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MLB 09: The Show - Official Thread


not an idiot
Famicom said:
maybe your tv disables overscan on 1080p? The game has horizonal/vertical stretch settings to disable the in-game overscan in the Audio/Video options (which I wish more people used when taking screenshots!).

EDIT: Oh right I just remembered. Whenever you switch the resolutions of the game, the game doesn't remember those overscan settings. When I switch my PS3 between my TV and PC monitor I have to reset that every time.
I'm not really hip on how all that works, so forgive me if I sound silly asking this question... but is there overscan on a plasma? I was under the impression there was no geometry to adjust on a plasma, that it was basically a perfect 1080p from edge to edge (?).


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Core407 said:
I played 2 online games last night that were perfect. Zero lag, felt like the guy was playing me in a split-screen game.
Well, Gamestop is flat out refusing to take the game back so I guess I will put a modicum of faith into Sony that they will sort this out. Looks like I am stuck with this game.


eznark said:
I struck out MrBob about that many times last night! Gallardo had 15! I whupped his ass, 8-1. To be fair, it was either his first or second game and my 7th.

I wasn't going to say anything, but you posted those Hardy videos!

Jazzy, what's your PSN id? I want to beat you next.

Hahaha, god that game was horrific! Spring training, need to clean up my swing online!


DenogginizerOS said:
Well, Gamestop is flat out refusing to take the game back so I guess I will put a modicum of faith into Sony that they will sort this out. Looks like I am stuck with this game.

45 shipped!


not an idiot
Dennog, any chance you're behind a wireless router?

Well, now that I think of it, that's probably not it, since you said you play other sports games without issue. How does FIFA play online against your friend in Germany? That's pretty impressive actually.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
shpankey said:
Dennog, any chance you're behind a wireless router?

Well, now that I think of it, that's probably not it, since you said you play other sports games without issue. How does FIFA play online against your friend in Germany? That's pretty impressive actually.
Lag free, all the time. He and I play L4D as well. :D

And wired versus wireless was debunked two seasons ago in regards to MLB. I can play Resistance or COD4 or Burnout Paradise via PSN without any lag at all. Sony San Diego just has an issue with QC. The "stauts update" message is quite telling actually when it comes to their ability to check their products before market. Clearly, they are not giving their games a good enough testing prior to printing.


not an idiot
Sorry, just trying to think of anything to help. I knew it was a long-shot. ;)

Oh, and I think he's saying he'll buy it from you for that amount of money.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
shpankey said:
He's saying he'll buy it from you for that amount of money.
Gotcha. No, I think I will wait a week or two before playing it and see how the surfers at Sony San Diego respond to the issues. I doubt they will but who knows.


DenogginizerOS said:
Gotcha. No, I think I will wait a week or two before playing it and see how the surfers at Sony San Diego respond to the issues. I doubt they will but who knows.

MrBob and I had a perfect game (after one getting lagged out and a shitty first couple innings in the second game) and I had great success on Tuesday night. I'm not abandoning all hope just yet.

Musashi Wins!

I played my first online game last night. We had a couple moments that were laggy, but on the whole it was fine. I wasn't playing someone in another country, but it was pretty pleasing. One game is one game though.

I definitely think the home plate collision is animation triggered, I've had some physical collisions and some ghost patrol.

I'm having some fantastic games out of the box though, so I'm pretty happy so far. I hope of course that they continue to patch some things. I got my walk off trophy last night in franchise, that was great.

Does anyone know how to add events to the schedule in franchise? I can't find it in marketing or anything, but it shows I have nothing scheduled and it effects attendance. There is the business sim aspect.


Worships the porcelain goddess
shpankey said:
Wait, so there's really no collision detection at all unless in an animation? Dear God, that sucks. I already have a major issue with games using animations to cover up all their problems and I'm not keen on having to sit aside and watch even more animations to get a game to play right. It has a real "disconnected" feel to me.

It's old, old news and was never really an issue. Can understand why you would think that though. For most people, the amount of animations in MLB is such that it's never noticed.

I have no problem with a collision detect setting off an animation, but to sit still so an animation can take place so a collision detection will even happen is not a good thing, imo; and I find it laughable for someone to say: 'this "issue" was you' as if I'm to blame for a game's shortcoming.

I meant that in the way in that you simply nixed the animation. Not that you were at fault for a shortcoming. Up to you though.

The game already has other animation issues too, like in RTTS where if you come back to the bag really late on a pick-off, you are safe b/c the first baseman sometimes sweep tags and raises and holds his glove up high to show the official he still has the ball, meanwhile you come sliding back in well behind the animation, while the ball is held high in the air... SAFE!

Have you seen that this year? I haven't yet.

