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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


So in order to progress in the story now I have to kill the three remaining warchiefs.

But that's bascially grinding out the nemesis system, finding out who and where is the warchief through the other captains, right? But it seems like that'll take a very long time. That's a strange change of pace.

Point the intel dudes at the blank spots instead of pointing them at already identified chiefs. Gotta mind meld those intel guys. It's important.

I love that this game forces you to think, explore, use resources, and be careful not to let chiefs level off you. Can be frustrating but it's also rewarding. Imagine if the Souls series let their bosses level off your deaths. /shudder

At the same time, it would have been awesome to have had a Souls-style multiplayer system where you could "phone a friend" to help tackle an especially difficult chief.


Loving this game right now. I am about 3.5 hours in, and I can't get enough of it (at work, unfortunately). Very surprised it didn't get a higher metacritic actually. It's got better open world hooks than the Batman games which I thought was the previous champion.


Loving this game right now. I am about 3.5 hours in, and I can't get enough of it (at work, unfortunately). Very surprised it didn't get a higher metacritic actually. It's got better open world hooks than the Batman games which I thought was the previous champion.

86 is a pretty damned good metacritic score. The game isn't perfect but I think that's an accurate score.

What are people's expectations of a good metacritic score?


Loving this game right now. I am about 3.5 hours in, and I can't get enough of it (at work, unfortunately). Very surprised it didn't get a higher metacritic actually. It's got better open world hooks than the Batman games which I thought was the previous champion.

Truth. So far Batman has a better story, but the actual open world is quite a bit better than Batman's.


My nemesis Takra simply refuses to die. I killed him close to 10 times and he keeps coming back, that ugly thing.

Some bosses are stupid easy, but with the right immunities, they become almost unkillable. I would not have been able to kill this one with stun/ranged/climb immunity if it weren't for my lethal last chance ability. It seems pretty OP (instakill), maybe there's an immunity for that too.
Point the intel dudes at the blank spots instead of pointing them at already identified chiefs. Gotta mind meld those intel guys. It's important.

I love that this game forces you to think, explore, use resources, and be careful not to let chiefs level off you. Can be frustrating but it's also rewarding. Imagine if the Souls series let their bosses level off your deaths. /shudder

At the same time, it would have been awesome to have had a Souls-style multiplayer system where you could "phone a friend" to help tackle an especially difficult chief.

Yeah I didn't think about it that way, that's actually very doable then. Thanks!

I do like the Steam friends integration, where one of my Steam friends got killed by a captain somewhere and there was a mission where I could avenge him. Stuff like that is really clever, almost makes me want this to be an MMO.


86 is a pretty damned good metacritic score. The game isn't perfect but I think that's an accurate score.

What are people's expectations of a good metacritic score?

Thanks to game reviewers we have been conditioned on the 8-10 review scale for decades. If a game drops below a 9 average eyebrows start getting raised at the overall quality of the game. It'll take years to undo that mindset.


Aftershock LA
I finally got to play the PS4 version for about 2 hours last night after doing all of my errands, and here are my thoughts:

Graphics: The visuals are sharp and clean, with very detailed textures, and impressive animations. The environments are also impressively detailed, and effects like wind blowing and debris moving across the landscape give it a very real feel. Mordor is perfectly arid and bleak, and oppressive. I didn't pay too much attention to the framerate, as I was too busy having fun roaming around and killing things, but it is at least 30fps, seemingly unlocked, but it never seemed to jutter like in inFAMOUS. In either case, those sorts of things have never bothered me before, and they don't now (even after the framerate cap patch was released in Second Son, I still played it unlocked).

Story: In my two hours of playtime, I only completed 2 story missions, but so far it's very interesting. A straight forward revenge story, and I feel sorry for Talion, and empathize with him. I can't speak on much more than that, since, as I said, I only completed two story missions.

