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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!


Anyone notice rage quitting in pvp? It's pretty lame that no points are gained when they do that.
that's what most of the people do when they're losing. they somehow disconnect and make the match invalid, losing no points.

enjoy the invalids~

Having played a bit more now, I don't get how player 2 is ever supposed to win when p1 gets three free turns basically. I usually have 2-3 people dead before I can ever make a pincer and there's literally nothing you can do about it.
it's not hopeless. you need to tank everything and wait for Amina to move, at that point if you get a good pincer you might still win.

but yes, it really sucks and most of the time you really can't do shit about it.


Used all my PVP stamina and PVP comes as a pleasant surprise. Still in B-rank (one victory left to get to A-rank). Like many others, I didn't get to play much during the past few days.
I like how this new mode makes you use new strategies such as using corners wisely to make ennemies unable to attack you. I had to learn it the hard way and got wrecked in the first few matches. However, as others here mentioned, Z-Class teams have a huge advantage (and I am also almost using one). And rage quitters... urg.
Getting impatient to have my PVP stamina refilled !


that's what most of the people do when they're losing. they somehow disconnect and make the match invalid, losing no points.

enjoy the invalids~

it's not hopeless. you need to tank everything and wait for Amina to move, at that point if you get a good pincer you might still win.

but yes, it really sucks and most of the time you really can't do shit about it.

It's not hopeless, but you're entirely praying that Amina gives you good rng. It's equally likely that she opens you up for a pincer since p1 still gets to go after she moves. I just won a match as p2, but it entirely depended on Ami and the knight preventing pincers on me for a good 2 rounds


I'd have got 10 wins streak achievement if it wasn't for cheat- ''invalid'' players. thanks~

now that I'm in S rank there is no way that I'll ever get that. rip

It's not hopeless, but you're entirely praying that Amina gives you good rng. It's equally likely that she opens you up for a pincer since p1 still gets to go after she moves. I just won a match as p2, but it entirely depended on Ami and the knight preventing pincers on me for a good 2 rounds
that's pretty much what I wrote. :p


that's pretty much what I wrote. :p

I know, I'm just restating that it's dumb as shit lol. I'm liking the one time revive on the Z mages though rofl. Had someone go all out to try and drop my two mages only to have them pop back up and counter on my turn to win.


one time revive is a great skill to have. that's why people spent a lot of $$$ just to get that DLC scam white orblings, you can't use it for a second revive but you can put it on units that don't have the revive by default.

wish I had more than one SSZ mage.


that's what most of the people do when they're losing. they somehow disconnect and make the match invalid, losing no points.

enjoy the invalids~

it's not hopeless. you need to tank everything and wait for Amina to move, at that point if you get a good pincer you might still win.

but yes, it really sucks and most of the time you really can't do shit about it.
Is there a penalty when they do that? It really takes the fun out of pvp...

Screw it, it's no fun playing against a disconnect all the time...
Is there a penalty when they do that? It really takes the fun out of pvp...

Screw it, it's no fun playing against a disconnect all the time...
I'm expecting them to add an "auto-loss when disconnect" change in next patch.
Sucks for those with weak signal, but honestly there's no other solution.


The Z mages issue might be fixed with one of the next cups. One of the upcoming cups will give lizards x1.5 dmg and one will nerf magic heavily. Z mages are OP in general though since they get self-revival too.

I do hope they fix the issue with P1 blocking off P2 from pincering. Wish Amisandra and Amimari would show up in matches more often as their first attacks confuse/paralyze whoever they target. It's fun to see P1 being stubborn and keeping the blockade going while having half their them being struck by paralyze/confuse.

They should also change disconnect = auto-loss. You shouldn't be playing competitive multiplayer games if you're not on a stable connection.

PVP has been rather stressful to the point where I can only handle so much of it per day.


I played a bunch of PvP yesterday, but I played only 3 matches today and I can't be bothered anymore. If you end up being player two you get locked in and have to endure an onslaught of attacks from Z mages – for which the animation takes forever – and if you survive long enough that the other person didn't get an easy win, they disconnect and you get to do it all over again and hope you're player one so you can pull the same bullshit.


