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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

You should try to build a Robotech Veritech battleroid mini. The arms that hold a gun up are like 6 pieces each arm, and to get them lined up both arms to hold an actual gun... ugh

Worst designed minis ever

Sounds fun!

D'oh! The top of the page. Now I have to post something a bit more substancial.

Here is my first basing job. Terminator squad walking on cat litter barren landscape.

what are the skulls? And just normal cat litter?

The skulls are part of the base itself.

There's two kinds of cat litter in there. One that is "round", which I also grinded to almost dust and mixed with the bigger bits, and then there is another type that looks more like flat rocks. It doesn't work super well because it reacts to the water I use to thin the glue, but I'll take it. The ground is so frozen I have no means of getting sand and I will rather buy more minis than modeling sand at this point.

But yeah, I suppose it's just plain normal cat litter. Got it from a co-worker (along with some funny looks).

I'm most likely looking for a better alternative for the basic ground texture, but I actually like how the "flat rocks" litter looks like.
I've finally, FINALLY, finished painting my first mob of 30 Ork Boyz. Between other projects and the two months I took off for Xenoblade it's taken months and months to do them. Only another 90 to go!


To get over painting 30 guys I've perhaps gone too far in the other direction and started to paint my Stompa. Really enjoying it so far, but kicking myself for gluing it together before painting it.

The skulls are part of the base itself. There's two kinds of cat litter in there. One that is "round", which I also grinded to almost dust and mixed with the bigger bits, and then there is another type that looks more like flat rocks. It doesn't work super well because it reacts to the water I use to thin the glue, but I'll take it. The ground is so frozen I have no means of getting sand and I will rather buy more minis than modeling sand at this point.

But yeah, I suppose it's just plain normal cat litter. Got it from a co-worker (along with some funny looks).

I'd strongly advise against using sand from outside/beaches etc. as I've seen a few cases where the natural dirt on it has reacted with the water in glue and gone horribly mouldy, spreading to the mini and ruining the paint job. I'm pretty sure modelling sand/stones are heat treated to prevent that.
I'd strongly advise against using sand from outside/beaches etc. as I've seen a few cases where the natural dirt on it has reacted with the water in glue and gone horribly mouldy, spreading to the mini and ruining the paint job. I'm pretty sure modelling sand/stones are heat treated to prevent that.

Good to know, thanks!


I've finally, FINALLY, finished painting my first mob of 30 Ork Boyz. Between other projects and the two months I took off for Xenoblade it's taken months and months to do them. Only another 90 to go!


To get over painting 30 guys I've perhaps gone too far in the other direction and started to paint my Stompa. Really enjoying it so far, but kicking myself for gluing it together before painting it.

I'd strongly advise against using sand from outside/beaches etc. as I've seen a few cases where the natural dirt on it has reacted with the water in glue and gone horribly mouldy, spreading to the mini and ruining the paint job. I'm pretty sure modelling sand/stones are heat treated to prevent that.

post those boyz, son
They're really nothing special, I'm just getting them good enough to look at on the battlefield, but I'll dig out my camera and snap some pics of them when my boy's out with his nan this afternoon.


They're really nothing special, I'm just getting them good enough to look at on the battlefield, but I'll dig out my camera and snap some pics of them when my boy's out with his nan this afternoon.

Look back a page and you'll see some of my paint jobs. That'll definitely make you feel better about posting yours.

Good to have another Ork army in here.
The more the merrier! Even if they are xenos!

I'm still deep in hype and basically want to post about each and every bit of miniature stuff I do, but I try to cut back a little so that this thread does not turn into my personal blog. :)

Actually this goes to everyone active in this thread: post moar. I want to see your stuff!

Doesn't matter if they are beginner level or masterwork. I want to see your minis and ask questions and learn about them, and if at some point I get to the level where I can offer advice, share what I have learned.

This is such an exciting hobby and I'm glad I picked it up!



The more the merrier! Even if they are xenos!

I'm still deep in hype and basically want to post about each and every bit of miniature stuff I do, but I try to cut back a little so that this thread does not turn into my personal blog. :)

Actually this goes to everyone active in this thread: post moar. I want to see your stuff!

Doesn't matter if they are beginner level or masterwork. I want to see your minis and ask questions and learn about them, and if at some point I get to the level where I can offer advice, share what I have learned.

Totally agree that more posting about your minis is only a good thing.

I want pictures, battle reports and dead Space Marines.
I thought I would take the time to share some of my Blood Angels..

They look awesome!

How in the name of The Emperor did you write down that "Valor" on the banner?! And the lenses on the Dread?


I have hard time making up my mind on how to assemble the tactical squad I bought. To be more precise, the missile launcher guy. I am planning to magnetise the heavy and special weapons, but that's not an option for the launcher. If I assemble him, that means I have to use the launcher in every game until I get some spare marines from somewhere. Probably have to buy one of those three marine boxes just to make some spares. The one squad I bought 2nd hand has a clued in flamer and a clued in launcher anyway.

