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MLB 2016 Regular Season Official Thread - Do Not Attempt to Ketchup





Speaking of Pujols, does his atrocious time in Orange County diminish his legacy with the Cards somewhat, or does that still say the same?

Had he stayed I think the legacy wouldn't have diminished as much, because he would have played his whole career with one team.

As for the fans, most are happy with the decision. Though winning helped ease the pain of him leaving. There actually was a letter sent by the fans to Manfred over the disappointment on the scheduling as the Angels were supposed to play here this year. The Cards had a 10th anniversary for the 06 series to honor Albert specifically since it would had been the first time he'd returned to St. Louis.

Kind of funny, but I feel there was more hurt fans with Heyward leaving.
Had he stayed I think the legacy wouldn't have diminished as much, because he would have played his whole career with one team.

As for the fans, most are happy with the decision. Though winning helped ease the pain of him leaving. There actually was a letter sent by the fans to Manfred over the disappointment on the scheduling as the Angels were supposed to play here this year. The Cards had a 10th anniversary for the 06 series to honor Albert specifically since it would had been the first time he'd returned to St. Louis.

Kind of funny, but I feel there was more hurt fans with Heyward leaving.

I kinda assumed with the success the Cards have had since then would have numbed the loss a bit.

And certainly agree with you on the Heyward bit, though I think that is more due to the fact that he went to a hated division rival, and not the otherside of the universe (IE, Orange County) where they would see him once in a blue moon.


Good luck. We have three winnable games against the Twins, then host you for four. I'm hoping we stay hot.

ideally the white sox get out of their funk and get hot again and then the weekend will be really exciting.

still expecting KC to take at least 3 out of 4, but would be great if the white sox could just go crazy this week and have a perfect week and get a nice buffer into first again.

at the very least here is hoping the white sox at least split both series :p


And yet they still wont put him in the hall when he's done.

I haven't a single clue why you would think this.

it would be downright shocking if he wasn't a first ballet vote in.
amazing career, likable guy, no rumors of drug enhancements.

I mean the biggest controversy I recall him being involved in wasn't even his doing, just some reporter putting a bounty on a picture of his penis o_O;


gotta say I know it's only the bottom of the third, but the white sox are looking a lot better.
they are taking pitches again, they are reacting properly to balls hit (fielding). they look a lot more like the team that ran off with the division early on instead of the team I have been watching for the last two weeks.

edit: got lucky that the indians short stop didn't have the mind set to realize he should have dropped that ball, threw to second and got a double play with the runners not advancing at all thus an easy tag and step on the base.
Tommy Herr is probably remembered more fondly in St Louis at this point.

Pujols is remembered pretty fondly here. Especially since we got two solid players out of the comp picks from him leaving (Piscotty & Wacha)

I'm pretty disappointed MLB messed up the schedule and had the Cardinals go to Anaheim this season instead of the Angels coming to St. Louis. Would've loved to see Albert come home
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