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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Some people in the Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter comments have posted some links to miniature that will probably be released as later stretch goals. They were previewed at Reapercon this year and most of the miniatures in the pictures are already part of the kickstarter.



So nice. One of the reasons I pre-ordered the set :).

It's a spectacular model.

I'd strongly recommend sticking the rider on *after* painting him and the Dracoth seperately though, there's some fiddly areas if you paint it all together like I did. Here's how mine looks before basing. I might go add more detail later but it's good enough for me. Lord Relictor next.



It's a spectacular model.

I'd strongly recommend sticking the rider on *after* painting him and the Dracoth seperately though, there's some fiddly areas if you paint it all together like I did. Here's how mine looks before basing. I might go add more detail later but it's good enough for me. Lord Relictor next.

Daaaaaayum, son, nice work!


*finally* made some headway on my Warmachine pile. I like how Ruin turned out. What a hulking monstrosity! I didn't realize how broad his shoulders are until I put him next to some other Warjacks.


What a crock, the new Kings of War "free online rules" is just a preview, you can't actually play a proper game with them. Might get the rulebook at some point, but this just generally deflated my fantasy gaming mojo.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
What a crock, the new Kings of War "free online rules" is just a preview, you can't actually play a proper game with them. Might get the rulebook at some point, but this just generally deflated my fantasy gaming mojo.

Hahah Mantic is a shit company, always expect the worst from them. Expect their zombies which are great.


Got my Operation: Icestorm box for Infinity today. When I get home I'm gonna start looking through it and plan what I need to put it together.

Also, I knew that 28 mm was supposed to be small but damn this is tiny.


Minis in 28mm tend to have exaggerated features which is why they are called heroic scale. Corvus Belli did realistic 28mm instead.


I seem to have most stuff I need to put the figures together, then comes the bothering part of painting them at some point. Is this glue recommended? Its the one I have at hand currently since I used it for some plastic Reaper minis I got earlier for my PnP RPGs but I haven't used it on metal.

If you find yourself assembling a large metal model, it's worth looking into pinning.


For resin models, pinning is usually optional but again for larger pieces it can be a good idea.

You'll not have to do this with plastic. For plastic I'd strongly recommend Revell Contacta plastic glue.

Personally I struggle with infinity sized metal models. I find I can sometimes make a right mess of the attempt to glue such fiddly small pieces together. I hate it when they have a hand, or spindly little arm loose. Malifaux models are full of teeny tiny little pieces and are a right nightmare to assemble. GW has assembly down pat, nice chunky models that are ideal for easy assembly and painting.


Luckily none of these minis are in any large sizes, its just small characters. I do definitely see possible frustration cause of the extremely small detail stuff that need to be attached. Think I perhaps need a pair of tweezers or something.

Can anyone clarify if these are separate from the core set for the Reaper kickstarter? Is says they're for a $50 pledge, but is that included in a $100 pledge or for adding $50 to your current pledge?



Can anyone clarify if these are separate from the core set for the Reaper kickstarter? Is says they're for a $50 pledge, but is that included in a $100 pledge or for adding $50 to your current pledge?

They are separate. $100 gets you the Core set and any freebies that get added to it along the way. If something has a price next to it, you have to add that amount to get that item.

Bear in mind you don't have to buy the Core set. You can do the $1 pledge and then add on as much stuff as you like.
Them doing expansion nonsense again and holding stretch goals behind unlocks for a separate buy in expansions means I'm not giving reaper any money this time.


Spent the night cutting and cleaning up the Infinity figures. I can see myself already swearing in pain at the PanOceania antennas being a total annoyance. Some of them are really hard to know what's what.

Gonna try gluing together the first figure tomorrow.


PanO figs are some of the hardest infinity figs to put together due to all those little bits they got on their armor and helmets.

The worst part is that some of the pieces are still attached to their molding frames, but since they are so small its actually a bit difficult to know where the frame ends and the piece of the figure begins.


Them doing expansion nonsense again and holding stretch goals behind unlocks for a separate buy in expansions means I'm not giving reaper any money this time.

Whaaaat? The expansions are straight up incredible deals. It's a way to offer huge discounts for a bulk purchase in addition to the Core Set. An expansion is closer to 30% retail instead of the 50-60% of other add-ons.

They are also alternating unlocks. One for the core, then one for an add on. Expansions count as add ons. So any expansion doesn't take away from core minis.


Painted a Reaper mini, for the rpg I play. First attempt at NMM looks pretty rough but ends up looking like leather so oh well.


Well it certainly fooled me when I scrolled past. Thought it was some kind of brass metallic at first sight. I think it looks good, especially for your first try.


