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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


yeah.. right now hemming and hawing between Malifaux, Warmachines, and Hordes. The big draw to either of the Warhammers is that there are a ton of shops around here for that, including an actual Games Workshop store with tons of support. Warmahordes seems to have the second best support (well technically X-Wing easily has the second best, but for traditional wargames, Warmahordes).. the rest are all pretty loosely knit.

edit - this is already a second game to note. In the last month I've already dropped a notable amount of coin on X-Wing.

edit 2 - I stand corrected.. there is regular Malifaux at a shop about 13 mins away... hmmm.

Malifaux is a great game, very much skirmish and can lead to some really interesting scenario play and very cinematic moments. It's not quite as balanced as I'd like, but it makes up for it with the variety of things that can and do happen. Also the setting is just great and I love reading the fluff in the rulebooks.

I've been playing Warmachine and Hordes for nine years now, so when I say it's still my favorite miniatures game that should mean something though. I just really love the way it flows, the combos and tactical thinking needed to pull of a win, the assassination runs!
Finished the first squad. What I find most difficult are:

- the eyes, don't know how to paint them without getting that red everywhere, and don't get me started on highlighting them

- highlighting, generally. I'm thinking about doing one with just drybrushing and see if it looks better


Don't know what to paint next. I have the command squad and captain, but I feel like practicing some more before painting the more special units.
Looks like Space Wolves are getting some new 13th Company/Wulfen minis next month. Whether that's part of the rumour of a Wolves/Chaos demons starter or instead of it I've no idea. What's certain is that both Long Fangs and Ulrik have been out of stock for a while.
This is the mini I was working on. Maybe should have painted the cloak grey first. Oh well, too late now.

I sure you can see the two parts the paint did not stick very well (below the backpack and below the rope). Some issue with the undercoat? Otherwise I okay with the results, with this as a basecoat.

I'm using the only red I have at the moment, the one from Army Painter and this is one of the minis I bought assembled and primed.

In other news, I just noticed I have traces red paint on my fingernails. People at work probably start to think I was in drag during the weekend.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Malifaux is a great game, very much skirmish and can lead to some really interesting scenario play and very cinematic moments. It's not quite as balanced as I'd like, but it makes up for it with the variety of things that can and do happen. Also the setting is just great and I love reading the fluff in the rulebooks.

I've been playing Warmachine and Hordes for nine years now, so when I say it's still my favorite miniatures game that should mean something though. I just really love the way it flows, the combos and tactical thinking needed to pull of a win, the assassination runs!

so warmachine/hordes is army level? not skirmish? how much does a starting army cost, and is the 2-player set of either worth it if you're mostly looking at building your own army?

It looks like the Malifaux 2p set is still good, because it comes with exclusive minis that can be used in any crew.
so warmachine/hordes is army level? not skirmish? how much does a starting army cost, and is the 2-player set of either worth it if you're mostly looking at building your own army?

It looks like the Malifaux 2p set is still good, because it comes with exclusive minis that can be used in any crew.

Warmahordes kinda started out as a skirmish game, some people try to say it still is, but the scale of the game really just getting pushed to more models over time. It's not as big wargame as a warhammer game, but still needs decent investment in models/money.

Malifaux typically is a small force of models, it is skirmish level game.


so warmachine/hordes is army level? not skirmish? how much does a starting army cost, and is the 2-player set of either worth it if you're mostly looking at building your own army?

It looks like the Malifaux 2p set is still good, because it comes with exclusive minis that can be used in any crew.

Warmachine has always been bigger than a skirmish game, but it has certainly been ramping up in scale over its lifetime. Still generally smaller than 40k armies though. If you can find the all-in-one boxes those are your best bet for starting, but if you want one of the factions in one of the two-player boxes then they are a good deal. Just trade or sell off the stuff from the faction you don't want. Starting armies are generally $150-$250 if you buy at a discount I would say.

Malifaux 2-player set doesn't really feel like a very good deal to me, but that's partially because none of the minis in it interest me. Most of the crew boxes are good deals that give you a solid selection for the master in the box.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
That's why you paint things with low opacity in white first.

Red eyes? Paint it white. Clean up with black. Finish off in red.

so this is what I was wondering..

I am working on painting my TIEs from Armada. They are primered black, which I am fine with (I actually wanted to, beyond only having black) Up til now I've been base coating the whole TIE in Celestra Grey, then painting the inside and outside panels in black... this does three things that after 6 TIEs I am realizing...