How can they implement PVP and not take into consideration rage quitting? Big overview from MW.

Anyway, I destroyed everyone with my full ^ team (Jennish, Zerro, Lewto, Bahamut, Odin and Olber) so it really hasn´t been much fun, except twice I found 2 guys using full ^ teams as well. The first one blocked me nicely and destroyed me, while I had an amazing fight with the second one, but in the end my Z mages were better than his units thanks to the insane AoE damage.


yeah well, everyone goes INVALID. I guess it's going to be a grind fest for points until the end. I see some people already at 8-9k


man pvp has been extremely frustrating for me..

I practically only get invalid disconnect games when I'm about to win. I haven't been able to get out of A league because of that.. and this is my team for reference.

starting to think it is because of me but why would only the game I loose go through to the end?

really frustrating. I guess I give up for now and hope it'll be fixed soon..
really frustrating. I guess I give up for now and hope it'll be fixed soon..
It's what I'm doing now. I'm just waiting it out, but hoping I remain in the top 300.

Pretty sure they'll fix both issues by next cup.
(the P1 block advantage and invalid games)


starting to think it is because of me but why would only the game I loose go through to the end?
it's not. the meta is that when people are losing they just invalidate the match.

welcome to TB pvp

edit/ this pic sums it up,



correct me if I'm wrong but PVP activity at least looks to be doing pretty damn well based on the rankings?

WC had 50,000+ participants initially, now it's down to 10,000. The first week doesn't mean much.

I'm not sure how I feel about pvp. It's cool, but at the same time it has also slightly turned me off from the game.


seems like they fixed the invalid thing on android with the last patch.

edit/ or rather, they fixed flight mode so that instead of invalid you get a defeat. but apparently people are still doing the same shit, just with other methods (?)
edit/ or rather, they fixed flight mode so that instead of invalid you get a defeat. but apparently people are still doing the same shit, just with other methods (?)
I found a way by accident to invalidate games, and it seem to work most of the time.

Basically click GIVE UP when the opponent is starting his long attack chain to finish you off.
The loading Hiso will spin around while you watch all those animation, and then I'm guessing it causes a network error or something when it ends.

Doesn't seem to work if the attack animation isn't a few seconds long.
Probably a good 8+ seconds of AOE.


hadnt been playing much since October started since I got my hand full with farming with another game, but still log in and play a small match to advance the story. Might dapple into PVP, but I suspect I'll get my arse handed to me immediately.

The month of September was pretty much spent trying to collect items to unlock the guys I pulled from my Pact of Truth event. I ended up pulling that I took note of:

Olber ^ (twice)
Gatz <--- was important to get to job 2 and get him to level 65 for Tresure Hunter
Zerro <--- sadly, the only Mage I got from the ones I wanted :/

Near start of the month

By end of month

So many Wisdom Flowers and Serenity Shoots ... so many ...

Once I got Gatz to unlock treasure hunter, things got going faster ... still, the collection process would've lasted much longer had I not been lucky enough to have a majority of the items already. Invincible is the prime example of that, I had every item I needed (yes, everything) except for the Heartwood Wand, and I doubt I would've bothered with him had I not been so close to unlocking everything.

Sadly, getting Animatons had been just unpleasant all around. The hunting zones and 20-1 had been dropping them like water drops form a rock, and that's why I have 2 characters left because I don't have enough Animatons.

I think that for this month I'll try and advance more into the story. I really enjoy the game, and its a good, fun time killer. I also need to figure out which character to focus on levelling up as well.
Six runs of Leviathan, zero drops. *bangs head*

Seven, if you count the one where I went in wildly unprepared.

There was probably a drop on that one.


The free DLC character and PVP have definitely got me back into the game in a way Otomo didn't. PVP is interesting. The addition of AI units adds a bit of randomness to the battles that can break up players that have complete whale advantage. There's a huge first mover advantage, something I definitely feared and did come to pass, but it isn't insurmountable. I'm in A class right now and had decent luck, though I doubt I'll make S. 41% is a pretty decent win rate given how bad I've played and how outclassed I've felt in a lot of matches. I've also screwed up a few matches with dropped pincers, which is a feeling that really, really sucks.