I take it the reason that the plastic bases in the Infinity starter set don't have the hole cut open is because of the variable "feet" of the figures that goes into it, so you are kinda supposed to cut open them yourself?
I take it the reason that the plastic bases in the Infinity starter set don't have the hole cut open is because of the variable "feet" of the figures that goes into it, so you are kinda supposed to cut open them yourself?

They are just generic bases, save costs type deal. You have to cut your own slots/holes for your figure, and well many of the figs don't need any type of holes cut, you just glue em onto the base. And of course lot of people now like to do scenic basis so they add rocks or their on resin terrain toppers on the bases.


So let's say I'm intrigued by how often people talk about Infinity being a good thing. But also I got into Warmachine as my first minis game pretty recently so I don't want to go down a hole of hundreds of dollars worth of minis. What's the pitch with Infinity? From my very limited familiarity it looks to be kind of smaller-scale?

Miniature Mart has this introduction box thing for $50. Is that enough for goofing around with a bud on a weekend or two? What's my expected / upper-limit dollars on playing this game casually?
So let's say I'm intrigued by how often people talk about Infinity being a good thing. But also I got into Warmachine as my first minis game pretty recently so I don't want to go down a hole of hundreds of dollars worth of minis. What's the pitch with Infinity? From my very limited familiarity it looks to be kind of smaller-scale?

Miniature Mart has this introduction box thing for $50. Is that enough for goofing around with a bud on a weekend or two? What's my expected / upper-limit dollars on playing this game casually?

I did a write up about Infinity in this thread while back: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=31350185&postcount=253

typically an Infinity force is real small, at most maybe 10 models at max, often less per side needed. It's a true skirmish game unlike Warmachine which is kind of like a hybrid of mass combat wargames and skirmish games.


I did a write up about Infinity in this thread while back: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=31350185&postcount=253

typically an Infinity force is real small, at most maybe 10 models at max, often less per side needed. It's a true skirmish game unlike Warmachine which is kind of like a hybrid of mass combat wargames and skirmish games.

I have to agree with that they're best looking minis out there, Did they absorb most of the old rackham sculptors (the metal confrontation minis were AMAZING)?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Honestly all these companies - Reaper and Mantic in particular - continuing to do kickstarters is abusing the concept. These are established companies for goodness sake.

What would be a good way of getting into Infinity? The Asian faction has some erotic models.


Honestly all these companies - Reaper and Mantic in particular - continuing to do kickstarters is abusing the concept. These are established companies for goodness sake.

What would be a good way of getting into Infinity? The Asian faction has some erotic models.

The box set that is linked would be the perfect way, it was made for the purpose of introducing new players.
I have to agree with that they're best looking minis out there, Did they absorb most of the old rackham sculptors (the metal confrontation minis were AMAZING)?

Not that I know of, though the painting is done by alot of the same folks usually for their pics.

Honestly all these companies - Reaper and Mantic in particular - continuing to do kickstarters is abusing the concept. These are established companies for goodness sake.

What would be a good way of getting into Infinity? The Asian faction has some erotic models.

Every faction has a starter set, which is pretty much a complete army, or you can just go and say buy like 8-10 of your favorite models.... good chance what you pick up is playable and not going to totally suck.


I did a write up about Infinity in this thread while back: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=31350185&postcount=253

typically an Infinity force is real small, at most maybe 10 models at max, often less per side needed. It's a true skirmish game unlike Warmachine which is kind of like a hybrid of mass combat wargames and skirmish games.

Perfect, this is exactly what I wanted to read. Looks like it's definitely worth $50 to experiment with. Your write-up there is a good few years old though. Anything particularly interesting or exciting happen to the game since then? Any opinions on the factions in that starter box? (Nomads & PanOceania). Also what's the deal with scenery? I see they sell a lot of scenery stuff, seems to be pretty important to the game.

I'm a little worried about the 28mm models. They look good but also suuuuuper fiddly to construct / paint. So much detail! What I like about painting Warmachine is you'll have a unit of ten lil guys that's a pain in the butt but then you can do a Warjack as a nice, easy pallet-cleanser.

What would be a good way of getting into Infinity? The Asian faction has some erotic models.

This box set is definitely the way to go if you buy today, I think. $50 for two factions and some scenery. Looks like individual faction starts are like $40. The box has a rule book and some dice, too. If you have even vague interest in the factions in the box, that's probably what's up.
Perfect, this is exactly what I wanted to read. Looks like it's definitely worth $50 to experiment with. Your write-up there is a good few years old though. Anything particularly interesting or exciting happen to the game since then? Any opinions on the factions in that starter box? (Nomads & PanOceania). Also what's the deal with scenery? I see they sell a lot of scenery stuff, seems to be pretty important to the game.

I'm a little worried about the 28mm models. They look good but also suuuuuper fiddly to construct / paint. So much detail! What I like about painting Warmachine is you'll have a unit of ten lil guys that's a pain in the butt but then you can do a Warjack as a nice, easy pallet-cleanser.

