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MLB 2016 Regular Season Official Thread - Do Not Attempt to Ketchup


That's a tough blown save for Osuna considering what he inherited.
No way should this game be going into extras. Just cash in a few Jays missed opportunities and it should have been an easy win.
As much as I like his play on the field (Barring this) his attitude, both on the field and with these contract talks, has made my opinion on him sour dramatically.

If it comes down to it, sign EE to be the full time DH. Find RF help elsewhere or from within.

well what is Joey supposed to say? llike anyone else he wants what he thinks he is worth.
he looks around the league and what guys are getting and what he's done and he wants a piece. what's wrong with that?

Not quite. Manny is a little hot head too.

there was that bat incident last year....
dammit! not making our people proud!


That probably didn't feel pleasant:

Jeff Passan ‏@JeffPassan
Yordano Ventura was 96-98 most of the night with his fastball. The single hardest pitch he threw was the one that hit Manny Machado: 99 mph.

One year later and its still true: he throws too damn fast for this.
well what is Joey supposed to say? llike anyone else he wants what he thinks he is worth.
he looks around the league and what guys are getting and what he's done and he wants a piece. what's wrong with that?

I know that, and more power to him. But simply, he's north of 30 and we have tons of contracts coming off the books this year or heading to arbitration. Including Osuna and Stroman, who I imagine wants a big pay day considering he is the prospective ace of the future for the team (Whether or not he has the skill to back up that claim is up for debate)

I would rather Shapiro focus on those contracts.


Homeland Security Fail

Tragicomedy, did Ventura dominate Machado?

Just got home from working a weird shift this week, and my wife said, "You have to see this!" I had no idea what she was talking about.

Without any context of what happened, I'd say he poked the bear and got punished for it. Seems fair. You don't see many guys rush the mound these days, so there had to be some prior instigation from Ventura.

Looks like he took three hard Ls today: 1) hit in the face, 2) threw the most ridiculous cat scratch "punch" you're liable to see all season, and 3) got blown out at the job he's paid to do, which is throw a fucking baseball for strikes.

No defense from me.


Disliked players getting punched in the face is an interesting trend for MLB. Maybe they're showing more hockey on clubhouse TVs.


8-0 vs Mets since last year, and wins against deGrom and Matz are nice since tomorrow will be a tough slog against Thor.
Ventura getting popped in the face way better than Bautista. What a beautiful thing.

Both should be suspended, Manny will probably get more considering he was the instigator. But MLB should definitely look at Yordano's actions both here and before and lay down a line in the sand, because he's shown no signs of changing his ways. If not, then the Royals better do it.

It's not hockey dude. should he also get a game misconduct?
Ventura is listed as 6 foot, 195 pounds, which is a completely fictional number. I'm 6'4" at 200 pounds and look nothing like his beanpole build, so I'd say he's 175 at most. It's obvious from his "punch" tonight that he has no idea how to fight.

Does he just think nobody will eventually call him on s challenge? Is he expecting Sal, the friendliest dude in baseball, to protect his ass? I'm thinking it's more that he's a very immature 25 year old who was mistakenly hyped as an ace when in fact he's average at best. He might be a lights or reliever with his fastball, but I've seen nothing these past two seasons that lead me to think he's a big league starter. And that's not even talking about the emotional issues.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
Beautiful GIF

I love this team. Been a Rangers die hard since collecting Rusty Greer cards, but man I love this (current) team. Younguns, vets, a mix of fire and modesty. So much fight.


heh 1 game down 2 to go.

how bad does shields do tomorrow. 5 innings 4 runs?

either way they had a fun stat at the start of the game.

the only team to have a 6-18 run in the modern era and still win the world series.

the 2014 giants.

the white sox are now 6-19 over their last 25 games, dropping them from 23-10 to 29-29.

and I thought that what was it... 2012 was really bad.

the sad thing is if the white sox even played .500 baseball they would still be in first by a few games lol.
It's not hockey dude. should he also get a game misconduct?

What does hockey have to do with this? Jesus christ. Ventura should not be getting off scott free considering his history of being a little prick. I hope that MLB at least gives him a one game suspension for this considering his history. And if not, then have Yost or the Royals management take him aside and talk some sense into him. Or send him down.
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