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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


It's absolutely possible (a couple of the official Games Workshop painting guides do just that to make custom shades and glazes) but... your results may vary depending on the paint brand, color, thickness, etc.

It works, but I'd say it's not really as good as the shade paints themselves. $46 for the Shade set is not too bad, but honestly like 99% of your shading can be done with just Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade (except shading yellow, which really, really needs the yellow shade) - which is significantly cheaper than that starter box. I ironically say this as someone who has like 150 different paints, shades, technicals, and uses most of them on a regular basis (and still manages to be an average-at-best painter, lol).

So, you can do it, but I'd definitely do some testing on a model you don't care about messing up because it was hit and miss for me, and I still greatly prefer the shade paints themselves.

Just don't get any paint in your medium. Ever. They say make sure your brush is clean, but I use an entire separate brush just to be safe. If you only have one brush, just make sure it's really, really clean. I found about 3 parts medium for 1 part paint gets pretty close to the thickness of the shade paint, but I have mostly Vallejo paints and like I said, it depends on brand, thickness, etc.


I already have Nuln Oil..but I need shade for the skin of the barbarian, the acolytes, the priest, shade for the pink horrors, the blue horrors, etc....
Nuln Oil is too dark of course.
I have all colors from Games Workshop, because I live near a shop and it's handy.

Still debating...


I'm sorry for the probably stupid question but....

I'm continuing painting Silver Tower miniatures and now I've arrived at the bigger miniatures, with more details...and I found that for proper results I need many colors and in particular many shades (which are sort of magical...they make a mini from plain looking to almost alive, at least for my newbie standard).
Things are getting expensive now...sometimes I just need a tiny drop of shade of a particular color.

Can I use Lahmian Medium from GW to create my own shades?
I've read things around and saw nice results, but before buying I wanted to ask.
Is this possible?
(I've read a out all sort of methods to create your own shades, but I just wanted something not too complicated to mix with some colors I already have and get a result, if possible).

Is this madness?

When I still painted (it's been a while), I eventually stopped using shades altogether and went to glazing instead (which is basically using a normal, watered-down paint in the same fashion). You need to use several thin coats of it to be effective, and it's a bit trickier to work with (it pools more easily), but it saves on money, adds more subtle depth, and you don't get that glossy effect that shades have. Or maybe they got rid of that glossiness by now? Here's a tiny, ten-year-old picture as an example: I'm pretty sure I just painted this white, threw a dozen layers of black glaze over it, then gave it a few highlights.


I would still recommend using shades for metal and brighter colors though, glazes can make the colors underneath a bit muddy and less vibrant. But I'd just try on a spare part or whatever, if it's not your thing you can always buy proper shades later anyway.
They look good. I like the bases. My Circle are winter themed. Here's Kaya's companion:

Thanks, your doggo looks good too.

I wanted to try some sculpted resin bases and thought this game is a good canditate because of low model count (my other game being 40k). Found a nice set of mixed base sizes that fit the Circle starter box really well.

The mental image I have for the bases and the army is "summer night" and "Warcraft Night Elves toned down". Still unsure if I can pull it off, but having fun so far and my goal as far as painting goes is to learn proper layering.

Here is the gang so far. As you can see I have been painting them simultaniously to get as much color to table as possible. Argus I think is done. Tanith seems like a bit of a...female canine to paint (seamlines in difficult spots I mananged to not spot, like boots and thigh) but I hope she will show the same additude to my opponents.

If any of you are in Oxford, one of the game stores is selling all its GW stuff for 50% off (sorry I forget its name but it's along High Street). Picked up the last copies of Overkill and Silver Tower for £94, along with all the Eldar and Space Wolves they still had.


I just ordered the Kill Team box. Hopefully I can get a few teams together just out of the stuff I already have.

With my models and the boxset, I'll be able to do Orks, Skitarii, Space Marines, Space Wolves and Tau.

Might try to get Dark Eldar, CSM and Tyranids together so we can do some tournaments etc.
I just ordered the Kill Team box. Hopefully I can get a few teams together just out of the stuff I already have.

