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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Do we think they're likely to start offering a free mini with White Dwarf often?
Be awesome if that became a regular thing.
This is my first issue, but I've already ordered the subscription because there's a lot of fun inspiration in there.

If they included a free mini every month I would subscribe immediately.


If they included a free mini every month I would subscribe immediately.

I bet subs would be through the roof. They'd make a mint. Even if a lot of the time it was just like basic troops of various types, they'd be great for practising painting on & GW would surely sell more paints too.

I've already seen somebody convert their Slaughterpriest into a Necromunda gang boss on Reddit. Very cool.
Isn't this new 40k building just delightfully grimdark? Straight from the 80's and I loooove it.

85 euros though...

Double posting but hey, it's been three days.

Anyway. Getting a bit disheartened with Privateer Presses inability to supply miniatures for their miniature game. Completely destroys my Journeyman league plans.

I think I can live with not being able to get Lanyssa from anywhere, despite it destroys my planned progression and makes me have to buy minis I really don't want to.

But Scarsfell Gryphon, the only worthwhile addition for the 10 p. step being sold out completely just makes me want to quit.

edit. thinking about buying a Rotternhorn Gryphon and maybe making the hood from green stuff, or just proxying.


You're in Europe somewhere, right? Will your store not order what you need? I've never had an issue with PP not having enough stock. It's usually a failure of the store or the store's distributor if they can't get what you need.

Journeyman league is meant to build the community so I'd personally be okay with proxy models. I think even your idea of making a greenstuff hood so it's recognizable is 100% legal way to play the model within the current rules.

I play Circle and can barely tell the griffons apart anyway. One has metal tipped feathers, one has a hood, and the other one has neither... I think.
You're in Europe somewhere, right? Will your store not order what you need? I've never had an issue with PP not having enough stock. It's usually a failure of the store or the store's distributor if they can't get what you need.

Journeyman league is meant to build the community so I'd personally be okay with proxy models. I think even your idea of making a greenstuff hood so it's recognizable is 100% legal way to play the model within the current rules.

I play Circle and can barely tell the griffons apart anyway. One has metal tipped feathers, one has a hood, and the other one has neither... I think.

Yeah I'm in Europe, but what I have gathered from the Internet, both models have been sold out globally, Lanyssa for a while now. You can sometimes spot her on Ebay for something like 80 euros.


Yeah I'm in Europe, but what I have gathered from the Internet, both models have been sold out globally, Lanyssa for a while now. You can sometimes spot her on Ebay for something like 80 euros.

Weird. She must've surged in popularity in MKIII. The only time I've run into this kinda issue was with Woldwatchers when Bradigus' theme was released, and people realized you needed like 6 of them, but nobody stocked them because they had been pretty niche before that.

Wonder what shipping would cost to just mail you mine. If you can figure out the cost from Omaha, Nebraska to wherever the hell you area, and want to paypal me the shipping cost + $X(close to msrp) for the model, I could send it to you.

I'd need to verify I do actually have her, cause some of my stuff is loaned out. I'm pretty sure she's assembled, but not primed. I think she's one solid piece too, so safe to ship.
Weird. She must've surged in popularity in MKIII. The only time I've run into this kinda issue was with Woldwatchers when Bradigus' theme was released, and people realized you needed like 6 of them, but nobody stocked them because they had been pretty niche before that.

Wonder what shipping would cost to just mail you mine. If you can figure out the cost from Omaha, Nebraska to wherever the hell you area, and want to paypal me the shipping cost + $X(close to msrp) for the model, I could send it to you.

I'd need to verify I do actually have her, cause some of my stuff is loaned out. I'm pretty sure she's assembled, but not primed. I think she's one solid piece too, so safe to ship.

Thanks for the offer! I don't know what to say really. I know shipping a package here can be pretty expensive, but maybe it can go as a letter? Not sure. I'll dig around. What would you use, US Mail or what's it called? I'm in Finland.


Looks like it depends if it can fit in a letter or a large envelope. Letter looks like about 4 dollars and envelope something like 10. It's hard to tell when I'm not sure how much the mini weights and if it can fit in either one of the possibilities.