Sports games have bugs. News at eleven I guess. The pros in the game so far, for me, far outweigh the cons and quirks. YMMV of course.


I think I'll be keeping the game in 720P, especially if I play online. Like pc games I have, it is better to turn down the graphical fidelity somewhat to ensure better online play. Less graphics to process through the pipeline back and forth.

1080p does look pretty though! I'll probably just switch before going online.
shpankey said:
I'm not really hip on how all that works, so forgive me if I sound silly asking this question... but is there overscan on a plasma? I was under the impression there was no geometry to adjust on a plasma, that it was basically a perfect 1080p from edge to edge (?).

Yes, even plasmas have overscan. If on your initial playing of the game you did not see any black bars around the screen, then your TV definitely had overscan enabled because The Show has black bars enabled by default (which can be removed with the horizonal/vertical stretch sliders in the Audio/Video options). Perhaps you can play around with your TV to disable it if it bothers you (and you should be able to since you saw the black bars in 1080p).


not an idiot
Kintaro said:
Sports games have bugs. News at eleven I guess. The pros in the game so far, for me, far outweigh the cons and quirks. YMMV of course.
Yeah, I really don't mean to come off in such a negative way when talking about these different quirks or whatever... I really do LOVE the game. I'm having an absolute blast and nothing I've had happen so far would in any way want me to stop playing anytime soon. I should really say that more often b/c it's the truth, I hope I haven't turned anyone off of this incredible game. In all honesty, some of this stuff I'm just talking about out-loud to either just understand it, or figure out a possible solution; and even though I seem bitchy on other stuff like sliders, it really is just hyperbole. ;) You can see in the other thread about best years ever, I have this game listed as the best baseball game ever. Sure it has issues but the fun factor is off the charts. The gameplay, graphics and sound are all WAY off the charts.


Worships the porcelain goddess
shpankey said:
Yeah, I really don't mean to come off in such a negative way when talking about these different quirks or whatever... I really do LOVE the game. I'm having an absolute blast and nothing I've had happen so far would in any way want me to stop playing anytime soon. I should really say that more often b/c it's the truth, I hope I haven't turned anyone off of this incredible game. In all honesty, some of this stuff I'm just talking about out-loud to either just understand it, or a possible solution; and even though I seem bitchy on other stuff, it really is just hyperbole. ;)

You can see in the other thread about best years ever, I have this game listed as the best baseball game ever.

It's all good. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk. Migraine all day today. =(

Musashi Wins!

I could never go back to 08 after some of the changes that might only be obvious if you played the shit out of that game. Fielding matters now, players misjudge balls and really play differently from glove stars. More doubles in the gaps or corners. Walks and pitching variety seem better. More variation imo between the tier of pitchers. There are definitely flaws but nothing else comes close.


not an idiot
yeah, no going back to 08 for me either. i'm having a blast so far :) i hated last years outfielders and their range. made the outfield feel cramped. i had to set the OF run sliders way down to compensate, which made them really look funny, like their legs were going at the wrong pace to their speed. 09 really addressed all that for me.


As someone who doesn't play many sports games, I had skipped on baseball games since MVP '05 (with a little MLB Power Pros in between, that game rocks). Picked this up yesterday and I am just blown away. This really is the best baseball game I've ever played, and I will be sinking countless hours into RTTS mode.
Musashi Wins! said:
I could never go back to 08 after some of the changes that might only be obvious if you played the shit out of that game. Fielding matters now, players misjudge balls and really play differently from glove stars. More doubles in the gaps or corners. Walks and pitching variety seem better. More variation imo between the tier of pitchers. There are definitely flaws but nothing else comes close.

I'm not noticing an increase in doubles yet, did you adjust any of the sliders? Actually, what is the major league average for extra base hits in a game?

Musashi Wins!

DoctorWho said:
I'm not noticing an increase in doubles yet, did you adjust any of the sliders? Actually, what is the major league average for extra base hits in a game?

No, not yet, I'm getting fantastic games out of the box. But it's still early.

I don't know the answer to the 2nd part. It's probably a question for google or Bill James!


not an idiot
I upped the base-running speed two notches and that really seems to work well. increases doubles and it actually looks more correct to me. i also dropped the arm strength one notch. it feels dead on now, so far. some of this stuff is interconnected so it may take awhile to tweak everything out how I want. but you guys might try that to start. i may have adjusted base stealing to compensate too, i'll have to check tonight.
shpankey said:
I upped the base-running speed two notches and that really seems to work well. increases doubles and it actually looks more correct to me. i also dropped the arm strength one notch. it feels dead on now, so far. some of this stuff is interconnected so it may take awhile to tweak everything out how I want. but you guys might try that to start. i may have adjusted base stealing to compensate too, i'll have to check tonight.