With my models and the boxset, I'll be able to do Orks, Skitarii, Space Marines, Space Wolves and Tau.

Might try to get Dark Eldar, CSM and Tyranids together so we can do some tournaments etc.

Nice, nailing the "collect" part of the hobby I see! (don't we all?)

By the wey Palmer and anyone else with experience in Warmahordes. I could use some tips for the journeyman league.

My plan is:

0 points - the box (dah)
10 points - add a Scarsfell Gryphon for channeling schenanigans with Tanith
25 points - Druid Wilder(?) and Reeves(?) or Skinwalkers(?)
up to 75 points - no idea whatsover. Wurmwood looks cool as does Kaya 2. Like the idea of the upcoming Mist Riders but it's all fuzzy.

Painted a 40k model for a change from all the AoS this last year. Mainly a one off model for fun! It was a fun one to paint, I kinda messed up a transfer, I just can't get them to sit right on shoulder pads even with the "snip it a bit" technique so I tried freehanding the Crimson Fists logo.


Nice, nailing the "collect" part of the hobby I see! (don't we all?)

By the wey Palmer and anyone else with experience in Warmahordes. I could use some tips for the journeyman league.

My plan is:

0 points - the box (dah)
10 points - add a Scarsfell Gryphon for channeling schenanigans with Tanith
25 points - Druid Wilder(?) and Reeves(?) or Skinwalkers(?)
up to 75 points - no idea whatsover. Wurmwood looks cool as does Kaya 2. Like the idea of the upcoming Mist Riders but it's all fuzzy.

I have a sizable Circle army, but I was focusing on playing Khador in the move to MK III. I'm switching back to Circle for a bit, but I only have a couple games so far (and none with Tanith), so please take this general advice instead of a proper plan for Journeyman growth. I will say this about the Journeyman format: the last scenario (win if you kill an objective) is dumb. You will eventually need the ability to create forests or clouds to screen your objective from getting shot, and you probably want a legitimate ranged threat to win or else force your opponent to protect their objective.

Reeves are basically auto-include with Tanith. That Affliction spell she has turns their barrage of wimpy POW 8 attacks into A Serious Threat. Plus they're really versatile with the CRA option, and their attachment is quite good. Get them in early.

Skinwalkers are probably ok with Tanith, especially with their officer attachment. Between gang and Dark Shroud, they come up to POW 16, which is respectable. I had a blast running them with Kromac 1, whose ARM buff makes them very hard to remove. Definitely lower priority than the Reeves, tho.

Sentry Stone & Mannikins are remarkably good and show up in tons of Circle lists. Definitely a staple. But they're for killing infantry, no jacks or beasts, so they should wait a couple weeks for enemy lists to grow.

Druid Wilder changed a lot coming into MK III. I haven't made up my mind on her, but the free upkeep is probably good for Tanith who has 3 good upkeep spells.

Wolves of Orboros might not be bad with Tanith (granting Dark Shroud to a 10-man unit with 2" Reach is ideal for Scything Touch), they can hit super hard charging with Dark Shroud and their Officer's Power Swell. Throwing 4 dice at POW 13 is no joke. I don't own Wolves of Orboros tho and I've never really made a list that wanted them before, so I dunno how useful they'll be outside Tanith.

There are two ubiquitous Minion solos for Circle: Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress (cheap access to Hunter's Mark, which is excellent) and Alten Ashley (Grevious Wounds on a gun is great for preventing an opponent from repairing Warjack or healing Warbeast damage).

At some point, you'll want a second Heavy. I suggest a Satyr kit, magnetized for all three options. You'll probably want to use it as a Riphorn (whose damage is usually a bit low, but it'll be mitigated by access to Dark Shroud and Primal), but all of the Satyrs are useful in different contexts. It's a good kit that brings a lot of different options for cheap.

It'll be easier to see your Journeyman development once you know what all you'll be playing against. A Khador-heavy meta, for example, will demand you shore up your armor-cracking FAST.
Thanks Brakke!

I think I should add it's not official Journeyman League. It's the local guys who bought starter boxes (six players). We are using the point progression system, but the schedule is not as fast and I'm not sure if we will play just the exact scenarios, and not using the same scoring system. Between us I think we have Cryx, Retribution, Cygnar, Khador, two or three Legions and my Circle (some are getting into more than one army).