1) going over the black primer with celestra grey is a couple (maybe 3) coats to get it solid.\
2) going BACK OVER the celestra grey with black on the panels takes another few coats to get it solid.
3) at this point I probably have like 4-6 coats on the panels (not counting primer), 2-3 coats on everything else, and then touch up (small 1 coat on touched up areas)

So my new thought is.. hit the whole tie in one coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey, then 1 coat of celestra crey along the edges/body/panel-lines, then one coat of black on the wing panels. Maybe switch the order of those last two.

This would basically give two coats around the entire model, right? I mean obviously I know math.. but between a mechanicus base coat and a celestra second coat that should easily be enough for a solid color, right?


I've got another conversion on the way.
I hate the look of the weirdboy GW are selling, so I'm part way through making my own from various bits I had left over from a Trukk, a Boy, a Kan and whatever else I could find.

Had to order one little detail from a Bitz shop, so I hope it gets here quick!
I've got another conversion on the way.
I hate the look of the weirdboy GW are selling, so I'm part way through making my own from various bits I had left over from a Trukk, a Boy, a Kan and whatever else I could find.

Had to order one little detail from a Bitz shop, so I hope it gets here quick!

Brb using psychic abilities because no pics.

Came home and saw a mystery package from a Finnish gaming store I did not remember ordering. Turns out a good friend of mine had set me up with some Drakenhof Nightshade, Calgar Blue and Fenrisian Grey. What a surprise! They fit my collection of exactly one blue shade of blue paint marvelously.


so this is what I was wondering..

I am working on painting my TIEs from Armada. They are primered black, which I am fine with (I actually wanted to, beyond only having black) Up til now I've been base coating the whole TIE in Celestra Grey, then painting the inside and outside panels in black... this does three things that after 6 TIEs I am realizing...

1) going over the black primer with celestra grey is a couple (maybe 3) coats to get it solid.\
2) going BACK OVER the celestra grey with black on the panels takes another few coats to get it solid.
3) at this point I probably have like 4-6 coats on the panels (not counting primer), 2-3 coats on everything else, and then touch up (small 1 coat on touched up areas)

So my new thought is.. hit the whole tie in one coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey, then 1 coat of celestra crey along the edges/body/panel-lines, then one coat of black on the wing panels. Maybe switch the order of those last two.

This would basically give two coats around the entire model, right? I mean obviously I know math.. but between a mechanicus base coat and a celestra second coat that should easily be enough for a solid color, right?

I don't know any of those colours/pigments.

It's also why grey primer is popular - it's a neutral base to work off. And paint/primer formulation is different... but it's not that different! Just seal the painted piece properly to prevent chipping.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I don't know any of those colours/pigments.

It's also why grey primer is popular - it's a neutral base to work off. And paint/primer formulation is different... but it's not that different! Just seal the painted piece properly to prevent chipping.


primed black

current workflow
entire model very light grey base coat.. usually at least 2 coats for opacity. maybe 3.
panels (already very light grey) black. usually 2 coats for fully opaque.
touchup.. small touches, usually 1 coat of touch up.

future workflow
entire model medium to medium-dark grey base coat. (hopefully) 1 coat for full opacity.
non-panel stuff very light grey layer. hopefully 1 coat over the medium grey.
panel stuff black. 1 coat over medium grey should be fine.

the thing to know is I am VERY new to model painting, and the guides for current armada stuff.. well I haven't found a guide that has me saying "I love everything about this. I am going to follow step by step". Well actually I did find one guide, but it said neutral gray primer and I only had black... so I have to improvise.

So yeah, I am basically counting this as crash course in planning your model before you start painting (or in my case, learn as I go on 18 models)
Here is the captain.

I feel like I bit a little more I can chew. Would have wanted some more practice with normal marines before painting a special unit like this, but couldn't help it. I only have special units to paint at the moment. Hoping to get enough cash together to order a 2nd tactical squad.

I'm happy though. He is table ready and I learned more.

Please don't pop the quotes open and look to closely. :)



Here is the captain.

I feel like I bit a little more I can chew. Would have wanted some more practice with normal marines before painting a special unit like this, but couldn't help it. I only have special units to paint at the moment. Hoping to get enough cash together to order a 2nd tactical squad.

I'm happy though. He is table ready and I learned more.

Please don't pop the quotes open and look to closely. :)

He looks fab

You sorted the cape out, then!
What have people been working on this weekend?

