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MLB 09: The Show - Official Thread

People forget that hitting in MLB you will fail and fail often, so understand this then you will realize you are in a sport that 7 out of 10 times you fuck up. Anyways the Czar over at Operation sports made this video for cats like you and others. Its a great tutorial and it does help and you will benefit greatly from these excersizes.



I have this game on the way, but I have a couple of questions in the mean time:

I know the game includes minor league affiliates, but to what degree in franchise mode? Are we talking rookie ball up through AAA, or just AA and AAA?

Also, are the minor league players licensed, or are we stuck with phony names and random players to be able to call up?

I've never played and MLB game (actually, I have one of them for PSP, but I never really messed with it), so I'm curious about RTTS. It seems like everyone and their brother is playing that rather than, say, the franchise mode. The last baseball game I seriously played was Triple Play 98, which I loved with all of my heart. Naturally, I'm feeling somewhat nostalgic, so I want to go through as the team of my choice, and RTTS doesn't really seem like my cup of tea; focus on one player all through the minors? I just don't know.

I guess my question is: why's RTTS so good? It sounds like an RPG mixed with a baseball game, which is intriguing, but if I want to actually win with a particular team, is it not the way to go?


jstevenson said:
I use the curve as a wild card. Sometimes I start them with it, use it when I'm ahead for a strikeout, and especially use it when I'm looking for a double play ball.

From my experience, the curve feels almost useless in the game. Even if you have high control, it feels very hard to keep it down in the zone without losing it to the point where it's a ball that they won't even bother to swing at. I've thrown a number of wild pitches with it.. is there some technique to it that I'm missing?

Thanks for the tips!


Sailor Stevenson
Meier said:
From my experience, the curve feels almost useless in the game. Even if you have high control, it feels very hard to keep it down in the zone without losing it to the point where it's a ball that they won't even bother to swing at. I've thrown a number of wild pitches with it.. is there some technique to it that I'm missing?

Thanks for the tips!

I sparingly use the curve - it's definitely a fifth pitch (It's also still my weakest pitch), and I have three scenarios for use.

I need a first strike: They usually won't swing at it early (or if they are ahead in the count), so it's sometimes a great first strike pitch (especially with a runner on) for a 0-0, 1-0, or 2-0 count.

Strikeout Pitch: The slider away, fastball high, cutter low and changeup low are all stronger. But if you're in a battle and they've seen all our other pitches, you can pull this on them. They should be swinging at it with it below the zone or in the dirt. I don't think it's implemented incredibly well in MLB09, but I usually try to place it with the break hitting right around or just above the knees. Many time this ends with it in the dirt and them chasing it. 0-2, or 1-2 pitch when I'm trying to get a strikeout with it (maaaaaybe 2-2... don't ever risk it on 3-2).

Double Play Ground Ball: I leave it in the zone and let them try and hit it out of the infield. Generally only do this with a runner on first... if they have a guy on second or third as well, I'll rely more on the change.


Any advice for breaking out of a slump? Since I dropped the difficulty down to 2/5, I am playing much better, but just as I was getting in the groove again in my season I hit a 10 game losing streak.

Also, what is my pitch priority? I have been assuming X is my best pitch, then O, then triangle, then square, etc.... Is that correct?

And how do you determine where to pitch? For each batter I just try to concentrate on the "blue boxes" in their hit box quadrant, and try to nibble the corners around the blue, but I still get lit up. Not sure, maybe my pitching just sucks.

I have CPU comeback assist turned off, but it still enrages me to constantly get up 3-0 or 6-0 in a game, only to have the CPU go homerun or hit crazy in the late innings.
lawblob said:
Also, what is my pitch priority? I have been assuming X is my best pitch, then O, then triangle, then square, etc.... Is that correct?


And how do you determine where to pitch? For each batter I just try to concentrate on the "blue boxes" in their hit box quadrant, and try to nibble the corners around the blue, but I still get lit up. Not sure, maybe my pitching just sucks.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to cold zones unless its for a strikeout pitch. Having an unpredictable attack is far more important. Changing speeds, sides of the plate, eye levels etc. A classic approach is to establish the fastball early on both sides of the plate, then in the later innings pitch "backwards" by throwing off-speed early in the count and come back with the fastball.

I have CPU comeback assist turned off, but it still enrages me to constantly get up 3-0 or 6-0 in a game, only to have the CPU go homerun or hit crazy in the late innings.

