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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
How is the x wing mini game? I almost bought tfa expansion

as someone who just got into this.....

x-wing ultimately has two different environments. The "I only buy what I like and play to have fun" and the "competitive CMG". As a newbie, anyone who tells you differently is lying.

The former is as inexpensive or expensive as you make it. The problem being that you really need to find a group that plays this way, which I wasn't able to find. But if you can find it, it's an awesome game and no, you won't have any of the wambo-combo stuff, but you'll still have plenty of fun.

The latter is fucking expensive. If you dive down that road, I hope you have an understanding husband/wife... Without spending an ass-load, you are going to have a near impossible time eeking out a win. Unfortunately this is the environment at most open nights at FLGS. Nicest community ever.. but seemingly everyone at every store has Feldherr or Plano cases stacked with multiples of every single expansion released.

If you can find the former, it's an AWESOME way of getting into the game. If you are ok with the cost of the latter, X-Wing is probably one of the (if not THE) top competitive mini games out right now. Incredibly deep and FFG does a great job of keeping the meta moving (like the recently revealed tractor beam that's out next week)

edit - for instance.. the cheapest "tier 1" list I can find is Thug Life.. and that retails for ~$150 plus the cost of the core game (which you need for the various tokens, dice, etc). Next closest would be Brobots which is still $190. Obviously these are net lists, and you can make up your own... but veering from these lists starts meaning that you need certain necessary cards for survivability. That's the thing I've noticed about this game. Getting your big offensive cards is relatively cheap.. getting your big defensive cards (autothrusters, carrier astromechs, palpatine, 3PO, etc) starts costing huge money.

Lol very much so. The Guy I bought the minis from called today. Said they were playing and invited me to come and see the guys. Met them and watched them play a battle. I guess I'm really gonna put that army together.


Lol very much so. The Guy I bought the minis from called today. Said they were playing and invited me to come and see the guys. Met them and watched them play a battle. I guess I'm really gonna put that army together.

ahh that's awesome, at least you'll get to play some games now!


Yeah, they seemed like a cool group of people!

What armies do they play?
Be nice to have a bit of variety!

My group is 4 other guys
One plays Eldar, one plays Space Marines/Grey Knights, one Necrons/Tau and the other Tyranids, so there's not much we don't have to go up against.

I'll be tempted to start building a Chaos Space Marine army if I'm still enthusiastic in a year or so. All that's left is for somebody to go Dark Eldar & all the main bases are covered, lol.
What armies do they play?
Be nice to have a bit of variety!

My group is 4 other guys
One plays Eldar, one plays Space Marines/Grey Knights, one Necrons/Tau and the other Tyranids, so there's not much we don't have to go up against.

I'll be tempted to start building a Chaos Space Marine army if I'm still enthusiastic in a year or so. All that's left is for somebody to go Dark Eldar & all the main bases are covered, lol.

What I saw was Space Marines, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar. But I suspect they were not their only armies, not at least for all of them. Saw someone play Tyranid and Eldar in photos on their FB group wall. Good variety I must say.
as someone who just got into this.....

x-wing ultimately has two different environments. The "I only buy what I like and play to have fun" and the "competitive CMG". As a newbie, anyone who tells you differently is lying.

The former is as inexpensive or expensive as you make it. The problem being that you really need to find a group that plays this way, which I wasn't able to find. But if you can find it, it's an awesome game and no, you won't have any of the wambo-combo stuff, but you'll still have plenty of fun.

The latter is fucking expensive. If you dive down that road, I hope you have an understanding husband/wife... Without spending an ass-load, you are going to have a near impossible time eeking out a win. Unfortunately this is the environment at most open nights at FLGS. Nicest community ever.. but seemingly everyone at every store has Feldherr or Plano cases stacked with multiples of every single expansion released.