Edit. 2

Here is my force for the friendly tutorial match on saturday. Perhaps not the smartest composition around, but they are mine.

Some really nice work on those Blood Angels, they're about to make some Orks look like a pile of crap lol

For some reason I'm getting terrible photos out of my digital camera, even my iphone seems to be taking better ones.

The sum total of my painted Orks so far:









Edit: The Boyz are going back on my painting station soon to have the barrels of their guns drilled out and a tiny bit of Ushabti Bone added to their teeth, then I'm promising myself I'm done with them lol
I really like both the BAs and Ork army pics. The dirty yellows and reds on the orks really tie the army together.

This thread in general has gotten a nice life boost lately which is very nice to see. It has encouraged me to look at my painting hobby for the first time in many many months.
I'm missing 40k hard :(

Game seemed to have died in my area, lot of negativity against GW really hurt it, Warmachine/Hordes took over for a while kinda killing the GW playerbase if feels for us.


I have a tip if you want to use real dirt and sand. I bake the dirt and sand in the oven, removing all moisture. I've done it with scale models and 2 train sets and have never had a problem with mold.


I'm missing 40k hard :(

Game seemed to have died in my area, lot of negativity against GW really hurt it, Warmachine/Hordes took over for a while kinda killing the GW playerbase if feels for us.

Where are you based?

Really awesome looking orks there buddy.

Love the new marines there too Staffy.

Feeling insecure right now. I need to train my hands to be less shaky and learn better brush care (mine to to shit pretty quickly)
I absolutely swear by this stuff for cleaning/maintaining and even repairing my brushes:


It really helps to get paint out of the bristles up near the ferrule and you can use it to keep the bristles nice and pointy if you leave a little of it on the brush and shape it before putting it away after each use. It doubles or triples the life of my brushes, possibly more, and the one little tub I've got has lasted forever.


I absolutely swear by this stuff for cleaning/maintaining and even repairing my brushes:


It really helps to get paint out of the bristles up near the ferrule and you can use it to keep the bristles nice and pointy if you leave a little of it on the brush and shape it before putting it away after each use. It doubles or triples the life of my brushes, possibly more, and the one little tub I've got has lasted forever.

You, sir, just helped me spend some cash.

Am I wasting my money getting kolinsky sable brushes?

I suffer from shaking hands too and generally have to paint many many clean up layers on each miniature to fix my mistakes. Sometimes they get so shaky when I am holding the mini with one hand and a brush with paint on it with another that I just have to put them pack to the table and take a breather. It's frustrating and makes my painting slow.

I noticed using a wet palette helps. The paint maintains the same consistency and stays liquid for as long as I need. I just made one from a small plastic food container, wet toilet paper and a piece of baking paper on top (not sure if the right word, I mean the kind you would use when baking food in the oven). With this method I can take as long as I need without fear of the paint drying up on the palette.

And I do like seeing your orky orks. I really enjoy the conversions you have been doing.


Thanks staff, I'm definitely going to have to build a wet pallette, I keep hearing good things.

XCOM2 came out, so I may slow down progress for a month or so, but I desperately need to catch up with my painting and I really want to start my next conversion, which I think will be a Warboss on a bike, as I'm finding I play best when I get a tonne of orks into combat as early as possible & a boss on a bike is a pretty fearsome way to do that. Maybe some bike nobz too... Hmm...

Staffy, ever think of doing some converting? I guess it's a bit more restrictive with marines though
Thanks staff, I'm definitely going to have to build a wet pallette, I keep hearing good things.

XCOM2 came out, so I may slow down progress for a month or so, but I desperately need to catch up with my painting and I really want to start my next conversion, which I think will be a Warboss on a bike, as I'm finding I play best when I get a tonne of orks into combat as early as possible & a boss on a bike is a pretty fearsome way to do that. Maybe some bike nobz too... Hmm...

Staffy, ever think of doing some converting? I guess it's a bit more restrictive with marines though

I keep waiting for a video game to pull me off from miniature stuff. Probably Dark Souls 3 will do that. I'm a bit salty I can't play XCOM2 because I don't have a proper PC at the moment. :)

As for converting, yeah I suppose with Space Marines, and even more so with Ultramarines I can't mix stuff as freely as with orks. I want to buy one of those extra Ultramarine bit boxes, but that is still pretty low tier converting.

I did get a drill and I am waiting for magnets though. Going to magnetise the special weapons and sergeant weapons, so that's something a little extra work.

I do love the Emperor's Champion miniature. Maybe I could convert him to an Ultramarines captain at some point?

Thanks staff, I'm definitely going to have to build a wet pallette, I keep hearing good things.

