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MLB 2016 Regular Season Official Thread - Do Not Attempt to Ketchup


i am fucking livid, that was fucking bullshit, and those who think it was the right call are full of shit, you'll be pissed the hell off if it happened to your team too

There was absolutely no possibility of a double play. But the rule gives them a free double play to win the game? That's fair?

If one of the players on my team clearly interfered on a play like that, you bet your ass I would expect us to get called for it. The fact that the double play probably wouldn't have happened is irrelevant. Joey Bats acted like a complete idiot with that slide, and officials caught it on the replay. It's all on him.

I'm not sure if you guys have MLB.TV, but you can rewind and watch the play and see he does clearly grab the fielder's foot. I wish I knew how to make a gif, but here's the breakdown. His hand goes out even further than the fielder's leg in that second image. Bautista cost his team the game, and has nobody to blame but himself.





At least we let Thor destroy our asses today, like true Asgardian subjects.


Wow, disappointed in Wilhelmsen. Glad we lit his ass up at least! Servais was right on top of that shit too, great showing for our new skipper.

God I love baseball.


never heard about the cat, apparently
If one of the players on my team clearly interfered on a play like that, you bet your ass I would expect us to get called for it. The fact that the double play probably wouldn't have happened is irrelevant. Joey Bats acted like a complete idiot with that slide, and officials caught it on the replay. It's all on him.

I'm not sure if you guys have MLB.TV, but you can rewind and watch the play and see he does clearly grab the fielder's foot. I wish I knew how to make a gif, but here's the breakdown. His hand goes out even further than the fielder's leg in that second image. Bautista cost his team the game, and has nobody to blame but himself.





At least we let Thor destroy our asses today, like true Asgardian subjects.
The slide would have been legal if he stayed on the bag. He did not, sooo out.

here is that braves slide from yesterday for reference. http://m.mlb.com/video/v572697283
Dude, if I was a SS or 2B I'd totally over exaggerate on injuries or contact situations if a double play doesn't work out. Took MLB long enough to turn into Soccer.

Hit the ground, grab the knee, roll around in pain. Something something profit????
Bautista is the biggest baby in the sport, but even he didn't cry over it. He broke the rule, that's it.

Good win for the Red Sox, Price's FB velo down to 92 but it doesn't matter with that command.

Mests need to pay Thor, like before he gets the Cy Young.

Are the Doyers really good or the Padres really bad? Both?

lol Shelby Miller.
The slide would have been legal is he stayed on the bag. He did not, sooo out.


Video does a better job of showing the grab.

Rule 6.0.1 has any number of places they can call him for interference, regardless of his position relative to the bag:

"(6) If, in the judgment of the umpire, a base runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball with the obvious intent to break up a double play, the ball is dead. The umpire shall call the runner out for interference and also call out the batter-runner because of the action of his teammate. In no event may bases be run or runs scored because of such action by a runner;

(7) If, in the judgment of the umpire, a batter-runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball, with the obvious intent to break up a double play, the ball is dead; the umpire shall call the batter-runner out for interference and shall call out the runner who had advanced closest to the home plate regardless where the double play might have been possible. In no event shall bases be run because of such interference"

great i was finally getting calm and tragiccomedy had to open his fucking mouth

I responded to your comment that anyone who disagrees with you is full of shit. I can't help it if you're acting petulant and resorting to insults. Joey Bats took his punishment like a pro without complaining, since he knew he was clearly in the wrong. We're talking about a league where players complain about almost everything. He knew he broke the rules.

Hold onto that L, I guess?


never heard about the cat, apparently

Video does a better job of showing the grab.

Rule 6.0.1 has any number of places they can call him for interference, regardless of his position relative to the bag:

"(6) If, in the judgment of the umpire, a base runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball with the obvious intent to break up a double play, the ball is dead. The umpire shall call the runner out for interference and also call out the batter-runner because of the action of his teammate. In no event may bases be run or runs scored because of such action by a runner;

(7) If, in the judgment of the umpire, a batter-runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball, with the obvious intent to break up a double play, the ball is dead; the umpire shall call the batter-runner out for interference and shall call out the runner who had advanced closest to the home plate regardless where the double play might have been possible. In no event shall bases be run because of such interference"

I responded to your comment that anyone who disagrees with you is full of shit. I can't help it if you're acting petulant and resorting to insults. Joey Bats took his punishment like a pro without complaining, since he knew he was clearly in the wrong. We're talking about a league where players complain about almost everything. He knew he broke the rules.

Hold onto that L, I guess?
ah was thinking they were applying the new rule. That rule seems to be rarely called but I guess since those plays are reviewable now we will see it called more.
And now for news we can all celebrate: I have it on good authority that the St. Louis Cardinals will go 0-162 this season.

ah was thinking they were applying the new rule. That rule seems to be rarely called but I guess since those plays are reviewable now we will see it called more.

No, you are correct. That's the new J rule clarification under rule 6.01. That one subset alone is like 7-8 pages long, so I'm just saying they could have claimed interference on any number of infractions. 6.01a part 6, 6.01a part 7, or the new 6.01j. I do think we'll see a more strict interpretation of the rule going forward after the injuries we saw last year, regardless of whether or not there's an intent (or even real risk) of injury.

MLB is saying they invoked the new rule on this one, and claiming Bautista didn't make a bona fide slide attempt. The combination of him reaching out with his left hand to make contact and oversliding the second base don't meet that criteria. Encarnacion was called out because of an interference call, since Joey Bats didn't stay on the base. I believe if he had stayed on the base, the call would just be hindering and impeding the fielder, the ball would be called dead, and all the other runners would return to the base they just departed. In that case, the game would be tied with runners at first and third, one out to go.
This is a dirty slide these days!?