I looked into Lanyssa just last night, and I think I just might pick her up as I like the mini and Hunter's Mark seems good.

edit. Gah Reeves are expensive! 50 euros for 10 small guys. I thought this game was supposed to be the cheap one when compared to GW stuff.

Sentry Stone & Mannikins though, I see two of them included very often and they would be a cheaper option money wise. Maybe leave Reeves to the later stages? Feels like I have to buy the deck too sooner or later and tokens so the cost does ramp up a bit.


If you're doing an informal Journeyman, I'd recommend just playing regular-ass Steamroller scenarios after Week 2. And you might also drop the Week 2 battlegroup requirement. For some factions (Khador for sure), they only have one or two shitty options for 'jacks that cost ten points or less.

The War Room deck is cheaper than the physical deck, but the physical deck is better to play with... I have both, but this is the only minis game I play so the budget might work out differently for you.

Reeves recently got re-sculpted (or recast anyway) in plastic, in a box that includes weapons to build them either as Wolves or Reeves. If you get lucky, you might still be able to find the old metal Reeves around somewhere on clearance.

Sentry Stone is good, but the main value is in spraying across a line of infantry to shred them on the approach. Some factions can trivially destroy the Stone itself, tho, and that kills the entire unit. Plus, Tanith's spell list is weird for small games; she really wants a unit that can benefit from that Affliction spell of hers. For Manikin sprays, you're usually more worried about hitting than damaging, and you just don't get the same volume of attacks from a couple sprays as you do from a swarm of 2-shot infantry. Reeves will definitely be more useful early on than Sentry Stone.
Thanks again, that's a lot to chew on.

Maybe I'll put the Gryphon, Wilder and Lanyssa for one order to get my 10 p. list and more, and then get Reeves later (but still for "week 3" as we are taking the progression quite a bit slower.

I need to balance between getting enough items for free shipping and not blowing 100+ euros at once.


Oh my GOD, those miniatures!!!!

I was all happy after I managed to paint half of my Silver Tower miniatures, ready to take pictures and share but....I'm still super happy how they look on the table but damn, I'm super depressed because I know that miniatures look like shit zoomed in in a picture (mine sure do) and those look perfect even there!!!

Freehand too?
Incredible...I struggle to make even a single white dot as an eye in larger monsters....

Meanhwile, my son got addicted to the hobby too...he ordered his first miniature (an Ork Warboss) to be used in Silver Tower and together we will buy the new White Dwarf with the Chaos Warrior miniature (which will be my hero, all mine!!!).

This is going to be expensive.
Oh my GOD, those miniatures!!!!

I was all happy after I managed to paint half of my Silver Tower miniatures, ready to take pictures and share but....I'm still super happy how they look on the table but damn, I'm super depressed because I know that miniatures look like shit zoomed in in a picture (mine sure do) and those look perfect even there!!!

Freehand too?
Incredible...I struggle to make even a single white dot as an eye in larger monsters....

Meanhwile, my son got addicted to the hobby too...he ordered his first miniature (an Ork Warboss) to be used in Silver Tower and together we will buy the new White Dwarf with the Chaos Warrior miniature (which will be my hero, all mine!!!).

This is going to be expensive.

Aww, painting minis with your son. That's gonna be so much fun and if he really gets into it, that's something you can share for years to come.

And don't get dishearted. There's always someone who you think paints better (even if you end up being the very best, you'll still think like that). Just have fun and learn new things! You're doing good already.
Oh my GOD, those miniatures!!!!

I was all happy after I managed to paint half of my Silver Tower miniatures, ready to take pictures and share but....I'm still super happy how they look on the table but damn, I'm super depressed because I know that miniatures look like shit zoomed in in a picture (mine sure do) and those look perfect even there!!!

Freehand too?
Incredible...I struggle to make even a single white dot as an eye in larger monsters....

