Since that's a monster character, it's not on the wiki's yet. Could actually just be an early recruit that wouldn't normally be available till late in the game (It is an A rank monster after all).
YesI can't seem to find an answer to this simple question: If I transfer devices, what will happen to the old device? Will it wipe the data?
Looking for the opinion of some of the more experienced players that have progressed pretty far into the game. I'm trying to love this game but it isn't grabbing me, at least not yet. I'm up to chapter 9 now and have a few gripes that seem to be holding back my enjoyment.
- The attack animations are extremely long and boring, seeing the same stationary character animation fly across the screen got old very quickly. I'd really love to see a quick attack option where the icon just pops up briefly and moves on.
- Up to this point the combat seems pretty basic, not a ton of strategy involved, just grind away and heal. I'm hoping this is just because I'm still pretty early on in the game.
What aspects are you enjoying most about the game? Should I power through because I'm missing a lot as the game goes on?
I'm very interested to see what they do with Friends and multiplayer for this and hoping the game catches on for me at some point.
Sounds like you just don't like mobile games and want instant gratification.装甲悪鬼村正;135551545 said:I honestly have no idea why people like this game. It's about as deep as a well-made Final Fantasy minigame and if you don't want to spent money you can end up with a party with only sword-users and just hate every second of this shit like me. I'd like to experiment with different characters but uhh, the pace at which you get energy and coins makes this a slow and painful process. I usually don't play mobile games but my experience with this game has been just like I always imagined them to be: grind and wait.
Sounds like you just don't like mobile games and want instant gratification.
Sounds like you just don't like mobile games and want instant gratification.
Looking for the opinion of some of the more experienced players that have progressed pretty far into the game. I'm trying to love this game but it isn't grabbing me, at least not yet. I'm up to chapter 9 now and have a few gripes that seem to be holding back my enjoyment.
- The attack animations are extremely long and boring, seeing the same stationary character animation fly across the screen got old very quickly. I'd really love to see a quick attack option where the icon just pops up briefly and moves on.
- Up to this point the combat seems pretty basic, not a ton of strategy involved, just grind away and heal. I'm hoping this is just because I'm still pretty early on in the game.
What aspects are you enjoying most about the game? Should I power through because I'm missing a lot as the game goes on?
I'm very interested to see what they do with Friends and multiplayer for this and hoping the game catches on for me at some point.
装甲悪鬼村正;135551545 said:I honestly have no idea why people like this game. It's about as deep as a well-made Final Fantasy minigame and if you don't want to spent money you can end up with a party with only sword-users and just hate every second of this shit like me. I'd like to experiment with different characters but uhh, the pace at which you get energy and coins makes this a slow and painful process. I usually don't play mobile games but my experience with this game has been just like I always imagined them to be: grind and wait.
I played the first 5 chapter with nothing but spear users, which I'm okay with because I understand the game is free. All you have to do is get more creative lining a lot of people up for extra attacks. You can actually play this game without a perfect team.装甲悪鬼村正;135552406 said:I actually prefer slowly built-up gratification but that concept doesn't work very well with RNG character recruiting. Can't wait to draw another sword-user, can't have too many of those!
I played the first 5 chapter with nothing but spear users, which I'm okay with because I understand the game is free. All you have to do is get more creative lining a lot of people up for extra attacks. You can actually play this game without a perfect team.
The problem here is that you're complaining about the only means through which the developers can make money. You don't have to put money in.
17-7 is bullshit. Could they at least have the decency of not giving them the first move...
I started with Grace (archer), Kuscah (staff), and Knight (spear). Rolled Koko (spear) and Ellvern (staff with very useless stuff in the early levels of his first job).I have 2-3 S through B characters of each of the 4 classes, plus a healer, and that's all from free energy they've given out. Not counting the monsters that you capture randomly. I'm just on Chapter 9.
Not to mention the game gives you generic classes from the start to fill out your roster so you have at least one of each type.
Can you get rare drops from Puppet show? I ain't getting shit.
Can you get rare drops from Puppet show? I ain't getting shit.
There's that fastforward button in the top right corner, it speeds up the animations and the battle. I don't do a single battle on normal speed anymore.
They will start workin on battle animations when they hit 1 mil downloads, but I don't really see the need for it.
