I mean, Maher can have who he wants on his show, but I hope the people ITT saying that it's a good idea to have him on because Maher will EVISCERATE and SKEWER him realize that this is the very definition of existing in a bubble.
The thing is, I'll be saying the same thing. But check r/The_Deluded or any other rightwing echo chamber to get the exact opposite response any time Lahren or whoever-the-fuck goes on one of these liberal-leaning news/comedy programs. It's like clockwork. Host has hatred-spewing guest, acts generally civil but then gets in some surprisingly hard-hitting points to general applause and ooh-ing and aah-ing from the studio audience, idiot guest looks flustered, show ends.
Within hours, articles from most major online news and media outlets post slightly differing versions of the same article: "[Host] EVISCERATES/DESTROYS/SHUTS DOWN [moronic fuckwit guest]!"
In the meantime, the opposite sentiment will be found on increasingly trafficked rightwing outlets, shared on Facebook to the approval of other idiots the world over.
The end result is everyone retreats into their bubble a little bit more.
Like I said, Maher can have on whoever he wants. Hopefully he stands up to Milo's usual bile. My guess is that he'll get a few digs in but also find "common ground" on areas like religion and freedom of speech. But expecting a show like this to EXPOSE someone like Milo is likely nonsense. Best case scenario, the differing interpretations will just bounce around everyone's bubble so they can feel nice about how well the champion of their views performed. Worst case scenario, by giving them a chance to sit there and bullshit, by finding the elements of "common ground" they will inevitably find, it normalizes someone whose platform is based on rejection, divide, and hate; whose views carry inherent violence.
I'll be honest, my opinion on what Maher (or anyone else) should do in this scenario evolves everyday. With people like Milo having more mainstream attention than ever, the question of how much visibility they should get, or how much of a platform should they be afforded, even if to mock or disprove them, is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, with valid points on both sides. I mean, surely most ITT agree that refusing to have Conway on major news outlets due to credibility issues is the right step, no? I understand that the situation we have here is different, but the difference may be more of degree than kind.