What no Gorkamorka?![]()
Maybe it falls under the "And many, many more!"
What no Gorkamorka?![]()
Command squad
And transfers for days
Maybe it falls under the "And many, many more!"![]()
Betrayal at Calth and the new starter sets are actually reasonably priced so I have a bit of hope for the specialist game prices.
Betrayal at Calth and the new starter sets are actually reasonably priced so I have a bit of hope for the specialist game prices.
Plus the goddamn cables...
I've been looking at this and it looks pretty fun.
Do you think it's a worthwhile game to play if you already have an active 40k group? Are the rules or units different enough to 40k?
I've been looking at this and it looks pretty fun.
Do you think it's a worthwhile game to play if you already have an active 40k group? Are the rules or units different enough to 40k?
Work in progress: Ultramarines 3rd Company Combat Squad
edit. GAH just saw the messed up eye on one of them when I posted this. You're going to see some brush, young man!
And inked:
Next will be painting the areas that got too much shade back to their original colour (mostly blue), adding highlights and then some minor details like working on the eyes and adding the texts to the purity seals.
Red parts were tricky. From black primer I went first grey and then started to add layers of red. I feel like the paint itself is a bit harder to manage and I think I did get a bit too thick paint in some spots.
The gold I used is GW Balthasar Gold and as you can see, it is a bit more dim one and goes to orange more than yellow. I actually kinda like it. The orange works with blue obviously and I don't want my Ultra's to look too much like Swedish national ice hockey team... I still might try adding some golden highlights with maybe mixing the Balthasar with my silver paint. Could that work?
Also I think I'm going to have to buy a desk lamp with a magnifier. Some of the details like the eyes are hard for me to paint because I can't always see all the detail and were exactly the brush is going to land.
And when I do buy my first set of Marines that come unassembled, I'm going to magnetise the heck out of them, just so that I don't have to paint the chest aquila with the bolter in the way.
edit. Found this on painting red. Geez, that's a lot of different reds. I only have one.
Looking good, my man, though yeah a few areas look like the paint might be too thick.
I remain jealous. I should be doing some painting tomorrow night, so I'll have something to show off too, even if it's just my fixed up Grots
That feeling when your primer goes on gritty
Was gonna paint my Robotech figs finally, bunch of my valks now have a gritty primer coat, shit is a paint in the ass to get off
That sucks. How many did you prime before you noticed?
That feeling when your primer goes on gritty
Was gonna paint my Robotech figs finally, bunch of my valks now have a gritty primer coat, shit is a paint in the ass to get off
Man got the AVP mini game opened finally, the minis are damn fine quality. Prodos stuff is pricey, but can't say the quality isn't impressive on the sculpts and plastic quality. Almost no clean up at all needed on these figs. Game sounds kinda rough, but do love some colonial marines and xenos.
so more explicitly to my earlier question..
what are some of the mini games (besides X-Wing and Armada which I am already started on) are good to get in on? I know of the following, that all look to have solid minis..
Age of Sigmar
Wrath of Kings
I am also a bit curious about the Batman mini game from Knight Models.
If anyone has thoughts, suggestions, or even just knows of possible sites/blogs that offer comparisons of any/all of them that would be awesome.
Or just wait for Blood Bowl to come back, as it inevitably will.
That's going to be a good day
I've been out of action with a bladder infection (no fun at all) and haven't done much, but I DID find time to touch up my grots a little bit, though I feel it's thoroughly time to move onto other Orks now.
Here's the finished pieces
Or Strange Aeons I suppose, but Malifaux would be my first choice for you. Gothic, old west, horror, lovecraftian, steampunk, all in one!
My backlog of stuff to paint is so huge lol. Was gonna attempt to repaint an X-Wing fig next to make it Poe's custom black/orange. But got ton of Robotech figs that need me
Blood Bowl sounds watered down from when I was a kid(80s kid who saw the birth of "Rogue Trader"
You know what I want? Something with good gothic horror in it. 28-40mm. The more Lovecraft the better.
2nd place would be steampunk.
3rd place would be gunslinger variation on shooting.
You know that FFG's going to release Poe's Xwing eventually.
Maybe, just don't see them doing it as a single release though since its a single pilot custom job. I could see them doing it for inclusion in a larger set maybe. Maybe a set with an updated tfa falcon?
yeah.. right now hemming and hawing between Malifaux, Warmachines, and Hordes. The big draw to either of the Warhammers is that there are a ton of shops around here for that, including an actual Games Workshop store with tons of support. Warmahordes seems to have the second best support (well technically X-Wing easily has the second best, but for traditional wargames, Warmahordes).. the rest are all pretty loosely knit.
edit - this is already a second game to note. In the last month I've already dropped a notable amount of coin on X-Wing.
edit 2 - I stand corrected.. there is regular Malifaux at a shop about 13 mins away... hmmm.
My one critique of the movie is that they really didn't introduce many new starships.
What I can see is also releasing a two part set, with Poe's Tie Fighter as well.
IIRC, Malifaux has a considerably smaller model count than Warmachine/Hordes. Most units cap at 3 instead of 6 and less of them, etc.
I totally agree about the starships.
So many great, iconic ones in the OT & plenty of cool ones in the prequels too.
Rey's speeder looked legit, at least.