Yeah if you're not careful things can unravel in a hurry. I think the best tip is to closely monitor your pitcher's confidence (select button) and have arms in the pen ready after 5 or 6. If your starter is approaching 90-100 pitch range, unless he's absolutely rolling I yank him the first sight of trouble. And have relievers on a very short leash.
God I can't hit.

My Mets are 5-13 with an team average below .200.

Reyes, Wright, Delgado, Beltran, and Murphy are all below .150!

Only Castillo (!) and Church are hitting anywhere near respectable averages.

I love this game but DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN it's hard to hit. I gotta watch these hitting videos a few more times!


Thanks for the tips, hukasmokincaterpillar.

I think I am probably being too predictable with my pitches. I get paranoid about throwing over the middle, so I think I end up pitching way too many low and inside. I'll try mixing it up.

RichyDevil said:
God I can't hit.

My Mets are 5-13 with an team average below .200.

Reyes, Wright, Delgado, Beltran, and Murphy are all below .150!

Im' also playing as the Mets. Until I turned the difficulty down to 2/5 and adjusted some hitting sliders in my favor, I also got raped. Its not that I couldn't hit, but everything I made contact with would magnetically shoot DIRECTLY for a fielder's glove. Don't be afraid to adjust sliders and drop the difficulty. I thought I would naturally get good at default settings.... i didn't. I also had to trade for / sign some better pitchers. With the Mets standard rotation you will get clobbered by the CPU.


this game is just phenomenal. After playing some MLB stickball on the 360, I went back to the demo and after striking out on every at bat the previous time I played the demo, I got a single and then hit my first The Show homer. I can't believe just how phenomenal the game is, and it even 2nd guessed me.. when 3-0, in the hole with no confidence on a worn out pitcher and with 2nd base occupied I nailed the batter and the commentators AND the player knew it was intentional.. thats just amazing!
painey said:
when 3-0, in the hole with no confidence on a worn out pitcher and with 2nd base occupied I nailed the batter and the commentators AND the player knew it was intentional.. thats just amazing!

Some people like to rag on the announce work (ill admit the basic stuff gets repetitive after awhile) but the amount of contextual references they've come up with is pretty impressive I think. After hundreds of games I'm still getting new calls now and then.


Bought the game after spending hours on hours with the demo.
Definitely am very happy with the practice mode because it finally makes me able to hit a good average of pitches whereas in my demo play it was purely survival. :lol

It's really a fantastic game with truly incredible depth but I find that I'm having serious problems getting into it as a 100% baseball n00b. I really know pretty much nothing about the game and find all the statistics and customization very intimidating.

The controls are also very deep but as the game moves fairly fast and again I usually only have half a clue on what I'm doing it is very obvious I'm missing out on alot.

But the game has me hooked and maybe some day I'll figure out more of the depth in the game :D


Merino said:
Bought the game after spending hours on hours with the demo.
Definitely am very happy with the practice mode because it finally makes me able to hit a good average of pitches whereas in my demo play it was purely survival. :lol

It's really a fantastic game with truly incredible depth but I find that I'm having serious problems getting into it as a 100% baseball n00b. I really know pretty much nothing about the game and find all the statistics and customization very intimidating.

The controls are also very deep but as the game moves fairly fast and again I usually only have half a clue on what I'm doing it is very obvious I'm missing out on alot.

But the game has me hooked and maybe some day I'll figure out more of the depth in the game :D

Don't worry, you'll get there. I'm now a baseball fan because of this game.


Can you change the time zone of leagues? Im trying to set up a 2 man league with a buddy of mine, and we are EST, and it keeps giving me PST...which is fine (its not rocket science to figure out the time :D ) but would be nice to make it idiot proof.
EDIT....its lame you need 6 people in a league, I just wanna play my one buddy occasionally and keep stats / have a draft...can't do it.

Would be nice to at least be able to have a 7 game playoff with one person...oh well, thats my only gripe.


Is there a way to change pitchers between innings?

Every time I try, I get a message saying that my current pitcher cannot be taken out. It's not exactly difficult to make the change at the beginning of the next inning, but it annoys me to have a pitcher on the mound only to be immediately replaced.

I have CPU comeback assist turned off, but it still enrages me to constantly get up 3-0 or 6-0 in a game, only to have the CPU go homerun or hit crazy in the late innings.

