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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!


that puzzling face
PoF finally done. Its over.

oh, I finally finished PoF.

Finished PoF!

wtf u guys

I'm about 80% of the way there. Terra Battle at this point has been relegated to potty time 20-1 and non-stop weekend coin creep farming. At least until endless mode, equips/buddy or Matsuno scenario crop up, or Descendeds return again so I can bitch about not having Neg Pro.

CBA about PVP and even the weekly challenge rankings have lost their luster for me after 3 weeks.


wtf u guys
stay jelly m8

kudos if you actually finish it without having neg pro, I don't think I would have had the strength to do that.

btw isn't Seiryu pretty good for single target damage? No idea how it compares to Z mages but it sure does more damage than Levi^ or Baha^, which honestly are disappointing as Z mages, but then again I should wait to try them in pvp.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
stay jelly m8

kudos if you actually finish it without having neg pro, I don't think I would have had the strength to do that.

btw isn't Seiryu pretty good for single target damage? No idea how it compares to Z mages but it sure does more damage than Levi^ or Baha^, which honestly are disappointing as Z mages, but then again I should wait to try them in pvp.
Levia and Baha having access to a cross attack is enough.


Damn, 1/2 stamina eidolon event means C2 is definitely the superior way to level 70+ characters right now.

Tomorrow will be double item drop rate at ch 6 too which means metal ticket farming.


Squeaked in at 4953 for the weekly pretty surprised, people must have had a hard time with i think I only got the first energy by like 3 seconds.


Unless like me... the only lvl70+ characters you have... are darkness mages! Lololol. :(

The secret is to have someone else carry you while you only bring the units you want to level.

Jennish /\ + Samatha /\ might be enough to finish up Chaos 2 in two to three turns...which takes like 2 min and nets you ~180+ k exp. All for 10 stamina right now.


First day of WC and I'm done with it already. Half stamina eidolons don't appeal to me either so it all hinges on tomorrow's event.


Checked out of curiosity and if you host a Chaos II public room there were people who would carry you join pretty much instantly. Just need to make sure you get the double pincer on chaos on turn 1 and you're pretty much golden.

Here's an example video: https://www.kamcord.com/v/OCODkw5J2nj

Easy way to level~
I wonder if we'll get big patch tonight before the stream in ~11 hours.

Also, damn this stream for being so early.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I wonder if we'll get big patch tonight before the stream in ~11 hours.

Also, damn this stream for being so early.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Less than 1 hour to go~

You can always just watch it later afterwards.

Abused the 1/2 stamina eidolons to get my odin/levi to lvl 80 on all jobs. Also upgraded some of the other eidolons to II and III.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
dat stamina



That OTOMO stuff looks good !
The fire thing looks OP as fuck, haha...
So with those you can basically turn anyone into a SS mage ? Am I understanding that right ? :O


The Otomo system looks good in terms of giving players more stuff to do if we've exhausted everything. Not entirely energy-dependent either. But it does seem like Mistwalker is really hard up on profits for the game. The new story characters won't even be entirely free, they just show up in the tavern after you beat Chapter 34. SS class and Z class too. They still can't show the PVP, they say that chapter 34 is the end of the current set of story chapters. Sounds like if the Otomo system doesn't bring in tons of money quickly, the game could be winding down. :(


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I don't think they'll make the money they want with Otomo. They just aren't as compelling as units that stand on the forefront where you can admire them. Players of multiple mobile games probably weigh their spending and Otomos are meh compared to what you can get on other games.


The Otomo system looks good in terms of giving players more stuff to do if we've exhausted everything. Not entirely energy-dependent either. But it does seem like Mistwalker is really hard up on profits for the game. The new story characters won't even be entirely free, they just show up in the tavern after you beat Chapter 34. SS class and Z class too. They still can't show the PVP, they say that chapter 34 is the end of the current set of story chapters. Sounds like if the Otomo system doesn't bring in tons of money quickly, the game could be winding down. :(

As has been stated earlier. I think it's more about the lacking competitive aspect. No real reason to buff up your characters as you can pretty much faceroll most of the content already.

I personally like the Otomo system though. I'm somewhat done with pulling from PoT and PoF is finished. Gives me a new way to use my energy/coins.

I wonder how getting them from the main story will be like and if TH/Negotiator will affect it.

Hope we'll get the patch this week.


hmm Eidolons. i tried them 3 times and never gave another look.

i still only have the 2 free starter alien ones
they literally don't give a fuck about them. co-op is dead so they're pretty much useless at this point. the only reason I want to finish them is because now I hardly have anything better to do [and for the achievement?]. I wish they could bring something new to do in co-op.

maybe now with this buddy system, maybe.


