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MJ gone from IGNCube, badly written reviews decrease overnite


adrockthekid said:
Christ, if Kobun worked at IGN-Cube I might consider reading it. If nothing else than to get dirt on him to mock him here with :p

For me, it'd be the exact opposite. I read IGN Cube, but having someone that constantly mocks other competing console's games just undermines their opinion, imo of course. I don't want someone that doesn't find faults in Nintendo to be reporting on them.

Oh, and Kobun, don't play innocent. We all know you troll a hell of a lot. Sure, you walk the TOS line, but come on. A recent example is the Sudeki thread. Bashing both Kameo and Sudeki for no reason. Neither game is out and both games come from good developers. Would I read from someone that automatically qualifies a game for a competing console as sux? Nope. See my point above.


Kobun Heat said:
Resume sent!
Drinky Crow said:
Resume sent!

I hope you both get a job and have to share the same cubicle.

IJoel said:
For me, it'd be the exact opposite. I read IGN Cube, but having someone that constantly mocks other competing console's games just undermines their opinion, imo of course. I don't want someone that doesn't find faults in Nintendo to be reporting on them.

Oh, and Kobun, don't play innocent. We all know you troll a hell of a lot. Sure, you walk the TOS line, but come on. A recent example is the Sudeki thread. Bashing both Kameo and Sudeki for no reason. Neither game is out and both games come from good developers. Would I read from someone that automatically qualifies a game for a competing console as sux? Nope. See my point above.
Yeah...I guess I just don't take him all that seriously and find Kobun more humorous than anything else. And let's face it - Sudeki does look a lot like my balls. And not in a good way.

Musashi Wins!

IJoel said:
Oh, and Kobun, don't play innocent. We all know you troll a hell of a lot.

But as one of his peers aptly noted, he's a "professional" fanboy, so it's ok. Personally, I hope he gets the job.
IJoel said:
For me, it'd be the exact opposite. I read IGN Cube, but having someone that constantly mocks other competing console's games just undermines their opinion, imo of course.

Wasn't it IGNCube that made that pic of one of the animals from Cubivore pooping on an Xbox (or PS2 can't remember which one)?
IJoel said:
A recent example is the Sudeki thread. Bashing both Kameo and Sudeki for no reason. Neither game is out and both games come from good developers. Would I read from someone that automatically qualifies a game for a competing console as sux?
Tee hee.

I've talked to someone whose opinion I trust. He's played a lot of Sudeki and is convinced that it's total crap. Looking at the art style I can say that I find it distasteful. And as far as Kameo goes, I haven't read a single review of either of Rare's lst two console titles that didn't say they were basically crap. If SFA and Ghoulies were indicative of Kameo's quality, it shouldn't even be released.

To believe that I "mindlessly bash" any Xbox game because it's on the Xbox would be turning a blind eye to every time I said I enjoyed an Xbox game - did you miss the Ninja Gaiden thread? If Rare could turn out a game like that I'd move to England.

And you believe the opposite applies to games on Nintendo's systems? Sonic's been GCN exclusive for a while, and I think I hate it more now. Or Nintendo-developed games? Were you around for Kirby Air Ride? Read my Custom Robo review?



SolidSnakex said:
Wasn't it IGNCube that made that pic of one of the animals from Cubivore pooping on an Xbox (or PS2 can't remember which one)?

Well, the occasionally funny competitive pic is not what I mean.

My point of view is that if someone writes for a IGN cube, they should at least have the capability of accepting when games are great/good or have potential, regarding of their platforms. I mean, how can I take that person's opinion seriously?

I've talked to someone whose opinion I trust. He's played a lot of Sudeki and is convinced that it's total crap. Looking at the art style I can say that I find it distasteful. And as far as Kameo goes, I haven't read a single review of either of Rare's lst two console titles that didn't say they were basically crap. If SFA and Ghoulies were indicative of Kameo's quality, it shouldn't even be released.

Hahaha... you hear someone about Sudeki and based your Kameo opinion on Rare's last 2 games. Suddenly Rare's last 2 games erased their past. Quite an objective point of view you have there sir!

Anyway... i won't post anything more on it. Good luck regardless.


I don't much of problem here. He applied to a Nintendo centered website--I'm guessing a Nintendo bias would be reasonable or even diserable. And just because you think he trolls too much on these boards, that doesn't mean that his professional work will be worught with shots and MS and Sony.

I would like to see Kobun get the job as well. I think the combination of him and Matt would strike a decent balance.
IJoel said:
Hahaha... you hear someone about Sudeki and based your Kameo opinion on Rare's last 2 games. Suddenly Rare's last 2 games erased their past. Quite an objective point of view you have there sir!
Okay, let me elaborate.

