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Millennials are killing chains like Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebee's

Article lost all relevance as soon as it blamed millennials for Ruby Tuesday's woes. That chain has been slowly dying for 15 years due to some of the most boneheaded management decisions possible.

Anecdotally most of the chains around me that closed were partly because of location. What's more desirable: a local place in the center of downtown, or an Applebee's next to a Home Depot and development area that was never developed?


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
As a fellow millennial, my response is: "yeah, and get fucked".

I like cooking and I'm pretty good at it. By the same token, I love "hipster", nice and local sit down restaurants that actually give a shit about atmosphere and quality ingredients.


Click bait wording.

The actual statement made says nothing of blame:

"Millennial consumers are more attracted than their elders to cooking at home, ordering delivery from restaurants and eating quickly, in fast-casual or quick-serve restaurants,"


It was one of the most shittiest days in my life, so I ordered from Applebees, because I wanted to comfort myself.

Hmm?! Did they add potato skins to their mashed potatoes? Nope. Worms in my mashed potato. I was so sad that night that I just said fuck it and never ordered from them again. They can die for all I care.


I was one of the most shittiest days in my life, so I ordered from Applebees, because I wanted to comfort myself.

Hmm?! Did they add potato skins to their mashed potatoes? Nope. Worms in my mashed potato. I was so sad that night that I just said fuck it and never ordered from them again. They can die for all I care.



how about you evolve towards the audience that will eat your food? I order to go at sit down restaurants because I simply don't have time for most of their shitty service.

Last week we finally went in to sit down and eat.......it took 20 minutes to get our beer, the chili was burned, and it took 2 hours for a group of 4 to eat (outside the chili, the food was fucking amazing).......sadly this is becoming more common as they look to cut back on work force and understaff everything to save money. So why should I waste my time, when they should either fix the service.....or update their service to cater to the biggest crowd that will keep your business alive.

Also Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebees are straight shit, they can fucking die


how about you evolve towards the audience that will eat your food?

Which is the entire point of the quoted analyst.

Obviously a new generation of consumers with different habits than the last is going to affect retail establishments; the analyst is describing that affect without "blaming" anyone because that is ridiculous.

The article write on the other hand, taking advantage of the propensity for people eating up click bait headlines and misleading writing, dramatically claims millennials are being "blamed."

You guys should be telling the article writer to get fucked; something that would be obvious if you bothered to read more than the title and first sentence of the article.

Millennials not eating as much food due to a propensity to eat up click bait articles, the thread.


I didn't realize until this article that "casual dining" was code for shitty restaurant food.

I haven't been to an Applebee's or Buffalo wild wings in my adult life and they don't ever cross my mind as a desire able location.


how about you evolve towards the audience that will eat your food? I order to go at sit down restaurants because I simply don't have time for most of their shitty service.

Even McDonalds knows how to evolve to meet what today's customers want. They introduced touch-screen ordering kiosks and made-to-order burgers, and doubled-down on the café component of their restaurants.
I have no sympathy for crapplebees.

On the other hand, I rather like Buffalo Wild Wings. I enjoy their food and their atmosphere, however at least for my local one, they don't take much care in my food at all. When I visit the local BWW:

- My pick up order is almost always wrong. Something is missing or they screw up how I designated my order.
- Their service staff is usually flippant teenagers or young adults who look put out by you even being there.
- Their wings are extremely overpriced compared to some of the other chains or local places.

All in all, I still like their food for the flavor and I like to go during football season. I am not surprised these places might be on the downward turn with the kind of things they are serving now though. Denny's and IHOP are getting close there as well for the same reasons (food is getting worse and worse, service is terrible a lot of the time). Also, one last note is that I, like many others, are trying to be more health conscious. BWW (and others) are not exactly the places that come to mind when you're on a diet.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
IMO Applebees is better than both Chipotle and Panera. :)

I dunno. I think it's just more of a time thing. You have to actually go sit in an Applebees and have horrible service while Chipotle is like a factory you are in an out of in 20 minutes.
TGI Fridays food ia bland, outdated and not healthy nor exactly "cheap". Why would I eat there?

