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Millennials are killing chains like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee's

Yeah it's an out of whack generational divide. Originally it meant people coming of age in Y2K, so 81-83 should be the exact slot, and you could extend it a bit further. But it doesnt make sense lumping together people who grew up on cassette tapes and monochrome pcs to people growing up in a multimedia age.

There's a short generation between Generation X and Millennials, which can be roughly thought of this way.

Gen X are people who grew up before the Internet was a thing. They grew up in a world without the Internet at all.

The Millennials grew up after the Internet was a thing. They grew up never knowing a world without the Internet.

Between these groups are a small group of people who grew up at the same time the Internet was in it's formative years. Roughly speaking, if you came of age during the second Bill Clinton Presidency, then are you are in what has been casually referred to as "Generation Y". This short generation ends roughly around the "dot-bomb" crash of 2000. If you are in this generation, you grew up at the same time the Internet did. You had an early childhood before Amazon, and by the time you were in college you were sharing music on Napster and Kazaa and making horrible web pages on Geocities.

If you're in this generation, you know who you are. You are neither Gen X nor Millennial, but most people do not acknowledge the existence of this very small cohort and lump you in with one of the larger groups and you are neither.
There's a short generation between Generation X and Millennials, which can be roughly thought of this way.

Gen X are people who grew up before the Internet was a thing. They grew up in a world without the Internet at all.

The Millennials grew up after the Internet was a thing. They grew up never knowing a world without the Internet.

Between these groups are a small group of people who grew up at the same time the Internet was in it's formative years. Roughly speaking, if you came of age during the second Bill Clinton Presidency, then are you are in what has been casually referred to as "Generation Y". This short generation ends roughly around the "dot-bomb" crash of 2000. If you are in this generation, you grew up at the same time the Internet did. You had an early childhood before Amazon, and by the time you were in college you were sharing music on Napster and Kazaa and making horrible web pages on Geocities.

If you're in this generation, you know who you are. You are neither Gen X nor Millennial, but most people do not acknowledge the existence of this very small cohort and lump you in with one of the larger groups and you are neither.

I thought Gen Y and Millennial were the same thing? According to this I'm Generation Y then (they could have at least picked a better name)


Love all the avocado toast references in the earlier pages...

Anyways, which generations voted for Trumnp more?

I rest my case. Nothing more to be said.

Keep blaming millennials for every crisis though.
Good. Both those places are trash.

All these stories about how millennials are to blame...
Why are they acting like it's our responsibility to keep these places open?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I thought Gen Y and Millennial were the same thing? According to this I'm Generation Y then (they could have at least picked a better name)

At this point I just go by as a millenial. Like I witnessed the transition from one to the other and have more in common with Millenials taste wise than Generation X people who are only 2-4 years older than me.
I thought Gen Y and Millennial were the same thing? According to this I'm Generation Y then (they could have at least picked a better name)

Well I mean if you don't like it, you can call us the 'Internet Generation' because more than any other group, we were shaped by the youthful Internet because we grew up at the same time it did.

The term 'Gen Y' is largely deprecated though, because a lot of the time period that 'Gen Y' would have been present was co-opted into Millennials. Gen X is now roughly ended around 1980 and Millennials is roughly started at 1980 and I can tell you nobody who was born in 1980 thinks they are Gen X or Millennial.


I love these articles. They basically read as why is this generation not conforming to the way we have been doing for years? Instead of looking at an evolving market and trying new things.



Let's not blame our relatively shitty food or the fact that it's expensive as fuck eating out compared to eating at home (and much less healthy for you too!), it's this new generation with their gadgets that are ruining things.

I went to Applebee's last week (first time in a really long time) and for 3 entrees plus an appetizer it was 60 bucks. I can make my own dinner thats just as good for $10 bucks a night (or less if I wanna be cheap, but 10 is a good average)

I think cooking at home is a skill that a lot more people should have, because you save so much money doing it and almost always end up eating healthier. If that means Applebee's and BWW die off, oh well that's capitalism.


