Saw it last night with my wife, we both loved it. Every great action movie needs a cool car chase sequence and this flick has one of the best ever put on film. Lengthy, wonderfully choreographed and with unexpected twists, absolutely fantastic.
The main reason I wanted to post about this though is how it relates to gaming. There is a an early scene in a sandstorm, cut to female character in shack with an eye patch, I *immediately* think of MGSV. Sure enough, 30 seconds later she mounts a sniper rifle and starts taking out the bad guys, I missed you Quiet! Towards the end there is a (spectacular) train sequence, the *final* part of which is straight out of Uncharted 2, thought the "inspiration" was interesting lol.
Anyway, movie is a must watch on the big screen, can't wait for part 2 next summer