If Sudeki comes out and it's awesome then you won't hear me complaining.

Rare's last two games erased their past? No. Rare's last two games are more indicative of what their next effort will be like than games they did half a decade ago? Yes.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
As for Kameo, Chris might be wrong. We just got a playable build, and it not only looks good, but it's also kind of fun. I haven't spent a ton of time on it (just got back from Microsoft last night) but I will in the next couple days.

Fable is fucking incredible. Spent 2 solid hours playing it yesterday from the very beginning. I wrote a bit about it here. This game makes KOTOR's "freedom of choice" look like choose your own adventure novels by comparison. Nice job, BBBox.

And also, please stop hating on the MJ. Having solicited freelance from forums just like this one, I can honestly say there are many many shitty writers out there who probably shouldn't cast any stones.


chespace said:
As for Kameo, Chris might be wrong. We just got a playable build, and it not only looks good, but it's also kind of fun. I haven't spent a ton of time on it (just got back from Microsoft last night) but I will in the next couple days.


And hey, I liked what I saw of Fable at E3. I just wish I didn't get roped into the BS "you're a journalist for a mainstream pub, so you obviously don't play video games, so you get to sit here for an hour and watch some guy demo three games" meeting.


chespace said:
As for Kameo, Chris might be wrong. We just got a playable build, and it not only looks good, but it's also kind of fun. I haven't spent a ton of time on it (just got back from Microsoft last night) but I will in the next couple days.

While I didn't play it at E3, I watched Espio play Kameo and he wouldn't shut up about it. Kept telling the Rare guys how awesome it was.

MC Safety

chespace said:
As for Kameo, Chris might be wrong. We just got a playable build, and it not only looks good, but it's also kind of fun. I haven't spent a ton of time on it (just got back from Microsoft last night) but I will in the next couple days.

Fable is fucking incredible. Spent 2 solid hours playing it yesterday from the very beginning. I wrote a bit about it here. This game makes KOTOR's "freedom of choice" look like choose your own adventure novels by comparison. Nice job, BBBox.

And also, please stop hating on the MJ. Having solicited freelance from forums just like this one, I can honestly say there are many many shitty writers out there who probably shouldn't cast any stones.



I think ragging on Mary Jane is so last page, Che. Now we're on to the very important topic of which trolling fanboy gets her job.

My vote still goes to the intern.

Musashi Wins!

chespace said:
Fable is fucking incredible. Spent 2 solid hours playing it yesterday from the very beginning. I wrote a bit about it here. This game makes KOTOR's "freedom of choice" look like choose your own adventure novels by comparison. Nice job, BBBox.http://chespace.ogamo.com

Just steal it and give us copies so they can't delay it any more.

And Happy Birthday!


If Kameo is "kind of fun" that's not exactly the vintage RARE call of quality...

seems like what was said about Grabbed by the Ghoulies as well, a "good" and/or "kind of fun" game, but not really a standout...

Rare hasn't released a "quality" home console game since the last generation on N64, so it's no surprise people would be expressing doubt about it's 3rd home in 4 years (all 3 of which started on one system and jumped to another)...

a lot can can happen (and probably has) in the years between 2001-2005, so labeling Rare a "good" developer based on the 2 decent (if that) releases they've had since is not something I'd do...


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
here's the good news: Fable is almost done. they're fixing glitches and tightening up framerates (which is the game's biggest problem right now). we should get review copies in august, while the game hits shelves in september.

... and thanks, takezo!

and yeah, nobody is saying kameo is going to be AAA. but it is KIND OF FUN. in a galleon sort of way. like, whoa, i can't believe i'm actually having fun. sweet. i'll tell you right now, son -- it's way the fuck better than grabbed by the balls. again, rare is rare. who gives a shit if they're good. i never thought they were great. did you?


chespace said:
it's way the fuck better than grabbed by the balls. again, rare is rare. who gives a shit if they're good. i never thought they were great. did you?
I'm waiting for IJoel to pick up on your obvious anti-Rare bias and say that you should be summarily fired from XBN.


I hope Kobun or Drinky gets into IGN. And I hope Che here becomes President. Hooray for the "Rare is overhyped" bandwagon!


Kobun Heat said:
I'm waiting for IJoel to pick up on your obvious anti-Rare bias and say that you should be summarily fired from XBN.

Hahaha... GBTG is a meh game. I never said it was a great game. As a matter of fact, I acknowledged the comment you made on them (regarding their last 2 lackluster console releases), but that doesn't erase their extensive history as a game developer.

Say what you will, but don't turn this on me. You are the one wrong here for blatantly making trolling remarks on games you obviously haven't even tried.

