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MLB 09: The Show - Official Thread


Trying to prepare for the online league by starting a franchise with what should be the setting we use (All-Star difficulty, default sliders, no guess a pitch.) I lost my first game 18-0 so I lowered the difficulty hoping that that would make up for human error. Still losing pretty badly.

My main problem is that I have NO idea who's who. I haven't followed professional sports closely in over 5 years. When someone steps up to the plate, I'm never sure of their specialty. Are they fast? Are they a power hitter? Etc. This hinders my ability to plan ahead...
czartim said:
Trying to prepare for the online league by starting a franchise with what should be the setting we use (All-Star difficulty, default sliders, no guess a pitch.) I lost my first game 18-0 so I lowered the difficulty hoping that that would make up for human error. Still losing pretty badly.

My main problem is that I have NO idea who's who. I haven't followed professional sports closely in over 5 years. When someone steps up to the plate, I'm never sure of their specialty. Are they fast? Are they a power hitter? Etc. This hinders my ability to plan ahead...

Just keep playing you will get better, I lost my first 8 games in my franchise, but i just kept playing and got better and now im one game behind for 1st place, I almost considered selling the game because I couldnt win, but now I got the hang of everything.


Played my first game las night, I jumped right into a franchise pre-season.

I figure since I am from Houston I will play as the Astros. Got beat by the Orioles 8-0, with only 2 hits. Gonna be a long season... I would pay for steroid mini-game DLC, or maybe I can just make Craig Biggio in the create a player feature. The Stros' just aren't what they used to be.


keep your strippers out of my American football
lawblob said:
Played my first game las night, I jumped right into a franchise pre-season.

I figure since I am from Houston I will play as the Astros. Got beat by the Orioles 8-0, with only 2 hits. Gonna be a long season... I would pay for steroid mini-game DLC, or maybe I can just make Craig Biggio in the create a player feature. The Stros' just aren't what they used to be.

You are going to have to play with the sliders to get the hitting right. Everyone has problems with hitting when you first start. I play with the Astros too. Went from striking out 16 times to having a 3 HR game after some time and slider manipulation.


dskillzhtown said:
You are going to have to play with the sliders to get the hitting right. Everyone has problems with hitting when you first start. I play with the Astros too. Went from striking out 16 times to having a 3 HR game after some time and slider manipulation.

Hmm, guess I will have to mess with the sliders. It seemed like I was missing a lot of pitches that I should have at least made contact with. Changeups in particular are totally impossible to hit, even when I correctly guess them and their location, I still whiff them every time.


I don't really get this playing with the sliders notion? I think if you adjust the sliders to make the game easier you should only be allowed to play as the Georgia Peaches and you go through RTTS as Rosie O'Donnel's character.


never heard about the cat, apparently
templeusox said:
90 on metascore. Highest rated sports game of the gen so far.

Just sayin is all...
The lowest MLB 09 The Show score...is the highest MLB 2k9 score.


keep your strippers out of my American football
lawblob said:
Hmm, guess I will have to mess with the sliders. It seemed like I was missing a lot of pitches that I should have at least made contact with. Changeups in particular are totally impossible to hit, even when I correctly guess them and their location, I still whiff them every time.

Definitely turn off the pitch guess crap in the beginning. Increase the User contact and timing sliders and slow the pitch speed. That will help you big time.


dskillzhtown said:
Definitely turn off the pitch guess crap in the beginning. Increase the User contact and timing sliders and slow the pitch speed. That will help you big time.

Yup, those are my "feel-good/badass" settings :D


eznark said:

:lol I concur. I finally started being able to hit some pitches with some consistency without ever changing anything. Just a matter of practice. I even won a game online that was slightly laggy with a walk off bottom of the 10th HR! woot! It was my first HR and it won the game, so I felt good about it. :D

It just takes some time, but you can get good at hitting pitches without changing anything at all. But if you are impatient and just want to put it on easy mode feel free. :p


Runus said:
:lol I concur. I finally started being able to hit some pitches with some consistency without ever changing anything. Just a matter of practice. I even won a game online that was slightly laggy with a walk off bottom of the 10th HR! woot! It was my first HR and it won the game, so I felt good about it. :D

It just takes some time, but you can get good at hitting pitches without changing anything at all. But if you are impatient and just want to put it on easy mode feel free. :p

That would be rookie, rookie is a joke.


eznark said:

Game sliders are just my e-roids...


