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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest



Washington (CNN)Vice President Mike Pence left a football game between the Indianapolis Colts and the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday after some players knelt during the National Anthem, saying he did not want to "dignify" the event.

"I left today's Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem," Pence wrote on Twitter.
The vice president went on to issue a full statement opposing the protest.

My personal take: this was a stunt. He knew players were still kneeling. It hasn't ended. He knew this. But he went to this specifically with the intent of leaving in order to "take a stand" and make a political opportunity.

He is, as he always has been, a dishonest piece of trash.

EDIT: It was a stunt.


FLAG: Was Pence leaving Colts game a political stunt? Reporters were told to stay in van bc "there may be an early departure from the game."



He knew that players would kneel because they've​ been doing it for the past two weeks.

This was planned.


Trump is claiming on Twitter that he instructed Pence to leave the game if there were protests during the anthem.


So, he went with the sole intent of leaving and making a show of it?

Tasty red meat for the base, I guess. Have at it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Our president and vice president are telling black people they shouldn't express their first amendment rights.



That doofus knew that it would happen.
Edit: I just saw that Trump instructed him to. So it's ok for them to protest but not the players?
This is he guy who has tried to pass bills to lobotomize gay people and send them to conversion camps.

To call him a piece of shit would be disrepectful to actual, honest to goodness shit. He is less than shit.


What a clean hat he was wearing. And her jersey was just spotless.

Probably had that fresh out of the box smell, too.
This is what these clowns spend their time doing, creating stunts to promote their racist agenda and to distract from their terrible leadership. Meanwhile Puerto Rico reels and there is a storm slamming into the gulf...🤦
It's amazing how they brazenly work to quiet minority voices under the guise of unity. A joke stunt by a joke administration.
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