You can just skip Lanyssa in favor of a Blackclad Wayfarer. As a Hunter's Mark-caster, Lanyssa's lower PC and higher DEF probably makes her better. But the Wayfarer's attack spell is better and he has a fair chance of proc-ing Battle Wizard. Plus, he benefits from Friendly Faction.
You can just skip Lanyssa in favor of a Blackclad Wayfarer. As a Hunter's Mark-caster, Lanyssa's lower PC and higher DEF probably makes her better. But the Wayfarer's attack spell is better and he has a fair chance of proc-ing Battle Wizard. Plus, he benefits from Friendly Faction.

The reasons I wanted her were the lower cost (she fits in my planned 25 p. list) and the fact that I quite like the mini. Also getting her is turned into a "thing" now. :)


Thanks for the offer! I don't know what to say really. I know shipping a package here can be pretty expensive, but maybe it can go as a letter? Not sure. I'll dig around. What would you use, US Mail or what's it called? I'm in Finland.


Looks like it depends if it can fit in a letter or a large envelope. Letter looks like about 4 dollars and envelope something like 10. It's hard to tell when I'm not sure how much the mini weights and if it can fit in either one of the possibilities.

She would totally fit in a normal envelope, so I could do regular US(international?) mail. No idea the cost on that, or the time it takes to show up though. You also won't get the physical mkIII card, cause I definitely don't have that.

PM me your address and I'll see what I can figure out.
She would totally fit in a normal envelope, so I could do regular US(international?) mail. No idea the cost on that, or the time it takes to show up though. You also won't get the physical mkIII card, cause I definitely don't have that.

PM me your address and I'll see what I can figure out.

Will do! And don't worry about the card, those are easy enough to come across.

This is a very cool thing you are doing!


Went to GW and took my first steps into Age of Sigmar. Bought a box of Bloodbound and I'm about a quarter of the way through the Slaughterpriest. I'm painting it up in pre-Heresy World Eater colors, and I'm liking the result so far.

Same model as the one that came with the new White Dwarf, so uh, not sure what to do with the spare. But speaking of WD, I'm liking the return to the old format. And I'm especially liking how many supplemental rules were added for I think all of their boxed games, even for Gorechosen, which isn't even out yet. Gorechosen by the way looks pretty cool. $60 for four models and some nifty rules going by the YouTube preview. Slightly tempted since it plays into my current love of arena combat games, but it would be a sure buy if it was more than just Khorne warriors duking it out. I suppose that's why we have White Dwarf to supplement those rules.
Picked up the Killteam box set. I've been out of 40k game for so long, but really hoping to maybe find some local Killteam play. The big full scale 40k just is a pain to play, all those minis and takes so long to play..... smaller scale games have taken over most places it feels, so hoping that can get some folks to play the small scale 40k skirmish for fun.


I just ordered an airbrush and some Army Painter brushes. I'm most of the way through painting my Skitarii, have nearly done my Imperial Knight and have based my mounted Wolf Lord ready for painting. After that I've got a tactical squad and Tau strike team from the Kill Team box to do.

Edit: also got my slaughterpriest and a bunch of models from the Age of Sigmar £20 starter box to do...

I'm still not very good, but I have SO MANY paints now, you guys. Loving it.

Battlemonkey, where are you based?
I just ordered an airbrush and some Army Painter brushes. I'm most of the way through painting my Skitarii, have nearly done my Imperial Knight and have based my mounted Wolf Lord ready for painting. After that I've got a tactical squad and Tau strike team from the Kill Team box to do.

Edit: also got my slaughterpriest and a bunch of models from the Age of Sigmar £20 starter box to do...

I'm still not very good, but I have SO MANY paints now, you guys. Loving it.

Battlemonkey, where are you based?

An airbrush! I'm jealous. What kind of?

I want to start an Eldar army at some point and it feels like an airbrush would be really handy with all the curved surfaces.

Sort of a chicken / egg thing going on. I don't have an airbrush so I don't want to buy Eldar and I don't want to buy Eldar because no airbrush.


An airbrush! I'm jealous. What kind of?

I want to start an Eldar army at some point and it feels like an airbrush would be really handy with all the curved surfaces.