Controls: The games control very similar to Batman and Assassin's Creed, but I found Talion to be very sluggish when just walking around, but fast and responsive while free running and in combat. Combat is very fun and satisfying, especially as you unlock more skills and abilities (it starts off simple and button mashy, but once you start unlocking skills, and adding runes to your sword, bow, and daggers, things get really satisfying). Sometimes I'll miss a counter that I know I pressed the button in time, but overall, the controls are smooth.

Gameplay: This is the big one, and sets the game apart from many other open world titles I've played. As mentioned above, the combat and controls are like Batman, and the traversal and world structure is like Assassin's Creed, especially in how you scale towers to reveal more collectibles, side quests, and other areas of interest on the map. The nemesis system is the real star of the show, and in my playtime, I came across four.

But before that, a quick story about some of the emergent gameplay that arises while playing: So, I was on my way to interrupt a "Feast" event, when I saw a gigantic Graug patrolling the area near the Feast. I hid in the bushes, and watched it for a bit (it was aware of my presence, and started to lumber towards me), until a brave (or is it stupid), Uruk walked into my line of sight, boasting that he was "looking forward to testing out my new blades!" And beating his chest at the Graug. He walks towards the Graug, blades extended, and promptly gets picked up and bitten in half by the Graug. Me and my wife had a good laugh out of that one. Another incident had me tracking down a orc who would give me intel on the feast captain I was attempting to hassle. I tracked him to a fortress, and was perched above him and another orc who were talking near a campfire. My plan was to jump down and air kill the one orc, then interrogate the other. Well, I jumped down and air killed the orc alright. Unfortunately, when I landed on top of the orc, I bumped into the intel orc, sending him into the fire and setting him ablaze, losing the intel he had.

So I finally initiate the Feast, and the Uruk captain commands his men to drink as much grog as they can. I get to high ground while they were distracted, and noticed a Caragor locked in a cage. I loosed an arrow into the lock and set it free. It immediately attacked the orcs, and then I drew a bead on the uruk captain. Twang! My arrow just ricochets off of the guy. He was apparently immune to ranged attacks. I really could have used that intel. I jump down off of my perch and begin to engage him man to man while his goons are occupied by the caragor. Things are going well, until a named orc appears with a crossbow, and taunts me. "Ok, I'll take out the archer first." I start to engage the archer and the Captain simultaneously, and then ANOTHER named orc appears. Some scrawny guy with a stupid helmet. "Well then, this just got a lot more interesting," I say. I begin to position myself to take them all out systematically, starting with the archer, and then a FOURTH named orc appears. Some big motherfucker named Golm The Shadow, who would unbeknownst to me at the time, become my most hated nemesis thus far.

So, I'm battling all four of these guys, plus their goons that the caragor hadn't killed, and eventually I kill the feast captain, and that shiny rune appears over his head. I never get the chance to collect, however, as I'm brought to my knees by that damn archer. I last chance survive one fatal blow, then another, but Golm the Shadow manages to get the best of me with a third fatal blow, and I die. And all three of them level up and get promoted.

When I respawn, I set in motion a plan to get revenge on all three of the survivors, starting with that pesky archer. I immediately target an intel orc, and set about tracking him. I find him, only to have Golm the fucking Shadow appear with some goons in tow. He's not a tracker, but I will come to learn that he has a knack for ambushing enemies. So I end up killing the intel orc in the fracas that ensues, and soon I have a platoon of 20 orcs and Golm hunting me down. I battle some, try to escape the others, but am overwhelmed yet again, and killed, yet again, by Golm.

I respawn AGAIN, fuming at Golm, and decide that this time, I'm going to get revenge on him instead of the archer. This was not to be, as Golm ambushed me at every opportunity, and I died, again, and again, while he taunted me and got stronger. Eventually, I managed to learn he was afraid of Morgul Flies. He was also immune to most attacks, and had a speed boost as well. I tracked him to some hunting ground he was at. I shot a bow into a Morgul Fly nest, and Golm freaked out and fled. I tried to give chase, but I was no match for his speed boost, and he escaped.

I tracked him again, and this time ambushed him while he was torturing another orc. I jumped down and began battling him. One of his traits was quick striking, so I'd have to, in rapid succession, counter his attacks, then move in. I couldn't vault over him either, so I had to just duke it out. Evetually, i wore him down and "killed" him. It felt good.

