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MLB Off-Season 2011: Only a few more weeks until the radio talks about baseball again

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But coins is right that the "intangibles" here do matter; Pujols ability to reel in Latino and Dodger fans. I'm just not sure how much they matter. They could matter a lot, or they may make very little difference at all. Pujols is not especially friendly with the press. Further, we'll never have any real way to measure those effects.
I think Pujols could very well have lived up to the 200-220 million that the Cards supposely offered. There's also a small chance he lives up to 250 million he signed for*. But there's so much risk involved that I can understand why the Cards didn't match. As others have said, injuries and age are likely going to overcome his talents before the contract expires. He should be good for at least a few more 6+ WAR seasons barring injury. Hope you guys make the best of those years.

*between inflation in baseball and backloading of his contract


never heard about the cat, apparently
Speaking purely offensively, Votto was better last year. Braun was better. Kemp was better. Cabrera was. And yes, Jose Bautista was as well.

However, Pujols did have at least 3-4 years in a row where he was definitely the best offensive player in the game. I'm just not at all convinced those years are coming back, as he'll be 32 to start next season. I wouldn't put it past him, but I wouldn't bet on it, either.
the most impressive thing about Pujols is that his career wRC+ is 167. Goddamn. The next closest of the 2011 leaders is Votto at 151 and he has only played 4 full seasons.

2011 wRC+ Leaders:
1.  Bautista 181
2.  Braun    179
3.  Cabrera  177
4.  Kemp     171
5.  Fielder  162
6.  Berkman  159
7.  Votto    155
8.  Holliday 154
9.  Gonzalez 153
10. Ortiz    153
11. Ellsbury 150
12. Reyes    149
13. Pujols   148
Career wRC+ of 2011 leaders:
1.  Pujols   167
2.  Votto    151
3.  Braun    149
4.  Berkman  146
5.  Cabrera  146
6.  Fielder  141
7.  Holliday 139
8.  Gonzalez 135
9.  Ortiz    135
10. Kemp     126
11. Beltran  124
12. Bautista 123
13. Reyes    112
Pujols' worst seasons are 2002 and 2011, 148 wRC+.

Pujols wRC+ Ranks
2001 (12th) (158)
2002 (16th) (148)
2003 (2nd)  (185)
2004 (2nd)  (170)
2005 (3rd)  (170)
2006 (2nd)  (175)
2007 (9th)  (151)
2008 (1st)  (184)
2009 (1st)  (182)
2010 (5th)  (165)
2011 (13th) (148)
Pujols was on another level...and then Bonds was about 5 times above that.

Anyway, that first Pujols extension with the cardinals was one of the best deals ever.


Very much agreed, Windu. And I think time will be kinder to Pujols' "level" than it will be to Bonds, whether Bonds gets in to the Hall or not (he probably will, and he definitely should).

The question is whether Pujols will ever attain that level again, and if so, for how long. It's an impossible question to answer, of course.


never heard about the cat, apparently
bonds should be in the hall just based on his years before he allegedly did steroids. Think the consensus is like 1999 or something, after the sosa/mgwire hr race. And its not barely in the hall, he already had more than enough numbers to get in. Anyway, the Pujols contract would probably be fair market vaule if he averaged like 5 war over the 10 years or something, that isn't going to happen imo.


bonds should be in the hall just based on his years before he allegedly did steroids. Think the consensus is like 1999 or something, after the sosa/mgwire hr race. And its not barely in the hall, he already had more than enough numbers to get in. Anyway, the Pujols contract would probably be fair market vaule if he averaged like 5 war over the 10 years or something, that isn't going to happen imo.

He was barely 5 war last year, by Fangraphs, and 5.4 by BR.
He was barely 5 war last year, by Fangraphs, and 5.4 by BR.