Thanks for ruining baseball Buster Posey!

Dirty? No, I don't think so, although that's subjective.

Illegal? Absolutely. The Padres catcher caught the ball and made sure to give Utley a clear path, to avoid blocking the plate. Utley aimed to take out his legs to dislodge the ball or knock him over. Even if the ball came loose there, Utley would still be called out.

"Rule 7.13 - A runner attempting to score may not deviate from his direct pathway to the plate in order to initiate contact with the catcher (or other player covering home plate). If, in the judgment of the Umpire, a runner attempting to score initiates contact with the catcher (or other player covering home plate) in such a manner, the Umpire shall declare the runner out (even if the player covering home plate loses possession of the ball)."
i am fucking livid, that was fucking bullshit, and those who think it was the right call are full of shit, you'll be pissed the hell off if it happened to your team too

Haaaaaaahahahahaha so it's "fucking bullshit" to call it the way it was called after Jose grabbed dude's leg? Holy cow I homer quite a bit for my team but not even I would call that one anywhere near legal. Amazing!
Rollins rustlin some Jimmies in Oakland. Like the new guys in the Sox lineup. Hopefully Robertson can close it out more easily tonight.
I also think pitchers shouldn't be allowed to throw above 90 mph. Because anything faster could seriously injure a player especially if they get hit in the face/head.

I'm only half joking btw.


This is a dirty slide these days!?


Thanks for ruining baseball Buster Posey!


Stop blaming Buster Posey for the changes to home-plate collisions

Here's a timeline:

May 25, 2011 - Buster Posey injured
July 8, 2011 - Baseball doesn't do anything about home plate collisions
March 19, 2012 - Baseball doesn't do anything about home plate collisions
August 12, 2012 - Baseball doesn't do anything about home plate collisions
May 25, 2013 - Baseball doesn't do anything about home plate collisions
October 17, 2013 - Alex Avila injured in the ALCS
October 18, 2013 - Baseball says waaaaaait a sec, these things are dangerous!
February 24, 2014 - Baseball introduces a new rule on home-plate collisions

It would be disingenuous to suggest that Posey's collision had nothing to do with the rule change. It was the most visible example. It started a national conversation. It was the most famous home-plate collision since Pete Rose and Ray Fosse. It might have started the momentum for a rule change that eventually bubbled over into action.

But it's not the Buster Posey Rule. Baseball didn't scramble after the injury to change the rules because a photogenic young star was dismantled. Immediate action wasn't taken. In fact, it was just the opposite. Here's a headline from 2013:

Buster Posey's injury can't persuade Joe Torre to consider rule changes to safeguard catchers

That, again, is two seasons after Posey's injury.

Torre heard out Giants manager Bruce Bochy in several phone calls over the summer but declined to recommend that the rules committee take up the matter.

It's not like the rules committee talked about changing the rules that offseason. Joe Torre declined to recommend that the rules committee even look into it.

When Alex Avila got hurt, it was the perfect opportunity for change. It was on national television. It had the ability to affect the outcome of the World Series. And it happened to the son of an assistant GM who had been in baseball for decades. Al Avila had contacts and opinions about home-plate collisions. It's possible, if not probable, that the rule would have changed without the family connection, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think it had at least a minor part.

Or, a better way to put it: Stop calling it the Buster Posey Rule. If you call it the Buster Posey Rule, you might end up rambling like a certain old ex-Giant. It's the Alex Avila Rule if you really, really want to name it after someone, unless you want to get hyphen happy and go with the Posey-Avila Rule, which is on the fringes of history, but still accurate.

The Buster Posey Rule would have been passed in the offseason following the 2011 season. There was no discussion of the Buster Posey Rule. It wasn't even recommended for discussion. Please stop calling it the Buster Posey Rule.

And please stop asking Goose Gossage for opinions.

As always, MLB won't do anything unless something happens during something a lot more high profile, like a playoff game. They didn't seriously discuss changing the sliding into second rule when Kang got injured in the regular season, but it did happen after Tejada get hurt in the playoffs.
And even then, this is very, very important.



never heard about the cat, apparently
The rule should be that you can only tackle Posey. No sliding when he is at the plate.
A-Rod was called out back in ALDS 2004 for grabbing Bronson Arroyo's glove and knocking the ball loose while he was running. That was without replay. Bautista clearly grabbed Forsythe's foot. He didn't even argue it. The only ones crying about this are homer Jays fans who are way too biased.

For me, this isn't so much the Utley Rule as it is the runner intentionally fucking with the fielder.

If this happened to the Braves, I'd agree with it too. But hopefully none of their players are dumb enough to grab a fucking fielder's foot.


If I have T-Mobile and I watch MLB.TV via LTE, does that mean my viewage doesn't use up my data? Is that how it works?

*wants to watch beisbol in class >:)
If I have T-Mobile and I watch MLB.TV via LTE, does that mean my viewage doesn't use up my data? Is that how it works?

*wants to watch beisbol in class >:)

Yep. If a video provider is part of Binge On, it doesn't count towards your data. MLB.TV is part of it.
Went to sleep, saw the update on my phone for 4-2 Jays...then got sad at "Final: 3-2 Rays" lol :'(

I'm new to baseball (Jays bandwagon and I need a summer sport) but from how zroid described it it sounds like it was the right call even if it meant the game. Even in Jose's post game it sounds like he mostly relied on old habits.
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