But I know he'll be back...

The nemesis system is a fantastic new feature.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
My nemesis Takra simply refuses to die. I killed him close to 10 times and he keeps coming back, that ugly thing.

Some bosses are stupid easy, but with the right immunities, they become almost unkillable. I would not have been able to kill this one with stun/ranged/climb immunity if it weren't for my lethal last chance ability. It seems pretty OP (instakill), maybe there's an immunity for that too.

There is.


I wonder if being a WB property, Rocksteady got a good look at this game and decided maybe they need a little more time to somehow make what they're doing more interesting, open world wise.


I hope the game sells well enough to make middle earth a franchise, but with different main characters and different locations like the GTA games. Maybe get a dwarf or elf main character. Any future game in the series should also get some more gore. Would love to set some arm or leg dismemberment and have orcs come back with a vengeance with some knife arm and remember that you did that to them.


I remember getting annoyed that one Captain kept on coming back to live. I seriously fought him 5 times and did straight up death 3 times.


Anyone have a War chief to kill which requires you to kill 20 dudes in 2 minutes to draw the chief out? I'm having a tough time killing the 20 guys. I was thinking of letting them sound the alarm, kill 20 guys, and once the War chief comes I'll sneak away and let things die down, and then go for the kill. Is this viable? My next choice is to mount a caragor and go crazy. I don't like this guy's mission because it requires me to play risky, and the way I finally started to progress in this game was to not play risky. Any other strategies that are less risky?

Oh and before you say kill a different war chief instead, all the others have 2-3 very powerful bodyguards due to me dying to them constantly the first few hours of the game. My plan with those guys is to come at those dudes with a fucking army after I get Brand. I'm hoping for a nice sized battle, as the bodyguards even have their own pack of bodyguards as well. Please tell me I can make this happen.


If anyone wants to avenge and be avenged on PS4, add me. My PSN friend list is pathetically small as it is...

Psn: MrSaver


If anyone wants to avenge and be avenged on PS4, add me. My PSN friend list is pathetically small as it is...

Psn: MrSaver

Funny thing you mention that, I logged into today and immediately got a revenge notification with some exp, was pretty neat.


Neo Member
I have an absolutely OP Legendary Captain that just will not die. He's now a level 19 and to make things worse when I try to kill one of the War Chiefs he's always there as his body guard with another Legendary Captain.

I guess I need to take out these captains before I go after the Chief again but even by themselves they are damn near impossible to beat at this point.

With that being said, this game is absolutely amazing.
Really enjoying the game a lot so far! My only real complaints are pretty minor stuff, like the lack of clutter and other stuff in the areas the orcs hang out (e.g., those empty tents - shouldn't there at least be weapon racks?). Can't wait to dig deeper after work. I've got a score to settle with an orc that's getting a little too big for his britches. >:)


Are you saying re-releases should be reviewed lower because it's the second time it was released? Not sure I get your point.

Why would you think he is saying that? Obviously he is saying that it's really impressive that, of the games that you couldn't already play prior to their next gen release, Shadow of Mordor is right there near the top.


I finally got to play the PS4 version for about 2 hours last night after doing all of my errands, and here are my thoughts:

Graphics: The visuals are sharp and clean, with very detailed textures, and impressive animations. The environments are also impressively detailed, and effects like wind blowing and debris moving across the landscape give it a very real feel. Mordor is perfectly arid and bleak, and oppressive. I didn't pay too much attention to the framerate, as I was too busy having fun roaming around and killing things, but it is at least 30fps, seemingly unlocked, but it never seemed to jutter like in inFAMOUS. In either case, those sorts of things have never bothered me before, and they don't now (even after the framerate cap patch was released in Second Son, I still played it unlocked).

Story: In my two hours of playtime, I only completed 2 story missions, but so far it's very interesting. A straight forward revenge story, and I feel sorry for Talion, and empathize with him. I can't speak on much more than that, since, as I said, I only completed two story missions.