Meanhwile, my son got addicted to the hobby too...he ordered his first miniature (an Ork Warboss) to be used in Silver Tower and together we will buy the new White Dwarf with the Chaos Warrior miniature (which will be my hero, all mine!!!).

This is going to be expensive.

That's awesome that you get to play and hobby with your son, it's a great family activity and it'll be awesome when you both have painted armies to get battling with. Have you thought about getting a couple of the Start Collecting boxes down the line and do them together? Like aim to paint a unit each over the course of a week and have a weekend battle starting small and by the end of the month hopefully having both armies done and fighting it out? Could make it 2 months or 3 months if you prefer, but it's always a fun way to do things!

And yeah don't worry about your painting, what matters is you're happy with how they look when you're playing the game. Your painting level will naturally increase as you gain experience and try out new techniques. I can't stress enough how valuable Duncan's videos over on Warhammer TV are for picking up great tips.


Aww, painting minis with your son. That's gonna be so much fun and if he really gets into it, that's something you can share for years to come.

And don't get dishearted. There's always someone who you think paints better (even if you end up being the very best, you'll still think like that). Just have fun and learn new things! You're doing good already.

That's awesome that you get to play and hobby with your son, it's a great family activity and it'll be awesome when you both have painted armies to get battling with. Have you thought about getting a couple of the Start Collecting boxes down the line and do them together? Like aim to paint a unit each over the course of a week and have a weekend battle starting small and by the end of the month hopefully having both armies done and fighting it out? Could make it 2 months or 3 months if you prefer, but it's always a fun way to do things!

And yeah don't worry about your painting, what matters is you're happy with how they look when you're playing the game. Your painting level will naturally increase as you gain experience and try out new techniques. I can't stress enough how valuable Duncan's videos over on Warhammer TV are for picking up great tips.

Yeah I'm not really that depressed! Was more a compliment to all recent miniatures I saw in this thread, truly amazing works.
I'm super happy how my minis look while playing...shitty or not I can't go back now, the difference is astounding.

As for my son....I'm super thrilled.
I love him to death anyway....but I was super proud when I saw him painting his first miniature at the GW local shop...actually that moved me to the same one month ago and now we are both deep in the hobby.

According to my wife, it's unclear who between us love more Silver Tower.
It is, hands down, my favorite dungeon crawler and boardgame so far, having dethroned the original WHQ, my old all time fav...and I'm so happy I can play with my son (we have many other games, but we prefer coop so we didn't consider armies yet).

As for Duncan...even my wife knows him...


I think I figured out my problem with milliput. These seams are just too small to use the method generally discussed (rolling a tiny little rope and pressing it in). Started mixing in some water and painting it in with a cheap brush. Takes a couple goes between dried layers but before I either had to leave too much on (which often resulted in huge pieces popping off taking the seam filler with it) or it was a toss-up on whether it would stick at all.

Doesn't help the liberators much since they are mostly done build-wise but when I get around to Khul or the Dracoth it will make a huge difference.
Siege of the Citadel kickstarter soon. Excited, was one of my first mini games, I loved the mutant chronicles universe.

Wish Warzone was easier to get in the US and more popular


Thanks Brakke!

I think I should add it's not official Journeyman League. It's the local guys who bought starter boxes (six players). We are using the point progression system, but the schedule is not as fast and I'm not sure if we will play just the exact scenarios, and not using the same scoring system. Between us I think we have Cryx, Retribution, Cygnar, Khador, two or three Legions and my Circle (some are getting into more than one army).

I looked into Lanyssa just last night, and I think I just might pick her up as I like the mini and Hunter's Mark seems good.

edit. Gah Reeves are expensive! 50 euros for 10 small guys. I thought this game was supposed to be the cheap one when compared to GW stuff.

Sentry Stone & Mannikins though, I see two of them included very often and they would be a cheaper option money wise. Maybe leave Reeves to the later stages? Feels like I have to buy the deck too sooner or later and tokens so the cost does ramp up a bit.

Note that I haven't actually played CIrcle in MKIII so far, so this is theorymachine for me. This is moostly addressed at Tannith being your warlock as well.

You have to think about what you want your list to do, and also keep in mind what other people are likely to be adding to their battleboxes at this level.