So puppet is by far the best dungeon to run for items, and the 12 second limit makes for some pretty interesting gameplay, especially when the puppet king decides to show up and wreck shop. Still took his ass down with seconds to spare. Additionally, the campaign just threw a nice twist into the battle, the boss mechanics can really force you to switch up tactics.
So pretty much you only get one energy for completing campaign dungeons? I've ceased to get login energy bonuses since like day five...
Yes, but I meant shear number of items dropped. Ran the tin dungeon yesterday and got 0 and 1 item. Today, 13 and 15...The item you get are pretty much separate for the 3 different weekday hunting zones
For some reason my remedy guy does nothing when there's a poisoned or asleep team member. Is there something I'm missing that activated his abilities?
Yes, but I meant shear number of items dropped. Ran the tin dungeon yesterday and got 0 and 1 item. Today, 13 and 15...
Does anyone know how close it is to 90k downloads, when we'll be able to download the soundtrack for free?
EDIT: Never mind, I see it on the previous page.
you edited to fast... I wanted to say it's about 800k away from 90k....
in the positive way
anyways i have no motivation to buy a famitsu mag for the "exclusive" character as it seems like something that will be added tomorrow in the bahumat thing.
That would certainly teach me a lesson, haha.
i'm excited in general to see the first event.
The event is supposed to be a level 20 event right?
That would certainly teach me a lesson, haha.
Haha, I'm also swimming in spear people. Kem (A), Sh'berdan (B), Djugan (S). The worst part is that my other draws were swords, Sheena (SS) and Bahl (B), so I have no elemental damage on my team. I'm almost certain Grace is the superior starter draw but that's probably because I have no archers besides generic tutorial guy. I'm still on Chapter 10 yet and the mandatory lightning lizard has become a staple of the team.I started with Grace (archer), Kuscah (staff), and Knight (spear). Rolled Koko (spear) and Ellvern (staff with very useless stuff in the early levels of his first job).
And then I rolled Samupi using energy (spear) and beast spear users using coins (like 3 of them). Eventually I got a Knight (sword) and they give you Sword Cat guy, but I was swimming in spearpeople for many chapters.
I didn't get a new archer until like chapter 9, and it was a monster C archer. I had to change Samupi's job. Didn't even get an offense mage until chapter 10. Even with the free energy I definitely don't have 2-3 S-B characters of each of the 4 classes lol. I get by using some monster sub-ins and one of the most useful dudes is the Mech Orbling I got from farming rainbow tears in 8-5. I got him so many times in that stage he's like skill boosted to 25% or something, but it's useless because both his skills are 100% pops...He's good for metal zones.
But it's not too bad juggling a party around.
I've seen a picture floating around that hints there are 3 different versions/difficulties for the event.
Supposedly ice elemental characters are good in that dungeon.
I wonder what type of rewards we will get from the event. As there has to be some rewards to make people care right?
Bahamut can be obtained. It's S rank and has 3 jobs, probably multiple aoe magic attacks.
I'm sure there are other rewards too though, hopefully we'll find out soon.
The longer I play this game the more iffy I get about it. The re-rolling bit wasn't so bad--Bahl, Kuscah, and Samantha the Spearmaiden put me in a nice position early on so I didn't worry much about what characters I got. I didn't notice the lack of a decent mage because I got a Mantle Tortoise early on and he put in a LOT of work.
...But yeah, now that I'm past chapter 8 and can access Metal Zone 2 I'm pretty irked. it was "cute" when I first found out metal monsters ran the first chance they got. But something about the zone costing 15 stamina and staying open only an hour when you only have 42 stamina makes the running less cute and more of a rip-off.
Then there's the "skill boost" garbage, where you can flush away a hard-earned 3000 gold only to get a boost to an existing character.
I get that it's designed to make you spend money, but this is why people don't like F2P in the first place.
That shit is pissing me off too. I hope they take some feedback and implement it to be more generous
All I'm asking is for the monsters to not flee as easily. I agree that it's a very generous free game in generalI doubt it will become more generous as it already is one of the most generous systems out there for f2p mobile games of this type that I have played.
All I'm asking is for the monsters to not flee as easily. I agree that it's a very generous free game in general
All I'm asking is for the monsters to not flee as easily. I agree that it's a very generous free game in general