Controls: The games control very similar to Batman and Assassin's Creed, but I found Talion to be very sluggish when just walking around, but fast and responsive while free running and in combat. Combat is very fun and satisfying, especially as you unlock more skills and abilities (it starts off simple and button mashy, but once you start unlocking skills, and adding runes to your sword, bow, and daggers, things get really satisfying). Sometimes I'll miss a counter that I know I pressed the button in time, but overall, the controls are smooth.

Gameplay: This is the big one, and sets the game apart from many other open world titles I've played. As mentioned above, the combat and controls are like Batman, and the traversal and world structure is like Assassin's Creed, especially in how you scale towers to reveal more collectibles, side quests, and other areas of interest on the map. The nemesis system is the real star of the show, and in my playtime, I came across four.

But before that, a quick story about some of the emergent gameplay that arises while playing: So, I was on my way to interrupt a "Feast" event, when I saw a gigantic Graug patrolling the area near the Feast. I hid in the bushes, and watched it for a bit (it was aware of my presence, and started to lumber towards me), until a brave (or is it stupid), Uruk walked into my line of sight, boasting that he was "looking forward to testing out my new blades!" And beating his chest at the Graug. He walks towards the Graug, blades extended, and promptly gets picked up and bitten in half by the Graug. Me and my wife had a good laugh out of that one. Another incident had me tracking down a orc who would give me intel on the feast captain I was attempting to hassle. I tracked him to a fortress, and was perched above him and another orc who were talking near a campfire. My plan was to jump down and air kill the one orc, then interrogate the other. Well, I jumped down and air killed the orc alright. Unfortunately, when I landed on top of the orc, I bumped into the intel orc, sending him into the fire and setting him ablaze, losing the intel he had.

So I finally initiate the Feast, and the Uruk captain commands his men to drink as much grog as they can. I get to high ground while they were distracted, and noticed a Caragor locked in a cage. I loosed an arrow into the lock and set it free. It immediately attacked the orcs, and then I drew a bead on the uruk captain. Twang! My arrow just ricochets off of the guy. He was apparently immune to ranged attacks. I really could have used that intel. I jump down off of my perch and begin to engage him man to man while his goons are occupied by the caragor. Things are going well, until a named orc appears with a crossbow, and taunts me. "Ok, I'll take out the archer first." I start to engage the archer and the Captain simultaneously, and then ANOTHER named orc appears. Some scrawny guy with a stupid helmet. "Well then, this just got a lot more interesting," I say. I begin to position myself to take them all out systematically, starting with the archer, and then a FOURTH named orc appears. Some big motherfucker named Golm The Shadow, who would unbeknownst to me at the time, become my most hated nemesis thus far.

So, I'm battling all four of these guys, plus their goons that the caragor hadn't killed, and eventually I kill the feast captain, and that shiny rune appears over his head. I never get the chance to collect, however, as I'm brought to my knees by that damn archer. I last chance survive one fatal blow, then another, but Golm the Shadow manages to get the best of me with a third fatal blow, and I die. And all three of them level up and get promoted.

When I respawn, I set in motion a plan to get revenge on all three of the survivors, starting with that pesky archer. I immediately target an intel orc, and set about tracking him. I find him, only to have Golm the fucking Shadow appear with some goons in tow. He's not a tracker, but I will come to learn that he has a knack for ambushing enemies. So I end up killing the intel orc in the fracas that ensues, and soon I have a platoon of 20 orcs and Golm hunting me down. I battle some, try to escape the others, but am overwhelmed yet again, and killed, yet again, by Golm.

I respawn AGAIN, fuming at Golm, and decide that this time, I'm going to get revenge on him instead of the archer. This was not to be, as Golm ambushed me at every opportunity, and I died, again, and again, while he taunted me and got stronger. Eventually, I managed to learn he was afraid of Morgul Flies. He was also immune to most attacks, and had a speed boost as well. I tracked him to some hunting ground he was at. I shot a bow into a Morgul Fly nest, and Golm freaked out and fled. I tried to give chase, but I was no match for his speed boost, and he escaped.