If you can find the former, it's an AWESOME way of getting into the game. If you are ok with the cost of the latter, X-Wing is probably one of the (if not THE) top competitive mini games out right now. Incredibly deep and FFG does a great job of keeping the meta moving (like the recently revealed tractor beam that's out next week)

edit - for instance.. the cheapest "tier 1" list I can find is Thug Life.. and that retails for ~$150 plus the cost of the core game (which you need for the various tokens, dice, etc). Next closest would be Brobots which is still $190. Obviously these are net lists, and you can make up your own... but veering from these lists starts meaning that you need certain necessary cards for survivability. That's the thing I've noticed about this game. Getting your big offensive cards is relatively cheap.. getting your big defensive cards (autothrusters, carrier astromechs, palpatine, 3PO, etc) starts costing huge money.

Yea, try to avoid any places that do lot of tournament play. I typically prefer just playing with friends who are also into the game in our private games, we don't bother with metas and shit.


Welp, better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself I suppose.

I asked a co-worker what consistensy of cat litter they use and maybe I could get a sample. Oh God it's starting isn't it?

Soon you'll be raiding flea markets for old hair dryers you can use to build terrain and at least one room in your house will be slowly be transformed into a miniature storage space


I enjoy playing X-wing, and in theory I like the rules but... Something always feels a bit off when I play, games drag pretty long, luck plays a larger factor than I expect, etc. I certainly enjoyed Battlefleet Gothic more as far as spaceship games go. The prepaints are some of the best I have ever seen though.

Soon you'll be raiding flea markets for old hair dryers you can use to build terrain and at least one room in your house will be slowly be transformed into a miniature storage space

This is the truth.
What are you looking to buy next?

Good question! Still trying to figure out the best approach. As always, I welcome all advice.

What I have, or will get in a next few days. This is all 2nd hand I got for a very good price, so it's not super well organized:

- Space Marine commander
- Space Marine command squad
- Space Marine tactical squad (10 marines)
- Terminator squad
- Dice
- Blast templates

What I am thinking right now, in order of importance:

- Space Marine Codex
- Space Marine datacards
- Tactical objective cards
- Space Marine tactical squad (10 marines)
- Rhinos and / or Razorbacks
- Rulebook (This so low on the list because they group seemed happy to teach, but I still want it eventually. Also hoping to find the smaller one 2nd hand from the box set.)
- Devastator marines, Dreadnaught(s), tanks, land speeders, drop pods, more tacticals and so on and so on...

At first I'm trying to put together a simple 500 p. army. They play 500 p. games when a lot of people show up for a game night. They had a 3 vs 3 last night.


Good question! Still trying to figure out the best approach. As always, I welcome all advice.

What I have, or will get in a next few days. This is all 2nd hand I got for a very good price, so it's not super well organized:

- Space Marine commander
- Space Marine command squad
- Space Marine tactical squad (10 marines)
- Terminator squad
- Dice
- Blast templates

What I am thinking right now, in order of importance:

- Space Marine Codex
- Space Marine datacards
- Tactical objective cards
- Space Marine tactical squad (10 marines)
- Rhinos and / or Razorbacks
- Rulebook (This so low on the list because they group seemed happy to teach, but I still want it eventually. Also hoping to find the smaller one 2nd hand from the box set.)
- Devastator marines, Dreadnaught(s), tanks, land speeders, drop pods, more tacticals and so on and so on...

At first I'm trying to put together a simple 500 p. army. They play 500 p. games when a lot of people show up for a game night. They had a 3 vs 3 last night.

Looks good to me. Getting some transports should certainly be a very high priority. Don't buy the Rhino kit though, the Razorback kit costs almost the same but has all the Razorback bits as well. Devastators are really good. You could also consider Scouts since they got a HUGE boost (BS4) in the new codex, and no points increase. Honestly they're better than Tacticals now. A Sternguard squad with a Drop Pod transport would also be a very good purchase after you get the troops and transports. Put Combi-meltas on them and roast some tanks on the first turn. One of the best units in the book.
I enjoy playing X-wing, and in theory I like the rules but... Something always feels a bit off when I play, games drag pretty long, luck plays a larger factor than I expect, etc. I certainly enjoyed Battlefleet Gothic more as far as spaceship games go. The prepaints are some of the best I have ever seen though.