But if my experience with the PSP versions of past games has taught me anything, its that you HAVE to develop discipline to sit on a lot of pitches. If you are swinging at a bunch of garbage, you will never force the pitcher to throw you hittable strikes. Sounds obvious, but for scrubs like myself it does take practice and discipline to sit on a lot more pitches than you want to.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Runus said:
:lol I concur. I finally started being able to hit some pitches with some consistency without ever changing anything. Just a matter of practice. I even won a game online that was slightly laggy with a walk off bottom of the 10th HR! woot! It was my first HR and it won the game, so I felt good about it. :D

It just takes some time, but you can get good at hitting pitches without changing anything at all. But if you are impatient and just want to put it on easy mode feel free. :p

Concur all you want, but that is what sliders are for. To cater the game to your tastes. Happy you didn't change anything, but I did and I am enjoying the game more than I did initially. Moving the game to easy mode changes everything, the only thing I had problems with was hitting. If I get to the point of hitting 15 HRs a game, then I will change things back to default.


dskillzhtown said:
Concur all you want, but that is what sliders are for. To cater the game to your tastes. Happy you didn't change anything, but I did and I am enjoying the game more than I did initially. Moving the game to easy mode changes everything, the only thing I had problems with was hitting. If I get to the point of hitting 15 HRs a game, then I will change things back to default.

I don't disagree with you, I was just giving everyone a hard time that was using them. It's definitely a good tool to improve the fun factor if you are getting very frustrated. Better than just quitting the game. Plus like you said if you start to hit 15 HRs a game then you can turn it back down to meet your skill level. Whatever helps people to keep playing this great game.


not an idiot
well, some slider adjustments are a must imo. for instance, they seem to have the speeds of fielders and runners off with default sliders, by a lot. after some careful comparison judging times and speeds and much trial and error and readjusting I've come up with these essential changes, that make the game more realistic...

With the difficulty on Veteran (I noticed on All-Star a noticeable difference in speeds of runners and fielders vs human and cpu, with the cpu giving itself a noteable advantage. Which is why I am resorting to Veteran for my settings)...

Baserunner speed = 9 (out of 10)
This is ridiculously slow on default. In fact, you can see that even the animations don't match up with their speed, not to mention their times from home to 1st. I have been going back and forth on 9 and 10... and it's actually very close to both, if there was a setting for 9.5 that's where it would be. So 9 or 10, you decide which you like. This will not effect stealing bases like you think, bc of this...

Base Stealing = 4 (out of 10)
In essence, you're lowering this to compensate for the speed adjustment.

Fielder Speed = 3 (out of 10)
These guys are too fast on default, lineshots that should be extra bases end up being caught. This is why the game lacks doubles and triples by default. Well, this and the other settings that go with it. I have messed around with this setting the most, and constantly went back and forth between 2 and 4 and finally just gave up and settled in the middle. You can try 4 if you like, it's actually close to that too.

Reaction time = 2 (out of 10)
Again, WAY to instant by default. There should be a slight pause by a fielder before he reacts and setting this to 2 is PERFECT. Watch an outfielder when the ball cracks off the bat and watch how long it takes for him to make his initial move. You will see setting this to 2 is a great improvement and it also helps some balls drop into play. It's just a millisecond delay, but it helps and is more realistic.

Arm Strength = 2 (out of 10)
Holy crap this setting is off. If you timed the throws and watched this in comparison to real life you'd see very quickly how badly. Everyone has cannon arms. Setting this to 2 is a huge improvement and it allows the disparity between guys who DO have rocket arms to show itself. This also helps with base hits and extra bases obviously. You can also bump this to 3 if you like, though I played at 3 a lot and liked it, I settled at 2, which may be a hair underpowered.

...these have nothing to do with changing the difficulty of the game via sliders, these are just what I have judged to by accurate and realistic after tons of manipulation and watching over and over and over in replays and comparing it to real life games (literally watching live games and A/B comparing).

I have a lot of other sliders I've been working on but I'm at work and that's all I have time to go over now. It's too bad they took out so many sliders, in particular, the separate human and cpu sliders for running speeds that last year had. This allowed you to fix the small boosts that the cpu was given in order to make the game more difficult. Which I'm not a fan of. But no, the game may play an appealing game out of the box, but the sliders most definitely need adjusting by quite a bit to get it to play accurately. Try the above for a start, and see if you like it. You should notice it right away. They don't give you any kind of advantage over the cpu, it has the same settings as you, these few will just get it to play a more realistic game. I cannot vouch for these on other difficulty settings. Most likely they won't be accurate on them.

Musashi Wins!

I don't know if I agree with some of those adjustments. I'm just getting a lot more doubles and triples than you I guess. Plus, I play in Comerica a lot. And my guys definitely don't have cannons. I'm really not having too much unrealistic outfield play.

A couple things bugging me are that I do think there are too many punishing passed balls despite the fact that the game is trying to get you for misjudging a breaking pitch thrown low. I still think most catchers could block some of this shit. Even great catchers seem to miss too many.