I tracked him again, and this time ambushed him while he was torturing another orc. I jumped down and began battling him. One of his traits was quick striking, so I'd have to, in rapid succession, counter his attacks, then move in. I couldn't vault over him either, so I had to just duke it out. Evetually, i wore him down and "killed" him. It felt good.

But I know he'll be back...

The nemesis system is a fantastic new feature.

That's great. Emergent gameplay rocks! Screw stupid cut scenes.


Are you saying re-releases should be reviewed lower because it's the second time it was released? Not sure I get your point.

I just bought a PS4 and this game last night and am really loving it. Love the use of ambient sound in the controller speaker, the combat seems really solid and fun, the nemesis system (so far) has been a blast.....and that hail drop tho.

Also, tried to start a thread about finally getting a PS4 but system wouldn't let me. Ah well, is there another thread for new PS4 buyers I can contribute to?


Someone needs to extract revenge more for me. I dominated Isgha the Brawler twice. Now hes dominating me, 4 times in a row to be exact. Only vulernable to ranged attacks, and anytime Im about to kill him, he runs away and escapes.

psn is kevbo887 someone extract revenge on him, spent all morning trying to get him back, but hes surrounded by a bunch of dudes all the time and his invulnerable to attacks, so I just get owned. One hit of his takes you out basically. Fucking stupid carved up turkey face!
Anyone that gets that sob pm me on here so i can smile


86 is a pretty damned good metacritic score. The game isn't perfect but I think that's an accurate score.

What are people's expectations of a good metacritic score?

I think it's a better game than the batman games so far, so I would think it should be in that arena. 86 isn't bad, but it isn't amazing either for a game that seems to me to be in such rare company.


Anyone have a War chief to kill which requires you to kill 20 dudes in 2 minutes to draw the chief out? I'm having a tough time killing the 20 guys. I was thinking of letting them sound the alarm, kill 20 guys, and once the War chief comes I'll sneak away and let things die down, and then go for the kill. Is this viable? My next choice is to mount a caragor and go crazy. I don't like this guy's mission because it requires me to play risky, and the way I finally started to progress in this game was to not play risky. Any other strategies that are less risky?

Oh and before you say kill a different war chief instead, all the others have 2-3 very powerful bodyguards due to me dying to them constantly the first few hours of the game. My plan with those guys is to come at those dudes with a fucking army after I get Brand. I'm hoping for a nice sized battle, as the bodyguards even have their own pack of bodyguards as well. Please tell me I can make this happen.

That's what I did. Started by detonating a fire, letting one orc escape to sound the alarm, and then just wraith punching the remaining 15 guys or so. Shadow Strike helps as well to get a couple of quick kills.


I think it's a better game than the batman games so far, so I would think it should be in that arena. 86 isn't bad, but it isn't amazing either for a game that seems to me to be in such rare company.

But lately games have been reviewed on a better and larger scale, and that's great. 86 is fantastic on a proper 1-10 scale. And that's why it's right there near the top on the PS4 releases.


I think right up around 90 is about right and is about as good as you could reasonably hope for on a proper full scale. The game is fantastic.


Someone needs to extract revenge more for me. I dominated Isgha the Brawler twice. Now hes dominating me, 4 times in a row to be exact. Only vulernable to ranged attacks, and anytime Im about to kill him, he runs away and escapes.

psn is kevbo887 someone extract revenge on him, spent all morning trying to get him back, but hes surrounded by a bunch of dudes all the time and his invulnerable to attacks, so I just get owned. One hit of his takes you out basically. Fucking stupid carved up turkey face!
Anyone that gets that sob pm me on here so i can smile

If you are having problems with runners, grab the perk that allows you to staple orcs to the ground with an arrow.


People called Romanes they go the house?
As I've been mainly exploring around for artifacts and such, (and have subsequently been caught out by a bunch of captains, some of whom have leveled quite a bit), I have a question. My current 'mission' is
to kill off the first warchief with Ratbag's help.