This box set is definitely the way to go if you buy today, I think. $50 for two factions and some scenery. Looks like individual faction starts are like $40. The box has a rule book and some dice, too. If you have even vague interest in the factions in the box, that's probably what's up.

There is a new edition of the game since then, but core gameplay is identical, they just tweaked it to be more balanced in a way for everything including heavy armor like TAG's which used to just be big bullet sponges and not worth it.

Also the game has finally shifted to be scenario based with objectives, one of my big negatives I had with the game in the past was that they had no scenarios, game was purely two sides killing each other, so it promoted alot of turtling and camping like game play. Now with scenarios, mobility and flexibility is a must instead of the more stationary shooting matches that old Infinity used to play like.

Terrain is important in skirmish games, because of how deadly the games can be. Infinity can be over in a handful of turns because of it's simultaneous activation system, where chain reactions of carnage can erupt. Everything is true line of site and there is no "I go and move my guy, now you go move your guy". You move your guy out into a slight opening and your opponent can pounce on you! And with small armies like this, it makes having lot of terrain helpful, while in games like Warhammer and Warmachine, terrain while needed, also gets in the way when you have so many models. Those games also abstract how terrain works, while Infinity it's vital to hide your models and what they can do on said terrain elements.

This box set is definitely the way to go if you buy today, I think. $50 for two factions and some scenery. Looks like individual faction starts are like $40. The box has a rule book and some dice, too. If you have even vague interest in the factions in the box, that's probably what's up.

Yup two starters essentially, and one exclusive figure for both factions is included in the 2 player starter. You then get all the extras in the box, it's well worth it.
Honestly all these companies - Reaper and Mantic in particular - continuing to do kickstarters is abusing the concept. These are established companies for goodness sake.

I was surprised to see Mantic has had 9 Kickstarters already, are they doing one for every project now?


So let's say I'm intrigued by how often people talk about Infinity being a good thing. But also I got into Warmachine as my first minis game pretty recently so I don't want to go down a hole of hundreds of dollars worth of minis. What's the pitch with Infinity? From my very limited familiarity it looks to be kind of smaller-scale?

Miniature Mart has this introduction box thing for $50. Is that enough for goofing around with a bud on a weekend or two? What's my expected / upper-limit dollars on playing this game casually?

*looks at the box I paid 105 USD (899 SEK) for*

Damn you Americans. :(

I would say that is a pretty damn good price, most starter sets containing one small group on the official sit have costed around 50 euros. So that there is definitely a steal.

They are just generic bases, save costs type deal. You have to cut your own slots/holes for your figure, and well many of the figs don't need any type of holes cut, you just glue em onto the base. And of course lot of people now like to do scenic basis so they add rocks or their on resin terrain toppers on the bases.
Oh, I assumed that it was a weird way of handling some of the figures having two individual rectangular holders on their feet while some had one big long etc. Guess not. I did cut one open to fit my first glued figure but maybe I should consider just cutting the bit off and glue them to their feet?
Well it certainly fooled me when I scrolled past. Thought it was some kind of brass metallic at first sight. I think it looks good, especially for your first try.

It was fun to try but really hard to get my head around. Will continue to work on it I think.

Just got commissioned by my RPG group to make a forest terrain table so that should be fun.


I posted the cost breakdown for the Reaper Kickstarter thread. Thought you guys might enjoy it here also.

Core is currently at 118 minis (w/o the weapons or bases) – 85 cents per mini.
- Most Smaller minis go for: $1.99 - $2.29 (58% - 64% off) ~22 smaller minis so far in core
- Most medium sized character minis go for $2.29 - $2.79 (64%-70% discount) 75 currently
- Most Large minis go for: $3.29 - $6.99 (75%-88% discount) ~ 21 ≥Large minis in core
- 25 one inch bases are $4.99, x2 (we get ~50) is $9.98 which people are getting for free
- 10 two inch bases are $4.99 x2 (we get ~20) is $9.98 again for free.
- The weapon sprues in metal cost ~$8.99 (but guessing from the familiars and rats would be Between $1.99 - $3.99 in Bones) again, x3 ($6-$12) for free.
Once the Pathfinder II minis unlock, there will be 123 minis in the core (w/o counting weapons and Bases)
- Each mini would be 81 cents.
Remember in metal all these things would be more expensive. For example the pathfinder troll is $15.99 in metal. Actually in metal the Pathfinder II addition is $43.95 in metal, and would likely be at least $7.49 at retail in Bones.
But each person needs to find their own value in this. :)
still last minute decision if at all. Right now not totally thrilled with the minis included, the cooler ones are buy ins. My fiance might just go for it at the $1 pledge still just to get mouslings and a few dragons
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