I've been having it at this Assassin (colours based on Jaco the intergalactic patrolman, lol)

Not a lot left to do on it. Having trouble getting nice sharp definition on the eyes, they're quite... subtle even with a thin undercoat. Oh well, the model is really nice and a fun one to paint. Didn't fancy the black bodysuit much, I wanted something that jumped out in my cabinet. Even if you see her, you're still gonna die, so I figured screw the whole 'blend in with the shadows' deal.
That assassin looks awesome!

I have been going slowly through my command squad. Here is one guy with a plasma. It's the first one I got to try my new blue ink on and I really like it more than the black ink I was using before. Also tried drybrushing the highlights to see how it looks on a marine.



That's why you paint things with low opacity in white first.

Red eyes? Paint it white. Clean up with black. Finish off in red.

I actually prefer a light grey instead of white, sometimes white can give me issues painting over.
Whites I save for ...well whites or effects.


Love the assassin and plasma marine.

I wish I'd thought of doing cool basing stuff before I put my models together.

Something to think about when I get my next lot of Boyz, I guess.

Hopefully the last bits for my weirdboy arrive soon so I can finish building and take a snap of him
Love the assassin and plasma marine.

I wish I'd thought of doing cool basing stuff before I put my models together.

Something to think about when I get my next lot of Boyz, I guess.

Hopefully the last bits for my weirdboy arrive soon so I can finish building and take a snap of him


And I agree, I got a bad case of basing envy. I'm thinking of making a bit better bases when I get my first assembled box.


Warning: Incoming reality check that you've probably seen a hundred times before from people new to miniatures!

So as I get closer to starting I went into a local shop this weekend to have a look around. We moved into the area about two and a half years ago and I've been wanting to go in ever since but never got around to it. I knew miniature gaming was expensive but nothing I wasn't prepared for. $40 for a 10 man Tactical Squad of Space Marines? Well that's not bad. $50 for a 5 man group of Stormcast eternals? Hmm, a quite a bit more expensive per model but they are slightly larger and I really like the look so I can see it. All this I knew and thought about before even stepping into a local shop.

So I was prepared. Or so I thought! Nothing quite like the shock of picking up a tiny little Librarian blister pack with a single 3x5 Sprue and seeing the $30 sticker. Now I realize, these are heroes that you will only buy one of, but still having a hard time justifying that kind of expense (or more, even) for such little product.

I may just stick to intro sets and board game minis. Apologies for troubling you guys with something you've probably read in similar form hundreds of times over the years!


Warning: Incoming reality check that you've probably seen a hundred times before from people new to miniatures!

So as I get closer to starting I went into a local shop this weekend to have a look around. We moved into the area about two and a half years ago and I've been wanting to go in ever since but never got around to it. I knew miniature gaming was expensive but nothing I wasn't prepared for. $40 for a 10 man Tactical Squad of Space Marines? Well that's not bad. $50 for a 5 man group of Stormcast eternals? Hmm, a quite a bit more expensive per model but they are slightly larger and I really like the look so I can see it. All this I knew and thought about before even stepping into a local shop.

So I was prepared. Or so I thought! Nothing quite like the shock of picking up a tiny little Librarian blister pack with a single 3x5 Sprue and seeing the $30 sticker. Now I realize, these are heroes that you will only buy one of, but still having a hard time justifying that kind of expense (or more, even) for such little product.

I may just stick to intro sets and board game minis. Apologies for troubling you guys with something you've probably read in similar form hundreds of times over the years!

Yeah, it's pretty shitty how expensive this stuff can be, but the secondhand market can really help.

You can generally get a second-hand mini looking pretty much new & ready for painting by soaking it in warm, soapy water overnight, then scrubbing it with a soft-bristle toothbrush.

Good luck
Warning: Incoming reality check that you've probably seen a hundred times before from people new to miniatures!

So as I get closer to starting I went into a local shop this weekend to have a look around. We moved into the area about two and a half years ago and I've been wanting to go in ever since but never got around to it. I knew miniature gaming was expensive but nothing I wasn't prepared for. $40 for a 10 man Tactical Squad of Space Marines? Well that's not bad. $50 for a 5 man group of Stormcast eternals? Hmm, a quite a bit more expensive per model but they are slightly larger and I really like the look so I can see it. All this I knew and thought about before even stepping into a local shop.

So I was prepared. Or so I thought! Nothing quite like the shock of picking up a tiny little Librarian blister pack with a single 3x5 Sprue and seeing the $30 sticker. Now I realize, these are heroes that you will only buy one of, but still having a hard time justifying that kind of expense (or more, even) for such little product.

I may just stick to intro sets and board game minis. Apologies for troubling you guys with something you've probably read in similar form hundreds of times over the years!

