Remove Odin
Makes sense, but it's a bit sad since I was really excited to just get him. Well, them's the breaks I guess. Haha. Thanks for constantly helping out here. I'm looking forward to getting a good team rolling.
Remove Odin
Makes sense, but it's a bit sad since I was really excited to just get him. Well, them's the breaks I guess. Haha. Thanks for constantly helping out here. I'm looking forward to getting a good team rolling.
Leave the mage up. Odin doesn't summon the second wave with the mage up. Then play Bomberman after Zantetsuken. As long as you:
1) Don't touch bombs
2) Avoid the cross-shaped attack from the mage
3) Avoid Odin's own attacks (very choreographed)
You shouldn't ever die.
Of course, all 3 together is easier said than done, but that's how people had to do it at a lv70 cap.
And he's right, paying for new characters that start at lv10 isn't going to do you much good in the short term. Sure, you could blow $1000 on the game, get every single SS/Z that you want during a special pull event, and then cherry pick your party, but you'd still need to level them up - all the $$boost does is to hasten the speed at which you get energy, of which the game is pretty generous with, so if you've been playing a while and have a decent amount saved up during a special pull event you'd get a lot of return.
That aside, burning energy to revive when you can savescum is a little wasteful.
Better get at least 5 for Leviathan.Hmmmm not sure if I want to grind Odin % or Mantles...
So, when does Metal Zone 6 open up? o_o;
So, when does Metal Zone 6 open up? o_o;
Metal Zone 6 is really bad right now. Unless you like wasting stamina, I would recommend just skipping it until they balance it better. If you feel that Odin Ultra is P2W (it's not!), you'll totally rage out of your mind in MZ6. Lol.
Actually, I thought that because I did not know that the Draugr wasn't supposed to be killed. Since one of my main fighters uses Tremor, the thing would usually die fairly quickly.
Wait, I've always killed the Hugin/Munin/Draugr asap and Odin never summoned anything until after the life drain turn?
I must be under leveled or using the wrong team for odin 3. I have a lot of trouble with AoE's setting off the birds defense, and I don't do nearly enough damage.
Wait, I've always killed the Hugin/Munin/Draugr asap and Odin never summoned anything until after the life drain turn?
I don't have any of the really heavy hitters (so tempted to spend some energy trying to get some in the truth pact) so my odin battles take several rounds of zantetsuso/life drainBut I do bring in zafitte for the bomb disarm so those turns aren't too much trouble, and then it's just about taking out the mobs so they don't kill everyone.
Yeah I think Falk might be giving incorrect advice. I just usually leave Draugr alive because I'm too focused on double pincering Odin.
Don't use mages for Odin. The damage is worthless because of high MDEF. Sub in more physical attackers or throw in a second healer even. If you have anyone with Disarm Bomb, now would also be the time to use them. If you're not strong enough to kill both birds in one turn, kill at least one of them in the first turn with a single pincer. Then there won't be a counter anymore when you attack the second one. You have to kill both birds before attacking Odin, otherwise they just keep healing him.
Why have Kana and Ami?I was using grace, koko, zuzu, zafitte, ami'sandra, and kana. I would probably be fine if I was around level 90, but my average level is probably too low. Grace is 84 on job 3, the rest were 65-73. on job 2-3 with 20-50% boost.
I'm working on sna'ip to sub in as a heavy dd, instead of koko probably, but I won't finish him this go around.
Why have Kana and Ami?
I think it basically is, especially with how unforgiving and precise the moves are. I learned that strategy during the zero stamina events and you can still get screwed at the end by missing a move or getting pinned unfortunately.Just tried my first ever Lamia; seems hopeless without poison.
i dont understand the last story event.
when i dont care and goof around, i get zael. when i do, i dont.
MZ6 is a flop; it's like they always planned it but didn't give the buff to the zone like the others. I think the mirror can be killed with set damages and the bomb trails, but it's not a fountain of godly exp; don't do MZ 6.So what's the deal with Metal Zone 6? Can you actually kill the mirror monsters somehow? As it stands, the zone nets me less XP per character than MZ5 at almost twice the stamina cost.
If you have Grace, race through the story mode.After spending a couple of days grinding through story chapters to unlock Metal Zone 3, then spending a solid day (and all the energy I had built up) grinding my party to level 40 I finally caught Odin after several attempts.
If my party is at the point where I could reliably beat Odin Descended every time I tried, am I set for Leviathan and Bahamut Descended? Or are there specific weapon types or skills I need to have for those?
Beat chapter 31 today, got Odin up to 30% SB, and I'm happy enough with that. All ready for Leviathan tomorrow!
I hope they announce more interesting stuff on Friday though. It would be great if they could release a new story chapter every 1-2 weeks or something from now on. Like a TV series! I doubt Mistwalker is that fast though. >_<
The more I think about it, the more I think that I might not be able to beat Bahamut Omega when the time comes. I don't have any characters with Anti-Fire Capsules, and I don't have Grace. I doubt I'll be able to survive the Meteors. I wonder if Calista's Ancient Barrier can protect me. Probably not... Well I shouldn't feel too bad. I have Lewto after all, so whatever. There's always next time. Leviathan is going to be really useful though, since I have a serious lack of ice units.
Don't forget you have the option to spend Energy on revives, in the worst case scenario.
Don't forget you have the option to spend Energy on revives, in the worst case scenario.
Really bad luck on your part.5 runs of Odin Ultra and the job3 item won't drop. I'm tired of this.
Ahhhhhh hopefully they implement it posthaste to take advantage of daily bonus drop for the Helix
If they get 50,000 viewers on Friday's Nico Stream, they're bringing back the Main Quest 1/2 Stamina Off event! As usual there will also be other gifts and events which can be triggered by the Viewer Starter and Comment Starter.
The main topic of discussion for the stream this month seems to be Download Starter 2.
Really bad luck on your part.
I believe those j3 items are at 50% drop rate.
If it makes you feel any better, these events seems to come back often, and Odin Λ is considered the worst of the 3 descended beasts.
Is there any chance they reduced the time req for Zael with the extension?
I just did a run and was similarly pretty sure I wouldn't SB Zael and it popped anyway.
My run was actually extremely time efficient, I just figured it was a bust early on because my new character wasn't doing much and I got absolutely abused on the second stage. But I burned a Power Point to heal and from then on, everything just clicked.Is there any chance they reduced the time req for Zael with the extension?
I just did a run and was similarly pretty sure I wouldn't SB Zael and it popped anyway.