Edit: And Che r0x! I almost always agree with his comments. He comes off as a journalist should come (and he doesn't go to troll into game threads.)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
IJoel said:
Edit: And Che r0x! I almost always agree with his comments. He comes off as a journalist should come (and he doesn't go to troll into game threads.)

haha, i seriously can't tell if you're being serious or just fucking with me.

we might as well move on with the rare debate. we won't know one way or the other until they release perfect dark zero in 2005. THEN WE CAN REALLY BRING THE HATE.




chespace said:
haha, i seriously can't tell if you're being serious or just fucking with me.

we might as well move on with the rare debate. we won't know one way or the other until they release perfect dark zero in 2005. THEN WE CAN REALLY BRING THE HATE.



Jokes aside, I usually agree with your views. Though, that's not the point. Thing is that I've never seen you come into a thread to troll on games or consoles. You usually come with an opinion on a game when you've played it, which is more than appreciated.

Again, best of luck to those who applied, including Kobun. Hey, if you're qualified, more power to you!
Well, part of the difference is that Che has a JOB. I meanwhile have little to do with myself, so I end up spending my time on GAF. I'd like to remedy this, obviously.

Musashi Wins!

Kobun Heat said:
Well, part of the difference is that Che has a JOB. I meanwhile have little to do with myself, so I end up spending my time on GAF. I'd like to remedy this, obviously.

Aren't you writing a book on game narrative? Let's really de-rail this thread and hear an update.


Kobun, if you get the job you won't be able to post her anymore...

I'd probably have withdraws for 2 weeks if that happened... and then life would go on ;)


Teddman said:
Heheh, that's the best PR spin I've ever seen about a departing staff member... she's an alien! Way to avoid saying "We fired her"?
they didn't fire her. she quit. (i know her IRL.)
Musashi Wins! said:
Aren't you writing a book on game narrative? Let's really de-rail this thread and hear an update.
As of thirty seconds ago, I finished it. No joke. Wrote the final paragraph of the final chapter.

I'll be sending the last two chapters to Brady Games either today or tomorrow. We're going to work all through July editing it and ironing out any kinks in the text. Also securing letters of permission, getting pictures in order, etc. Lots of stuff still to be done. We're shooting for a September street date.

It's... not what anyone expects, the book. There are chapters that read like term papers, chapters that read like Game Over, and chapters that read like travel guides. But I think it's a coherent whole. I'm happy with it, and excited.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Kobun Heat said:
As of thirty seconds ago, I finished it. No joke. Wrote the final paragraph of the final chapter.

I'll be sending the last two chapters to Brady Games either today or tomorrow. We're going to work all through July editing it and ironing out any kinks in the text. Also securing letters of permission, getting pictures in order, etc. Lots of stuff still to be done. We're shooting for a September street date.

It's... not what anyone expects, the book. There are chapters that read like term papers, chapters that read like Game Over, and chapters that read like travel guides. But I think it's a coherent whole. I'm happy with it, and excited.

Can't wait to read it! What I read at E3 has me really excited to see the final edition.


IJoel said:
Hahaha... GBTG is a meh game. I never said it was a great game. As a matter of fact, I acknowledged the comment you made on them (regarding their last 2 lackluster console releases), but that doesn't erase their extensive history as a game developer.

I agree with Kobun about RARE and their last two games being indicative of their next game. You have to keep in mind that the RARE right now isn't the RARE on the N64. There's hardly any original people left from the RARE that gave us games like Goldeneye, they went to other companies or created their own. The 90s era RARE talents gave us really good games compared to the current RARE that gave us SFA and GbtGs, I think those two games are okay, but they weren't great.


tenchir said:
I agree with Kobun about RARE and their last two games being indicative of their next game. You have to keep in mind that the RARE right now isn't the RARE on the N64. There's hardly any original people left from the RARE that gave us games like Goldeneye, they went to other companies or created their own. The 90s era RARE talents gave us really good games compared to the current RARE that gave us SFA and GbtGs, but titles I think are okay, but not great.

Well, what's the point of even previewing games from developers that have released shitty games then? Fuck them all! Let's not even wait to try the game. [/sarcasm]

Rare is no Acclaim. Maybe Kameo will suck, maybe it won't. My point is that to simply dismiss it without even giving it a chance is simply ridiculous.

Let's take Midway, THQ and Vivendi as an example. They've released shitty games after shitty game. Yet this year, they've released very good ones (Psy Ops, FSW, Chronicles of Riddick).