XCOM2 came out, so I may slow down progress for a month or so, but I desperately need to catch up with my painting and I really want to start my next conversion, which I think will be a Warboss on a bike, as I'm finding I play best when I get a tonne of orks into combat as early as possible & a boss on a bike is a pretty fearsome way to do that. Maybe some bike nobz too... Hmm...

Staffy, ever think of doing some converting? I guess it's a bit more restrictive with marines though

Warboss on a bike is ded killy, it's actually one of the few models I've converted myself because I don't think much of the forgeworld one. I'm really happy with mine but I kinda screwed myself out of places to put extra/bigger guns. Come to think of it, all three models I've converted are Ork biker characters.

Nobz on bikes are great and I'll field them any chance I get (only have three at the moment but looking to go for about 5-6 soon) but don't underestimate your standard biker Boyz. They're cheaper, just as fast, the same 3+ jink when boosting and their guns are just as good, and you'll be surprised just how much damage you'll do with 3 twin-linked, fairly high strength shots. And of course, being BS2 means jinking only reduces your effectiveness by half.


Warboss on a bike is ded killy, it's actually one of the few models I've converted myself because I don't think much of the forgeworld one. I'm really happy with mine but I kinda screwed myself out of places to put extra/bigger guns. Come to think of it, all three models I've converted are Ork biker characters.

Nobz on bikes are great and I'll field them any chance I get (only have three at the moment but looking to go for about 5-6 soon) but don't underestimate your standard biker Boyz. They're cheaper, just as fast, the same 3+ jink when boosting and their guns are just as good, and you'll be surprised just how much damage you'll do with 3 twin-linked, fairly high strength shots. And of course, being BS2 means jinking only reduces your effectiveness by half.

Totally agree with everything here apart from doing damage with ork guns.

I never hit :(

Staffy, that's a very cool lookin mini. What are the fluffy rules of ultramarines that he breaks?
Sorry for the poor quality pics. I think after I've done the Stompa and maybe some Thunderwolf cavalry I'm going to have to get these guys painted. Here are my Ork biker characters in order of increasing suck.

Warboss with Power Klaw:


Painboy with Grot orderly:


Big Mek with Kustom Force Field and killsaw:

Cool bikers, especially the Warboss!

Staffy, that's a very cool lookin mini. What are the fluffy rules of ultramarines that he breaks?

I'm not very deep in fluff yet, so take this with a grain of salt, but:

- If I am not mistaken, the Black Templar cross is part of the shoulder, so I would have to file that off, same goes for the cross on the belt
- The the sword itself and the engravings on it are very Black Templar (but probably I would leave it as it is and call it a relic blade)
- I would probably want some other ranged weapon options than the holstered pistol
- the mini and the unit is very iconic Black Templar, so I'd like to make it more Ultra by perhaps adding an aquila into the backbag or something, and oh yeah, a halo to show he's a captain


Sorry for the poor quality pics. I think after I've done the Stompa and maybe some Thunderwolf cavalry I'm going to have to get these guys painted. Here are my Ork biker characters in order of increasing suck.

Warboss with Power Klaw:


Painboy with Grot orderly:


Big Mek with Kustom Force Field and killsaw:


Sweet rides
What did you use for the boss bike?
I'd love to get a trike.

I'll need to have a proper look at nob bikers too. I got some halo 3 bike models to convert but I haven't even begin to think how they'll fit yet. Is there a good place to get some sitting nobs to install into converted pieces? Same goes for warboss actually, I'm not quite sure where to get the actual ork to put in the bike
The Boss Bike is an Assault on Black Reach Deffkopta frame (with part of the propellers as the footrests), Trukk wheels, a Killa Kan's shoulder as the back of his seat and horns/tusks and exhausts from the same Kan, and a pair of guns from the really old Ork warbikers as the piston/shafts holding the front wheel in place. Then just a bunch of chains and cables and stuff from various things in my bits box.

Using the AoBR deffkopta as a bike frame is a pretty common approach, I've seen some excellent bikes made from them.

Edit: that's a really cool pose you've got on that chaplain. I really need to get the balls to magnetise smaller minis - it'd have saved me a small fortune in special/combi weapons on my wolves.

So far I've magnetised Logan Grimnar to Stormrider and his own base so I can swap him around at will (it's delightfully snappy), every possible weapon and hatch option on a Battlewagon and the secondary weapon on a vindicator, but I just don't have the confidence to do truly tiny stuff like weapons to hands.

Oh, and a Blood Angels dreadnought for my brother in law - I did the faceplates and a shitload of arms, he can have it as furioso, regular/long ranged or librarian dread, pretty happy with that one.
Where are you based?