Well I mean if you don't like it, you can call us the 'Internet Generation' because more than any other group, we were shaped by the youthful Internet because we grew up at the same time it did.

The term 'Gen Y' is largely deprecated though, because a lot of the time period that 'Gen Y' would have been present was co-opted into Millennials. Gen X is now roughly ended around 1980 and Millennials is roughly started at 1980 and I can tell you nobody who was born in 1980 thinks they are Gen X or Millennial.

It's an artificial construct anyways... when in reality the defining thing about the divide between Gen X and Millennials is the internet -- and thus the difference between them is actually a continuum, not a divide.

I consider myself a onr despite being born closer to 1980 than 1990. I imagine a lot of people here around my age are in the same boat. This board attracts people who were into games, and by extension, probably into technology more than the average kid growing up. Thus it's likely that the average GAFer's born around that time has more in common with Millennials than they do Gen Xers.


Last time I went to Buffalo Wild Wings, their drink menu was basically 5 IPAs and Bud Light. IPAs fucking suck. Last time I went there.



Let's not blame our relatively shitty food or the fact that it's expensive as fuck eating out compared to eating at home (and much less healthy for you too!), it's this new generation with their gadgets that are ruining things.

I went to Applebee's last week (first time in a really long time) and for 3 entrees plus an appetizer it was 60 bucks. I can make my own dinner thats just as good for $10 bucks a night (or less if I wanna be cheap, but 10 is a good average)

I think cooking at home is a skill that a lot more people should have, because you save so much money doing it and almost always end up eating healthier. If that means Applebee's and BWW die off, oh well that's capitalism.


They're saying that it's our fault that we aren't blowing money on bullshit when it's worked for ages. That's the insulting part. Bww is terrible btw. Wing stop is superior.

The whole sports bar and wings shit had a shelf life. Same with shitty Applebee's.

Sears ass MARKS!


Most people I know who go to Buffalo Wild Wings are millennials. It seemed to be pretty popular among the sports teams when I was in high school. I interviewed there when I was looking for a Summer job last year and it seemed like it catered to the demographic decently well, they even said they aired ELEAGUE there due to requests.

Also Applebee's isn't bad, it's just kind of mediocre. I think ya'll are exaggerating with statements of how bad it is. I can't think of a local place that serves similar stuff but there are better chains so whatever.


How to be a good businessman in 2017?

Your business works: You are a genius

Your business doesn't work: you are still a genius... It's just those damn millennials

Last time I went to Buffalo Wild Wings, their drink menu was basically 5 IPAs and Bud Light. IPAs fucking suck. Last time I went there.

But IPAs are the best kind of beer!!!


Most people I know who go to Buffalo Wild Wings are millennials. It seemed to be pretty popular among the sports teams when I was in high school. I interviewed there when I was looking for a Summer job last year and it seemed like it catered to the demographic decently well, they even said they aired ELEAGUE there due to requests.
Perhaps this is a regional thing, based on competition?

There's a noticeable increasing preference towards local restaurants and chains, so I'd imagine BWW would have good competition in some areas siphoning customers?


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What's wrong with these underpaid young people!? Why aren't they buying our over priced sub par food?
Well I mean if you don't like it, you can call us the 'Internet Generation' because more than any other group, we were shaped by the youthful Internet because we grew up at the same time it did.

The term 'Gen Y' is largely deprecated though, because a lot of the time period that 'Gen Y' would have been present was co-opted into Millennials. Gen X is now roughly ended around 1980 and Millennials is roughly started at 1980 and I can tell you nobody who was born in 1980 thinks they are Gen X or Millennial.

I just say I'm a "90's Kid", which induces a lot eye-rolls I know but, eh whatever.


I will say I kind of miss mid tier sit down restaurants. It feels like everything is fast casual or expensive these days. That being said, I do not miss Applebee's at all.
There's a short generation between Generation X and Millennials, which can be roughly thought of this way.

Gen X are people who grew up before the Internet was a thing. They grew up in a world without the Internet at all.

