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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest


Good to see America's leadership knowing what their priorities are.

Not Puerto Rico.
Not out of control gun violence.
Not healthcare.
Not North Korea.
Not climate change.
Not Russian aggression across the world.
Not Syria.
Not the Rohingya genocide.

No, the most urgent, pressing crisis facing the United States right now is apparently some sports athletes exercising their constitional right to freedom of expression.

Their base doesn't care about anything in that list except the sports athletes.


The racist insecurities permeating throughout this administration is something else.

This isn't insecurities but instead completely shutting down black freedom of speech and making it somethinh it's not. Like others posted, Kaepernick first knelt when a black man was President. Why? Because the kneeling was about not standing for a flag and representing a country where black men are killed snd their killers go free or are put on paid leave.

Trump and others have turned it into an anti-American thing to the point white girls are dumping drinks on black men at Laker games not standing up. All of a sudden kneelers 'hate America, hate all white people,disrespect our soldiers'. They've demonized take a knee. Then they reversed #boycottnfl to try and co-opt into good ole American christian white men not watching because NFL players were disrespecting the US and DirecTV giving them refunds and secretly trying to force people who didn't want to watch NFL to support it. Then you have the charade of the very same owners and GM's who won't hire Kaep, take a knee in false unity against stifling expression, co-optong amd sanitizing so you forget what it was even about.

You know by now how white suprrmacy works, how black protest gets stifled. It is why Black Identity Expression is now a threat as per the FBI.
It’s so embarrassing. What a loser.


Oh man. That’s good.


Since this is supposedly all about the military and the flag...how about the soldiers take a knee in solidarity, too.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Is it me or is the picture edited a bit to make him look slightly older?


Did my own reverse image search and sure enough it was from March 2015. So, was he even at the game to begin with?
I'm seeing others say that reporters were told to wait in their vans due to an early exit, so seems like Pence just posted that image instead of taking a new picture.
IndyStar confirms.

IndyStar said:
Mike Pence tweeted a photo of him and his wife Karen Pence before the Colts game against the 49ers Sunday. Then, he left the game over anthem protests. There's plenty of discussion about that.

But let's look at this tweet for a minute.

If that picture looked familiar...it's because he's used it before. He tweeted the same picture in 2014. It does appear that he used some sort of filter on it, though.


Their base doesn't care about anything in that list except the sports athletes.

I doubt they'd even give a shit about standard Conservative policies like tax cuts, foreign tariffs and a large military as long as their cunt of a leader was sticking it to the "libtards". That's all these lunatics care about, someone fighting on THEIR side of the culture war.
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