Hm always found it real fast to play compared to most mini games.

Have you played Armada?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I enjoy playing X-wing, and in theory I like the rules but... Something always feels a bit off when I play, games drag pretty long, luck plays a larger factor than I expect, etc. I certainly enjoyed Battlefleet Gothic more as far as spaceship games go. The prepaints are some of the best I have ever seen though.

I don't find it any more luck-based than other mini games. All you roll dice for is combat essentially. I will say that most of the "required" cards for competitive play come down to modifying dice (i.e. removing a bit of the RNG).

Length seems to come down to two things. How many ships are fielded, and familiarity with the rules. A battle of 16 ships is going to go long. Period. A battle with 6 ships and two people very familiar with the rules should be maybe like an hour play time or less (i.e. not including setup or teardown).


I have yet to try Armada, though I would like to.

I'm not sure what I find off about X-wing or why it seems to take long for me to play games. I've never had that issue with another miniature game. I still plan on buying ships once and a while, but it will never be my go to game.

Speaking of games where you control some kind of craft, apparently GW's next big release will be an aircraft game set in the 40k universe. Could be cool, though I'd prefer if BFG returned!

Has anyone tried Guild Ball? I've heard good things.


I'm playing a 2000 point game against Eldar tonight.
Looking forward to getting the Ork Horde out to flex it's muscles!

I'm going to have:
A Warboss
6 Kommandos (including a Boss Nob, a Big Shoota and a Burna)
3 Meganobz (Twin-linked Shoota, Killsaws and Skorcha)
A Mekboy Junka with a Big Zzappa, a Big Shoota, Kustom Mega-Blasta and a Skorcha
10 Nobz (3 with Power Klaws) in 'Eavy Armour in a Trukk
3 units of 12 Boyz including Boss Nobz and heavy weapons
A unit of 12 Gretchin with a Runtherd
3 Deffkoptas with Rokkit Launchas
5 Stormboyz
4 Warbikes
A Deff Dread with a Rokkit Launcha and a Skorcha
6 Killa Kans (2 Rokkit, 2 Grotzooka, 2 Skorcha)
A Bubblechukka Mek Gun

It's going to be carnage!

I'll snap some pics of my new conversion soon too. I'm turning an Imperial Basilisk into a Gun Trakk with a Kannon. So far it looks fairly standard, but it does have a dead space marine collapsed on the back of it :D

Aeronautica Imperialis? Nein danke.

Battlefleet Gothic is coming back, BTW. :)

it is?
I'd be really interested in getting involved with that.
Chaos ships look awesome
I'm playing a 2000 point game against Eldar tonight.
Looking forward to getting the Ork Horde out to flex it's muscles!

I'm going to have:
A Warboss
6 Kommandos (including a Boss Nob, a Big Shoota and a Burna)
3 Meganobz (Twin-linked Shoota, Killsaws and Skorcha)
A Mekboy Junka with a Big Zzappa, a Big Shoota, Kustom Mega-Blasta and a Skorcha
10 Nobz (3 with Power Klaws) in 'Eavy Armour in a Trukk
3 units of 12 Boyz including Boss Nobz and heavy weapons
A unit of 12 Gretchin with a Runtherd
3 Deffkoptas with Rokkit Launchas
5 Stormboyz
4 Warbikes
A Deff Dread with a Rokkit Launcha and a Skorcha
6 Killa Kans (2 Rokkit, 2 Grotzooka, 2 Skorcha)
A Bubblechukka Mek Gun

It's going to be carnage!

I'll snap some pics of my new conversion soon too. I'm turning an Imperial Basilisk into a Gun Trakk with a Kannon. So far it looks fairly standard, but it does have a dead space marine collapsed on the back of it :D

Very cool! Waiting for a battle report and pictures!

I put together 60 euros for 40k stuff by selling PS4 games, but before I got to order anything, the same day we got slapped with a hefty heating bill. Winter is expensive!


Very cool! Waiting for a battle report and pictures!