Applepeas has had a shitty reputation for a while.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Make the food taste better and make it not so expensive to go out and maybe more people will show up?

That sounds easier than it is in practice​. Decent fresh ingredients have gone way up in price. The problems in the sit down casual is trying to hit a price point that fits their demo. You can't use fresh and not raise prices.

Robot Pants

Here's the real problem: Millenials don't have any money. And it's not their fault

Good lord I just stuck up for Millenials
Don't remember the last time I ate at Applebee's but BWW is an average at best wing place. They'd fare much better if they scaled their stores way down, trimmed the menu and made better wings. Basically what Wingstop does. You can dine in there but the locations are way smaller and there might be 1 or 2 TVs compared to the 10 at a BWW.
Chilis is sneakily good if you go in expecting to get your usual cheap bar food.

We usually end up going Sundays and sit in the bar for their all day happy hour. For 5 bucks you get a massive plate of boneless wings which would be 12$+ at BWW.


As a millennial, this is great news. I would be happy to apart of the generation that kills off crappy restaurants.


I barely even cook at home but I do hate all of those restaurants listed. They just have tasteless versions of things from other restaurants

Like why would I go to applebees and get flavorless ribs when I can go to a real bbq place, or get those awful fake overpriced tacos from chilis when I can go to any of the 80 mexican places down the street and get like 6 real tacos for the same price.

Buffalo Wild Wings is ok. But I can get better hot wings at any sketchy wing place almost anywhere. But I actually don't like meaty wings like that, I actually prefer buying a billion flats. Plus it takes FOREVER for them to bring you food. Like its Hot wings not a Steak. Nobody wants to wait a hour for some wings.

Chipotle is OK too but ill never eat there again just because they put a small place that I liked out of buisness. It's better than something like Moes but i'd never be like "Aye you wanna go get some Chipotle?" Because there's a billion legit taco places everywhere ive lived

Maybe most big food chains in the US aren't that good. Because I have no problem going to chains in Asia and Denmark(only place in Europe ive been.)

I wouldn't really say its a cost thing for me because 90% of the time I spend the around same amount of money per meal without even meaning to (In the US).

qcf x2

Click bait wording.

The actual statement made says nothing of blame:

"Millennial consumers are more attracted than their elders to cooking at home, ordering delivery from restaurants and eating quickly, in fast-casual or quick-serve restaurants,"

Reading the responses, seems like mission accomplished. Millenials are insulted
except me

BWW has solid food, idk what you guys are on. Best wings ever? Nah, but solid, meaty wings with a good variety of sauces. Some guy said he goes to Wingstop instead... lol. Wingstop is greasier, the wings are smaller, it's seedy af / not really a sit down establishment anyway, and the price is basically the same. But there's nothing wrong with alternatives. And wingstop almost definitely puts crack in their ranch sauce.

Applebees, Chilis, Fridays, Tuesdays, etc are all bottom tier food as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather go to Chipotle too, and I think Chipotle is greatly overrated as well. But at least their food doesn't look like it was microwaved.

For most, I think money and time are the issues moreso than quality. Sit down restaurants entail waiting longer, your order quite possibly being incorrect/not how you like it, tips are expected, etc.


I'm surprised so many people are mentioning quality. Most folks around my age are barely picky. To me it's a price/options thing. If I have the option to go to Applebee's or new or whatever I'll eat there no problem. Generally though it's not on my mind and don't have those places near me
And yeah it's too costly and I don't want to sit at a restaurant and eat. I'm usually alone


This is one instance many people can say isn't millennials but businesses not catering for a changing market. Also eating out is expensive and millennials don't have as much money.

This. Cheaper to cook at home, or ordering take out and taking it home. Or having it delivered. I mean why go to Applebees and sit around a poorly designed restaurant eating shitty food etc. When you can cook at home, or have it delivered, eat at your own pace etc.