Sort of a chicken / egg thing going on. I don't have an airbrush so I don't want to buy Eldar and I don't want to buy Eldar because no airbrush.

just a cheap one from amazon because I accidentally bough primer that's for an airbrush, so I thought I'd better double down and actually get one lol

You should get Dark Eldar, they seem very cool glass cannons. I'd never be able to play as them and they're far too delicate looking for me to paint, but I keep looking at them longingly


Well since we have a few people who have a Slaughterpriest to paint I figure we can make this our first group project. I'll compile a post at the end of the month or when it's clear we won't have other priests and I'll call it GAF painting challenge #0 since we had no advance warning. :D

You can PM if you'd like to participate or have questions. This is just for fun of course and it's going to live and die based on interest from others. :)


Well since we have a few people who have a Slaughterpriest to paint I figure we can make this our first group project. I'll compile a post at the end of the month or when it's clear we won't have other priests and I'll call it GAF painting challenge #0 since we had no advance warning. :D

You can PM if you'd like to participate or have questions. This is just for fun of course and it's going to live and die based on interest from others. :)

Hmm... Now considering putting aside my Stormcasts and getting together the rest of the paints needed for the Slaughterpriest. Was planning on practicing skin tones on some lesser Khorne before tackling him. As I've only just started my first miniatures ever tonight though I'll likely still hold off, haha.
just a cheap one from amazon because I accidentally bough primer that's for an airbrush, so I thought I'd better double down and actually get one lol

You should get Dark Eldar, they seem very cool glass cannons. I'd never be able to play as them and they're far too delicate looking for me to paint, but I keep looking at them longingly

Maybe I should have the same accident lol!

And for Dark Eldar I don't know, they feel a tiny bit too evilbad for me with all the torturing and stuff.

Well since we have a few people who have a Slaughterpriest to paint I figure we can make this our first group project. I'll compile a post at the end of the month or when it's clear we won't have other priests and I'll call it GAF painting challenge #0 since we had no advance warning. :D

You can PM if you'd like to participate or have questions. This is just for fun of course and it's going to live and die based on interest from others. :)

I couldn't get my hands on the White Dwarf so I lack the mini, but I can volunteer for the esteemed council of judges! :)
Well since we have a few people who have a Slaughterpriest to paint I figure we can make this our first group project. I'll compile a post at the end of the month or when it's clear we won't have other priests and I'll call it GAF painting challenge #0 since we had no advance warning. :D

You can PM if you'd like to participate or have questions. This is just for fun of course and it's going to live and die based on interest from others. :)

I have the older Slaughterpriest model but not the newer one from the White Dwarf.

Maybe to increase participation we should expand the possible models to like "any Slaughterpriest" or even "any single-model Khorne Hero, but Slaughterpriest preferred" or something like that.

I'm painting mine either way though, need to make more progress on Silver Tower and he's one of the expansion heroes.


I read some of the feedback on here and I've decided on a way to implement this.

This is purely casual, no prizes (yet...) and it's open to anyone, lurkers and regular posters alike. For the first unofficial group project were going to go with:

NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #0 - Blood for the Blood God

- Main theme: Khorne

- Guidelines: No limit on color schemes of course. Keep it limited to a hero or grunt, no vehicles, mounts, or monstrous creatures. Age of Sigmar or 40k. Mortal or Daemon. Playable or not, no worries about legal equipment or scenic bases. Let's keep this build to one entry per person for now.

- Ideally, you're starting with a fresh mini. I don't require proof, but the main purpose behind this is to serve as a motivational tool and a chance to flex your creative muscles. If you have an old mini that fits the theme, I can include it. We welcome entries from all levels of experience, but be open to critique as well, lots of people are going to see your work!

- You can PM me your entry for a mega-post or I can simply grab your post from the thread when I go to compile it all. Entries due by September 30, but being that this is our first group build, I have no problem editing the post up to a few days later.

- I have a few ideas lined up for future group builds spanning multiple games and miniature companies. If you've got ideas, PM me. I'll include the next theme in the compiled post at the end of the month.

Let me know what you guys think, here's hoping we have a few successful months of this if not many more.
Anyone in the UK that could do me a huge favour?

It's about an Amazon UK seller who does not deliver into Finland. I'd buy the mini, have it shipped to you and you would send it to me (will pay ofc).
I can do this for you.
drop me a PM :)

Thanks man!

Here's some details on my ongoing table project.

I made three 2" * 4" pieces because smaller pieces are easier to store while not in use. I use them on top of our dining table so leaving them on is not an option.

