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Millennials are killing chains like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee's


There's a short generation between Generation X and Millennials, which can be roughly thought of this way.

Gen X are people who grew up before the Internet was a thing. They grew up in a world without the Internet at all.

The Millennials grew up after the Internet was a thing. They grew up never knowing a world without the Internet.

Between these groups are a small group of people who grew up at the same time the Internet was in it's formative years. Roughly speaking, if you came of age during the second Bill Clinton Presidency, then are you are in what has been casually referred to as "Generation Y". This short generation ends roughly around the "dot-bomb" crash of 2000. If you are in this generation, you grew up at the same time the Internet did. You had an early childhood before Amazon, and by the time you were in college you were sharing music on Napster and Kazaa and making horrible web pages on Geocities.

If you're in this generation, you know who you are. You are neither Gen X nor Millennial, but most people do not acknowledge the existence of this very small cohort and lump you in with one of the larger groups and you are neither.
A large portion of millennials did not grow up with the internet. I am 28 and did not have internet until I was 12.

I had to use libraries! Microfilm! Victoria Secrets catalog.
I'd imagine that cutting down cost for struggling millenials, dining out is the easiest and most obvious way to try and get into a better financial situation. I'm eating tuna cans and müsli for dinner... How the fuck are we going to eat out in restaurants several times a week? Where did you get that fantasy from?

Depending on where you live, you can barely get buy on a full time job. How can you expect middle class luxuries when middle class is dying off?


A large portion of millennials did not grow up with the internet. I am 28 and did not have internet until I was 12.

I had to use libraries! Microfilm! Victoria Secrets catalog .

It's almost sad I was born too late to experience the wonders of finding and distributing printed pornography (not that VS is) as a teen :p Guess I must be a millenial!


Applebees and those similar have been frozen microwaved trash for years. BWW maybe less so, but certainly the last couple times my wife and I ate there (like 2 years ago) was gross. The chicken especially. Drowning it in delicious sauce doesn't save it, sorry.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how Panera is thriving. It's also overpriced microwaved trash (except the bread, I guess).


at least in the uk TGI's is pretty crap quality and its very expensive for what it is. There are loads of restaurants that are nicer and cheaper.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
A large portion of millennials did not grow up with the internet. I am 28 and did not have internet until I was 12.

I had to use libraries! Microfilm! Victoria Secrets catalog.

26 and same. My dividing line is actually how old you were when YouTube came out (I would have been in middle school)


Can't read the article as it for some reason just redirects me to the main page of Swedish Yahoo, but they mean in America I assume? People rarely if ever regularly visits resturaunts here in Europe as far as I know, it's mostly considered a thing you do occasionally, not regularly as I see people in US. do.

Also, I'd rather be a millennial killing a fast food chain than a boomer or whatever other generation that would rather kill the entire planet for some extra jerbs.


Applebees and those similar have been frozen microwaved trash for years. BWW maybe less so, but certainly the last couple times my wife and I ate there (like 2 years ago) was gross. The chicken especially. Drowning it in delicious sauce doesn't save it, sorry.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how Panera is thriving. It's also overpriced microwaved trash (except the bread, I guess).

I will second that Bdubs has declined in quality. About 10 years ago in college my buddies and I would go watch hockey probably like once a week and it was pretty good, and I could eat and get a beer or two for probably about 10-12 bucks if I ordered whatever was the special for the night.

Went there a year or two ago and it was not very good. They skimped on the sauce and I'm pretty sure the chicken was just frozen stuff they heated up. It was probably worse quality than what I get at the grocery store and much more expensive.

The value and quality has decreased drastically.
Never been to Applebee's so have no experience on why they get a bad rep.

Been to Wild Wings once, sports bar with decent enough wings when i went there. But it was pricy for the wings compared to other places.


good credit (by proxy)
Millenials in bigger cities are learning that you can do better than strip mall food. Millenials in small towns are too poor to eat.


Dead serious. I've only sat down and ate at a restaurant maybe 4 times in my entire life, not counting buffets. Also not counting fast food/mom and pops


Dead serious. I've only sat down and ate at a restaurant maybe 4 times in my entire life, not counting buffets. Also not counting fast food/mom and pops
That seems shockingly low. Any reason why?

I probably eat at a sit down place every couple weeks.


Truly we are the (2nd) greatest generation

And people born in 1980 or 82 are not fucking millenials, Jesus Christ. They're on the end cusp of Gen X and are their own sort of mini gen, if anything. They would've been fucking 20 in 2000 and would be almost 40 now. That's not a fucking millenial. They were used to describe people coming of age (IN HIGH SCHOOL) around the year 2000, hence the goddamn name. This is isn't complicated shit. I'd say 84 to like 93 or a little beyond is a safe bet.
Nah, they're millennials. Just look up the history of the term. They were being called millennials a decade ago.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Just because you lacked the use of the internet didn't mean it wasn't around, others around you were using it. You're still a millennial.

No I'm saying I was Millennial, and the dividing line is between us and who came after. I'm on the very leading edge of it, if you're born in 94 you're probably not
Once again an example of people wanting to blame everything else, but themselves for the reason why their businesses aren't performing well.

I mean how stupid do you have to be to think that way instead of finding ways to adapt and move on?
Gen X are people who grew up before the Internet was a thing. They grew up in a world without the Internet at all.

The Millennials grew up after the Internet was a thing. They grew up never knowing a world without the Internet.

I'm a Millennial, born in '86. I remember life without the Internet.

