Has anyone played the Hobbit game from GW? Escape from Goblin town is the name I think. Is there much to the game or is it limited regarding armies.
I would really like to build a nice Dwarven army. Should I be looking at a different game?
The Hobbit is an updated version of the LotR game. So you have an enormous amount of models and armies to choose from, although some aren't available from GW anymore.
Thanks for the info. I went ahead and ordered it. For the price I paid I got alot of minis to start with. Hopefully the game is fun.
This will be my first time painting in over 10 year's. What are some of the best paints to use? I like the color of GW paints but heard they dry out fast because of the container. Thank you for any info you might provide.
So the new Horus Heresy game coming, what do ppl think. From the stat cards it looks like 2 or 4 stats? Has actual board tiles so it seems to be more of a miniature board game? Kinda hard to tell what this is trying to be, at first was thinking it was going to be a 40k Age of Sigmar
As a newcomer to the miniature gaming front, would you recommend that I go with Warhammer or Warhammer 40k? I would love to play with my 5 year old son, but I dont think he could stay on for a game.
What are your favorite miniature wargaming youtube channels? So far I only really like Guerilla Miniature Games.
Yea saw the sales.
In other news, Star Wars Armada wave 2 is finally out. Really wonder if and when we might ever hear about wave 3? FFG has been real slow with Armada news and releasing.
Saw the Imperial destroyer today ... so pretty.
I'm getting closer and closer to taking the plunge on mini painting. As I get closer I'm discovering the the go-to brushes for a lot of painters, Winsor Newton Series 7, has had a lot of quality problems over the last year or so. People complaining about brushes fraying after very little use. I see some recommendations for Broken Toad brushes but they don't appear to be distributed in the US?
Anyone like to recommend alternative brushes?
Greetings, miniature...GAF..? I come seeking advice.
I've been thinking about picking up miniature painting as a hobby. Not thinking about purchasing any game at this point, but to just get started with painting. I have World of Warcraft boardgame pretty much collecting dust and it has plenty of plastic miniatures I figure I could get started with. Would starting with plastic miniatures be a good idea?
Also I am in need of advice on what gear to buy. My understanding is that I would need some primer of sort, paint, brushes and some kind of sealer. Is that everything? Any suggestions on what to get and from where? I live in Finland, so perhaps Amazon.co.uk? I found stuff like set, but I have no idea if those kind are a good buy.
If you could nudge me to right direction, it would be appreciated. All tips are welcome too!
Greetings, miniature...GAF..? I come seeking advice.
I've been thinking about picking up miniature painting as a hobby. Not thinking about purchasing any game at this point, but to just get started with painting. I have World of Warcraft boardgame pretty much collecting dust and it has plenty of plastic miniatures I figure I could get started with. Would starting with plastic miniatures be a good idea?
Also I am in need of advice on what gear to buy. My understanding is that I would need some primer of sort, paint, brushes and some kind of sealer. Is that everything? Any suggestions on what to get and from where? I live in Finland, so perhaps Amazon.co.uk? I found stuff like set, but I have no idea if those kind are a good buy.
If you could nudge me to right direction, it would be appreciated. All tips are welcome too!
Tamiya light grey fine surface primer is the best primer.
Seems like Firestorm Games does not extend their free shipping outside UK, which is understandable. This means I might still co with Amazon route, because my wife has shown interest in ordering something, so shipping costs don't matter so much.
They do, for over 30 GBP they ship free out of UK. I always do this. Give them a call, they are absolutely wonderful people.
There's nothing wrong with Chaos Black (unless he got a crappy can), it's just that spray primer is really particular about how you use it. It can't be too hot or too cold, you need to shake it for several minutes and you need to read the instructions to know how far or close you need to spray. User error is by far the most common problem because of this.
That is actually the definition of a poor primer; there are tons of better primer sprays out there that will not give you the rough finish of Chaos Black under poor conditions. Chaos Black is an old paint formula, it was never a beloved GW spray to begin with, I have no idea why they haven't updated their spray paint range along with the pot paints. They are a very ass backwards company, first they make the best washes out there, then change it for the shitty shades.. in the meantime their black spray has remained unchanged for god knows how long even though it's a terrible can of paint.
Anyway, my 2c, it is possible to get a good finish with Chaos Black if you know exactly what you are doing, but it's not a forgiving primer, and it's not a high quality primer either. Get a better primer while you can.
thanks for the replies. I figured I was just "screwed" with these minis.. fortunately it was just an LOTR "learn to paint" set (oh how I have learned...)
outside of the chaos black spray primer.. are there any particular issues with GW paints? I've read around all of the various reviews and about the only common negative is price. outside of that it seems to just be about preference (though I am already regretting not having an easy way to get the paint from pot to palette)