The material I used is foam board called Finnfoam (yes, Finnish Foam).

It's used to insulate buildings from ground frost, so it's pretty thick. I chose the thickest I could find, 7 cm. And I just realised I have forgotten to paint that stone my Libby is standing on.

The three boards together are bigger than the table I put them on, but as you can see, they are sturdy enough.

And here's a small sample of the scenery I have made from the same material.

When playing Warmahordes, we just put two of them together for a 4" * 4" table and one of the guys in our little journeyman league has a forest type mat from Gamemat.eu and it works like a charm.


Staffy that's great work. I've been wanting to do the very same but with felted tops instead of terrain since I already have a Realm of Battle board to use as a base. I may still need to buy an even larger table as a base though. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah that's awesome Staffy. I really hope what I'm doing turns out a third as good.
I'm using a battlemat, at least for now, so it won't be THAT good, but hopefully it'll look somewhat presentable.

For now, behold the scenery I've started working on (unfinished & unpainted!)

This is the first corner for a ruined building I'm going to make - got a window with some wire over it that you can see, on the other side there's sort of a blasted open doorway. I'm not sure if I actually like this yet. Needs a lot more detail, but I'm undecided on how I'm going to add that

A crappy old wooden fence made out of lolly sticks. There's also a half buried ork gun in the floor there

I'm calling this a comms relay - made it out of a few strip light starters & some spare ork/marine bits

A section of fence - this is a little test. I've got loads more of the materials for this, so I think I'm going to make a perimeter fence around something with a few holes in it to funnel units around
Thanks dudes!

Mikeside, I really like your comms relay. I should try to make something like that. I have only made rocks. And put together one building kit from the Knight box but that is still only half-painted.

Mr Git

And here's a small sample of the scenery I have made from the same material.



Looks amazing! I started working with some similar foam a while back as it's fairly easy to carve shapes into it. Made some painstaking dry stone walls to make into buildings.

Just started collecting and playing Malifaux. Any other players on here? Some of the miniature assembly was incredibly fiddly. Had to use tweezers to glue some stuff. Can't remember the last time I needed to do that.

Been clearing and getting new furniture for my spare bedroom, which I'm finally turning into a games room. Will contain a 4x4 foot gaming table (with one of the sides against the wall because it's a small room). As you can see on my instagram I've got a few shelving units with a bunch of my terrain, books and games on. Hopefully the room will play host to AoS, 40K, Quest, Warmachine, Munchkin and all sorts of gaming in the future!

I'm excited to get it all looking nice :)

Been clearing and getting new furniture for my spare bedroom, which I'm finally turning into a games room. Will contain a 4x4 foot gaming table (with one of the sides against the wall because it's a small room). As you can see on my instagram I've got a few shelving units with a bunch of my terrain, books and games on. Hopefully the room will play host to AoS, 40K, Quest, Warmachine, Munchkin and all sorts of gaming in the future!

I'm excited to get it all looking nice :)

Cool! Post pics when you get everything set up!
Finished up the Knight-Questor from the Silver Tower. He's actually pretty tanky in AoS as well.

And a unit of Orruk Brutes for my Ironjawz army.

Next couple of weeks should be interesting. I'm trying to finish up a Warchanter, 3 Gore-gruntas and 10 Ardboys so I'm able to field a full 1500 point Ironjawz army by the 24th for a local AoS tourney.

And then also knock-out that Slaughterpriest model by the 30th.
Thanks Git and Toaster, and ScatheZombie: You have a cool style of painting that makes the minis look like they are from an animation. Especially the Orruks.

In regards to the painting challenge. It seems the local store has the White Dwarf in stock after all. I don't have time to pick it up until next week though, hope it's not sold out then.


Some guys around these parts are starting a slow-grow AoS campaign in October, thinking of joining in. I have a bunch of unassembled Dark Elves, so I might start with them as my core, but branch out from there. They plan on playing at a store that's a bit far for me though and I don't have any proper carrying case/bag for my minis.


I use Sabol Army Transport with their foam inserts. Durable bag, some side and lid pockets, flexible. I don't know if I want to use anything else at the moment. It's not a hard case though if that's something you'd prefer.
Anyone playing Team Yankee? I just recently discovered it and today I bought a small Soviet force (Tank Company, Mechanized Infantry Company, a section of Hinds).
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