Granted, I have only played the game for maybe two hours, but I really can't stand the lack of prompts, having to hold the stealth modifier (R2) to do your air takedown and let alone see if you can actually do one from the position you're in (which also happens to very narrow window) when the attack button doesn't do anything anyway when you're climbing. Also, I have zero idea which target I'm about to execute or I'm able to execute when the screen flashes with 'Execute! Circle + Square', and regardless of the direction I swing at during that time, nothing happens.

I don't think I will ever get used to the controller layout, and that's a major gripe since there are no alternate layouts (same as I would never play a Killzone game with the default or 'classic' controller layout) and there's no option for remapping stuff.
If nothing else, I like the look of the game and the VO work is good. If I ever get used to how the game plays, I might actually end up liking it.

Also, I really don't think the game benefits from being attached to the LoTR license or vice versa. I would rather have seen a new IP.
I haven't run FRAPS to see how it's really running, but yeah I feel like it's a bit choppy for me. Also feeling the input lag. Don't have your system (2500k, 8 gigs ram, 4GB 770). But, I have everything on high, except motion blur off I think.

My issue isn't choppiness. My issue is that when I start the game I have to wait five minutes to get to the main menu. Then I wait fifteen minutes, sometimes longer, to load into my save. Then sometimes it'll run smooth and others it'll be unplayably bad.


Anyone using a DS4 for PC? I'd rather use a controller for this one, and was wondering if it had PS4 controller support.


My issue isn't choppiness. My issue is that when I start the game I have to wait five minutes to get to the main menu. Then I wait fifteen minutes, sometimes longer, to load into my save. Then sometimes it'll run smooth and others it'll be unplayably bad.

Are you forcing anything through global properties on nvidia?

Could try reinstalling drivers...before redownloading the game :/


Gold Member

I'm enjoying the humor they've added to the game.
Also, I have zero idea which target I'm about to execute or I'm able to execute

The target for an action is either white border or red border (stealth kill). It switches depending on who is nearer and it would be nice to lock on, or control that, but it is usable.

The controls are a little unorthodox but I found a few hours they recede into the background (you get used to them).


Anyone the PS4 come across stuttering issues making your way to the first mark/orc? I bought the disc version and the game seemed to be freezing every 5 seconds. I'm not sure if it was a loading delay or a controller issue (I think the left thumb-stick on the controller I was using is going out).
Are you forcing anything through global properties on nvidia?

Could try reinstalling drivers...before redownloading the game :/

Not that I'm aware of. Tried reinstalling drivers. Really don't want to have to re-download the whole thing, but if I must then I must. Sucks, seems like I'm the only one having such major issues from what I can tell.
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