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MLB Off-Season 2011: Only a few more weeks until the radio talks about baseball again

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So you can't share results and all of a sudden Braun gets a random 50 game suspension. WONDER WUT HAPPENED THER?!

I know you're known for idiotic posts, but this is a bit beyond the pale. Like with all other suspensions, they are reported after the fact because the process is meant to be confidential.

Braun can't win a case against ESPN. It's possible he could against individuals (Byrne's may have crossed some lines last night on MLBN) but that's not the point. My guess is that he would sue simply to have a soap box to continue to preach his innocence and have a chance to shit on an organization that makes up quotes and anonymous sources to spin stories so that they are more salacious and "interesting."

The litigation he was specifically referring to, I believe, was with MLB for violating HIPPA by releasing his medical information and the courier for failing in his duties (not sure how he could even go after that person).
Espn is reporting that MLB is not ready to give up:

Sources said MLB is livid and is evaluating the possibility of suing in federal court to have Das’ decision overturned, but that they did not expect a decision to be made until after Das issues his written report within the next week or so and MLB lawyers have a chance to review it. There are very limited grounds by which either party could sue, but sources said MLB officials believe Das’ ruling was based on a faulty reading of the policy.

It would be crazy if they coud get the earlier decision overturned and Braun wound up with a 50 game suspension afterall.
There was a great piece last month on the correlation between team payroll and winning.

The significance of being able to spend big dollars has actually decreased over time. Baseball doesn't need a salary cap.

Just because the Yankees spend the most and fail to win does not mean the sport doesnt need a salary cap. It is still bad for baseball to have small market teams lose all their best players every time they become free agents. The sport as a whole would be much better with a hard cap and a salary floor.


Espn is reporting that MLB is not ready to give up:

It would be crazy if they coud get the earlier decision overturned and Braun wound up with a 50 game suspension afterall.

It's almost impossible to overturn the arb process. They would basically have to prove that Das, a guy who has been an arbiter for various MLB processes for 20 years, was not impartial.

Also, that's one of those bullshit ESPN fabrications I was talking about. MLB said they were looking at their options, so ESPN made up a source to say that one of the options they are looking at is Federal court. The nice thing about that foxnews-esque schlock factory is that they are hilariously transparent and obvious.


It's almost impossible to overturn the arb process. They would basically have to prove that Das, a guy who has been an arbiter for various MLB processes for 20 years, was not impartial.

Also, that's one of those bullshit ESPN fabrications I was talking about. MLB said they were looking at their options, so ESPN made up a source to say that one of the options they are looking at is Federal court. The nice thing about that foxnews-esque schlock factory is that they are hilariously transparent and obvious.

MLB is never going to sue. This is them just trying to save face at this point.

Now that I think about it, I don't blame Braun for doing whats within his rights. His lawyers found a loophole and exploited it. Simple as that.

But this is yet again another slap in the face to the fans of the game who've had to endure this crap for the past decade, because neither side cared about addressing it until they were forced to. The Players Union just gained even more power w/ this appeal, and no doubt, MLB is back to square one when it comes to testing.

So, MLB will try to bully, the Players Union won't take the bait, and MLB will just skirt around the issue like they've always done. All while Selig sits like this:



My Member!
Fuck Braun, smug fuck not even bothering to explain or admit to why hie pissed dirty and the chain of custody was at best, an extremely minor technicality at best.

Hope Aroldis puts a 106mpher in his pocket this year. Won't shed a tear if that fuck goes down with injury.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Just because the Yankees spend the most and fail to win does not mean the sport doesnt need a salary cap. It is still bad for baseball to have small market teams lose all their best players every time they become free agents. The sport as a whole would be much better with a hard cap and a salary floor.

No it wouldn't. Salary floor is absolutely horrible and there is no reason for it to exist. Teams should have the ability to tank a season to build for the future and not have to spend money on completely insignificant wins. More teams should do what the Marlins have always been doing, tank and tank hard. Build up the coffers a bit and then go for it, and repeat the cycle.

A cap doesn't do anything. Large market teams that generate more revenue should have the ability to spend more money. What exactly is wrong with this? But the data I linked shows that the game is in a healthy state, that teams which don't generate large revenue like the Rays can field competitive teams even with lower payrolls.
Just because the Yankees spend the most and fail to win does not mean the sport doesnt need a salary cap. It is still bad for baseball to have small market teams lose all their best players every time they become free agents. The sport as a whole would be much better with a hard cap and a salary floor.