That happened to me, too. I didn't realize there was a CPU comeback assist option, though. I figured since I was using George Sherrill as my closer, the game was just being realistic.

Edit: Oh, the other thing I wanted to mention is that Rex Hudler needs to go away forever. Campbell and Vasgersian's lines become repetitive, but Hudler is so awful that it makes me angry.


Finally sent it back into GameFly. Very solid game but I personally feel like there is a LOT of room for improvement. I'd probably call this an 8.5 -- I was hoping we'd be getting closer to the 9/10 range with this iteration.


man i freaking LOVE this game online.... it's the only title to have pulled me away for a sustained time from FIF09.

granted i'm slogging my way through ultimate team mode in fifa which imo is actually pissing me off rather than being fun ... sick of being with out a gold striker and coming up agasint 5 star teams all the time ....but i'm sticking at it...

but yeh, the show 09 ....So much fun online ... and i've been on the wrong side of some close games of late, stuck for so long on 4 wins, 14-4 or something ...well i got my 5 win throphy tonight, on a 2 run homer deep, bottom of the 12th tied 2-2 on my last at bat ... two extra throphys popping up for the walk off win/hit .... so awesome. bling bling.

love how it never feels random, you work for every pitch and can just out think the other guy.

guess pitch off. soooo off.


tip for people struggling to hit ...just play and don't get stressed, try and get a feel for where the other guy is pitching, does he like leaving it out of the strike zone ... does he have a tendancy to a particlar location, esp when behind on the count .... timing, and location .... if your ahead you can give yrself that fraction of a second longer to see if the balls in the strike zone and maybe he'll get his timing wrong and leave it hanging ...


The trophies look ridiculously hard.. I think it sucks that you have to play on hard difficulties to get some of them, but unlike MLB 07 which I imported for £30, I cant find anywhere offering it at that price or cheaper this time around and I cant justify £40~ when I only play RTTS mode.
I hate playing at Rogers Centre for some reason in this game so instead of starting a franchise with the Jays I chose the Indians instead because I heart Grady. What a drama filled 19 inning game I just had against the yanks. Robbed Arod of a game winning 3 run homer in the 17th inning with a perfectly timed leap by Francisco in left. Ended up winning it with a solo shot by Grady in the 19th. My bullpen was dead so had to put in Cliff Lee for 2 innings to close it out. It was pretty nerve-wrecking too because I was on a 9 game win streak and needed this win for the streaker trophy. Fun times.
In two years I have never made a starting pitcher in the Road to the Show mode, but on a whim, I gave it a shot yesterday...and it's sooooo addictive. Man, I feel like SHIT when I give up a run - just watching the ball get hit into the gap is depressing :(


Finally got towards the end of my first season of RTTS. My goddamn character broke his shin sliding into home with two weeks left and went on the DL for 60 days.

Sooooo pissed.
i love the game but have run into a few problems:

1. i tried to load my franchise recently and as soon as it loaded, my ps3 would reset. looked up the problem online and the only fix was to delete the patch and delete the install. i did that and hadn't downloaded the patch again and had no problems. just re-downloaded the patch today and it still works. im not sure what was going on with that

2. i was down 4-3 in the bottom 10th inning with a man on 2nd and two outs. i destroyed a pitch to left field with manny and it looked like it was gone or at LEAST going to hit off the wall.... until the fielder runs THROUGH the wall (morphs through) and catches the ball in the stands. i was fucking pissed

3. for some reason i have a problem with my roster. for instance, i called up Hector Luna and tony abrieu from AAA because casey blake was injured and is out for 2 months. ANY TIME i try to sub blake dewitt for rafael furcal (to give him a rest), it automatically puts Hector Luna in at SS. i don't understand why. then when luna gets up to bat i try to "pinch hit" dewitt into the game but he doesn't show up on my list at all. so i'll just put furcal back in at SS (even with low energy), then later in the game when i pinch hit for my pitcher i see dewitt on my roster. still not sure what the F is going on here because it happens every game that i sub furcal out.

i've gotten better at hitting thanks to sliders but i'm still near the bottom of the league in homeruns. this is kind of due to the fact that both casey blake and matt kemp suffered "1-2 month injuries" and at that point they were #1 (blake) and #3 (kemp) on my team in HR's.

sometimes i skip the pitching parts of the innings so i can just concentrate on getting runs on the board but my pitchers seem to suck ass when i'm not controlling them :/
My damn Indians keep getting dominated by the last place Royals.