Aside from health, the main concern is whether or not his first 2 months of 2011 mean anything or if it was a fluke. From May 30th to the end of the regular season, he batted .322/.338./.623 which is close to his career line of .328/.420/.617. Not as many walks as vintage Pujols, which fits the narrative that he's chasing too many bad pitches out of the zone. As said earlier, BABIP was also against him this year - .277 vs a career mark of .311 with only a slight drop in LD% compared to his career rate (17% vs 19%).

The other thing impacting his WAR is the somewhat inconsistent UZR. He was ranked 9th amongst qualified 1B in UZR despite the Fielding Bible considering him the best defensive 1B last year. His UZR numbers from 2006-2008 were really high in comparison and he doesn't seem to have lost that much defensively (in the admittedly few number of games I watched of him since I'm not in the STL area and too cheap to shell out money for mlb.tv).


Aside from health, the main concern is whether or not his first 2 months of 2011 mean anything or if it was a fluke. From May 30th to the end of the regular season, he batted .322/.338./.623 which is close to his career line of .328/.420/.617. Not as many walks as vintage Pujols, which fits the narrative that he's chasing too many bad pitches out of the zone. As said earlier, BABIP was also against him this year - .277 vs a career mark of .311 with only a slight drop in LD% compared to his career rate (17% vs 19%).

The other thing impacting his WAR is the somewhat inconsistent UZR. He was ranked 9th amongst qualified 1B in UZR despite the Fielding Bible considering him the best defensive 1B last year. His UZR numbers from 2006-2008 were really high in comparison and he doesn't seem to have lost that much defensively (in the admittedly few number of games I watched of him since I'm not in the STL area and too cheap to shell out money for mlb.tv).

Which is why I think a bump back up is plausible, with two qualifications:

1) I do not think the "bump up" will restore him to previous dominance
2) I do not think the "bump up" will last for more than 2-3 years before decline relentlessly marches on.

Lastly, it's also plausible that Pujols' various injuries will finally catch up to him, as he's miraculously avoided significant time out thus far.
So I've avoided ESPN and the like the past couple days. What is the general reaction in St. Louis? Are the fans screaming betrayal like LeBron leaving Cleveland, or are they more or less taking the higher road and bidding him farewell?


So I've avoided ESPN and the like the past couple days. What is the general reaction in St. Louis? Are the fans screaming betrayal like LeBron leaving Cleveland, or are they more or less taking the higher road and bidding him farewell?

Somewhere in between. I wouldn't quite call it a "kind farewell," but not apoplectic rage either; the reaction seems more akin to, "that's too much money, we'll be better off without him."

Hardly a fond farewell, but not a violent or pernicious one either.


prediction with little to no evidence to support: Pujols still has one 7+ WAR season left in him and a couple 6+ WAR seasons. Then he falls off a cliff and goes 3-4 WAR per season the rest of the rest of the way.


Albert is going to be a good hitter for a long time still. He might lose some power as he gets a bit older, but I don't have any reason to think he's not going to be able to drive in runs. Once he has too, he will slide into the DH spot regardless of what he may have said before. He's not going to simply refuse to DH if that's what his team needs him to do. The DH in the AL starts to look really sexy once you're older and can't play the field as well as before.

Guys like Albert can thrive in the AL because of the DH. 10 year deals to 31 year olds for the price he signed for is simply too much for the NL(especially with a NTC). 6 years at $150 would have been fine, but he was looking out for his family and wanted to ensure he received the most he could and I'm okay with that.

Good luck in Cali bud, hope you do well out there.


Manny is officially back. Nice typo in his article.

The 39-year-old has played parts of 19 seasons between the Indians, Red Sox, Dodgers, White Sox and Rays. His 55 homers are 14th on the all-time list.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
prediction with little to no evidence to support: Pujols still has one 7+ WAR season left in him and a couple 6+ WAR seasons. Then he falls off a cliff and goes 3-4 WAR per season the rest of the rest of the way.

I think you're probably on the high end, but I think the evidence is like every other player in history. Especially those that are like secretly 40


Somewhere in between. I wouldn't quite call it a "kind farewell," but not apoplectic rage either; the reaction seems more akin to, "that's too much money, we'll be better off without him."