I'm all for a hard cap if a floor was set where owners/teams must spend minimum of 80% baseball-related revenue on the player personnel.

And when that happened, those luxury tax welfare teams will suddenly either have new ownership or fold...which I'd probably be okay with too.

This whole drug testing thing is a fucking travesty. Just let everything be legal, guys...that way, we don't have to deal with stuff like this.


Fuck Braun, smug fuck not even bothering to explain or admit to why hie pissed dirty and the chain of custody was at best, an extremely minor technicality at best.

Hope Aroldis puts a 106mpher in his pocket this year. Won't shed a tear if that fuck goes down with injury.











so cliff notes version quick -- did braun do peds?

lots of message board lawyers in this thread.

He says no. Impartial arbiter concluded that there were enough irregularities in the testing process that the positive result was questionable at best and overturned the suspension.

Can't really get anything conclusive out of this arbitration process. No one is disputing the fact that he tested clean 25+ times including three in 2011 though. The one "positive" result has been proven highly questionable.

At this point, it's up to you.

Braun said he would bet his life and everything he has ever held dear that he did not take anything either purposefully or accidentally.


My Member!
Maybe, but we get to see your hilarious butt hurt bitter tears right now!


I'm not hurt, I'm just biding my time for karma to bite him and you in the ass, pure douchebag glorious ownage style.

Don't worry, the boomerang will come back around and knock you off your high horse.
I'm all for a hard cap if a floor was set where owners/teams must spend minimum of 80% baseball-related revenue on the player personnel.

And when that happened, those luxury tax welfare teams will suddenly either have new ownership or fold...which I'd probably be okay with too.

This whole drug testing thing is a fucking travesty. Just let everything be legal, guys...that way, we don't have to deal with stuff like this.

I think the floor is even more important then the cap part. I just cant even begin to imagine being a baseball fan in a place like Pittsburgh. The owners just pocket the money and dont even try to be competitive. The Royals have done a great job rebuilding their team and stocking up good young players, but I dont see how they will keep those guys together if they pan out. I also dont see how it is good for the sport as a whole to have 5 or 6 teams snatch up all the big free agents every year. I want every teams fanbase to have the excitement of signing a big player in the offseason.


My Member!
Sure, sure. Baby needs a bottle though.

Yeah, stop trying to bait. Not going to work asshole. You'll get your karma in September good and hard, don't worry, just like every year for your World Series-less tired franchise, who's only claim to fame is having a Hall of Fame radio commentator who was once the star of Mr Belvedere.


Yeah, stop trying to bait. Not going to work asshole. You'll get your karma in September good and hard, don't worry, just like every year for your World Series-less tired franchise, who's only claim to fame is having a Hall of Fame radio commentator who was once the star of Mr Belvedere.

The Brewers are terrible, that's why I'm not worried about karma. What could possibly worse than the past 30 years? It's just humorous that you're wishing injury on a guy who was cleared of wrong doing. Who needs the legal system when we have salty butt hurt Reds fans to play judge, jury and executioner!
The Brewers are terrible, that's why I'm not worried about karma. What could possibly worse than the past 30 years? It's just humorous that you're wishing injury on a guy who was cleared of wrong doing. Who needs the legal system when we have salty butt hurt Reds fans to play judge, jury and executioner!

Karma for the Packers has to balance out somewhere. Watch out for the Indians this year!

But, look at me! Reds and Bengals BOTH suck. And then I got the Jackets! And no NBA team. That's just cruel, universe.


My Member!
The Brewers are terrible, that's why I'm not worried about karma. What could possibly worse than the past 30 years? It's just humorous that you're wishing injury on a guy who was cleared of wrong doing. Who needs the legal system when we have salty butt hurt Reds fans to play judge, jury and executioner!

He wasn't cleared of wrongdoing, he got off on a technicality of the sample not being sent in "as soon as possible" - when how it was sent in is still standard common procedure for drug testing for basically anything.