Yeah, there really isn't much that needs to be changed. Fantastic experience right out of the box. I can understand how some of the glitches are bothering people though. The Wrigley night game glitch I was reading about at OS is a killer.


not an idiot
Agreed, the game is SOO much more playable right out of the box, I've found any adjustments needed are very, very minor so far. The devs really did a damn good job on this. You can really just put it in and play and not worry about it, I'm just a tweaker by nature. ;)


Started my Cubs franchise. Took down the stros 2-0 in the first game. Suck it Oswalt! :D

I want the walk off trophy. :(


Mrbob said:
Started my Cubs franchise. Took down the stros 2-0 in the first game. Suck it Oswalt! :D

I want the walk off trophy. :(

I'm gonna wait til Opening Day. Get the correct roster.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Ran into an awesome recurring bug in RTTS. Now whenever my player goes to take batting practice he either never walks up to the plate, or is invisible. Not really sure which, though whenever I press X the pitcher flinches on the mound.


eznark said:
I'm gonna wait til Opening Day. Get the correct roster.

is the Crew really not-that-great? I'm still waiting for my copy, and it would sadden me that the one year we have a playoff team, it's not represented in the next year's game :/ (understandable as it is without CC and Sheets)
I would think the OD Roster update will fix a lot of the issues with players not being represented fairly. I'd pick it up but if you want to be safe you could spend $5-$6 bucks and rent it first, I guess. I used to only get sports games when my team made the playoffs and went deep/won a title, but this game is so good I'd buy it anyway.

*grinds teeth waiting for Opening Day*
eznark said:
I'm gonna wait til Opening Day. Get the correct roster.

I hate waiting but I guess I'll play through spring training with the current rosters and then download the OD rosters in a month and start my season then.


eznark said:
I'm gonna wait til Opening Day. Get the correct roster.

I thought about waiting...but the Cubs championship roster is pretty much set in stone right now. Don't care about other teams. :p

I got rocked in game two though. :(

Visciano gave up a grand slam in a 4-4 game in the 7th to Berkman and I lost 9-4. :(

Oh and the ump was getting me mad. :lol He was giving the stros pitcher the outside corner but squeezing me. :/
I've lost my first two franchise pre-season games so far and I'm playing on rookie :|

I seem to by grounding out almost every at bat. I don't generally suck at sports games either, I managed to hit 106 home runs with Frank Thomas on the Jays in the show 07 :lol

Oh well, I'm sure things will improve as they always do. Just a little frustrating right now.
Another bs comeback by the CPU. Playing on all-star. Up 9-2 in the ninth and ended up being 9-8 before I was able to shut it with my closer. This shit needs to stop seriously.
Jazzy Network said:
Another bs comeback by the CPU. Playing on all-star. Up 9-2 in the ninth and ended up being 9-8 before I was able to shut it with my closer. This shit needs to stop seriously.

Can't you toggle the CPU's comeback logic on and off?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
So its a mixed bag again online?

DenogginizerOS, I'll buy it off you if you really want to get rid of it.


DeRosa couldn't catch a cold at third base. The little bastard helped open up a couple of big innings in one of my online games. :mad:


never heard about the cat, apparently
I was thinking about waiting until opening day to start my franchise, but I couldn't wait that long. (I will probably restart it though, lol. Kenshin Kawakami should be on the Braves roster by then. I hope.)
How do the online leagues work is it something like NCAA 2009 where you can play cpu and human players or strictly human vs human?


not an idiot
Mrbob said:
Oh and the ump was getting me mad. :lol He was giving the stros pitcher the outside corner but squeezing me. :/
talk about the devs even getting the little things right. now THAT's a sim! :lol


Yeah it was crazy. The ump was giving him a good inch outside the box called for strikes. I would hit the corner perfectly and he would call a ball. :lol

Oh and I didn't know there was a train that went into motion after a home run. That is a bit annoying Stros fans. :p

Eznark, you do make a good point about full rosters though. Maybe I'll hit up road to the show until early april when the final rosters come in. By then there should be some good sliders to use as well.


Speaking of franchise, is there a way I can turn auto save off after I start it?

I keep on trying to turn it off in the options menu, but when I exit it asks me if I want to revert changes before leaving. The only options are cancel and ok. Cancel brings me back to the options screen leaving auto save on, and hitting ok just changes it back. I don't see any way to turn it off. Not a huge deal, but it creates seperate save files for autosave and manual save so I have to go in and delete the auto save. Need to save that 23MB of space on my hdd!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Anyone with any RTTS tips for sluggers? Even tips from 08 will help me out a bit. Just looking for helpful tips on where to put points to help increase quicker growth in the future. :D
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