I put together 60 euros for 40k stuff by selling PS4 games, but before I got to order anything, the same day we got slapped with a hefty heating bill. Winter is expensive!

Ouch, that really sucks.

Are you buying new or getting your models from ebay and the like?
Orks are a blessing because I can pretty much hack together what I want from other armies for vehicles & all the troops look pretty much alike, so I can use my nobs as kommandos and such, but with Space Marines everything is pretty iconic and particular.

I guess they're the most popular army, though, so there should be a lot on ebay for the taking?
Ouch, that really sucks.

Are you buying new or getting your models from ebay and the like?
Orks are a blessing because I can pretty much hack together what I want from other armies for vehicles & all the troops look pretty much alike, so I can use my nobs as kommandos and such, but with Space Marines everything is pretty iconic and particular.

I guess they're the most popular army, though, so there should be a lot on ebay for the taking?

I want to get unpainted, and if best unassembled models because that's what this whole thing started with, I want to work with the miniatures. For what I've seen, that kind of stuff is priced so close to new on Ebay, that after shipping cost it's usually just better for me to buy new from Firestorm (with no shipping costs). I have been looking at 2nd hand though, and if I find something unassembled with a good price, I might buy it. Also usually I don't like buying anything 2nd hand, if I don't get to see the goods and make the deal face to face.

In the end, and I need to remind myself from time to time, I am not in a hurry. I still haven't even finished those Terminators yet. :)


I want to get unpainted, and if best unassembled models because that's what this whole thing started with, I want to work with the miniatures. For what I've seen, that kind of stuff is priced so close to new on Ebay, that after shipping cost it's usually just better for me to buy new from Firestorm (with no shipping costs). I have been looking at 2nd hand though, and if I find something unassembled with a good price, I might buy it. Also usually I don't like buying anything 2nd hand, if I don't get to see the goods and make the deal face to face.

In the end, and I need to remind myself from time to time, I am not in a hurry. I still haven't even finished those Terminators yet. :)

Yeah, to be fair if you're focusing on the painting, it's worth taking things slower and getting them fresh!

Remember though, you can strip the paint from most of these things by soaking them in soapy water & then brushing them with a soft bristle toothbrush
Yeah, to be fair if you're focusing on the painting, it's worth taking things slower and getting them fresh!

Remember though, you can strip the paint from most of these things by soaking them in soapy water & then brushing them with a soft bristle toothbrush

I'll keep that in mind. I was in the assumption they need a bit more than soap to come off. I'm not too excited to splash around with heavier chemicals in the house (as I don't have workshop or such).


I'll keep that in mind. I was in the assumption they need a bit more than soap to come off. I'm not too excited to splash around with heavier chemicals in the house (as I don't have workshop or such).

Yeah, I don't have a properly dedicated space either.
My other half has been constantly exasperated with me taking over the house with computers and 40k gear.

Most recently, I've moved our dining table to directly behind the sofa so I can watch TV and paint. Super handy for me, but I can see that I'm going to have to find a more permanent solution soon!
Yeah, I don't have a properly dedicated space either.
My other half has been constantly exasperated with me taking over the house with computers and 40k gear.

Most recently, I've moved our dining table to directly behind the sofa so I can watch TV and paint. Super handy for me, but I can see that I'm going to have to find a more permanent solution soon!

I do have a small corner where I can fiddle with these things without bothering her (and actually I too like to keep the main area of the house somewhat "non-nerdy"), but if the armies start to gather I can see problems in the horizon lol.

Also, co-worker delivered!

Two different grain types of cat litter! Whee!


I do have a small corner where I can fiddle with these things without bothering her (and actually I too like to keep the main area of the house somewhat "non-nerdy"), but if the armies start to gather I can see problems in the horizon lol.

It's a constant struggle to keep the nerd shit from taking over the house. I have to constantly de-clutter because my natural instinct is to nest with all the stuff surrounding me.
It's a constant struggle to keep the nerd shit from taking over the house. I have to constantly de-clutter because my natural instinct is to nest with all the stuff surrounding me.

