That is actually the definition of a poor primer; there are tons of better primer sprays out there that will not give you the rough finish of Chaos Black under poor conditions. Chaos Black is an old paint formula, it was never a beloved GW spray to begin with, I have no idea why they haven't updated their spray paint range along with the pot paints. They are a very ass backwards company, first they make the best washes out there, then change it for the shitty shades.. in the meantime their black spray has remained unchanged for god knows how long even though it's a terrible can of paint.
Anyway, my 2c, it is possible to get a good finish with Chaos Black if you know exactly what you are doing, but it's not a forgiving primer, and it's not a high quality primer either. Get a better primer while you can.
Someone mind giving me a quick rundown on Star Wars X-Wing game? Say I grab the starter X-Wing vs TIE Fighters box; how far is it from there to the "standard" 100 pt. wing?
I've had the same problem with all primers I've tried, the worst offender is Army Painter which are super finicky. Sometimes they work well and sometimes they don't, depending on the conditions and your handling of them.
Someone mind giving me a quick rundown on Star Wars X-Wing game? Say I grab the starter X-Wing vs TIE Fighters box; how far is it from there to the "standard" 100 pt. wing?
There's a dedicated X wing thread on gaming community. The way I'd do it is get 2 starters (the value is there in ship count as well additional measuring sticks etc, but the players there are a bit more invested than I am in the game).
There's a dedicated X wing thread on gaming community. The way I'd do it is get 2 starters (the value is there in ship count as well additional measuring sticks etc, but the players there are a bit more invested than I am in the game).
If you have a hobby shop near you, get Tamiya Fine Surface Primer (Light Grey). Its extremely durable primer but preserves details really well at the same time, and a grey basecoat is the best universal base color to paint over. Just make sure it says "fine surface primer" on the can because its easy to pick up the wrong one. If i was painting something mostly black though, I would go ahead and get a black primer. I prime with my airbursh now sp its been a while, but just stay away from Army Painter and GW for spray primer.I'm about ready to start painting some mini's for the first time in 8 year's. I'm looking for some advice on paint. Who makes a good primer? I used to use acrylic primer from auto store's and used Citadel.
I found the Citadel paints dried out because they are in pots and was always having to thin them. Vallejo seems to have some nice kit's. What would you recommend for a good primer and a good set of paint. I don't mind spending a little extra if it's worth it. Thanks for any info.
If you have a hobby shop near you, get Tamiya Fine Surface Primer (Light Grey). Its extremely durable primer but preserves details really well at the same time, and a grey basecoat is the best universal base color to paint over. Just make sure it says "fine surface primer" on the can because its easy to pick up the wrong one. If i was painting something mostly black though, I would go ahead and get a black primer. I prime with my airbursh now sp its been a while, but just stay away from Army Painter and GW for spray primer.
For paint, honestly GW isnt bad nowadays and their high-pigment base coat paints are really useful, and Tamiya or Reaper paints are good too. But I strongly recommend the Reaper Master Series HD paint sets to start out a collection. They all have high pigment concentration so they cover really well and dont need a lot of thinning. You can find the two box sets here, but if you hunt around you might still be able to find them elsewhere for a discounted price.
For paints though, you might want to start out planning what you will paint first, and buy related colors individually. Reaper has a "color triangle" system or whatever for paint colors that are used together. So you can get the midtone and lowlight and highlight you need instead of a set of different basic colors that you'd have to deftly mix to get all the right shades.
Quickshade looks okay but honestly I think its best served for a bunch of skeletons or helping a bad paint job. If you go over the model with brown wash you get the same effect.Thank you very much. I'm familiar with the Tamiya primer from my scale model tanks. Reaper paints it is.
Have you used any of the Army Painter Quick Shade products? I have read good reviews but it almost sounds too good to be true. My project is the miniatures from the GW The Hobbit, An unexpected journey.
Hey guys
I've just started building a 40k Ork army to play with some friends.
Had my first 600pt games this weekend - won the first game against Elder by a hair, but then decimated by Tau.
Any advice for getting good painting and conversion resources? Or better yet tactical advice for Orks?
I'm surprised by the primer discussion - I almost always see people say pass on the hobby primers and just go for Krylon but not one person in the last two pages has suggested that.
Speaking of primers. What kind of set-up those of you without a (games) workshop use to spray your miniatures? I am worried that whatever cardboard set-up I might use, I would still end up with paint in places it is not welcome. Outside is not optimal I suppose, but is it completely out of the question? Any ideas?