Well for one reason or another the PVP system keeps getting delayed. If they managed to get that out much earlier this year, I think it might have helped a lot with keeping the game alive. But now... who knows. I think it's hard for a lot of people to stay interested in the game when the content is basically running out.

Anyway, here's a short summary of what was discussed on the stream:

- The Otomo system is basically a pet/accessory slot for every character. They provide a bonus skill each and stat boosts.

- There are currently about 250 different Otomo, and they cover a huge range of skills. There are offensive skills, defensive skills, healing skills, status attacks, status protection, elemental defense, etc. They also have their own levels and rarity.

- You can pull Otomo from Pacts using either coins (2000 each) or energy (3 each), the ones you pull with energy are the rare ones. They can also be attained as drops in story battles as well as special event dungeons. And DLC of course.

- Active Otomo skills have their own skill activation % which increase as they level.

- Otomo can be leveled up by feeding them with other Otomo. Basically a fusion system.

- Some Otomo can also be evolved into more advanced versions of the same type, and this will cost items and coins, similar to learning new jobs for characters.

- Chapter 34 is also coming, and it will be the conclusion of the story which started in chapter 31. When the chapter is completed, it will also unlock the King and Princess characters at the Tavern for pulling. The Princess is a SS character, while the King is a Z character.

- After beating chapter 34, they will also unlock a Hard Mode version of the final boss fight in 34-10, with a special time limit restriction. This fight will be available for each player twice a day. I suppose there must be a special reward if it's limited daily.

- They're still working on PVP. It's not done. Won't be done in this month's patch. But apparently the Co-op mode summons will be usable in PVP. I guess they're trying really hard to get people to give a shit about the Co-op battles. Lol.

That's about all I remember. Also, it seems that each Otomo has it's own level requirement. So some require characters to be over lvl25 before they can be equipped, etc. I guess this is how they're balancing it for level capped battles. It's also worth noting that the Otomo system also means that getting a poison/venom attack Otomo might finally mean that any character can take on Lamia! Looool.
The buddy system is cool and the art is cute as always.

That said...

Story Part 2 only being 4 Chapters kinda baffles me.

I've said it before, but engineering the PVP system has to be what slowed them down considerably over the past months. There must have been some crazy issues with it, compared to launching CO-OP.


Actually, I think I'm mistaken about the time limit on the Hard Mode boss. What they meant was that there are two time periods each day where the Hard Mode will be available. Like Metal Zones.


They showed off some metal buddies that supposedly help you level faster or something? Can you give any more specifics on that Duckroll? I'm trying to hoard metal tickets right now in case there will be metal buddies showing up in metal zones.

Was there anything in particular that stood out in the evolution/leveling windows?

People seem to think 3 energy for the BoT is too much, but it seems fairly reasonable to me. I wouldn't mind dropping my energy on that.

Also got 1 million coins saved up.

I think working on new chapters should be the lowest on their priority list right now. I imagine those things take A LOT of work and most people usually run them just once. So not worth the time and effort. Instead they should be focusing on new modes like the Endless and puzzle quest and finish up pvp.


Metal Buddies can be captured in Metal Zones. They confirmed that on the stream. I don't know if they have any use on their own, but the example they showed was using one of them to level up another Buddy. It gained like 7 levels or something from a single Metal Buddy.

Nothing particularly stood out in the UI other than some usability stuff. Like when you go into the leveling screen, you can select up to 4 different Buddies to fuse, so that should make it easier than fusing one at a time to level them, especially as the levels can go up to 60 or so, depending on the Buddy.

They didn't show the Evolution screen at all. It's a separate option in the menu.

Personally I feel that 3 energy is a little high for what it is, not because they don't seem useful, but because it feels like a lot compared to 5 energy for an actual character. If it cost 6 energy to pull a character, this wouldn't feel as high. Although I think people expecting 1 energy pulls were probably setting themselves up for disappointment lol.

The way I see it, Buddies can have a huge impact on how characters work, so this is definitely something which puts a whole new spin on balance. It should also make PVP much less "obvious", especially if you can't tell what Buddies another player has equipped until you get into a battle. As an example, they showed Bahl equipped with a fully leveled up Earth Sword, and it added over 100 to his attack stat. That's kinda insane. Stuff like elemental shields should also make a huge difference in making different characters more viable in certain types of encounters. Oh, and I think in the datamined buddy images I saw a Ribbon. :)


Otomo system sounds really clever. I had wondered what they could do with a new system to squeak money out of people without introducing a huge influx of hard content, and this could work. They need to get PVP up fairly quickly and they need it to be good, but it could give them a much needed boost to keep going while they work on the next set of content. Interesting.

