I made my own box, because it seemed ridiculously expensive to buy one specially.
I'll put up some snaps when I get home tonight.
I'm starting to assemble an Adeptus Astartes (blue guys) army. Got the starter collection kit that comes with a squad of tac marines, a hero or two and a dreadnought. Also got devastator and vanguard squads. Got a lot of painting to do.
First timer here so I'll post pics as things come along.
I also wouldn't mind doing a Tyranid swarm someday but for now I'm sticking with space marines.
I'm starting to assemble an Adeptus Astartes (blue guys) army. Got the starter collection kit that comes with a squad of tac marines, a hero or two and a dreadnought. Also got devastator and vanguard squads. Got a lot of painting to do.
First timer here so I'll post pics as things come along.
I also wouldn't mind doing a Tyranid swarm someday but for now I'm sticking with space marines.
Holy shit he even made you a Purity Seal. That is a legit friend.
4000 was my guess. Must be great though to have so many options for different builds. I don't know if I have that level of commitment for anything besides Daemons where 4000 points might be 1000 if each God (minus Skaven). I like heavy variety.![]()
I don't suppose you'd take on two people at once with your full army would you? I've always wanted to do that.
NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #0 - Blood for the Blood God
Awesome, you've got about a week and a half.No rush, I've still got work to do on my own mini but I've got the bigger parts done, like the armor and skin.
I'm sure some of you are aware but the Warhammer channel has been sharing painting tips on a daily basis for small stuff like weapons and skin. They're short videos, under three minutes long, but the tutorials are pretty good for at minimum table top quality results.
NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #0 - Blood for the Blood God
NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #0 - Blood for the Blood God
- Main theme: Khorne
- Guidelines: No limit on color schemes of course. Keep it limited to a hero or grunt, no vehicles, mounts, or monstrous creatures. Age of Sigmar or 40k. Mortal or Daemon. Playable or not, no worries about legal equipment or scenic bases. Let's keep this build to one entry per person for now.
- Ideally, you're starting with a fresh mini. I don't require proof, but the main purpose behind this is to serve as a motivational tool and a chance to flex your creative muscles. If you have an old mini that fits the theme, I can include it. We welcome entries from all levels of experience, but be open to critique as well, lots of people are going to see your work!
- You can PM me your entry for a mega-post or I can simply grab your post from the thread when I go to compile it all. Entries due by September 30, but being that this is our first group build, I have no problem editing the post up to a few days later.
- I have a few ideas lined up for future group builds spanning multiple games and miniature companies. If you've got ideas, PM me. I'll include the next theme in the compiled post at the end of the month.
- 50 Shades Of (Monochrome challenge)
- Yes Sergeant! (Squad leader)
- One Shot, One Kill (Sniper, scenic base)
- Robe and Wizard Hat (Sorcerer/Wizard/Psyker, etc.)
Hi Guys. I just started with the Hobby two month ago and found the thread back then. I've been lurking since then, but with the Group Build I could not resist and try to paint the Slaughter Priest.
I send a PM to Leunam with my model. In the meantime, these are the guys I finished from the Age of Sigmar Skeleton Horde Box.
I painted one or two models before but those were horrible.
I vote for the One Shot, One Kill theme.
Dude. For someone two months in those are AMAZING. Can't wait to see your Slaughterpriest!
My paint is all but done, just need some...additions to the base.
My first project was a Space Hulk boxset.
And few random figures after that, and then I tackled the Warhammer Dark Vengeance box set which I finished up a week or so ago.
Now I'm working on my Star Wars Imperial Assault board game.
I'm still very much a "table-top level" painter but I'm slowly improving.
Your stuff looks pretty awesome.
I just ordered the Start Collecting Space Marine Box and the Space Marine Codex. I'm not even finished with the Age of Sigmar Box.
This hobby will eat my money.![]()
sorry I've been absent again! Just got two tiny kitties, who are eating up all that painting and modelling time. Be back to it once they're less demanding lol
This one is Oppenheimer - he's an all-black boy, but with a little white bit on the tip of his tail (and a little white bit on a paw too)
This is Arya - she properly wears the trousers. She started out as the REALLY scared one, but after just a few days she's already getting bolder. She loves sitting up on the chair in my kitchen. I think because it's harder for me to see her and she finds it funny when I freak out.
*'cat stuff*
The first miniature I painted was a Hordes miniature. I liked it and I got a box of Hordes miniatures for cheap but than I realized that I like the art style of the citadel miniatures way more.Oh it will! You are now in the hobby of buying Citadel miniatures.![]()
That is a good reason to not be painting miniatures.^^Kitties
Hello all, I am neorej and I have an addiction.
I'm not done with painting my Zombicide Black Plague minis, I still haven't started on my Imperial Assault, and I bought Dark Vengeance and Age of Sigmar starting kits last weekend because they were on sale and I couldn't resist letting those purdy minis sitting there.
And then there's a pile of Kickstarter stuff coming my way....
She's here! Huuuge thanks to Mikeside for helping me out, and a shoutout to Palmer who also offered a helping hand. Miniature-GAF is awesome!
Hello neorej. Thanks for sharing.
Now, did you see the new Genestealer Cult releases? They look pretty great..
Glad you got it! So what's your current list with Lanyssa, and what list will you have at the next point level?
If you like 40K and didn't check out last month's White Dwarf, make sure you grab the next issue this weekend.
My copy came yesterday and it's fantastic - lots and lots of information about the Genestealer cults (about 6 pages of the lore, and 6 pages of designer notes all with great pics), a Deathwatch vs Genestealer Cult batrep, interviews with Jes Goodwyn and the guy in charge of the 40K comic series. Oh and there's a 40K mission ruleset in there too.
It takes a lot for me to say this, but it's the best issue of White Dwarf since I was a kid reading the late 2nd-edition and early 3rd 40K era version of the magazine. Stuffed to the gills with actual, decent content. Can't really spout enough how much I love what they've done with the mag.
Oh yeah, and free comic.![]()
Was there any content for the video game, Total War: Warhammer? I thought I read that they were releasing a bonus Lord via White Dwarf, and I would love to get my hands on that if anyone didn't need it!
That's next months issue, somehow that got leaked extremely early.
It takes a lot for me to say this, but it's the best issue of White Dwarf since I was a kid reading the late 2nd-edition and early 3rd 40K era version of the magazine. Stuffed to the gills with actual, decent content. Can't really spout enough how much I love what they've done with the mag.
Ah okay. So is it too early to shamelessly beg for someone's code if they aren't using it?
I think I have a foolish desire to paint miniature. A thing that hadn't happen for years and given the time required, it wasn't automatically a bad thing.
But well, if I re-enter this hobby, I will do it right, so it's inventory time. I have a Citadel Hobby Starter Set from a few years ago, the paint still looks fluid, do you think I can avoid a purchase here ? GW didn't change their color selection again ?
(I have the set with Imperial Primer / White Scar / Macragge Blue / Waaagh Flesh / Bugman's Glow / Mephiston Red / Averland Sunset / Mournfang Brown and Leadbelcher)
Still undecided about the game part of the equation. GW seems pricey as ever and I haven't the same budget I once had. And Age of Sigmar don't interest me to say the least. But the Storm of Sigmar box is tempting.
As for the game, are you thinking of playing or just painting?
Just a reminder everyone: this is the last day to submit your Khorne minis!
Go go blood for the blood and skulls for the skull and so on. I wanna see 'em!