The Millennials grew up after the Internet was a thing. They grew up never knowing a world without the Internet.

Between these groups are a small group of people who grew up at the same time the Internet was in it's formative years. Roughly speaking, if you came of age during the second Bill Clinton Presidency, then are you are in what has been casually referred to as "Generation Y". This short generation ends roughly around the "dot-bomb" crash of 2000. If you are in this generation, you grew up at the same time the Internet did. You had an early childhood before Amazon, and by the time you were in college you were sharing music on Napster and Kazaa and making horrible web pages on Geocities.

If you're in this generation, you know who you are. You are neither Gen X nor Millennial, but most people do not acknowledge the existence of this very small cohort and lump you in with one of the larger groups and you are neither.
Gen Y and Millennials are the same thing. I have no idea where the hell your definitions are coming from, but they're far from standard.

The term Millennials was first coined in the early 80s to refer to the first generation to reach adulthood in the 2000s, with the typicality accepted starting point thus being 1982. Gen Y was a popular, and incredibly lazy term, used more in the media, to refer to the same generation.


Maybe if we weren't starved for money we would do more of these nice things that we keep killing. Or if the food at the restaurants was better, or not overpriced for shitty quality. Quit blaming us because you suck.


You either missed the point or didn't fully read what I said. It's "you're destroying our moral values" vs "you're destroying society as a whole."
I read you right. Just don't take this or any of these "millennials are killing..." articles as "you're destroying society." It reads to me more as an indictment on these chains for resisting change for too long.
Shit tier food in a tacky environment with a business structure that hasn't kept up with trends. Pretty obvious why they are failing.


Junior Member
Last time i went to Applebee's, they have a device with a credit card scanner that shows you to play games. I went with my kids so they pick it up and start playing. I assumed the credit card scanner meant the only costs would be if i swiped my credit card to authorize.

It was during vacation and i was wiped out, taking care of 3 kids. Like, i just wanted the kids to eat and we traveled outside of downtown Seattle because walking in town, there were few chain restaurants and few parking spots.

At the end of the meal, they charged me 3 bucks. No explanation, no warning. It's the year 2017 and they are using tricks from 2010, hoping my kids will keep pressing buttons for crazy cash.

That was about the biggest reason to never go back to an Applebee's. They've loaded up on an old experience and i think people are moving away from the 2000 calorie meal with shit food, slow service.

But i do see a wealth of non chain restaurants. Inside the perimeter of Atlanta, you'll have a hard time finding these chain restaurants and that's a good thing. If you want drivel, you can move to the suburbs like everyone​ else

I'm ok with this but if you millennial kill off Golden Corral we're going to throw down.
They always need something to feed the pigs. I'm not sure how people can eat that chocolate waterfall knowing some eight year old triple dipped his hand in there. Warm, sugar, dirty hands that's been in their mouth, on their genitals and in dirt all day. What could go wrong?
Ah, chain restaurants, a place where the food is servicable and the price is expensive for what it is.

I think a lot of people if they are eating out would rather just pay a bit more and get a proper non-franchise restuarant meal or a bit less and get pub grub or even less and get a McDo's.

Fact is, TGI Friday's food is decent, it's not going to win awards, but it's a solid feed, but the price is out of line with what it should cost for a burger and fries.

This is a non-US point of view talking about chains here.


We've got bigger problems than food chains losing money, problems for which millennials are not to blame.

Also, NOT a millennial...not a big fan of eating out. My wife and I go to a nice steak restaurant like twice per year; otherwise, we usually don't bother. These places in the article just aren't all that great to begin with, and they're expensive for what you get.


you guys are insane. I just ate a BWW burger and it was fucking fantastic

These threads always make me appreciate how easily pleased I am when it comes to food. I eat at BWW, Taco Bell, and Dominos regularly and never had a problem with what they gave me.
We eat at BWW often. It's cheap and tastes decent. Much easier than cooking at home. We eat out all the time. Fuck cooking.
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