Bah... it's not even worth arguing this.
I remember the bits of Kameo I played being interesting in a "rent it, see from there" kinda way. Fable is indeed fucking awesome. Never played Sudeki, but if it's as bad as everyone says I'll probably hold off on rushing out to find it. :\


(more a nerd than a geek)
I hate the fact that I'd rather see Kobun hired at IGN over me... I'd like the cash, but I think he'd be much more entertaining there. Heh heh heh.

Is Brady generally interested in game related books these days? I need to get my idea picked up by a publisher, still.
DavidDayton said:
Is Brady generally interested in game related books these days? I need to get my idea picked up by a publisher, still.
If my book sells well you can bet that Brady will look for other such projects...
It's... not what anyone expects, the book. There are chapters that read like term papers, chapters that read like Game Over, and chapters that read like travel guides.

As long as it doesn't read like Tim Rogers, it's all good.


As someone who has been quite fond of Kameo since it's first unveiling many years ago and spoke freely about looking forward to it on GAF for some time, I left feeling disappointed from the E3 demo personally. It was pretty boring and the creatures in it were for the most part just not all that fun.

I'm not going to write it off or anything but it was a let down (as was Conker's for that matter).


And even i am moderately surprised
Hold on - Tim said almost a year and a half ago that he had a 4 Book deal , each book worth around $1 million each....

... you aren't telling me that was either a lie or an exaggeration now are you?


As much as I love trolling Tim Rogers, I want to jump back to this.

Kobun Heat said:
I've talked to someone whose opinion I trust. He's played a lot of Sudeki and is convinced that it's total crap. Looking at the art style I can say that I find it distasteful. And as far as Kameo goes, I haven't read a single review of either of Rare's lst two console titles that didn't say they were basically crap. If SFA and Ghoulies were indicative of Kameo's quality, it shouldn't even be released.

To believe that I "mindlessly bash" any Xbox game because it's on the Xbox would be turning a blind eye to every time I said I enjoyed an Xbox game - did you miss the Ninja Gaiden thread? If Rare could turn out a game like that I'd move to England.

And you believe the opposite applies to games on Nintendo's systems? Sonic's been GCN exclusive for a while, and I think I hate it more now. Or Nintendo-developed games? Were you around for Kirby Air Ride? Read my Custom Robo review?

Is this Kobunheat trying to convince us that he doesn't mindlessly troll non-Nintendo platforms? That's like Gahiggidy saying he loves all three platforms equally.

Need proof? Here you go: http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=672&highlight=year+xbox+2004
novery said:
Is this Kobunheat trying to convince us that he doesn't mindlessly troll non-Nintendo platforms?

None of his posts look like mindless trolling to me. He seems to be trying to say that any attempt to claim console superiority by posting a short list of good games, while completely ignoring the merits of games on other consoles (i.e. multiplayer Gamecube games), is idiotic.

...and he's right!


bobbyconover said:
None of his posts look like mindless trolling to me. He seems to be trying to say that any attempt to claim console superiority by posting a short list of good games, while completely ignoring the merits of games on other consoles (i.e. multiplayer Gamecube games), is idiotic.

...and he's right!

Wrong. Read the thread again.

He was trying to argue that instead of "So far Xbox has been tops in 2004" you could say that of any console. Coincidently he starts listing 2004 GameCube releases.

Look, I agree that console tunnel vision is stupid. But look at these things objectively. KobunHeat "hypothetically" arguing that GameCube has so far had the best games this year? It's tired, and too predictable.
novery said:
He was trying to argue that instead of "So far Xbox has been tops in 2004" you could say that of any console. Coincidently he starts listing 2004 GameCube releases.

He starts listing them off to show that if you want to play that lame game, it's possible to make any console look "best" by posting a skewed list of hits. I'd hardly say that's shameless trolling.

Besides, Kobun seems to generally have a good sense of humor about these things, which in itself denotes sarcasm and playfulness in his alleged 'trolls.' A true troll, in my mind, sits there all straight-faced and serious about his or her little claims about this-console ruling and that-console sucking. We're talking Neutron Night behavior. We're talking your-most-recent-post behavior.

Anyway, you already stole 10 minutes or so of my life from asking us to read the thread last time - I'm sure as fuck not doing it again, especially not by demand!


You give him too much credit. First you decline to send in your resume because you assume Kohler would get hired over you, and now you've taken it upon yourself to defend his clear Nintendo bias.

Why not send in your resume? Give it a shot.


novery said:
You give him too much credit. First you decline to send in your resume because you assume Kohler would get hired over you, and now you've taken it upon yourself to defend his clear Nintendo bias.

Why not send in your resume? Give it a shot.

GAF continues to amaze me.
fart, how could you? Vote for me, and I ASSURE each and every last one of you that Nintendo games will finally get the scores they deserve.

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