Double Sentry Stones are great if you want to be able to somewhat safely deliver your army behind a forest wall, and possibly get a few boosted/aimed sprays here and there. It's more of a support pick, and means you'll be depending on the rest of your army to do the hitting once they get there. The good thing is that your enemies are very unlikely to have counters for it at this point. Also, I say double because this is one of those units that is much more effective when paired up.

Reeves(with or without UA?) are good all around. I can't remember how important the UA is to them in MKIII, but it's rare to take a unit without the UA. You'll be using these proactively to clear enemy infantry/support, and put some damage on heavies before finishing them with your own beasts. They're more versatile than Sentry Stones, but unlike Sentry Stones, they're probably easier to kill for some of your opponents. They do add a ranged threat that your army was probably lacking.

Skinwalkers are decent. Never take them without the UA. I'd only take them with someone who could improve their armor since they mostly seem useful for tying up enemies over multiple turns. I think Tannith and her buffs/debuffs favor units with more attacks though, so probably wouldn't use them with her.

Wolves of Orboros are decent too. I would take them before Skinwalkers, but after Reeves. They just die so easily. Not much else to say about them.

If you want to go a little bit outside the box, consider Farrow Brigands with UA as well. Assuming Tannith isn't super dependent on Friendly Faction for her buffs/debuffs, they would be comparable to Reeves. While Reeves want to shoot all day and hate getting engaged, the Brigands are actually solid in melee.

For solos, you have a lot of options.

Definitely consider something with Hunter's Mark. Lanyssa or a Blackclad. I actually can't remember their stats right now, but I would need a decent reason to take Lanyssa instead of a Blackclad, just because the spray seems like it would be better with Tannith.

Alten Ashley is just ridiculously good. He can be dropped into any list.

Druid Wilder is also nice for the free upkeep, but you have to be cautious of support bloat in Circle.

For beasts, I dunno. If high armor is a problem, you need Warpwolves to crack it. Satyrs can be good, but they struggle against an enemy that can really stack armor. I tend to think of Armor 19-20 as normal. Anything over that is stacked. I love Warpwolf Stalkers, and they're usually going to be the first beast I grab in a normal list. If I absolutely MUST crack armor, Ghetorix is next. For Satyrs, the Riphorn is the most killy one, while the Shadowhorn has the most tricks. I would buy the kit and magentize it, since I'm unlikely to run more than one Satyr in a list anyway.

Edit: Once you can start bringing extra Warlocks, a lot of things open up. Circle has always had a pretty deep roster of good Warlocks. I think Tannith, Kromac2, Wurmwood, Kreuger2, and Baldur2 are the top tier for us. In particular, Wurmwood seems very popular for tournaments. This all kinda depends on how seriously your group wants to take it though. I haven't been playing much, but our local group was fairly competetive, so most players treated game days like a tournament.

Either way, I do suggest you use the Steamroller scenarios ASAP.
A local airsoft shop of all places started selling GW minis. The shopkeeper said he was approached by GW as they were looking for a retailer in the area. No need to order every paint bottle or drive 250 kilometers for them anymore. Fun times and shopping ahead!


They're feeling out the market to decide if they want a store there. In my corner of Houston we had one really good dedicated wargaming spot about ten years ago. Games Workshop must have seen how successful they were and opened up three stores in just the Northwest side of Houston. Now we're down to just two for the entire city.

We've still got other shops but GW has really pared down the amount of stores they've got open. But this could be a good sign for y'all.
They're feeling out the market to decide if they want a store there. In my corner of Houston we had one really good dedicated wargaming spot about ten years ago. Games Workshop must have seen how successful they were and opened up three stores in just the Northwest side of Houston. Now we're down to just two for the entire city.

We've still got other shops but GW has really pared down the amount of stores they've got open. But this could be a good sign for y'all.

They're not going open a WARHAMMER store here in a million years. There is one official store in all of Finland and that's in the capital. There are a 47000 people in this town lol.

I'm happy with this corner of an airsoft store!