As someone just starting, I can say I feel your pain. Just have to take it slow and buy a box / month or something. Even 1000 points is so far away. :(

Yeah, it's pretty shitty how expensive this stuff can be, but the secondhand market can really help.

You can generally get a second-hand mini looking pretty much new & ready for painting by soaking it in warm, soapy water overnight, then scrubbing it with a soft-bristle toothbrush.

Good luck

2nd hand market frustrates me because everytime I find something remotely interesting in EBay, the shipping cost to Finland makes it redundant.

Is the paint removal really that easy though?

Still, I am having tons of fun slowly putting my army together. I can actually make a legal (but very ineffective) 500 point army now. Playing 2v2 learning match weekend and I can't wait!


2nd hand market frustrates me because everytime I find something remotely interesting in EBay, the shipping cost to Finland makes it redundant.

Still, I am having tons of fun slowly putting my army together. I can actually make a legal (but very ineffective) 500 point army now. Playing 2v2 learning match weekend and I can't wait!

Yeah, shipping to Finland must dampen the benefit somewhat. It's a shame there's not more being sold on eBay in Finland for you to buy :(

Even though you're playing dirty bastard Space Marine losers, I hope you win. Give us a rundown of how it goes.

I played a 1k point Ork army against Marines at the weekend & stomped them.

He had a couple of tactical squads, a heavy weapons squad and 3 tanks (Can't remember exactly what, sorry!)

I had:
A Warboss with a klaw
A Weirdboy
2 groups of Boyz with a klaw nob, 8 sluggas and a big shoota
1 group of Boyz with a shoota nob, 8 shootas and a big shoota
2 groups of Nobz, 1 boss with a klaw and 4 big choppa/slugga nobz
3 Bikers, as standard
2 groups of 2 Killa Kans - 1 skorcha and one grotzooka each

We played the maelstrom match where you start with 6 objective cards and draw up to a total of one less each turn.

I got first turn and grabbed 8 points right off the bat, finishing on 14.
Dirty Space Marines only managed First Blood & one other point in the whole game.

It was beautiful. My weirdboy even took out a few marines in close combat, though I didn't land a single psychic power the whole game and I think only one shot actually found it's target too, but my close combat game was on fire.
Warning: Incoming reality check that you've probably seen a hundred times before from people new to miniatures!

So as I get closer to starting I went into a local shop this weekend to have a look around. We moved into the area about two and a half years ago and I've been wanting to go in ever since but never got around to it. I knew miniature gaming was expensive but nothing I wasn't prepared for. $40 for a 10 man Tactical Squad of Space Marines? Well that's not bad. $50 for a 5 man group of Stormcast eternals? Hmm, a quite a bit more expensive per model but they are slightly larger and I really like the look so I can see it. All this I knew and thought about before even stepping into a local shop.

So I was prepared. Or so I thought! Nothing quite like the shock of picking up a tiny little Librarian blister pack with a single 3x5 Sprue and seeing the $30 sticker. Now I realize, these are heroes that you will only buy one of, but still having a hard time justifying that kind of expense (or more, even) for such little product.

I may just stick to intro sets and board game minis. Apologies for troubling you guys with something you've probably read in similar form hundreds of times over the years!

Pretty much need to try non Games Workshop games that have more consistent prices.

GW's biggest problem is that it's prices are all over the place. You have a good deal here and there, but then you get ripped off elsewhere.

Most other mini games offer more typical consistent prices across board based on mini size/complexity.
So apparently snap-fit GW kits are coming to hobby/toy shops and Walmart etc. This is great news if it's a cheap entrypoint alternative for younger gamers.




They aren't snap fit, they still need glue.

Most are basically repacked versions of really ancient 40K kits that were very simple to build, just now with paint and glue included for a low price. Lot of this is stuff from back in 2nd Edition


Pretty much need to try non Games Workshop games that have more consistent prices.

GW's biggest problem is that it's prices are all over the place. You have a good deal here and there, but then you get ripped off elsewhere.

Most other mini games offer more typical consistent prices across board based on mini size/complexity.

Warmachine and Hordes are still high on my list, with Infinity right after. I've looked at Malifaux but haven't found a lot to appeal to me.

This shop in particular though was very Warhammer focused with very little WM/Hordes on the shelves.


I might get that assault team if/when I can get it for 25e just to try out painting,

EDIT: Or, is there something similar already available that you guys would recommend? Fantasy/Scifi prefered.
The single character model kits are the ones I have the biggest problem with price-wise right now. No matter what army it's for, they tend to come out at £18-20 these days. Even for the Dwarfs now with the new Fyreslayers stuff.

