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MLB - Official 2012 Postseason Thread of More Wild Cards and Higher Champagne Budgets


Fuck sports. I'm always let down like this every year.

I think I'm going to take a break from baseball for a few weeks. I can't really stomach watching the playoffs after this. See you later MLB-Gaf


That game was so stressful it was crazy, not sure if being at work was better or worse, since watching that on tv may have killed me lol


Gold Member
With this wacky format, this is the year for it to happen.

Well, the Giants had to win 3 in Cincy in a row to win it. Like, it's way easier for the A's to pull it off because they have to do it at home.

What a weird series. I watched all 5 games. Giants looked dead in every way in the first 2 games. Their pitching stunk, they couldn't hit, their fielding was sloppy. Reds looked poised and legit. And then... I don't know what happened.
See this post right here?

It's proof.

Proof I'm the greatest baseball mind in the world. Proof that I should be a GM, Analyst, Manager, 3rd base coach; you name it. I called it. When everybody else was wrong, I was right, because I'm so fucking smart. I knew one day you plebes would have to crown me the true king of MLB GAF because I was always smarter at baseball than all of you put together times 3, but I just never could prove it until today. And when the Giants win just as I wisely foretold they would, it will make my victory over the baseball world complete.

When the Giants win today, it will stand as proof that I am the greatest baseball mind in the history of the game. When the Giants win today, it will stand as validation for a lifetime of baseball genius, unparalleled biblical prophecy levels of foresight and intuition. Wisdom that may very well have me enshrined in Cooperstown one day.

I'll be fielding calls from every major sports publication in the world, begging for me to grace their grey existence with my supreme intelligence. All because the Giants win today. Book it. Bet on it. Bet your Mom's prescription drug money on it. Not because you hate your Mom, but because you love her.

When the Giants win today, it will mark one of the most unlikely, unbelievable comebacks in sports history. We will all remember how Tim Lincecum triumphed, came back and saved a team that was lost doomed with his legendary pitching performance; winning our hearts in the process. We'll remember it as the greatest sports story in the history of sports, as it led to today's Giants win, the greatest victory in sports history. And it will all happen because of what will undeniably, most assuredly will happen today: The Giants win. Book it. Bet on it. Drink it. Eat it. It's going to happen.

If this were a fantasy world where things that scientifically must happen didn't happen and by some divine act the Giants didn't win, I'd look like the dumbest piece of shit on the planet. I'd look so foolish, it would expose me as a complete idiot. A perpetual pessimist. A pitiful arrogant prick who finally got what he deserved.

It would shut me up so bad, I might never post on GAF again. I might have to apologize to GAF. I might have to change my name and begin a new life with a new identity because I would be so humiliated, humbled, and subsequently mocked that the man known as vas_a_morir would simply have to disappear forever. I'd look like a complete asshole dipshit. Good thing the Giants are going to win today. As sure as the sun comes up tomorrow, as sure as Arod is overpaid, as sure as ketchup on hotdogs is disgusting... The Giants WILL win. Book it. Bet on it. Breathe it in. Believe it. It's over.

Giants win today.

Well well well, Vastradamas has spoken. Scratch that... King Vastradamas I got some more predictions:

1. Birdland is done tonight.
2. A's advance.
3. Cardinals win tomorrow.
4. Cardinals sweep Giants.
5. Yankees win against A's in 5.
6. #28.

Fuck sports. I'm always let down like this every year.

I think I'm going to take a break from baseball for a few weeks. I can't really stomach watching the playoffs after this. See you later MLB-Gaf

Join me. It is... your destiny. We can rule the forum as douchebag and loudmouth... we can overthrow Emperor Solrac, and put an end to this destructive fanbase.


Unconfirmed Member
If my bracket is correct(and so far it is perfect), the O's and A's win tonight, and the Cardinals will beat the Nats in the series, is it tonight? Possibly.
that game took 10 years off my life

go giants

Damn. At least now you can get a drink.



Council 4 life. 28 baby.
I am a huge lifelong San Francisco Giants fan, so I love the shit out of Dusty Baker.

But I feel awful everytime I see one of Dusty Baker's teams collapse in the playoffs (like they always do). Regardless of who beats him.


Gold Member
What about losing 3 straight at home? ..... Sorry I just personally find it hilarious. Baseball home field doesn't seem to be as advantageous as Basketball, and Football.

I think it is.

Games 4 and 5 - shit happens and the Giants have experience with this. Game 3 though, the Reds had NO BUSINESS losing that one, especially since Homer Bailey was going all Johnny Vander Meer (a Red) on the Giants.


never heard about the cat, apparently
a home crowd might help a pitcher's velocity but you need to be able to control that shit. and swinging harder does not equal swinging faster. A crowd doesn't really have that huge of an impact on baseball imo. Baseball you need to keep your aggressive tendencies under control to perform. the only real advantage i think is being able to bat last.


Unconfirmed Member
Thee crowd helps, not as much as other sports, but it does. The park is a bigger factor, you should know how to hit and run in your own park, if you've got a shorter left field wall, get some more righties.

But also momentum and mental attitude factor a lot. I think Cincinatti kind of coasted into the third game and got sloppy, factor the Giants trying to fight back and you have a big momentum shift.
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