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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


got all the bits of my Imperial Knight together, but now I'm having panic about painting it - it's an expensive model to fuck up!

After this, I'm going to get a bunch of Space Wolves to go with my Skitarii manaple. I'm loving the look of those thunderwolf cavalry.

I'm tempted to scale back with my Orks and maybe to sell some of the painted stuff to fund new army, but it'll be good to have some Orks for others to play with, or for me to play with for a change from the new army.... decisions decisions


So is Age of Sigmar actually good gamewise?
Does it look like another finecast situation or is GW gonna stick with it?

Going to stick with it just because of IP protection, where Warhammer was pretty hard to IP protect, and I must admit alot of the models do look amazing (and gaffers do a great job of painting them).
Does age of sigmar use different factions? I really like the aesthetic of the empire.

It's set after the old Empire-residing planet basically blew up. So technically they're different factions now, but many (pretty much all, give or take) models have rules and alliances within the Age of Sigmar setting a few thousand years later. Empire Stuff generally comes under the Free Peoples allegiance which can also include Dwarfs (Duardin) and Aelfs I think. It's only been a year, but I have no doubt we'll see fresh human factions appear with time. Orcs are mostly unchanged, just a bit physically bigger with the Ironjawz (and hella tough). Sylvaneth is the Treemen/Dryads expanded into a complete army. And the Fyreslayers are a full army based on the classic Troll Slayers. So there's serious callbacks in the new armies but they still feel fresh.

So is Age of Sigmar actually good gamewise?
Does it look like another finecast situation or is GW gonna stick with it?

It's good. It's very different to WHFB and a lot of people have gone to Kings of War for their block-of-infantry style game. If you like skirmish style games with very fast gameplay and easy to follow rules, AoS is great. The four page rulessheet seems light at first, but you soon realise they're the guideline to using the Warscrolls provided for each unit and there's actually lots of depth - especially with the three most recent armies (being Sylvaneth, Bonesplitterz and Beastclaw Raiders) now getting magical items and special allegiance abilities and spells.

Maybe pick up the new Storm of Sigmar mini starter set and see how you feel about it?


Thanks for the answer, I really might, also what's the difference between Ironjawz and regular new orcs? Are they practically just black orcs of old?
Thanks for the answer, I really might, also what's the difference between Ironjawz and regular new orcs? Are they practically just black orcs of old?


They're basically Black Orks Plus!

The regular Black Orks kit has been rebranded as 'Ardboyz - within the Ironjawz these are the runts of the pack.

In the pic above you can see the Brutes, which are the new core troops of the Ironjawz. These guys are BIG, they're like the Terminators to an Ardboy Space Marine. They pack a beastly punch too.

You've also got the Gore Gruntas, which are boar boyz on steroids. They're absolutely massive and have 5 wounds a piece and are heavily armoured.

Then you've got the new heroes like the Warboss on Maw-crusha, the standalone Warboss (who towers over the 40K Warbosses quite significantly), the Wierdnob Shaman and the Warchanter who is like a musician character who gives 'encouragement' to his ally units.

If you thought Orcs were smashy, these guys are like.... ultra smashy.

The other Orc (or Orruk now) factions are all basically repacks of older models - Bonesplitterz are what we knew as Savage Orcs in the past. They're generally pretty weak in comparison to the Ironjawz but the new book should have given them a decent buff - but I've not read it yet so I can't say. I've got a Moonfang Grot army (basically Night Goblins) but they're super weak in combat so they're really tough to play with.


Unconfirmed Member
The engines look great. Overall fig looks fine for table top usage. Maybe just use base coat to try and clean up the lights a bit, or lessen them as they are kinda big looking. Try to make em smaller and remember to look at your figs from a gameplay level, not up close to your face.


Yeah, I need to remember to look at them from a gaming perspective. Only way to get better is to practice :)
got all the bits of my Imperial Knight together, but now I'm having panic about painting it - it's an expensive model to fuck up!

After this, I'm going to get a bunch of Space Wolves to go with my Skitarii manaple. I'm loving the look of those thunderwolf cavalry.

I'm tempted to scale back with my Orks and maybe to sell some of the painted stuff to fund new army, but it'll be good to have some Orks for others to play with, or for me to play with for a change from the new army.... decisions decisions

Cool, you got a Knight too!

Which weapons are you going to use?

I took the advice from this thread to only build the "skeleton" and prime and paint it and the panels separately. It was good advice!
Thanks for the answer, I really might, also what's the difference between Ironjawz and regular new orcs? Are they practically just black orcs of old?

Just to add to the great description above, here's the army that my recently painted Gordrakk got added to:

Savage Orruks with a Savage Big Boss and Savage Big Stabba (I have another set of 10 to paint up laying around too).