In South Florida. Shop in Lauderhill that plays but usually on a day I can never go and very early. Rest are really far away. Used to have multiple shops within 15 min I could go to and there was always 40k games going, not anymore. Warma/Hordes is all I see now or X-Wing now
£115 for two packs of Wulfen and the new campaign book :(

Must have it though, the new rules are looking amazing for my Wolves. The new Ulrik and Iron Priests look pretty swish too. I really hope the rumour of an updated codex is true though.
Played my first game today, a 500 p. 2v2 with randomized pairs.

Ultramarines forged am unlikey alliance with Necrons against a pack of traitorous White Scar bikers and the forces of Chaos. We got wiped out.

We destroyed the majority of the traitorous marines, but the Chaos had a flock of weird demon manta rays that ended up decimating everything they touched.

Had fun though!

I'm gonna pick up a few infinity minis, but my old citidel paints have seen better days, any brand of paints you guys recommend? It would be nice if I can get them at Michaels, since I need a few other things from there.


Haven't painted in 15 years or so, whipped these up for my 8 year old's army this week. Considering the circumstances, I'm happy but not happy that I spent about 8 hours on the squad. Hopefully once I've gotten back into the groove I'll knock that down to 4-6 hours.

Fuck chapter badges, the sculpts on those things are so bad sometimes.

shitty photography ahoy

I've been looking at some of the new Space Wolf formations in Curse of the Wulfen and I'm really loving Ragnar's new drop pod rules, could make for a nasty first turn. I'm having trouble deciding what to do for a model for Ragnar though. I could either just use the proper model (no), wait for a revamped mini or convert my own (I'm thinking the head, backpack and Frostfang from the upgrades sprue on a Krom figure, since Krom's mini was obviously meant to be Ragnar at some stage). Anyone have any opinions or suggestions?

Haven't painted in 15 years or so, whipped these up for my 8 year old's army this week. Considering the circumstances, I'm happy but not happy that I spent about 8 hours on the squad. Hopefully once I've gotten back into the groove I'll knock that down to 4-6 hours.

Fuck chapter badges, the sculpts on those things are so bad sometimes.

shitty photography ahoy

Not a bad job at all, your 'just returned to painting after a long absence' minis are a hell of a lot better than my first batch of minis when returning to the hobby.
Played my first game today, a 500 p. 2v2 with randomized pairs.

Ultramarines forged am unlikey alliance with Necrons against a pack of traitorous White Scar bikers and the forces of Chaos. We got wiped out.

We destroyed the majority of the traitorous marines, but the Chaos had a flock of weird demon manta rays that ended up decimating everything they touched.

Had fun though!

As a first time player do you have any advice for someone teaching other new players? Anything you wish you'd known, anything which was particularly helpful? I'm in the process of teaching a few people how to play and they're at the stage where they're curious enough to want to play a game but not enough to drop money on the rulebook and minis yet.
As a first time player do you have any advice for someone teaching other new players? Anything you wish you'd known, anything which was particularly helpful? I'm in the process of teaching a few people how to play and they're at the stage where they're curious enough to want to play a game but not enough to drop money on the rulebook and minis yet.

I watched a few games (live and YouTube) beforehand. Then we just started playing and they would stop, remind or correct me if I was about to do something wrong. I would say it worked nicely. No need to memorize *everything* before getting into the fun part.

Edit. read my post again from your quote. Gah so many typos, I hate posting with phone sometimes

Here's what I painted today, about 6 hours work on and off since lunchtime. I'm tempted to call it done, but there's one thing I'm not sure about that I need to sleep on.

I wasn't keen on having too much metallic on this guy, so the trim on his knee pads, crotch plate etc are all-red. To help the trim look different I applied 'ardcoat gloss, hoping to avoid the need to use a metallic shade. But I'm not sure if it's too red? I suppose I could do black trim, maybe... see how I feel tomorrow.
Here's what I painted today, about 6 hours work on and off since lunchtime. I'm tempted to call it done, but there's one thing I'm not sure about that I need to sleep on.

I wasn't keen on having too much metallic on this guy, so the trim on his knee pads, crotch plate etc are all-red. To help the trim look different I applied 'ardcoat gloss, hoping to avoid the need to use a metallic shade. But I'm not sure if it's too red? I suppose I could do black trim, maybe... see how I feel tomorrow.

He looks great! I especially like the blue fur(?) parts.

Ok, so I can get my hands on a whole bunch of Golden Acrylic paints, would these work well for some Infinity minis?

Or should I go get some special paints from somewhere?
Thanks guys, here's him done now. I did gold trim in the end.


Apologies for my iPhone 5c's potato camera.


Ok, so I can get my hands on a whole bunch of Golden Acrylic paints, would these work well for some Infinity minis?

Or should I go get some special paints from somewhere?

I've not tried those paints, but as long as they're thin, you'll be fine. Infinity models have very fine detail compared to those of GW so it's very easy to lose detail with thicker paint. Even GW paints need a thin down before application to the model or you'll end up with brush strokes and lost details.
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