I rabidly dislike Milo but I applaud Bill Maher for having him on.
We don't make these idiots go away by giving them the oxygen and notoriety they crave by blacklisting them.
Maher is totally right, us Liberals need to harden the fuck up and stop getting so fucking triggered by everything. You don't win friends with salad.
I thought Maher disarmed Milo brilliantly and exposed him for what he is... a silly troll. A reasonably articulate silly troll, but a silly troll nonetheless. He has supporters on the Alt-Right because they aren't used to hearing their ideology spouted by someone with a modicum of charima and the ability to string a sentence together. That's their problem, but the left allowing themselves to take what he says seriously is what gives his words a degree of agency they don't deserve and expands his platform.
The correct response to Milo is...
... and nothing more.
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