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MLB - Official 2012 Postseason Thread of More Wild Cards and Higher Champagne Budgets


Wow you guys are such haters. Only people who dislike great baseball history and success would root against the Yankees and Cardinals!
Dammit Harry stop that nonsense. If we gonna overpay for a player we keep Uribe...I rather have a Jeff Hamilton type player at 3rd...lol
Do you think Josh Hamilton will be okay with playing at third? I'm sure we can put in some incentive in his contract like an ice cold beer at his locker after every game. Might have to upgrade it to a 12 pack just incase.


You knew it was over when Tex didn't make those 2 plays he makes about 95% of the time even when he is in a huge batting slump.
nothing to be ashamed of Yankee council. they just couldn't hit. it's historic but it happens. but this will put the team on a path to (hopefully) finally start building from within again and focus on making an actual balanced team again like they used to have. VIVA YANQUI BEISBOL!
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