Hardly a fond farewell, but not a violent or pernicious one either.
Im assuming you dont live in St. Louis. There have been jersey burnings and they had to put a guard on his statue. People are pissed. Not Lebron type rage, but pissed.


Im assuming you dont live in St. Louis. There have been jersey burnings and they had to put a guard on his statue. People are pissed. Not Lebron type rage, but pissed.

My buddy who lives there claims that those nutters are an outlier. I've been listening to St. Louis sports talk all week and honestly, I've been mostly disappointed. The rage on the radio is too passive aggressive for me.

"Well, if he didn't want to be loved and adored like Stan Musial then he should have left. Good riddance. Who needs him......" *uncontrollable sobbing*
My reaction (as a Cards fan): I'd love to have had him stay with the Cards and become a Stan Musial-like legend, regardless of his performance. On the other hand, being in the NL, it's absolutely clear that last half of his contract would have been rough on us without a DH position for him. I'm of the belief that he'll make half that contract worth it, whether it's from on-field performance or off-field tickets/viewers. As for my Pujols jersey? It's going to be retired. Not burning it, but I highly doubt I'll be wearing it again to any of the games. Tough pill to swallow, I suppose.

Maybe I'll get a La Russa jersey to wear.


Im assuming you dont live in St. Louis. There have been jersey burnings and they had to put a guard on his statue. People are pissed. Not Lebron type rage, but pissed.

The restaurant staff put the guard out there for no reason. No one showed up to his place. The jersey burning idiots are a handful of people that the media used to try to capture some Lebron level hate.

Oh, and I do live in the metro area.


So I've avoided ESPN and the like the past couple days. What is the general reaction in St. Louis? Are the fans screaming betrayal like LeBron leaving Cleveland, or are they more or less taking the higher road and bidding him farewell?

I was expecting the LeBron level hate to be spewing out of the fanbase, but overall, I think we all are having the same sentiment: Sad to see him go, but glad we aren't handicapped with that contract.

Granted, I think winning the WS did stem the tide a little bit, its a lot easier to cushion the blow when you just won it all. Had we not won, I would have expected the hate to be a little more vocal, and more ridiculous.

On another note, looks like the Cardinals are closing in on a deal with Furcal. I like Furcal, but if we are going to reinvest the Pujols money, I'd rather attempt to get a young upcoming SS with a lot of upside, than a "fill in the gap" player we've had at that position since Renteria left.


Any kind of LeBron hate would be fictional and media driven. Don't think they are happy for a moment, but he didn't leave town as some fraud player who quit on his team in multiple seasons.
On another note, looks like the Cardinals are closing in on a deal with Furcal. I like Furcal, but if we are going to reinvest the Pujols money, I'd rather attempt to get a young upcoming SS with a lot of upside, than a "fill in the gap" player we've had at that position since Renteria left.

Let me know when you find such a player. I think the Crew might be interested too.
On another note, looks like the Cardinals are closing in on a deal with Furcal. I like Furcal, but if we are going to reinvest the Pujols money, I'd rather attempt to get a young upcoming SS with a lot of upside, than a "fill in the gap" player we've had at that position since Renteria left.
It's nice to want things. But those kind of players don't grow on trees unfortunately. Unless you can somehow trade for one of the SS named Ramirez, pickings are slim in that category. Neither will come cheap in terms of prospects. If you look at FAs only, it's Rollins or Furcal at this point and I'd rather not commit to either for more than 2 years (guess which one will ask for fewer years, less money?) Furcal and Beltran on short deals is probably the best plan right now if we don't delve into trades.

That goes back to the other reason why I wanted Pujols signed. Nobody else out there we really should be throwing big money at right now, barring trades to open up more possibilities. I would've been okay with Reyes as a plan B but he signed too early.
Mm... Pujols and CJ in Anglols red...


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