Is the mission that unlocks Brand coming up soon?

I feel like my time is being wasted just killing random captains and getting worse versions of runes I already have.


Died for the first time last night, killed by a random pack of caragor, no Orcs around as far as I could tell... and two guys still got promoted. Jerks taking credit for my death!

How come some captains I kill come back to life? This one guy had the Humiliation trait, and he could have killed me like 6 different times but he would always taunt me and walk away. Then I finally got him, sweet revenge... then I run into the same captain like 10 minutes later. His description even said something like "He's wondering why he's still alive after Talion killed him before"


As I've been mainly exploring around for artifacts and such, (and have subsequently been caught out by a bunch of captains, some of whom have leveled quite a bit), I have a question. My current 'mission' is
to kill off the first warchief with Ratbag's help.

Is the mission that unlocks Brand coming up soon?

I feel like my time is being wasted just killing random captains and getting worse versions of runes I already have.

Brand doesn't unlock for quite a while it would seem. I'm well ahead of you and still haven't unlocked the ability.

I was thinking about this while I was playing yesterday, but you could easily criticize Monolith for not unlocking Brand earlier. That ability would fully flesh out the Nemesis system and give more depth to the starting area.


As I've been mainly exploring around for artifacts and such, (and have subsequently been caught out by a bunch of captains, some of whom have leveled quite a bit), I have a question. My current 'mission' is
to kill off the first warchief with Ratbag's help.

Is the mission that unlocks Brand coming up soon?

I feel like my time is being wasted just killing random captains and getting worse versions of runes I already have.

I don't think you unlock that until you get to the second map.

However, you should be able to purchase the Death Threat skill soon. It's a good way to get epic runes from captains.


Welp, I bought this on PS4 yesterday and played about 2 hours last night. I really, reeeally like it so far. The environments can be a bit bland but the day/night cycle can be pretty especially at sunset. Character movement has taken some time to get used to, and I'll echo the sentiment that it does feel sluggish and a bit off but I've grown more accustomed to it so that's good.

One thing I wanted to ask advice on - is there a way to efficiently/quickly take down larger groups of enemies? I've gotten surrounded by 5-10 at a time, sometimes with a Captain, and I'm just flailing around hitting, trying to do finishers but failing b/c I have to counterattack constantly. In the end, I just end up slashing away at everything until they are dead (no finishers). I feel like I must be missing something here? An AOE attack or maybe I've not upgraded the right things? Help!


That archer (forge a something) challenge was such bullshit.

Oh sure take out 10 guys with headshots, no problem.

Okay, so they are firing from both sides and there isn't much cover and they respawn fast...I can still do this.

I get to 6/10 shots in about a minute, less when about 12 archers show up at the start position that I'm firing from - while the other guys are also at their positions. The fuck. My first death :/


May have misjudged the challenge and situation, looking back at the screenshot.


People called Romanes they go the house?
One thing I wanted to ask advice on - is there a way to efficiently/quickly take down larger groups of enemies? I've gotten surrounded by 5-10 at a time, sometimes with a Captain, and I'm just flailing around hitting, trying to do finishers but failing b/c I have to counterattack constantly. In the end, I just end up slashing away at everything until they are dead (no finishers). I feel like I must be missing something here? An AOE attack or maybe I've not upgraded the right things? Help!

From what I've gathered, there are mission-locked skills among the 2nd and up tier of abilities which unlock aoe stuns or finishers

Okay, so they are firing from both sides and there isn't much cover and they respawn fast...I can still do this.

I get to 6/10 shots in about a minute, less when about 12 archers show up at the start position that I'm firing from - while the other guys are also at their positions. The fuck. My first death :/

If it's the one I'm thinking of, you can kind of hide in the tent. Also, having a +% focus gain on a bow kill is really, really helpful there.

edit 2: oops, missed that you had a random spawn or something. Yeah, that sucks. :/

I didn't have to kill any archers at that spot other than the ones who showed up as part of the challenge.


