he has plataforms to reach miliions already.
those plataforms serve mainly for peoplle that already agree with him, it serves for them to reinforce their beliefs.
His reach wont broaden by being in the show. Are you afraid that someone will watch bill maher and suddenly agree with him?
Bill can combat his views by pointing out the flaws in his reasoning in a forum that can be accessed later for reference. Whenever anyone gets subjected to his hateful beliefs in the real life, the have this interview to prepare on how to combat that .
Also,, I am an atheist. What if a group of people does not let me go to a talk aout atheism in a college campus? People can say communist leaders were atheists and atheism caused major pain in the world, so no atheist deserves to be heard. If I am against any type of speech based on my beliefs, how can I complain if mine are squashed later?
Look, the guy is an extremist. People that agree with him will continue to believe him. But with opportunities like this, we can help move the needle.
Dont think Mhaer will succeed, but its a start.
You know what guys? I owe a huge mea culpa here. I quoted myself above to give context on my feelings about this, but after watching it last night, I was disgusted with the way maher handled the whole thing.
There is no proof of any transgender people attacking women in bathrooms, even if someone quotes a case here or there, its miniscule compared to the transgender population. For milo to say he does not want "perverts" in bathrooms and bill to say tht was a good point, instead of using data to show that for what it really is, discrimnation, was disgusting. Larry was my hero for the way he contextualized everything, but it sounded moot over maher and milo jerking eachother off.
I still stand by what I said in a general sense, but Maher just lost me completely. He is doing way more harm than good. In this specific case, I was wrong.