I'm seeing the cpu make too many outs at third. They just go for it way too often at a base you should not be making late outs at. And not because I have rocket arms, but because they're being dumb.

Also, while playable this online is still too laggy. They need to be working on it.

I'd also like to see some more historical stadiums. Yes, I'll bend over and pay for them.

This game has consumed my whole gaming life. Poor Killzone. I love the golden era vs. silver era exhibition games! haha.


not an idiot
are you playing on Veteran? i thought you were on All-Star? if on All Star then ya, as I said, those would not work right. but i feel really good about them on Veteran. hell, just watch your guys run yourself, even the running animations look awkward as they don't match the speed.

Musashi Wins!

shpankey said:
are you playing on Veteran? i thought you were on All-Star? if on All Star then ya, as I said, those would not work right. but i feel really good about them on Veteran. hell, just watch your guys run yourself, even the running animations look awkward as they don't match the speed.

No, still on Veteran. I don't seem to be in danger of feeling overpowered in this years release yet. I'm going to try some of your sliders, you've obviously taken a much closer look at the differences they make than I have.

Can you upload them into the online portion at some point?


Bengie Molina got me my Salami trophy last night (grand slam homer with full bases).

Thanks, Bengie.

Can anyone recommend any slider sets, either downloadable from the online archive, or from forum posts? I get the impression that the highly rated and highly downloaded sets on the MLB09 service are just up there because they're top of the list when people first log in, but I may be wrong.

I'm after a "realistic but still fun" set of sliders.


not an idiot
Yeah when I finish up testing them all and get it where I like I'll upload them. One thing that makes it hard with some of the other sliders is how interwoven they all are, changing one affects several different things. Those [above] are a good start though.

p.s. the thing about passed balls you mentioned is so true. ironically, this was actually a slider in mlb 08 and could be adjusted. though 08 out of the box wasn't so off as 09 is. but this just brings up my earlier frustrations with the lack of sliders this year.

still, this is the most fun i've had in a baseball game maybe ever. holy shit the Diamondbacks park is fuck awesome. when you're at bat you can see the billboard with the picture of the batter and all his stats staring right at you. man, that park kicks ass.

between this game and nhl 09, i am in heaven right now. all other games have been put aside and are no longer given ANY playing time. :lol 2009 will go down in my history book as the greatest year for sports games ever. :D


not an idiot
Are there WBC games tonight? I thought there were... like the USA game? Don't tell me, it's on the MLB channel huh? I have Dish and they don't have that. Shit.


never heard about the cat, apparently
shpankey said:
Are there WBC games tonight? I thought there were... like the USA game? Don't tell me, it's on the MLB channel huh? I have Dish and they don't have that. Shit.
yeah its on MLBN, ESPN Deportes, and MLB.TV. Of course, its not on ESPN. Americans don't like to watch Team USA, we like to watch Japan, Korea, Cuba, etc..


hide your water-based mammals
Just played the demo. This feels like the real deal and so polished. It looks and moves and plays so well. Considering this as my first sports game this gen


Windu said:
You manage the game.. (aka, your the coach.)

Well I know that much. Is there anything I need to watch out for? The only thing I'm doing is looking at the pitcher's CFD and energy levels (assigning bullpen). For batting I was just assigning people to steal.

Is there more to look out for?


Just played the Rockies in Spring Training:

Scored 7 points in the first inning and kept a 3 to 9 lead until the sixth where they got 7 runs off me. (I was trying to let my starter finish out, but when I did a mound visit he had 0 energy. By the time someone else was warm, it was out of control.)

Bottom of the eighth, 2 outs, bases loaded. I put in a pinch hitter to replace my 2B. After 2 pitches, boom, grand slam. They scored one more at the top of the ninth, but it was over.

That felt good.


Ran into a game-crashing bug tonight. :( I was trying to save a replay and it told me there was an error when trying to save. After that happened, I couldn't leave the replay -- had to force quit. :(


So guys I don't actually watch baseball because I think it's fucking boring but for some reason I enjoy some baseball games. I had alot of fun with MLB Power Pros on the DS and Baseball Superstars on my iPod touch. I tried out the demo for MLB 09 but I am still unsure if I should get it. How much fun do you think a casual basball game fan like me can get out of the game?

If I only knew if 2k brings a new Power Pros for the DS this year and this time without scratching almost all the modes....


Xater said:
So guys I don't actually watch baseball because I think it's fucking boring but for some reason I enjoy some baseball games....How much fun do you think a casual basball game fan like me can get out of the game?

Im' in your same position. I NEVER watch baseball because it puts me to sleep, but I love MLB09 even more than I loved The Bigs, which is saying something, because that game was bad-ass.

