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MLB 2015 POSTSEASON |OT| Screw you, Satan!

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go ahead, keep bragging about your team intentionally injuring someone, and then getting gifted a win by broken rules. for a while i had forgotten how awful the dodgers and their fans are. this will make it more fun if/when they get knocked out.

To be fair he hasn't really tried to justify it. These guys know they slithered their way to a W, we just gotta move on, Game 3 could easily be ours.
go ahead, keep bragging about your team intentionally injuring someone, and then getting gifted a win by broken rules. for a while i had forgotten how awful the dodgers and their fans are. this will make it more fun if/when they get knocked out.

Don't worry given his passive/aggressive tendencies he'll be back in his shell roughly by the end of the third in Game. 3
go ahead, keep bragging about your team intentionally injuring someone, and then getting gifted a win by broken rules. for a while i had forgotten how awful the dodgers and their fans are. this will make it more fun if/when they get knocked out.
I'm waiting for your explanation on how you know Utley was intentionally trying to injure another player. They could really use your mind-reading expertise in the MLB Thoughtcrimes Dept.
So Sheffield, Dusty Baker and Pedro seem to hate either the call or the replay process on TBS. Again I'm not sure what the process is on judging Neighborhood stuff of other MLB rules, I just see the slide and it looked really dirty.

Caja 117

No it is not. I'v been playing baseball for 23 fucking years in one form or another. You slide hard, arm extended for the bag, the other up to try and disrupt their footing. You don't aim for a guys knee. It's total bush league.

And I was born and raised in DR 36 years ago, i was born with a baseball in hand, please dont lecture me about baseball.

Like I said, taking away breaking up DP like Utley did? Yes, but not take away all of them.

What is the purpose of allowing baserunners to intentionally injure fielders at 2nd base, as has already happened multiple times this year? It's really weird how an obvious rules loophole(he's technically sliding for 2nd even though he's blatantly just trying to take out a guy's knees!) somehow became an integral part of baseball.
Intentionally injure? Does a pitcher throwing a warning 98 mp ball close the head a intent to kill? Is unfortunate that 2nd baseman are getting injured and probrably they are going to change the rule to protect players. But thats the nature of playing the sport, are we going to change rule for any potential play that could injure players, where does the line stop before baseball is completly transformed into something else?
Watching the replay again, it was the wrong call.

The rule says the umpires can put the runner back on the base they think they would have reached if the call was made correctly. But Utley was never making it to 2nd base. He was basically lying tangled up with Tejada past the base and would have been instantly tagged out if he was called safe.
This is a fantastic point. Even if the umps interpreted the play to be reviewable and even if they thought the slide was legal, there is no reason to assume that Utley would have made it safely to the bag if the umps called Tejada off the bag on the field.
I'm waiting for your explanation on how you know Utley was intentionally trying to injure another player. They could really use your mind-reading expertise in the MLB Thoughtcrimes Dept.

I mean it's impossible to say


But it's not like he doesn't have a history of doing this.


"Alderson and Ricco having animated convo with Torre in front of umps room."

Sandy is the head of the rules commity, fwiw/


Doyers keeps Utley out of the next game right? Regardless if he's healthy enough to play?

Utley is a big time player and great asset for pinch-hitting situations. Not to mention he's there in case Kendrick goes down. Unless he has a BIG contusion he's coming to play.
Hey Chico, you weren't so smug a hour ago. You know, before one of your players committed an assault.
Oh man the assault jokes just keep coming!
go ahead, keep bragging about your team intentionally injuring someone, and then getting gifted a win by broken rules. for a while i had forgotten how awful the dodgers and their fans are. this will make it more fun if/when they get knocked out.
Well I haven't in the first place.
Lol you don't have a horse in this... but you're also a Cubs fan that benefitted from Kang's season ending early

oh please! can we stop accusing people of cheering for players to be hurt just because their opinion doesn't line up with yours.

also, Pedro Martinez needs to be quiet. there is a reason the replay guys names are secret.
funny enough I live in Bay Ridge Brooklyn and three weeks ago I was getting on the train and I saw a guy with a MLB replay crew polo T-shirt. I was going to talk to him but he got off at the next stop.
But thats the nature of playing the sport, are we going to change rule for any potential play that could injure players, where does the line stop before baseball is completly transformed into something else?

Instant replay already changed it a lot. The neighborhood play is a big one, with the addition of instant replay fielders have to try harder to touch the base, making them more vulnerable then ever before to pure take-out slides that don't even attempt to touch the base.


Intentionally injure? Does a pitcher throwing a warning 98 mp ball close the head a intent to kill? Is unfortunate that 2nd baseman are getting injured and probrably they are going to change the rule to protect players. But thats the nature of playing the sport, are we going to change rule for any potential play that could injure players, where does the line stop before baseball is completly transformed into something else?

Baseball used to be a sport where black players were banned and pitchers were allowed to cover the ball in mud, spit, and tobacco. Pretty sure that banning takeout slides will not be the crossed line that changes baseball into puffball.


No, to prevent suspensions and a bench clearing. Especially when you hit under .200(might be exaggerating on that)
Dude, you can't throw at anyone these days, not worth it. Unless the Mets are up big, this wont get settled. Throw down during BP, shoot a fair one.

Caja 117

He would absolutely not be ejected if he threw at his back. And Utley would quietly take his base.

Ump will most likely issue warnings at the start of next game, regardless retaliation beaning is more for regular season, you dont want to be giving up base runners in a playoff game, and one as important as game 3.


Utley pulled that same shit 5 years ago in Philly. Late slide in an attempt to take the player out(happened to be Tejada as well).

Utley has a MO and its bullshit the MLB has allowed him to get away with it as long as he has.

I get your point, and Utley has a history, but what he did was within the rules. His hand is within reach of the bag he's not 10 feet to the right like that picture you quoted shows. He didnt break the rule this time, if Tejada touches the bag, this might be a totally different discussion.
if i were a dodgers fan i'd obviously be happy with the win, but i'd have enough sense to stay away from message boards and social media right now. you got a gift. just step away and shut up about it, don't try to justify it.

Holy shit this is funny. Stay away from social media, Dodger fans!


You really don't want to throw at anyone here, risk getting thrown out and putting a guy on base in a game of this magnitude. However, if we had some reliever in and Utley got up with 2 outs with no one on base I'd by lying if I said I wouldn't want to see him get plunked.
I get your point, and Utley has a history, but what he did was within the rules. His hand is within reach of the bag he's not 10 feet to the right like that picture you quoted shows. He didnt break the rule this time, if Tejada touches the bag, this might be a totally different discussion.

The late slide certainly shows intent to injure man.
lol Twitter is on fire

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