At least when we all root for an earthquake to kill all players involved there is an actual chance of it happening.
You disgust me.Don't worry, the Warriors of Justice AKA "The Yankees" will avenge us all.
I'm not sure why you guys dislike the Tigers as well. They're the only good guys remaining. Go Verlander!
What a team. What a ride. I LOVE IT! Cardiac Cards!!!!!@
I'm not sure why you guys dislike the Tigers as well. They're the only good guys remaining. Go Verlander!
At least when we all root for an earthquake to kill all players involved there is an actual chance of it happening.
Don't worry, the Warriors of Justice AKA "The Yankees" will avenge us all.
I can't believe I have to cheer for the Tigers to go all the way.
Un-fucking-believable. Washington is cursed for decades after this meltdown, calling it now. We need a good old-fashioned curse like the days of yore, and I think a cataclysmic collapse like this deserves.
I'm not sure why you guys dislike the Tigers as well. They're the only good guys remaining. Go Verlander!
I can't believe I have to cheer for the Tigers to go all the way.
I can't believe I have to cheer for the Tigers to go all the way.
Aside from the fact I like the tigers in general, as a white sox fan it makes the most sense for me to want the tigers to win.I'm not sure why you guys dislike the Tigers as well. They're the only good guys remaining. Go Verlander!
quick, someone check bestfansstlouis!
So we have a East Coast Team vs Central in AL
We have a West Coast Team vs Central in NL
I don't dislike them. In fact I hope they win it all.I'm not sure why you guys dislike the Tigers as well. They're the only good guys remaining. Go Verlander!
Actually being in the Bay, I was rooting for the Giants and A's to make it, now I'll have to root for the Giants to beat the Cardinals because I'm still bitter over the wildcard game.
How was Shark Tank?
Just such a gutpunch. No fanbase deserves to go through that.
We're going to get a Yankees/Cardinals World Series....ugh.
Maybe the planet will explode first so we don't get subjugated to that trash match up.
Just a silly game dude
The guy in the back should've been the Red Sox haha.
We're going to get a Yankees/Cardinals World Series....ugh.
Maybe the planet will explode first so we don't get subjugated to that trash match up.