I'm in the tent! How do you hide? There isn't like a box in the tent or anything - it's just supposed to keep you out of sight right... they start out facing you though on both sides..it wasn't like one where they have their backs to you.

I didn't have to kill any archers at that spot other than the ones who showed up as part of the challenge.

I didn't see those guys till much later...just the ones in the distance, should have looked at my minimap.


The more I think about it, the more I realize how brilliant the nemesis system really is. It effectively gets you to use every mechanic the game has to offer, since if you don't the captains who are invincible to your usual strategy will kill you and become even harder to defeat. There is no need for a difficulty setting since the game simply uses your weaknesses to create your own personalized enemies.

It's a shame they recorded so much dialogue for the orcs and just something like five lines for after you die though. If the point is for the player to die alot for the game to work properly they should've recorded either way more or none at all.


Gold Member
There is no shame in running when you're substantially outnumbered. Especially without some of the later perks unlocked the group battles can get pretty rough, especially when one or even multiple captains join in.

Live to fight another day is smarter than getting killed and pushing up the stats on several captains.


Damn Isgrah the brawler is now a legendary 17 captain. Got me again. Fucker ambushed me.

Had him one on one until one those caragors ruined my day ugh


There is no shame in running when you're substantially outnumbered. Especially without some of the later perks unlocked the group battles can get pretty rough, especially when one or even multiple captains join in.

Live to fight another day is smarter than getting killed and pushing up the stats on several captains.

Totally. The thing is the game doesn't set limits on itself when it comes to how many enemies they throw at you and it's all organic.

In other words, if you end up in a situation that seems like way more than you can handle, in most games it's because you ARE expected to be able to handle it. But in this game, that's not necessarily the case. You can easily end up in a situation beyond the capabilities of your character and that's when it's time to retreat. Don't give your enemies a way to ding off your death. Early retreats mean more manageable fights against that same captain later on.
After spending time with the Nemesis system, I think it's almost guaranteed that the Assassin's Creed series will begin to implement something similar.

It really seems like something that would suit that franchise well.


Some big motherfucker named Golm The Shadow, who would unbeknownst to me at the time, become my most hated nemesis thus far.

So, I'm battling all four of these guys, plus their goons that the caragor hadn't killed, and eventually I kill the feast captain, and that shiny rune appears over his head. I never get the chance to collect, however, as I'm brought to my knees by that damn archer. I last chance survive one fatal blow, then another, but Golm the Shadow manages to get the best of me with a third fatal blow, and I die. And all three of them level up and get promoted.

When I respawn, I set in motion a plan to get revenge on all three of the survivors, starting with that pesky archer. I immediately target an intel orc, and set about tracking him. I find him, only to have Golm the fucking Shadow appear with some goons in tow. He's not a tracker, but I will come to learn that he has a knack for ambushing enemies. So I end up killing the intel orc in the fracas that ensues, and soon I have a platoon of 20 orcs and Golm hunting me down. I battle some, try to escape the others, but am overwhelmed yet again, and killed, yet again, by Golm.

I respawn AGAIN, fuming at Golm, and decide that this time, I'm going to get revenge on him instead of the archer. This was not to be, as Golm ambushed me at every opportunity, and I died, again, and again, while he taunted me and got stronger. Eventually, I managed to learn he was afraid of Morgul Flies. He was also immune to most attacks, and had a speed boost as well. I tracked him to some hunting ground he was at. I shot a bow into a Morgul Fly nest, and Golm freaked out and fled. I tried to give chase, but I was no match for his speed boost, and he escaped.

I tracked him again, and this time ambushed him while he was torturing another orc. I jumped down and began battling him. One of his traits was quick striking, so I'd have to, in rapid succession, counter his attacks, then move in. I couldn't vault over him either, so I had to just duke it out. Evetually, i wore him down and "killed" him. It felt good.

But I know he'll be back...

The nemesis system is a fantastic new feature.

This so makes me want to buy this game.

My wife an I agreed to budget and cut down frivolous spending, I chose Destiny as my goto game until the hollidays

I chose wrong
I chose so very very wrong

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