Doesn't matter how good of a pitcher I put in against them, they hit everything I throw at them Ergh.
well for reference sake the subbing bug started happening about 30 games into my franchise, the "wall glitch" just happened a couple games ago (i would say thats about my 50th game played without ever seeing it before), and the franchise not loading bug seems to be cleared up since i just downloaded the patch without any problems.

still wish i could figure out the subbing bug. what is worse is that it started with my backup CATCHER being placed at SS! i didn't even realize it at first until my backup catcher came to bat, then the next inning i had russell martin batting too and i said wait wtf?

surprisingly my pitcher gave up no runs in the inning with my backup catcher at SS (and there were no errors) :lol


I have never been more addicted to a sports game in my life. About 130 games into my season with the Mets, feeling pretty good about my chances in the division, currently tearing it up. I've had to do a lot of tinkering with my pitching staff, signing free agents and trading for better starters and relief guys. Also had to bring up some hitters from my AAA squad and get rid of the dead weight in my lineup. It all seems to finally be coming together; im' putting together nice 5 game win streaks, etc. Jose Reyes is a god.

Best sports game ever.


lawblob said:
I have never been more addicted to a sports game in my life. About 130 games into my season with the Mets, feeling pretty good about my chances in the division, currently tearing it up. I've had to do a lot of tinkering with my pitching staff, signing free agents and trading for better starters and relief guys. Also had to bring up some hitters from my AAA squad and get rid of the dead weight in my lineup. It all seems to finally be coming together; im' putting together nice 5 game win streaks, etc. Jose Reyes is a god.

Best sports game ever.

8-24 over your last 32 if the game is at all realistic.
I can't take the hitting much longer. It's simply impossible...even when I swing on time and in the right zone on veteran (when viewing the swing feedback) I still wind up hitting it right to fielders so often it's ridiculous.

I've played almost 40 games of my season and my overall team batting average is below .200. What's interesting is that I have mechanically gotten MUCH better at hitting, based on feedback and the fact that I don't strike out much at all. EVEN WITH THAT, I still rarely hit safely, and when I do, it's almost always a measly single.

And this is with the Mets, with Beltran, Wright, Delgado, Reyes...just impossible to hit.

It's actually now ruining the experience for me, and I am thisclose to closing up shop once and for all with this game. I am going to try a few more games, but if I keep getting f**king shut out 2 of 3 games I will move on to something else.




Are you doing all of the following? I was hitting about 200 for the first 40 games or so, then when I started doing these things, my hitting gradually improved. Now all my key guys; Beltran, Delgado, Reyes, and Castro, are all over 300.

- NEVER swing on the first pitch
- Try to force your hitters to take at least 3 or 4 pitches each at-bat
- Turn on the yellow hitting zone circle indicator while batting
- Don't use power swings except with Delgado / Beltran. Only use regular hits for everyone else
- Develop a tactic, like move the yellow hitting zone circle to a specific location before every pitch. For example, I line up the top of the circle with the top of the strike zone each hit. It helps me better remember where the strike zone is for each hit.
lawblob said:
Are you doing all of the following?

Great questions, and the answer to most is yes.

lawblob said:
NEVER swing on the first pitch

Rarely swinging at first pitch, only when I've guessed the type and location. Problem I have noticed with this tactic is that (at least for me), a LOT of the first pitches are strikes. Therefore I am 0-1 a whole bunch of the time.

lawblob said:
Try to force your hitters to take at least 3 or 4 pitches each at-bat

I do, but what I have experienced is that, very often, the first 2 pitches are strikes and I am in 0-2 or 1-2 holes way too much. Then I wind up swinging at junk because I don't want to strike out looking (so I wind up striking out swinging and looking terrible while doing it). :lol

lawblob said:
Turn on the yellow hitting zone circle indicator while batting

I have done this, and it has definitely helped...at least as far as contact.

lawblob said:
Don't use power swings except with Delgado / Beltran. Only use regular hits for everyone else

I don't use the power swing much at all for anyone, since I don't think I've hit more than 1 or 2 homers with it in almost 1,000 at bats. But I may start with those guys (especially when I guess the pitch and location correctly).

lawblob said:
Develop a tactic, like move the yellow hitting zone circle to a specific location before every pitch.