I use the balcony and a big cardboard box. As long as you don't do it on a particularly humid, cold or windy day, you should be fine. I would never consider spraying things indoors, it's way too messy and unhealthy.
Speaking of primers. What kind of set-up those of you without a (games) workshop use to spray your miniatures? I am worried that whatever cardboard set-up I might use, I would still end up with paint in places it is not welcome. Outside is not optimal I suppose, but is it completely out of the question? Any ideas?
I'm surprised by the primer discussion - I almost always see people say pass on the hobby primers and just go for Krylon but not one person in the last two pages has suggested that.
Warseer seems like a good place for you to start.
Tactics/Army Lists
Army building/painting logs - (Orks will be under Xenos. Just look for Orks in the titles. Lots of inspiration to be had here IMO).
For the first time in a loooong time GW has some good sales up on their site:
Unfortunately the Tau and Skitarii, the two best deals and the two most interesting to me are already sold out. They do say temporarily out of stock though, so there is hope these are a permanent addition and not just a limited thing.
Solve your problems with an airbrush.All of this talk of priming things... Winter is a frustrating time. I really want to get some minis primed so I can do some painting, I have quite a few things waiting in the wings. Think I might try to get ahold of a space heater to warm the storage room off my balcony to do some priming. List of things that need painting:
-Warmachine Retribution of Scyrah Battle Box
-Hordes Legion of Everblight All in One Box + Zuriel
-Dropzone Commander Starter Set
-Malifaux Burning Revelation Crew Box
-A bunch of assorted Dark Elves, Eldar, Tyranid and Dark Angel minis that I have never gotten around to painting.
Plus I am considering starting a Skitarii army and ordering the Beyond the Gates of Antares starter set. And Betrayal at Calth is looking mighty fine still.
And I got this for Christmas so I really should be painting:
And I got this for Christmas so I really should be painting:
Out of the blue question to GAF: Is there, or has there ever been, a Halo miniature wargame? Such an untapped potential if not..
I think they are supposed to be making a ground based game eventually too.
If I was interested in looking at airbrushing where would I start?
My "starter set" of paints and brushes should be arriving any day now. Too bad the weather is on a cold spell and I probably can't start priming the miniatures for weeks. I picked the wrong time of the year to get excited about miniatures.
On the other hand, I have had time to get some supplies and start preparing the miniatures. I decided to go with the World of Warcraft board game ones, because they are "free" at this point and only collecting dust. Plenty of miniatures for me to practice on.
That being said, I have been eyeing some more interesting looking miniatures, but can't really make up my mind. I am mostly just looking to paint at this point, because finding some people to play with in this small town is not very likely. Any suggestions? Here's what I have been thinking about:
- Interested mostly about sci-fi, but like fantasy settings too. Not looking for horror etc.
- I have a really soft spot for anything 40k, but I'm not sure they are interesting and varied enough when there is only painting.
- Infinity looks cool and I could perhaps just take my time to make two or three armies for myself and some random friend that might come over.
- Wife wants me to paint some LOTR stuff (if I learn to paint well enough I suppose) so that she could make some dioramas, but I'm not feeling the The Hobbit line (The Hobbit war game..? I mean..I know it's based on the movie more than the book but still).
- Descent looks interesting, but I'm afraid that if the WOW board game ended up gathering dust, the same would happen to Descent .
- Or maybe just some random miniatures without a game attached to them?
Maybe just grab a few random miniatures from various things to paint & see what you enjoy the most or what gives you some inspiration?
Yeah maybe. I'm going to visit a city with a Games Workshop store in a month. Might cave in and buy some Space Marines.
Always good to practice though on some minis you don't care about. Or go buy real cheap minis like some reaper figs to test on before doing stuff you care about.
I wouldn't waste my money if I were you.
Get some unpainted used models on eBay. That way you can probably get a marine or two, some Firewarriors, a couple Eldar etc etc for a couple of £/$/whatever without committing to buying a whole squad or a special unit etc
It's entirely possible to brush prime. Thing is, acrylic white or black is not the same as primer, but it can provide a base to work with.
In my own experiences, it is possible to prime minis in the cold or the heat, you just need to be careful about humidity. If I had to choose between priming in the cold or by hand with acrylics, priming by hand will allow you to recover from mistakes by stripping the paint later. Primer doesn't come off nearly as easily as acrylic.