Hit another roadblock at 17-3's boss...any tips? My team is around levels 45-55 and I'm still getting dominated.
I've spent over 150k gold recruiting, either I have extreme bad luck or there are no 'named' characters that drop from PoF. The most I've got were Class A Celestial Dragons
I've spent probably 500k and still nothing but it's only a matter of time and endurance, you are guaranteed to get those drops after you've spent enough money.
That's nothing. I've spent roughly 960k coins (320 pulls) and haven't pulled any of the special characters yet. I read that the chance of pulling an SS character from PoF is under 1% or something.
He needs to step up his game...!!!
Man, I really should've stopped right after opening Hunting Zone 3 and just grinded coins, haha. So many monsters in the pool now. Guess it wouldn't have really helped, the fact that there's five generic C mages for each element and each weapon for each of the four races, that's 32 characters right there and they've been there since the start. Nice art though. I know a guy, he's not using Kuscah and using a generic human healer cause he wanted to run an all girl team. Jokes on him though, he didn't realize Sh'erbadan wasn't a woman till I pointed it out.
He needs to step up his game
No, not my screen
I played the hell out of Terra Battle for 30 consecutive days and then forgot to open the app in a fit of day drinking and now I'm back to 1 consecutive day bonus. I can't bring myself to care again, which is a shame. I just picked up my first SS!
The bonus cycles every 8 or 9 days, so it's not like you're losing anything major.
Thanks for the tip. That actually does help. It's how I've played the game this whole time. I was just grinding the Metal Zone until I could take down stage 1 Bahamut. For the most part I just grind anytime I happen to catch the Zone open and treat the game more like Pokemon card collecting. I just love the pretty art and have stayed away from looking at the art designs online because I love being in love with every new character! I had it in my head that there would be big rewards on like 25 and 50 consecutive days so now I don't feel like I missed out.
At 30 days there's 3 energy, but aside from that, there's no known additional "big rewards".
Did you look at Sheena?60 days too, I'm guessing that there's 3 energy every 30 days. But that one doesn't reset, I think. Atleast from what I remember mine didn't reset when I stopped ~day 5 and then continued on later.
Now that I have negotiator pro I could start to slowly eliminate monsters from the coin pool by just capturing them over and over. Not really in the mood for it right now, but I'm glad I have the option.
Don't really care about any of the current SS characters that are in the coin pacts, but I'm hoping the new ones that will get eventually added will be available through that too.
Same, I WILL BEAT THIS GAME BEFORE I GIVE UP.I've been so lazy that I don't spend my stamina now...
Did you look at Sheena?
Did you look at Sheena?
Oh hey the tavern music changed. Neat.
I was doing something else so I didn't notice how it happened. It was around the 3rd battle if I remember correctly. I was surprised when I realized there were already seven people in my squad. And what's more, I was able to control the duplicate. It really helped a lot getting through the rest of the run because my squad's level at that time were lower than the average level of the zone (12-15, only Eileen was in her 30s)
Agreed on Rikken and Gatz, looking to one day having both of them. Best of the respective Negotiator Pro/Treasure Hunter characters.Gatz is also good as a panacea wielder since he also has treasure hunter and levitation. I would like to have him even though I don't necessarily need him. I don't even need treasure hunter because I have most of my 3rd classes and extra items, but goddamn I still need that bahamut item. That shit didn't drop the whole weekend. That's the only goddamn time I really felt miffed from RNG because otherwise I got through the game fine.
Rikken is the superior sister! She doesn't even need to lose an arm to negotiate like a pro!
Just finished chapter 28. I had heard the boss was nasty, but i had wayyyy more trouble with the boss immediately before, on 28-9. Hardest boss in the game so far imo. 28-10 was pretty straightforward i felt.
28-9 has a set pattern where the damage can be avoided complerely.
While 28-10 is RNG dependant. Complete it it 1 try too as he target himself and his minion all the time
That Marilith is the nastiest one without panecea
How many people do you need for 30-4?Left with last stage.
Gonna keep it as backup energy refill.
Meanwhile any idea of a stage that is short but has high exp reward and even better if has recruitable monster?
Currently farming 30-4 which has really easy monster line up and 100k exp. not sure whether it has recruitable or not though.
What is the best place to grind money/experience? Currently at 21-1 and I don't like 20-1, because need much more time to complete it.
I'm only at 21-1, but I'll keep in mind, thanks.I like 23-4, takes like 2 minutes, but it kinda depend on if you can clear all mobs in one hit on the final floor.
How is it even possible without levitate?Just finished chapter 18...
without levitate...
god that was painful![]()
Heal + Heal all, luck and heavy damage / tanky meeles...How is it even possible without levitate?
How is it even possible without levitate?
Lucky! I rolled Eileen immediately after beating Chapter 18. The pain.I rolled Gegonago just before starting ch.18
I've never been more grateful
I rolled Gegonago just before starting ch.18
I've never been more grateful
Lucky! I rolled Eileen immediately after beating Chapter 18. The pain.
Ouch, that realization must have been just as painful. I hope they add some more chapters like that though, frustrating but rewarding.I had Eileen the entire time but didn't know she had Levitate until long after I had beaten chapter 18.![]()
Wish the OP was more helpful/complete.
I finished ch. 04 yesterday, been having a good time with it, great game to play in bed. I started playing a bit of ch. 05 and I've been noticing the game getting significantly more challenging. A few questions I have:
1. Moving forward, will grinding be necessary?
2. What are these zones that pop up? I haven't messed with them, at all.
3. What's a good way to handle your party? Switch around often or can you just roll with the same crew most of the time?
1) No unless you get someone new who you like and want to use. Ill answer this more in 2.
2) They allow you to get materials to change jobs and to quickly level someone up, hence ruining any idea of "grinding", as you can boost someone to near your party very quickly (at least, until near end game?)
3) Stick with the same group, switch someone out if theyre terrible for a boss or if you need someone in specific who you dont use but need for a boss/chapter.
Thanks! If you don't mind, I have a follow-up question to 2: Are jobs pretty much a matter of preference or are some jobs better than others? I know that you can put skills from one job on another job, so I can see why adding jobs would be useful for that, at least.
I guess its preference if you HATE a certain later one (ie- on zuzu, my swordsman, a lot of people use job 2 cause job 3 has worse skills)
3>2>1 though. Later job= better skills generally, and they have higher base stats.
Gotcha, thanks again!
Does demoralize ever work? Or is it's chance rate just super low?