Savage Boarboys

Arachnarok Spider (still on the old square base for now)

Orruk Ardboys

I also got the Start Collecting: Ironjawz box earlier this week so that's another 10 Ardboys, 3 Gore-Gruntas and a Warchanter.

I was also able to quickly paint up a Baleful Realmgate (still have 1 more to go)

And some Spirit Hosts was the last thing I painted before Gordrakk, so I'll share them too

As for that Jungle-themed base I promised; here's the based Carnosaur without the rider (Kroq-Gar still in progress)


Cool, you got a Knight too!

Which weapons are you going to use?

I took the advice from this thread to only build the "skeleton" and prime and paint it and the panels separately. It was good advice!

I got an errant new on sprue for cheap on eBay so I've just built the sword and the scrubber

I've got the legs, body, mask, arms and top plate all separate right now so I'll paint them like that. Probably over this next week, as I'm away at a music festival until Sunday


So I went all in on AoS and ended up with a Get started box of freaking Sigmarines of all things.
Hopefully they won't be too vanilla on the table..
So I went all in on AoS and ended up with a Get started box of freaking Sigmarines of all things.
Hopefully they won't be too vanilla on the table..

The good thing is if you add that box to the Stormcast half of the big starter box you get a really nice army - the numbers of guys in each set add together to make some 'proper' sized units (essentially the Stormcast Start Collecting box is a mini expansion in many respects).

I'd recommend a few of the individual heroes to grant buffs - particularly the banner bearer who can teleport your guys around the battlefield and the flying knight with the arrow of doom (Azyros?).


The good thing is if you add that box to the Stormcast half of the big starter box you get a really nice army - the numbers of guys in each set add together to make some 'proper' sized units (essentially the Stormcast Start Collecting box is a mini expansion in many respects).

I'd recommend a few of the individual heroes to grant buffs - particularly the banner bearer who can teleport your guys around the battlefield and the flying knight with the arrow of doom (Azyros?).

Yes I've read the same, and I love the archer model so eventually probably buying those..


I'd just like to take a moment to say F You to the guy at GW that put seams down the middle of all these shoulder pads. Trying to fill it with milliput but it just won't stay in the gaps. Thinking I should try something thinner...
I'd just like to take a moment to say F You to the guy at GW that put seams down the middle of all these shoulder pads. Trying to fill it with milliput but it just won't stay in the gaps. Thinking I should try something thinner...

Are those starter set models? Because normally you only get seams on those in places like that. I think Liquid Green Stuff is your best bet. Or go over it with more plastic glue and then scrape it back with your knife.


Are those starter set models? Because normally you only get seams on those in places like that. I think Liquid Green Stuff is your best bet. Or go over it with more plastic glue and then scrape it back with your knife.

Yeah, it's the AOS starter set models. I know the Liberators box has them cut so the shoulder pads are single pieces - it's frustrating for example when you have two liberator primes and one has two solid shoulder pads, while the other has one right down the lion's head and another in a zigzag in very closer quarters. Some of the Prosecturs have well hidden seams as well. Just makes you wish they'd gone that little extra distance on all of them.

I'll get over it though - as these are the first minis I've ever done in not expecting the best results anyway.

I've only read bad stuff about liquid green stuff before most people I've seen talk about it say it's worthless as a filler?



Oh my god - this is beautiful. Really like the style!

I have been lurking this topic for quite some time now. I really would like to get into the painting bit, but the price point to really sart off and do it good seems a bit high for me now.

I will one day though, probably around when GW will release some AoS humans or elves sets (were there any predictions on when could this be?).

Seems to start I would need:
1. Build + Paint set
2. Brush set
3. Spray
4. Shade (1 or 2)
(5. All the stuff needed for the cool looking bases - but this would be later I guess)

Would You guys recommend anything else to add here? Varnish + Matte Coat?



So my first go of a Stormcast color scheme, the pic here was my inspiration

Needless to say I'm not as talented or even able to fool around with that cool glowing effect.

Any tips, tricks, ideas to improve the scheme or the painting overall? You guys think it needs some more striking color? Maybe for the "leathery" parts?


So my first go of a Stormcast color scheme, the pic here was my inspiration

Needless to say I'm not as talented or even able to fool around with that cool glowing effect.

Any tips, tricks, ideas to improve the scheme or the painting overall? You guys think it needs some more striking color? Maybe for the "leathery" parts?
It is so frustrating because I could show you in person how to do a close approximation of that glow in about 15 mins. It is more of a technique than a skill and it would make your scheme striking. Maybe see if you can find a good tutorial and then just don't overdo it. It won't look like that picture exactly but you can get very satisfying results very easy.


Would You guys recommend anything else to add here? Varnish + Matte Coat?

You could probably get away without varnish. I use it for decals only myself.