Good thing about this series is that you don't feel like you have to get into all of the available depth. I rarely mess with any of the features, I just play my seasons, make a few trades, thats it... and it is a blast. This is a great game even for casual players.

Halfway through my spring training with The Mets, finally getting better at hitting, more patient. Tim Reddings a beast on the mound.


lawblob said:
Im' in your same position. I NEVER watch baseball because it puts me to sleep, but I love MLB09 even more than I loved The Bigs, which is saying something, because that game was bad-ass.

Good thing about this series is that you don't feel like you have to get into all of the available depth. I rarely mess with any of the features, I just play my seasons, make a few trades, thats it... and it is a blast. This is a great game even for casual players.

Halfway through my spring training with The Mets, finally getting better at hitting, more patient. Tim Reddings a beast on the mound.

Cool someone who is in the same boat. :D

Thanks for your feedback, sounds like this game might be a good purchase for me. Now I have to look where I can import it for cheap.
just played a couple of online games with my brother, hope they keep patching online, this games deserves to have a better online experience. I noticed one thing while playing with him, the first game we didn't use out headsets and the game ran much smoother then the second game w/ headsets, Im not sure if the headsets were the cause of our lag the second time around but ill try out another game with him w/o headsets to test it out again. Anyone else experience this?

oh and this is the best sports game ever.....yes ever.
Man, RTTS drives me nuts sometimes. I ended the first month barely above the Mendoza line. Things eventually clicked and I was hitting 320 before the All Star break. Then I smack into a wall and I'm back down to .270, argh!

Its eerie how accurately it reflects the ups and downs of hitting. I'd almost think its scripted, but the hitting model is so good now I rarely feel robbed. If Im jammed or pull off on a pitch I immediately know it. I just go back and forth between seeing and timing the ball really well to these horrible cold streaks. The worst is when you get that fastball right down the middle, think you're a jack ass for taking and wind up hacking at junk the rest of the at bat. Gah!

One thing that bothers me though, where do they get off with some of these made up minor league pitchers? You have these random Korean dudes throwing 97 heat on the black. And if that wasn't enough, he's also got a 12-6 curve, a circle change, a cutter, a screwball, a splitter, a slider, and an eephus pitch. Im half expecting them to drop side arm in the middle of an at bat followed by a cut scene of the pitcher flipping me the bird and laughing his ass off.

Musashi Wins!

You know what most highlights my continuing goddamn predilection to swing early? Knuckleball pitchers. Jesus, luckily there aren't many of them.

I'm having a horrible 3rd place showing with my Tigers in franchise. I've never had so many injuries in a game. Pitching staff is thin and assy.

I did however sign Manny before the Dodgers roster update, and I love when he makes some crazy catch and the announcer says, "That's just Manny being Manny." Otherwise, they didn't put enough work into the announcers this year. I love the sound of the game though so I just turn them off.

Best sports game ever, btw.
25 games in and I still can't score.
However! I finally got trophies (2) from this game today.
Hit a walk-off homer with Overbay just after Rolen got picked off first heheh
I checked if Operation Sports has a slider tweak for the gameplay like they give for Madden 09... I'm familiar with this guys' work analyzing the horrible "Robo QB" Madden 09 settings and re-working them to give competitive gameplay, and they worked for me. I'd give his slider settings a try for MLB 09 also:


These sliders can also be found on SportsConnect online, titled Blzers All-Star Sliders.


Nine games into my pre-season, finally starting to win some, and I now have my own music blaring during games so I don't have to listen to the announcers talk about what a terrible hitter I am.

I just signed Manny to a phat 2 year deal..... why not? :lol
My Indians team is stupidly stacked from free agency...

Manny 3 year deal
Ben Sheets 2 yr deal
Pedro Martinez 2 yr deal
Adam Freaking Dunn 3 yr deal

Ad am Dunn has been CLUTCH for me so far. 10 HRs in the first month of play. Most in really clutch situations.

Example..... playing agains the Red Sox. Leading 4 to 1 in the 9th. Kary Wood comes in and ends up giving up 3 runs to tie it up. Shit....

2 outs men on 1st and 3rd (they walked Manny). Dunn comes up to bat. They pitch outside on him for the first 2 and the third is a high fastball.... which I DRILLED over 400 ft at Progressive Field.

Extra innings it's a back and forth battle. They score, I tie it up again. Then the drought for 4 more innings. Nothings working.

My break comes in the 17th inning. Manny is walked again so he's on first.... Adam Dunn again steps up. Fisrt pitch is DESTROYED for a 2 run walk off home run in the longest, most frustrating game I've ever played in The Show.

I fucking LOVE this game.

After the game I lost 2 players to injury. Grady Sizemore gone for 2 months with a broken ankle. Ben Sheets for 3 weeks with a shoulder strain.
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