How it was handled was no different than the way that practically anyone who takes a drug test has it handled, the only thing it did was break the interpretation of the contract between MLB and the Players Union. It had nothing to do with the seal being broken (which would have had to been resealed and the initials on the sample forged to even be tampered with) or a change in temperature effecting anything with his piss. His high level on testosterone was put there by himself, no one else. And the only reason he got off is because it didn't follow the exact letter of the contract between MLB and the Players Union, even though the way it was handled was complete common procedure for all sorts of other industries.

He got off on a technicality based on an arbitrary contract procedure. He's a PED'er, and that's a fact. And just like all PED'er, I wish him the worst. Deal with it. And since you're being a douchebag trying to troll about it, I'll be sure to rub in extra hard anything bad that happens to the Brewers this year. Karma is going to be a bitch.


The Brewers are terrible, that's why I'm not worried about karma. What could possibly worse than the past 30 years? It's just humorous that you're wishing injury on a guy who was cleared of wrong doing. Who needs the legal system when we have salty butt hurt Reds fans to play judge, jury and executioner!

Judge Red.
The Nationals and Ryan Zimmerman are close to a 6-year contract extension, but there is a hang up over Zimmerman wanting a no-trade clause (even though they gave Werth one :lol). Zimmerman would have 5/10 no-trade rights after the 2015 season.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
What the hell kind of a dodge is that, ESPN?

Sure it's awkward but his overall point would be correct. The judge, jury and executioner in football is Goodell and Goodell alone.

The players in the NFL should have never agreed to any kind of drug testing as long as he's commish.


The Nationals and Ryan Zimmerman are close to a 6-year contract extension, but there is a hang up over Zimmerman wanting a no-trade clause (even though they gave Werth one :lol). Zimmerman would have 5/10 no-trade rights after the 2015 season.

I can the FO holding back because of an "injury risk" but they might as well get it done anyway.
As a Braves fan, I was kind of hoping Braun would get bounced because the Braves play their opening home series against the Brewers. I would have been fine with them not facing Braun.

Oh well, maybe Hanson can tag Braun with a fastball in his elbow again.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Everyone knows the people who suffered the most are the dipshits who had early fantasy drafts and passed on Braun in the early rounds. He's back to being a top 5 pick.

But in the end the one who will suffer the most are the ones who take him now in drafts, his performance will tank off the face of the planet as he's now off the PEDs.
Fuck Braun, smug fuck not even bothering to explain or admit to why hie pissed dirty and the chain of custody was at best, an extremely minor technicality at best.

Hope Aroldis puts a 106mpher in his pocket this year. Won't shed a tear if that fuck goes down with injury.


stay free!!!!


He wasn't cleared of wrongdoing, he got off on a technicality of the sample not being sent in "as soon as possible" - when how it was sent in is still standard common procedure for drug testing for basically anything.

How it was handled was no different than the way that practically anyone who takes a drug test has it handled, the only thing it did was break the interpretation of the contract between MLB and the Players Union. It had nothing to do with the seal being broken (which would have had to been resealed and the initials on the sample forged to even be tampered with) or a change in temperature effecting anything with his piss. His high level on testosterone was put there by himself, no one else. And the only reason he got off is because it didn't follow the exact letter of the contract between MLB and the Players Union, even though the way it was handled was complete common procedure for all sorts of other industries.

He got off on a technicality based on an arbitrary contract procedure. He's a PED'er, and that's a fact. And just like all PED'er, I wish him the worst. Deal with it. And since you're being a douchebag trying to troll about it, I'll be sure to rub in extra hard anything bad that happens to the Brewers this year. Karma is going to be a bitch.

Sample was handled improperly, of course it should be dismissed and he be retested. He was and like all the tests prior he passed. Keep crying about a technicality, I'm sure you're happy executing people based on questionable DNA evidence too, fascist.

Braun is a real American, fighting for the rights of every man. Don't be such an anti-Semite.
I still don't understand how a test can be more than triple the highest they've ever seen and then a few days later he can test totally clean. Something is amiss here.


My Member!
Sample was handled improperly, of course it should be dismissed and he be retested. He was and like all the tests prior he passed. Keep crying about a technicality, I'm sure you're happy executing people based on questionable DNA evidence too, fascist.

Braun is a real American, fighting for the rights of every man. Don't be such an anti-Semite.

You're right. OJ was innocent. Bonds used flaxseed oil. And Lee Harvey Oswalt acted alone.

BRB need to go re-read Pete Rose's first book. He was framed damnit.
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