Any tips, tricks, ideas to improve the scheme or the painting overall? You guys think it needs some more striking color? Maybe for the "leathery" parts?

That's a great color scheme. I would make the leathery parts golden yellow to go with the black, but you do already have gold. Maybe a dark blue?



Not perfect but better than without, and that blue leather was a good call
Here's hoping I get better with the technique as I go through this getting started box

Edit also I'm kit bashing some blood angel pretty boy heads on these sigmarines, what do you guys think lorewise would their eyes glow without helmets on?


Not perfect but better than without, and that blue leather was a good call
Here's hoping I get better with the technique as I go through this getting started box

Edit also I'm kit bashing some blood angel pretty boy heads on these sigmarines, what do you guys think lorewise would their eyes glow without helmets on?
That added so much! If you can get it a bit brighter it would only help as you do more. That will be a sick looking army. Nice base too.


I had a demo game of Infinity. It was fun but for some reason the small amount of minis on the board hit me more than other skirmish games. I'm not sure why. I think I'll at least pick up a starter to play with the guys at the LGS. Haven't chosen which one, but I definitely like the alien races more than the others except maybe the Japanese Sectorial Army. So likely Tohaa, Combined Army or JSA.

Also I've been really enjoying the new minis for the game Dark Age, and watching Ash Barker playing it on GMG it looks like a ton of fun, so when the two player starter comes out I'll probably be grabbing it to try and convince others to play with me:

Beautiful eh?

I also really do want to try out Age of Sigmar and will be trying to seek players out soon. I think they play around here on Sundays but this last weekend was a big tournament so no one was around the LGS. I like the Stormcasts more and more as I look at them, but I've always been an Elf and Bretonnian player at heart so I am certain where I would start since Elves don't have start collecting boxes and Bretonnia is dead. Sylvaneth are still cool and have a bit of a Wood Elf feel. I am also really liking the idea of the Flesh Courts, ghouls that are mad but basically picture themselves as Bretonnians. I certainly wouldn't be against adding other undead either! If Tzeentch followers had their own army that would be a consideration too. Maybe one day.



I've heard a couple of either of these sets is a really good starting point.

Is there an army builder with points for AoS yet?


I have one of the two-faction starter boxes for Infinity. I like the game ok (it's obviously more interesting beyond the starter, some mechanics aren't represented), but man I just cannot handle the models. They're soooo tiny. I can't imagine rallying the patience to paint any of them.


I have one of the two-faction starter boxes for Infinity. I like the game ok (it's obviously more interesting beyond the starter, some mechanics aren't represented), but man I just cannot handle the models. They're soooo tiny. I can't imagine rallying the patience to paint any of them.

The newer minis are actually MUCH larger than the older ones. Now those look like a pain to paint.


The painting never bothered me even if it was smaller. It's the assembling. What. A. Pain. Gorgeous models but assembling them is a lot if work. It's the reason I bought a set of gator clips mounted on swivels with a heavy base so the glue could cure while holding tiny joints together in the meantime.
Just took the plunge and picked up the Tau start collecting set. The idea is it'll be a tiny third army exclusively for small 500 point battles.

I have no idea what I'm doing.


I wish I had more time to paint!
Spent last night sorting the house and installing a garden tap.
There are so many more jobs to do, too!


How often do people in here buy mini's just to paint?

I've only really painted my Imperial Assault figures but I see some small miniature sets that I am tempted to paint up for fun.
How often do people in here buy mini's just to paint?

I've only really painted my Imperial Assault figures but I see some small miniature sets that I am tempted to paint up for fun.

I often buy random character models or units for fun :) Still mostly AoS though, because technically you can take anything in a game so it's cool to have access to a wide range of minis!
How often do people in here buy mini's just to paint?

I've only really painted my Imperial Assault figures but I see some small miniature sets that I am tempted to paint up for fun.

That white cabinet all my pictures are on top of is an Ikea Alex drawer. I currently have three of them, but I definitely need a fourth.

Every single drawer of all three cabinets is filled with miniatures or terrain:

On top of that, I have three tool sorters filled with various board game and Reaper Bones minis.

Plus another entire bookshelf of unboxed miniatures from various different collections - mostly Warhammer stuff.

Most of these were bought just because. Even Warhammer I only play maybe once every 2 months. I have too many minis. Lesson here is don't buy more minis until you've painted most of what you already have.
Do we have any Tau players here? I'm hoping for some feedback on this 500 point list. It's going to be used for friendly games, mostly against marines and Necrons at the same points value. Everything is stock unless otherwise noted:

Fire Warriors x 10
Fire Warriors w/ EMP grenades x 6
Pathfinders x 4
Broadside w/ high yield missile pod

That puts me at 495 points.


Damn, a Riptide at 500 points. Amazing what you can squeeze in.