Never went to Applebee's because I always heard it was "meh". Never been to BWW. Went to TGI Friday's once. I do like Chili's and Red Robin.
Both shit tier restaraunts. If my girlfriend and I go out to eat we 9 out of 10 times will support local. Sorry I would rather have someone actually cook my meals than microwave it. Fuck, we went out last night and I paid $31(with the tip) and the portions were huge and everything was actually prepared.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Also the reason I don't eat Applebees or BWW has nothing to do with food quality and everything to do with the fact that they all exist out in suburban big box complexes where no-one I know goes
Hire waiters and waitresses that give a damn, prepare better, fresher food and make pricing a huge focus. I hate going to Applebee's and spending $50 and being treated like garbage and my order is either wrong or tastes like garbage.

Every time we go to the local chilis I get sick. Physically my stomach hurts and I'm in the bathroom all day. I mean it's not hard.

We have local restaurants that do it right and rock. I support them. I don't eat one of those chains unless I get an itch. Usually after eating there I don't go back for awhile.
I got two places in my city that are buffets for a good price of 6 bucks or 8 bucks. And I like food cooked at home, also I haven't went to a applebees or buffalo wild wings in years.


If you're unsure if you're a millennial, just take the Lena Dunham test. If you're younger than Lena Dunham, you're a millennial. If you could've attended high school at the same time as Lena Dunham, you're a millennial.


This article is absolute shit. As someone else said, make good food and people will come. Also, stop blaming millenials for your shitty business and shitty food.


The growth of fast-casual chains such as Chipotle and Panera have been especially harmful. These chains manage to bring both convenience and lower prices to millennial customers, who are less enthused about spending more money just for the "experience" of sitting in a booth at a casual dining joint.

I don't think either of these are good examples of lower-priced chains, especially Panera. When my millennial wife and I go through the drive-thru, it's always ~$22 and I regret it every time unless I'm trying to eat a little healthier compared to other fast food options.
Honestly, I have no problem with either place except Buffalo Wild Wings can be ridiculously loud with all the TVs going at full blast. It seriously was club level loud in there the last time we went. Everyone had to shout just to hear each other. That alone is reason enough for me to not want to return.


As GenX, thanks to Millennials I guess. Applebees is shit. BWW while okay really just has good wing sauces. Just sell the sauces in a grocery store (they may already? I know they sell bottled sauce at the restaurant) and BWW itself can go away.

Regardless, finger pointing any entire generation is ridiculous. If your business or model cant change with changing times, your business is the problem.


I don't eat at those places because they're shit

If I wanted some microwaved garbage, I'd go buy a TV dinner at a grocery
Let's not insult tv dinners by comparing applebee's to them.

Wild Wings isn't that bad and if they shut down i would be bummed out since it's the best wing place we have here besides quaker steak and lube. The only option is wings from places like Pizza Hut and Dominos and their wings are fucking garbage tier.


I don't even mind the word millennials. May as well just say "adults who aren't close to retirement age". Same thing really. Cause obviously it's not the super young millennials who don't really go to restaurants on their own.

I guess this is why the Champs back in my other hometown died though. Kind of a bummer. Then again I started going to some other sports pub/diner with my friends that wasn't a chain. I don't even think it was better or worse. Maybe the price was better? Maybe. I think it started with them doing quiz nights really. So creativity? Not that quiz nights are incredibly out of this world creative in the States. But they are something.


As a former cook and long time food fan, there are a few trends here going.

-Americans are becoming more sophisticated about food. Many Millennial grew up in a time of massive growth of food availability, the growth of farmer's markets, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, The Food Network and now Youtube. Simply put your average Millenial know more about food than her parents, who probably doesn't know what Mesclun is.

-The Growth of Fast Casual like Chipotle, Five Guys, Panera, etc. Fast Casual joints offer just as good food as these places at lower prices and less hassle. These joints also have spoiled us so places like Applebees need to offer something more special to bring us in.

-Lack of wage growth. This is huge. It's much cheaper to cook on your own and make things yourself thanks to Youtube, Blue Apron, etc, than to go to an overpriced casual dining chain.


No one can afford to eat in mediocre restaurants anymore. Millennials with their crushing student debt load and genx with their $800,000 mortgages and $2k a month daycare.

Most of my friends have small children and this is the first thing they have ditched from their budgets. It's strictly byob in each others' backyards.


Oh excuse me that the market is evolving and instead of adapting companies rather opt to bitch how millennials are ruining their business.

I know these people are really reluctant to accept culture can evolve past the point where they were in their prime but as a matter of fact it did. You can't blame younger generations for not being attracted to your antiquated approach, you only got yourself to blame for refusing to adapt to the modern market and its' demands.


So in other words, Millennials are eating healthier and saving money by cooking at home. If they ate out all the time, we'd hear about how they have an obesity problem and love wasting their money eating out.

Food is already expensive as is, and having to pay an extra few dollars on top of that for a tip makes it hard for people to want to go out, especially with frozen wages.


Last time I ate at Applebees there was a half a toothpick in my soup, because all the soups are prepackaged and they just poke holes in the top and microwave them. Burn the whole company to the ground.

Ron Mexico

If your business or model cant change with changing times, your business is the problem.

This. It's Blockbuster in another skin. It's not about millennials (and for the record, born in 1980 and had to google Lena Dunham--so there's that. Even the high school thing would have ended in '82), it's about the whole nature of the business being different now than it was before. You adapt or you get left behind. They chose poorly.


Millenials not spending their money on fast food and cable TV, humanity is doomed!

All spending it on mortgages though, or student debt. Let's not blame those things!
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