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Mike Pence doesn't rule out torture under Trump administration

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He replies to McCain's ( and many others) concerns

In his first round of Sunday show interviews since the election, Vice President-elect Mike Pence did not rule out the possibility that President-elect Donald Trump could reinstate waterboarding as an interrogation technique during his administration.

On CBS Sunday, “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson brought up Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and his comments Saturday at the Halifax International Security Forum. At a panel discussion there, McCain vehemently insisted that any attempt to bring back waterboarding, which simulates drowning, would be quickly challenged in court, the Associated Press reported.

“I don’t give a damn what the president of the United States wants to do or anybody else wants to do. We will not waterboard. We will not torture,” McCain said, emphasizing certain words with a point of his finger, to applause. “My God, what does it say about America if we're going to inflict torture on people?”

Pence seemed unfazed after he watched the video.

“Well, I have great respect for Senator McCain,” he told Dickerson. “What I can tell you is that going forward, as he outlined in that famous speech in Ohio, is that a President Donald Trump is going to focus on confronting and defeating radical Islamic terrorism as a threat to this country.”

At a rally last November in Columbus, Ohio, Trump promised to reinstate waterboarding and perhaps methods beyond it.

“Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would — in a heartbeat,” Trump said as the crowd cheered. “And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work.”

Trump repeated “It works” multiple times.

“Believe me, it works,” he told the Columbus crowd. “And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing. It works.”

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Lock if gold


This is who we elected America. Someone who would undo at least 8 years of progress, if not more. This is what happens when you think both sides are equally bad and don't vote because you personally don't like someone.

Not directed at anyone in this thread directly, just in general.
“Believe me, it works,” he told the Columbus crowd. “And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing. It works.”

Literally makes us no better than them. How these people are unable to see that is beyond me.


Torture doesn't work though.

I'm so baffled by people who wish it did though. Like seriously, what is wrong with you for wanting torture to be effective?


“Believe me, it works,” he told the Columbus crowd. “And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing. It works.”
So, basically torture as punishment, what the fuck? And how about the crazy idea they might have the wrong guy?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
We only torture evil people who deserve to be ripped limb from limb for america and justice anyway; it's not immoral if the person you're doing it to is bad. Or you think might be bad. Or somebody said has a 10% chance of maybe being bad. Or was standing near a person who might have been bad.

Actually it's fine to torture anyone we like if it satiates the fear and bloodlust of our supporters.


Every child at risk of radicalization will only be pushed further towards that line now that Mike Pence is saying this shit. Anyone who thinks we're the evil ones will feel justified when this policy is enacted. I wonder how long it'll take to recover what we're about to lose.
This, along with Trump saying he'd be willing to go after terrorists' families, is truly scary. They'll be no better than what they're trying to fight.


If Mike Pence had his way he would torture gay children until they turn straight enough for him... oh wait, that already exists.

Fuck Mike Pence.


“Believe me, it works,” he told the Columbus crowd. “And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing. It works.”

By his own logic, he is saying he deserves to be tortured.


“My God, what does it say about America if we're going to inflict torture on people?”

You should've seen this coming after Obama didn't prosecute anyone for GITMO's torture.

No one learned their lesson and the media doesn't tell people shit.


Of all the elections to elect a republican... We couldn't have gotten McCain or Romney. We had to get these clowns.
Disgusting. We should be better than this. Gotta protest any way we can. I've been calling house and senate reps. Almost feel like we need a mega thread to collect all the ways to make our voices heard.
Gaf, I've always been torn on this matter. On one hand, I think it's cruel ass hell. On the other, they would torture us too. In certain situations, I would torture someone to save thousands. It would have to be a dire situation for me to do so.


Gaf, I've always been torn on this matter. On one hand, I think it's cruel ass hell. On the other, they would torture us too. In certain situations, I would torture someone to save thousands. It would have to be a dire situation for me to do so.

Many studies show that torture is really, really ineffective, and the movies make it look a thousand times more effective than it actually is. People will say literally anything, including making random shit up, to get you to stop.




Et cetera.
Many studies show that torture is really, really ineffective, and the movies make it look a thousand times more effective than it actually is. People will say literally anything, including making random shit up, to get you to stop.




Et cetera.

Thanks for those links. Honestly, I have never researched the results of torture. It's a really difficult subject to grasps because there are many variables that are in play. I really do appreciate the links. I'll do more research on my own to understand it more.
Gaf, I've always been torn on this matter. On one hand, I think it's cruel ass hell. On the other, they would torture us too. In certain situations, I would torture someone to save thousands. It would have to be a dire situation for me to do so.

Ever seen the movie The Battle of Algiers? In that film the French interrogators do end up with valuable information but in the process end up radicalizing more Algerians. France didn't hold onto Algeria for a whole lot longer. In the short term, ignoring any moral questions, torture may be useful but in the long term it never, ever is. Not only that, the FLN would have captured people hold their tongue for 24 hours which would be enough time for the information to become useless. Fighting a group like the FLN is a game of information and winning over the people you are occupying (whether or not thats possible) and torture does one poorly and the other horrifyingly poorly. Under extreme pain and duress people will say anything to get you to stop.

Another thing to think about is that ISIS knows how to use propaganda effectively and knows how to spread a message via the Internet. If you remember the Abu Ghraib images you'll know immediately why this is a terrible, terrible idea. Is the unverifiable information you get out of torturing one person worth the possible radicalization of 100 others? No.


Thanks for those links. Honestly, I have never researched the results of torture. It's a really difficult subject to grasps because there are many variables that are in play. I really do appreciate the links. I'll do more research on my own to understand it more.
You can never know with a 100% certainty that the people you're torturing aren't innocent. In fact, 25 percent of the CIA’s detainees in the Bush-Cheney era were.


Gaf, I've always been torn on this matter. On one hand, I think it's cruel ass hell. On the other, they would torture us too. In certain situations, I would torture someone to save thousands. It would have to be a dire situation for me to do so.

If we do what the terrorists do, then they succeed in undermining our values, the real goal of terrorism. Also, if we do what they do, then maybe we should send suicide bombers where they congregate and behead captives during the super bowl.


Literally makes us no better than them. How these people are unable to see that is beyond me.

Some people have a really fucked view of justice. I've seen people here say we should put hard criminals in jail for life because recidivism is common for murder (it isn't).


If we do what the terrorists do, then they succeed in undermining our values, the real goal of terrorism. Also, if we do what they do, then maybe we should send suicide bombers where they congregate and behead captives during the super bowl.

The bolded sounds like a scene from the Purge.
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