I'm laughing at the idea of building an actual nest of all the nerdy stuff. I can see it in my head.


My poor Orks got royally decimated by Eldar.

There's a part of me that thinks Orks are really underpowered.
They're close-combat focused, so their shooting is shit, except even in close combat, they seem to struggle to do any real damage, and that's after you manage to get past all the ranged attacks while you're storming in.


I hope Gothic gets a new look at its mechanics instead of just pandering to nostalgia / selling gorgeous models to people who don't game. Boarding actions never felt quite right, or at least consistent with the fluff where they tend to be integral to your strategy if you aren't some ridic captain like The Exalted.


My poor Orks got royally decimated by Eldar.

There's a part of me that thinks Orks are really underpowered.
They're close-combat focused, so their shooting is shit, except even in close combat, they seem to struggle to do any real damage, and that's after you manage to get past all the ranged attacks while you're storming in.

Well, sadly they are :( doesn't help if you're playing against the best army in the game (Eldar). What did he have?


I hope Gothic gets a new look at its mechanics instead of just pandering to nostalgia / selling gorgeous models to people who don't game. Boarding actions never felt quite right, or at least consistent with the fluff where they tend to be integral to your strategy if you aren't some ridic captain like The Exalted.

I do hope they give it an upgrade, but it's still my favorite space ship combat game out there, so I hope they don't change it toooo much.


Well, sadly they are :( doesn't help if you're playing against the best army in the game (Eldar). What did he have?

Fuck sake!
I'm tempted to paint them up and see if I can flip them and start a csm army like I originally planned
Not too familiar with eldar but he had some beefy psycher character, some guys who spit needles in combat and some nasty weapons
Fuck sake!
I'm tempted to paint them up and see if I can flip them and start a csm army like I originally planned
Not too familiar with eldar but he had some beefy psycher character, some guys who spit needles in combat and some nasty weapons

Farseer and Striking Scorpions? As far as nasty weapons, you gotta be more specific when it comes to eldar because that describes pretty much everything in their army, lol.

I've always considered Eldar the best army in the game since they added aspect warriors back in the day. They're a joy to model and paint too.


Honestly, you're probably just best off gritting your teeth and baring it until Orks get a new 'dex and might be better. I've learned from experience to never sell my armies, it always end up being a big regret.

But yeah, CSM certainly aren't any better off than Orks, possibly even worse.
First squad is done. Learned much and can't wait to but all that into practice! Other than trying to freehand Ultramarine symbols. Never again - better order in some transfers lol. Also did very basic basing job, going to revisit that later most likely, when I get more supplies.



That's some fine work. If you want to do freehand, draw on the paint itself with a mechanical pencil and just paint over that.


Thanks! I can't wait to see more miniatures either. Don't have any to paint right now. I better call The Guy and ask of his timetable.

Edit. Called him and looks like I get more minis tomorrow. Yay!

Excellent, what are you getting next?

I'm going to try and finish off my grots (including tidying the rushed bits) then I'm going to move on to painting all my Boyz. I've got a lot. It may take some serious time!

Instead of worrying about defecting to CSM, does anybody have some serious tips for making my orks more competitive? Ideally I'd like a way around either my shitty WS or low initiative. It can't be as difficult as I'm making it!
Awesome. Any big plans for doing things differently?

Better planning for starters! Need to think more about which parts I paint after which, and paint at least half the squad in the same time.

I was also thinking of trying how drybrushed highlights look on a marine, as someone suggested. Went with the paint on edge highlights on the terminator squad.

What else...I probably have to get that gold paint from somewhere before I tackle the HQ squad.

I'm planning on painting my Ultramarines (those that aren't veterans) as 3rd company, so that means red on the shoulders, like here:

edit. nevermind, removed a broken hotlink


I got some brush on primer so I can paint again! Yay!

Not sure what I want to paint out of what I have. Honestly seeing StaffyManasse's stuff makes me want to paint something 40k, but I don't think I have anything 40k at my apartment.
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