Developing a tactic that is successful is my biggeest need.

I don't mind not being a GOOD hitter, but what is crushing my soul is that, 50 games in, I am still so terrible that getting shut out is commonplace. My overall record is 10 games under .500 and team batting average below .200.

Reyes, Wright, and Delgado are all hitting .160 - .180; my "best" hitter is Castillo, for crying out loud.
I'm playing in franchise mode and have a few questions about the various things you can buy for your team. Do spa rooms and batting cages really make a difference? How about transportation? Right now I have my team flying coach and am wondering if upgrading to a first class flight would really see an improvement in stamina recovery or if it just improves team morale.


got this and i am really enjoying it now....at first i was really struggling, i could not hit anything and my pitching was the only thing keeping me in games....nearly broke my controller when i though i hit a home run with Posada and the Seattle mariners fielder walked through the wall to catch it.....i could get people on base but i just could not convert them into runs (13 hits for 1 run)

just finished my 3rd game of the season against Texas and it all clicked.....hit 5 home runs and my problem this time was that there were nobody on base for 4 of them :lol Manny hit the go ahead 2 run homer in the bottom of the 8th and Riviera closed it out :D Managed to win 6-5 after Wang allowed 3 runs

best advice is letting the 1st pitch go...for some reason it just calms you down and stops you from wild swings....i am seeing the ball a lot better now for some reason as well

a weird thing happened to the replays during that game though, when they tried to show HR's that had happened in previous innings.....nothing would show up and at the end of the game, no highlights played either. Tried to view them in the menu but the only replay that was there was that of the last pitch...even when i selected the other highlights to play, anybody else had this problem?


Sailor Stevenson
so... I got the 1.7 patch, and now my defense is suddenly bobbling balls and making many more errors or misplayed balls resulting in hits. This happening to anyone else?


I am LOVING this game online. Finally got the hang of how people play online. Starting to get much more patient at the plate, although I still typically strike out about 10 times per game.

NOTHING beats coming back in the 9th inning when you're down against an online opponent! HANK BLALOCK WALKOFF!

7 Game win streak!

Been averaging about 2 games per night.


Musashi Wins!

nyprimus2 said:
How is the PSP version of The Show? I'm a franchise guy when it comes to baseball games.

It's always been "alright" in comparison, but i didn't try it this year. I'm a franchise guy too, and they never include that mode. Just season. Bleh.


Musashi Wins! said:
It's always been "alright" in comparison, but i didn't try it this year. I'm a franchise guy too, and they never include that mode. Just season. Bleh.
Wait... there's no franchise in the PSP version?


Musashi Wins! said:
Next years game needs more stat overlays all throughout the game.

To go with a fresh new broadcast taping.

Nooo, don't san diego any ideas before they completely fix online and the league setup. Hopefully this is their first priority for MLB 10. Love the game, but online performance is still shakey and there are still commissioner bugs in the league.

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:
Nooo, don't san diego any ideas before they completely fix online and the league setup. Hopefully this is their first priority for MLB 10. Love the game, but online performance is still shakey and there are still commissioner bugs in the league.

I completely agree, Mrbob, the online implementation remains in the ghetto. It's disgusting.


God I love this game.

Bottom of the 9th, two outs, Beltran blasts a HR to the upper deck, Mets win, teammates meet me at home plate for a little celebration.

Not sure how I will win my division, its too tough. Incredibly, the Natinals are in first place. whatever...


I am Wayne Brady.
does anybody know if sliders really do fucking work? I'm doing my usual RTTS and it's on one of those obvious fuck you games where even the no luck shortstop batting 8th is turning your 95 break knuckleballs into 480 ft missles. It's pissing me off because no matter how well i pitch at some point the SAME guys are going to hit a home run that game. I shit you not. I've replayed this game 9 times and Rick Ankiel has hit a home run in EACH GAME (And Joe Mauer about 6 out of the 9 times and whoever bats fourth or fifth I forget his name about 4 out of the 9 times). So I'm trying to fuck the sliders up. I'm turning everything up for my pitcher and everything down for them. and the SAME RESULT HAPPENS. What the fuck is going on?
I got a question. I thought I read somewhere on these boards sony announced a mlb 09 remix with all classic players, teams and stadiums. Im probaly just dreaming but can anyone confirm this. And if they arent I wish they would come out with some DLC with a bunch of classic stadiums.
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