Even if they game does wind down after this, seems like a really cool system.


JAGUNA C2 mvp~

honestly, I don't know how pvp will be but if it's a "simple" - 1 player vs 1 player, who dies lose - I don't think that buddies are going to matter much (well maybe that 100 attack one, which was SS, and a few more are going to matter. but those are probably the rarest ones with 1% drop rate from the energy pull). it's going to become a matter of who has the OP SS lambda characters (or Gugba) and who doesn't.
I can already see seasoned players with those characters destroying pvp while the rest stays in the trench.

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ gib new SS lambdas or riot
I can already see seasoned players with those characters destroying pvp while the rest stays in the trench.
Yeah, if you've played any other mobile game with PVP it's always like this.

Thing is, PVP ranking makes whales want to be #1, which means $$$ for Mistwalker.


Well, obviously the top tier brackets in PVP will be those with the best units, the most experience, the fastest movement time, paired with the most effective buddies. That goes without saying. But since we already know that PVP is going to be divided into leagues, and you advance in each league by winning battles and accumulating points, I think there'll still be a lot of fun to be had between normal players, up until they hit the top bracket.

Buddies should actually make a huge different in team builds on any level though. Just think of the possibilities. If you're facing off against someone of roughly equal party built, the wild card of every single character having a sort of modification that changes how they could be used is a big deal. A character who used to be a glass cannon but now equipped with a shield that raises the defense significantly? A healer character who suddenly also has a magic attack which takes advantage of the high MATK stat? Characters who previously couldn't auto-revive now being able to? Elemental resistances increasing to a point where certain attacks are negated? Frontline fighters who can also heal? Think of the possibilities. :)


The toppest prizes hafta be really good though, like exclusive Otomo or Units that let you show off.

I still think Mistwalker should develop a skin system for units or something. A top tier player getting an awesome unit with really cool exclusive art still gives incentive, but also doesn't break the game by locking away characters behind a near insurmountable wall for most players.


that puzzling face
Any game with a very wide spread of competitive performance, whether by skill (SC2, Dota, etc) or by mechanics (this... well, mostly, etc.) or any combination thereof (Hearthstone, etc.) can only really survive with proper matchmaking, or division of brackets, or players start rapidly losing interest by constantly rolling (boredom) or being rolled (frustration). This isn't rocket science.

I just hope that the playerbase interested* is meaty enough that it doesn't dilute into like 10 active people per bracket. Mistwalker really looks like they could use the boost especially if 34 is the last story content for a while.

*(Not me, I really CBA w.r.t PVP)
Any game with a very wide spread of competitive performance, whether by skill (SC2, Dota, etc) or by mechanics (this... well, mostly, etc.) or any combination thereof (Hearthstone, etc.) can only really survive with proper matchmaking, or division of brackets, or players start rapidly losing interest by constantly rolling (boredom) or being rolled (frustration). This isn't rocket science.
I'm expecting my first PVP match to be against the 4 Z mages at same time. Add in Samatha Λ and Koko Λ for the extra bloodfest.

Anyway, odds of Otomo update later today ?


I really liked 33-9. The boss battle was fantastic. I've actually enjoyed all the boss battles in the new season a lot. While 33 only had one, but it was a really great one so I think it made up for it. Hopefully there are at least two great ones in 34, since it'll be the last one for a while.


Party pooper...

I wonder if I should blow all my energy into Otomo pulls.
Doubt they'll release any new characters at same time.

I probably will. I imagine the chances of pulling something actually rare are higher if you do 10x pulls in a row. Would be a bummer if all the pulled buddies would end up being something lame like resistance vs an element though. haha.

Would be cool if they had some kind of event like the 2x gold one for PoT to kick things off.

Currently as it is I only really care about pulling Alika from PoT, so I'm kinda done with that. Already got all the chars I want~

Aren't they recruitable with coins ?

I kinda avoided looking at them for spoilers, but read they'd be available in PoF.

I would guess they are in PoT only, unless they are somehow REALLY difficult to open up.


Don't mindlessly tap your way through coin pacts like I did — I accidentally used up 25 energy the other day, whoops.

What characters are you guys leveling up to 90 outside of lambdas, good SS units, and the holy trinity (Bahl/Ma'curi/S'naip)? I have a ton of characters in the 65 to low 70's range and I just don't feel interested in leveling most of them when I can bring a team of lambdas to wreck everything. I'm working on Suoh right now and might level up Ka'pori/Djugan/Manmer, but I'm not sure what to focus on next.
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