It's really hard to justify the purchase of these characters when a regular box of troops costs £25-35 for 5-10 guys. Especially when you think that White Dwarf gave away a single Stormcast Eternal sprue for free on the cover of a £2.40 magazine cover one week, but a blister pack with a near identical amount of plastic and design work costs £15-20.

I still buy them, though... so maybe I'm part of the problem.


The last bits for my weirdboy came & I have to go home early to wait for a plumber to come and fix our sink.

Perfect. I can get this finished and post the pictures this afternoon
The last bits for my weirdboy came & I have to go home early to wait for a plumber to come and fix our sink.

Perfect. I can get this finished and post the pictures this afternoon

Nice. Waiting for the pics!

I did some shopping today. Had to visit a bigger town for some business and included a visit to a local gaming store and bought a tactical marine box and expanded my toolset with a drill. A bit more expensive that some of the online stores, but I couldn't help myself.


So here's a couple of shots of my Weirdboy. He's obviously not painted yet.

He's got a staff made of about 12 bits and bobs from Trukks, Kans, other Orks and just bits I had in my box. He has a door as a shield, nicked from a Mek Gun and a mask made from a Kan shoulder pad, secured with a green-stuff band around his head (this bit is really rough and messy, but it should look fine and orky when painted)

I've also got my rough and ready Trukk

A just-about-acceptable Mek Gun (Bubblechukka)

And then a few snaps of my in-progress Mega Nobz, my unpainted Flakk Trakk, which is converted from a Marine Landspeeder Storm and the beginning of my Basilisk conversion - I'm turning it into a Big Trakk with a Kannon, or something like that (there are a lot of options!)



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The single character model kits are the ones I have the biggest problem with price-wise right now. No matter what army it's for, they tend to come out at £18-20 these days. Even for the Dwarfs now with the new Fyreslayers stuff.

It's really hard to justify the purchase of these characters when a regular box of troops costs £25-35 for 5-10 guys. Especially when you think that White Dwarf gave away a single Stormcast Eternal sprue for free on the cover of a £2.40 magazine cover one week, but a blister pack with a near identical amount of plastic and design work costs £15-20.

I still buy them, though... so maybe I'm part of the problem.
Design costs (and detail) are usually higher on single models/SKUs. You honestly see the same thing across all games (though a higher price point at GW). Realistically probably as many design dollars goes into a single figure, maybe even more, than that entire box of 5-10 figures. If you look at X-Wing, the only expansion with multiple new sculpts is also going to be the game's most expensive expansion, despite them being just a large ship and small ship ($45 combined, but retailing at $50). I know GW has slinked into pricing models based on their value in the game, but at least they've also kept the design effort behind those models relatively higher also. It's maybe not much, but it's something.
Does anyone here collect/paint Heavy Gear/Blitz models? I would love to see your collections. I'm thinking of collecting these myself.

Used too, ended up selling it all long ago though.

I would wait for the upcoming release of their new plastic starter set, comes with a bunch of figs for a decent price.

Loved Heavy Gear, but they were also usually very high priced too sadly.
Design costs (and detail) are usually higher on single models/SKUs. You honestly see the same thing across all games (though a higher price point at GW). Realistically probably as many design dollars goes into a single figure, maybe even more, than that entire box of 5-10 figures. If you look at X-Wing, the only expansion with multiple new sculpts is also going to be the game's most expensive expansion, despite them being just a large ship and small ship ($45 combined, but retailing at $50). I know GW has slinked into pricing models based on their value in the game, but at least they've also kept the design effort behind those models relatively higher also. It's maybe not much, but it's something.

I mean I get all that, and I agree. And yet part of me has a small panic attack inside when each Assassin model costs £19 when it used to be £5 per guy in metal, £4 for the callidus. I know, that's the 90s pricing for you and the relative cheapness of the metal at the time. And yeah, the new kits are nicer, easier to convert etc.

I'm ok with the pricing in that I'm still willing to pay it because I love this hobby. And it's a lot more complex now than the days of a chap sitting at a desk with some Green Stuff and a moulding kit.
Tonight I assembled my first three marines fresh from a box. It's more difficult that it looks. Had some trouble getting the arms and the gun align. Took me almost tho hours! At this rate I actually get quite a lot of entertainment in terms of time from that box.
You should try to build a Robotech Veritech battleroid mini. The arms that hold a gun up are like 6 pieces each arm, and to get them lined up both arms to hold an actual gun... ugh

Worst designed minis ever
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