I got the new Combined Army starter box for Infinity yesterday and I've been asking around locally what people are playing. Apparently an escalation league for AoS is starting up and possibly a Journeyman league for Warmachine as well. I'd like to join in on one, but can't decide which. So far I liked the people I met playing AoS more, but I certainly enjoy the ruleset for WM/H more. Plus there is no faction in the new AoS releases yet that I really like, which is what I'd like to play.


The weird thing is, at the moment I don't know which is better either?
AoS was horrible on release (maybe overreaction but still) should now be pretty good?
Meanwhile Warmahordes Mk3 apparently has some big problems?


MKIII had some rough rules problems on release but they've cleaned them up. The worst of MKIII balance is no worse than the worst of MKII was, and there's fewer glaring problems. The only legit gripes that my meta has is that there are a couple absolutely savage power casters (Wurmwood, Madrak 2) and one terrible scenario in the packet (which TOs just don't set up on the table). Also Cryx as a faction is trash, and maybe Skorne, too: they could use some balancing.

The real tests are 1) how is this new codex-style release schedule going to work (we'll know in December) and 2) how are they going to handle their first balance patch (since balance patches are going to be a thing now).


Yeah, MKIII seemed to have a rough start, but it still looks about as balanced as WM/H has ever been. Which is much more balanced than any GW game has ever been.


Does anybody have any suggestions on cheap & easy terrain for 40k?

papercraft, DIY stuff, whatever - I just want to get up and running with something that looks OK quickly.
My Silver Tower family is growing.
Orc Warboss and the bronze Stormcast from behind are my son first ever painted miniatures.
I'm so proud :p

Be sure to grab the latest White Dwarf. It includes a free Slaughterpriest model as well as a cutout character card to use him with Silver Tower. Not bad for $9. Also, I really like the return to style with the new WD.


Be sure to grab the latest White Dwarf. It includes a free Slaughterpriest model as well as a cutout character card to use him with Silver Tower. Not bad for $9. Also, I really like the return to style with the new WD.

And do it soon, my GW shop today had 3 copies left!


Be sure to grab the latest White Dwarf. It includes a free Slaughterpriest model as well as a cutout character card to use him with Silver Tower. Not bad for $9. Also, I really like the return to style with the new WD.

Thanks, I preordered it long ago: the included Slaighterpriest is already assembled and primed...I couldn't paint him because my son painted his Warboss :p
Funny thing is...I wanted to buy that exact model to use him as my hero in Silver Tower, so I got a huge bargain!!!
I was hoping an expansion announcement in the magazine but....hopefully soon.


You both did good! The muscle guys at the front look nice.

Those are my last painted miniatures, and my first attempt at humans with skin.
I started with the acolytes because I wasn't sure of the results (I did the skin myself with the colors at my disposal from the starter set, no shading so I had to do my own one plus the highlights mixing colors), and wanted to try skin and humanoids before starting to paint the Chieftain and the Slaughterpriest (my characters in Silver Tower).
I'm pretty happy by the result and I really liked painting them, can't wait to do the rest and then start painting some heroes.


Maybe we should organize a group build (paint?) of a common mini. I'd like to see people's different approaches to the same exact mini.


I assume most people have a Space Marine or two lying around. Hehe

Reaper Miniatures has lots of cheap minis, huge variety, but not always the best sculpts compared to GW, Corvus Belli, and other big companies.


Nice idea!
As a total newbie I would love seeing how the pros paint the same minis!

Why not the free mini with last White Dwarf? :p
I assume most people have a Space Marine or two lying around. Hehe

Reaper Miniatures has lots of cheap minis, huge variety, but not always the best sculpts compared to GW, Corvus Belli, and other big companies.

Maybe a Space Marine is a bit...generic? (I can't believe I'm saying this heresy lol)

Nice idea!
As a total newbie I would love seeing how the pros paint the same minis!

Why not the free mini with last White Dwarf? :p

I was going to buy that (if I find one) and...preserve it for future. (Ofc I would NEVER fiddle with traitors and heretics!)


Do we think they're likely to start offering a free mini with White Dwarf often?
Be awesome if that became a regular thing.
This is my first issue, but I've already ordered the subscription because there's a lot of fun inspiration in there.
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