I want to turn this into a "Mariners... Win!" gif, but then they'll never win another game again.
Blue Jays fucking suck
Only the Mets chock harder than them. How do you look so useless against Tampa Bay. FUCKIN' TAMPA BAY.!?!?!
Nelson Cruz just fucking DESTROYED a fucking baseball.
that hit was so loud it actually startled me lol
that hit was so loud it actually startled me lol
friendly reminder that murphy is a homophobe
friendly reminder that murphy is a homophobe
Nelson Cruz just fucking DESTROYED a fucking baseball.
And Reyes is a wife beater.
And Reyes is a wife beater.
chapman is a domestic abuser too
i like bringing these things up once in a while just to remind people
All for nought in baseball
but if you make fun of them on the internet, they feel really badly about it