All the casual dining places here already closed down years ago aside from the 24hour places like Dennys. Pretty much only old people doing the early bird specials and young people eating at 2am are keeping them open.
I hate Applebee's, crap service and food.

Also sounds like millineals don't like tipping perhaps?

Tipping is pretty dumb, though. And it's simply an excuse for restaurant owners to pay as little as they can get away with for labor.

There are other ways and incentives for a restaurant to ensure and encourage good service.


The only time I'll eat out is when I know I'm getting my money's worth.

I'd rather pay $20 for something delicious than $10-15 for utter garbage.
Where do you people live that your Applebees is trash? One we have here does good business and the food is excellent.

While I don't think its all that great, its not terrible. Thats just snob gaf showing their asses. If it ain't local or home made its trash tier food. Just gfo to any fast food lovers thread and see the assholes.


Where do you people live that your Applebees is trash? One we have here does good business and the food is excellent.

I wouldn't say its trash, its edible. Something like McDonalds or KFC would be trash. But there are MUCH better options everywhere I lived.

But I don't think I've ever been to one of those "casual dining" restaurants and actually enjoyed the food. It's always like "we have the OK burger, the weird fish taco with a giant slab of avacado, or some OK pasta that was cooked a little too long.

Casual dining restaurants just remind me of better school cafeteria food . It might be good somewhere outside of a big city that doesn't have a billion other options.

The nearest Applebees to me right now is down the street from a billion legit Mexican resturants, 2 Italian resturants, a BBQ place , and too many burger joints. Pretty much all of the same things Applebees/chilis tries to offer. No reason to go to Applebees when I can easily get better versions of everything they offer. I don't really think restaurants like that should even do well in any big city
Applebees is at best Denny's tier food for 2X the price. With apps and drinks a dinner for two could easily approach $40-50 there, which is ridiculous for the quality of the food. If you like it, cool, but don't act like people are being "snobs" because we don't find Apple Fucking Bees of all places all that tantalizing.


[failing business] blame millennials for having had what little money they made, bled out by the most uneven cost of living to wage ratio of 70 years, and not spending injudiciously on sub par products and services like their gen x parents.


Where do you people live that your Applebees is trash? One we have here does good business and the food is excellent.

Any semi-major metropolitan area. If you have local options that aren't Applebees, they are almost certainly better than Applebees.
You could go to your local grocery store and chances are in their deli department they have a selection of sandwiches and shit for cheap that are better for you.

Who wants to pay $15+ for a shitty meal?


listen to the mad man
Applebees is food for people who turn into Pumpkins if they get more than 25 miles away from the hospital they were born in or don't reminisce about the "big game" at least once a day.

If they go under it's because:
- Their food sucks
- Their decor sucks
- Their service sucks
- And they're actually priced above good hole-in-the-wall food
I live in a city, so there's no reason for me to ever go to a chain restaurant. There are 50+ restaurants in walking distance of my apartment, and I would guess that most of them have better food and comparable prices to the big chains. I don't drive out to the suburbs very often, and when I do, it isn't for food.


Any semi-major metropolitan area. If you have local options that aren't Applebees, they are almost certainly better than Applebees.

Was curious where my nearest Applebees is in Washington DC. There are zero in the District the nearest ones are in suburbs and would take me about 45 minutes to get to assuming i time the metro right.

I think a lot of this article can be summed up by "Millennials are killing Applebees by not living in the suburbs where they are ubiquitous"


Applebees is food for people who turn into Pumpkins if they get more than 25 miles away from the hospital they were born in or don't reminisce about the "big game" at least once a day.

If they go under it's because:
- Their food sucks
- Their decor sucks
- Their service sucks
- And they're actually priced above good hole-in-the-wall food

I found a good place in my city a while ago that serves the most amazing Banh Mi for $5.25 Canadian. That's cheaper than going to Subway for a footlong!

Same goes for other holes in the wall and other ethnic food shops...
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