In other news, I have incentive to level and recode Gegonago now. He is stupid powerful in PVP.


Made S rank, got my energy and haven't played another ranked match since. It's quite unbalanced; obviously the emphasis was on getting it done and out. It'll take a while for the metagame to coalesce, but I think MW will continue tweaking for balance. It'll definitely add to the longevity of the game, especially once a few more cups are released and an equilibrium is established.

In the meantime, it's back to farming Leviathan. I'm hotly anticipating Möbius and Lucia events whenever they come, but another Metal Arena event is in order - lots of stuff to level.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
OH boy, I can't wait to see my favorite friends from when I played Mobius!
I am hoping for good things besides that from the LIVE though, come on 1 year anniversary hype.


I was on a 9 streak win, and on the 10th battle the loser disconnected. Then I lost the next battle. :/

I've also noticed something pretty odd that can't be a coincidence anymore. Sometimes when you lose a battle to someone much better than you, at the very end before DEFEATED pops up, it says "Your opponent has given up" and you get a victory. I wonder if some players are deliberately doing that to reward people who don't disconnect? Or is it a bug?


Multiplayer is fun if a bit stressful, what with the quick stamina recharge rate. I clawed my way into the top 500 and will try to hang on to my ranking until the end of the cup. But I can't imagine doing this every week.

Those players who got Lamia up to level III must feel very rewarded right now. She's by far the most potent summon and has made the difference in a lot of close matches I lost.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Multiplayer is fun if a bit stressful, what with the quick stamina recharge rate. I clawed my way into the top 500 and will try to hang on to my ranking until the end of the cup. But I can't imagine doing this every week.

Those players who got Lamia up to level III must feel very rewarded right now. She's by far the most potent summon and has made the difference in a lot of close matches I lost.
Wanna do Lamia with me some time?


I've also noticed something pretty odd that can't be a coincidence anymore. Sometimes when you lose a battle to someone much better than you, at the very end before DEFEATED pops up, it says "Your opponent has given up" and you get a victory. I wonder if some players are deliberately doing that to reward people who don't disconnect? Or is it a bug?

It happens everytime my Pizfer /\ uses his resurrection skill and is my last character standing on the field. I guess it also works for other mages with One-Time Revival.


Lamia III is really broken but you usually never get that far, P1 Zmage wall or balancenago^ can kill you very fast.

I can totally see some "Lamia teams" with tanks just to stall for time though, maybe not in this cup.
It's crazy the amount of points the first 10 ranked players have.

Basically need to have wasted almost every stamina since it started, and get wins non-stop.

I've barely played any PVP outside that first day, and sitting at rank ~350.

Pretty high ranking for the amount I've played, but my total points pales in comparison.

Conclusion: Decently easy to get under 500, but reaching under 100 requires gung-ho time commitment (with or without the best meta units).
Twenty-three runs of Leviathan, three drops.

That can't be right if it's supposed to be 30%.

It went from frustrating, to funny, to upsetting.


Honestly didn't even expect to crack 100+, but somehow after the ranking glitch I ended up being #34 and thought I'd give it a try. Don't even really care about the buddy prize.

Won't definitely put this much time into the next pvp cup...I did prepare an all lvl 90 lizards team though :D

Rather curious about the dev room stream, hope they will show more than just the Mobius event.

I want a third wave of new lambda characters.


I think Falk is losing his mind.

Hope the Mobius event this Friday is good. Looks like it's all we're going to be playing this month. Lol.
It's pretty funny to use the Grace trick to take out Leviathan in 2 turns, watch him die, and then see the message that the barrier bursts to ice damage. (I brought an ice character just in case)


What is the best stage to farm Tranquil Clocks? I´m using 33-5 but it´s dropping very rarely and I need 11 more of them :(

Also: yay, PoT event tomorrow! Been saving energy for this.
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