That Pathfinder unit is a bit small for my tastes, especially when combined with short range Carbines.

I think it's fine for friendly games, I'm sure you'll find things you can tweak here and there as you play more. Can't say much about the Marines or Necrons without knowing their composition, hard to say where to go if you're facing assault elements or purely shoot bang. Outshooting is easy as Tau and it looks like you're covered.
I could certainly drop the second squad of fire warriors down to five men and lose the EMP grenades to bulk up the pathfinders by two (I'd be at 501 points but that's fine EDIT - would actually be 496, which is excellent). On the one hand I can't see there being much in a 500 point list that I'd need EMP grenades for, especially as the rules for grenades are now rubbish. On the other hand, the pathfinders are pretty much going to be hiding in a decent bit of cover spamming markerlights for everyone else all day anyway.

Come to think of it I'm not really seeing a downside to adding another pathfinder or two. Cheers for the advice!


I have narrowed down which Infinity starter to begin with to Tohaa and Combined Army. People have told me starting with either will be an uphill battle as I get used to their weird abilities and such things, but I have always been one to play weird armies and alien races.

I have decided to wait on Dark Age until the two player starter comes out later this year, but will be buying it to give demo games. I may also do the same with Wrath of Kings.

I also have talked to a couple people who used to play Malifaux locally and might try to get some games in with them.

I think I will wait for a faction I truly love to get a start collecting box for Age of Sigmar before I start playing it (something Aelves, Tzeentchian or Durradin perhaps?), and having looked into 40k's current rules I cannot justify playing it until they clean it up.
I think I will wait for a faction I truly love to get a start collecting box for Age of Sigmar before I start playing it (something Aelves, Tzeentchian or Durradin perhaps?), and having looked into 40k's current rules I cannot justify playing it until they clean it up.

You might be in luck, I believe the next two rumored AoS army releases are Duardin and Tzeentch.


I'm sorry for the probably stupid question but....

I'm continuing painting Silver Tower miniatures and now I've arrived at the bigger miniatures, with more details...and I found that for proper results I need many colors and in particular many shades (which are sort of magical...they make a mini from plain looking to almost alive, at least for my newbie standard).
Things are getting expensive now...sometimes I just need a tiny drop of shade of a particular color.

Can I use Lahmian Medium from GW to create my own shades?
I've read things around and saw nice results, but before buying I wanted to ask.
Is this possible?
(I've read a out all sort of methods to create your own shades, but I just wanted something not too complicated to mix with some colors I already have and get a result, if possible).

Is this madness?


Preordered the first issue of the new (old) White Dwarf from the website with free shipping to GW store close to my house. Thank god for that, because shipping to my house was gonna be $10 lol. Always liked that Slaughter Priest model.
I'm sorry for the probably stupid question but....

I'm continuing painting Silver Tower miniatures and now I've arrived at the bigger miniatures, with more details...and I found that for proper results I need many colors and in particular many shades (which are sort of magical...they make a mini from plain looking to almost alive, at least for my newbie standard).
Things are getting expensive now...sometimes I just need a tiny drop of shade of a particular color.

Can I use Lahmian Medium from GW to create my own shades?
I've read things around and saw nice results, but before buying I wanted to ask.
Is this possible?
(I've read a out all sort of methods to create your own shades, but I just wanted something not too complicated to mix with some colors I already have and get a result, if possible).

Is this madness?

It's absolutely possible (a couple of the official Games Workshop painting guides do just that to make custom shades and glazes) but... your results may vary depending on the paint brand, color, thickness, etc.

It works, but I'd say it's not really as good as the shade paints themselves. $46 for the Shade set is not too bad, but honestly like 99% of your shading can be done with just Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade (except shading yellow, which really, really needs the yellow shade) - which is significantly cheaper than that starter box. I ironically say this as someone who has like 150 different paints, shades, technicals, and uses most of them on a regular basis (and still manages to be an average-at-best painter, lol).

So, you can do it, but I'd definitely do some testing on a model you don't care about messing up because it was hit and miss for me, and I still greatly prefer the shade paints themselves.

Just don't get any paint in your medium. Ever. They say make sure your brush is clean, but I use an entire separate brush just to be safe. If you only have one brush, just make sure it's really, really clean. I found about 3 parts medium for 1 part paint gets pretty close to the thickness of the shade paint, but I have mostly Vallejo paints and like I said, it depends on brand, thickness, etc.
The new Kill Team rules and sets will be out soon. I really look forward to the smaller, skirmish style 40k. I hope it plays well. I like the idea of tiny teams and maybe a vehicle or two duking it out. I would probably get to work on kicking out a kill team for each of the major races as a fun hobby goal.

I was just considering making small 500pt "scout" armies for each of the factions so this is timely indeed.
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